Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1023 The Wrath of the Yin Emperor

Xuan Su promised Zhuo Bufan that he could let him go back temporarily.

Anyway, with the Queen Wa Love Seal, Zhuo Bufan couldn't run away.

This Queen Wa Love Seal couldn't even eliminate the power of time and space, so Zhuo Bufan couldn't erase its existence.

It was precisely because of this that Zhuo Bufan had to think carefully about how to deal with Xuan Su's affairs.

Then, Xuan Su took Zhuo Bufan back to the Demon Sea.

At this moment, a shocking war was erupting in the Demon Sea.

Above the sky, countless spaces have been shattered, and large and small space storms are swallowing everything in this world.

Emperor Xuan has unlocked 10% of his endless divine power, and his combat power is extremely powerful.

Even in the underworld, it makes Emperor Yin smack his lips.

Fortunately, this is the underworld, and it is not difficult for Emperor Yin to deal with the runaway Emperor Xuan.

Layer upon layer of space and time power destroyed all of Emperor Xuan's tricks.

Emperor Yin intends to use this method to continuously consume Emperor Xuan's power.

"Second solution!"

As expected, seeing his power being easily resolved by the opponent, Emperor Xuan's anger intensified again, and another planet exploded behind him.

Another extremely powerful energy merged into his body.

The originally black long hair began to have mottled white hair.

"Old Xuan, don't go crazy, do you want to die with him?"

When Emperor Qing saw this scene, he was very worried about Emperor Xuan.

The power that Emperor Xuan released was transformed with his future lifespan.

Once it was fully resolved, Emperor Xuan would die on the spot.

"Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, also realized the state of Emperor Xuan."

He shouted quickly.

"Xuan Su, stop this battle, quickly!"

Zhuo Bufan said to Xuan Su almost in an ordering tone.

Xuan Su heard it and quickly responded to Zhuo Bufan.

She raised her delicate jade hand and made a move in the air.

The next moment, the world around her began to change. Waves of heavenly sounds came from all directions.

At this time, Qingdi and Xuandi noticed Xuansu.

"Old Xuan, stop, the woman Yinhou has returned with your precious apprentice."

Xuandi looked at Zhuo Bufan and Yinhou, and the next second, he rushed towards Yinhou with a murderous aura.


At this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly blocked Xuansu and stopped Xuandi from killing.

A call of Master woke up Xuandi.

"Boy, what are you doing? Get out of the way!"

"This woman took Nian Nian away, and she must be handed over today."

Xuandi stared at Yinhou.

Zhuo Bufan heard it and said helplessly.

"Master, let's go back and talk about it! I will tell you everything, you calm down first."

Zhuo Bufan felt that his own affairs seemed to be hidden.

Xuandi wanted to kill Yinhou and rescue Nian Nian.

But now, Zhuo Bufan would not let her die, and she could not die either.


"Queen Yin, what are you waiting for? Let's join forces and seal them here. Then we can easily conquer the world of cultivation."

At this time, the Emperor Yin in the sky shouted to the Queen Yin below.

Each of them has half of the world's power.

Once the two join forces, the world's power that erupts is definitely not something that Emperor Xuan and Emperor Qing can resist.

Even if they can't kill them, trapping them is definitely a hassle.

However, the Queen Yin was unmoved and just said lightly.

"Let them go!"

When the Emperor Yin heard this, he was stunned.

"What did you say?"

"I said let them go, didn't you hear me?"

"The north is under your control, and the south is under my control. Now here, I have the final say."

At this moment, the Queen Yin showed her domineering side.

Seeing this, the Emperor Yin was incredible.

"Xuan Su, do you know what you are doing?"

"This is a rare opportunity. Once we let them go, we will never be able to take over the cultivation world again."

The Yin Emperor was angry. He would not allow himself to miss such a good opportunity.

The next second, the Yin Emperor finally showed his true attitude.

On the sky, countless golden lights gathered down, entwined and gathered together.

Finally, a bald man in a golden cloak walked out of the golden light.

Behind him, golden sun wheels appeared.

Although he was bald, he gave people an extremely domineering feeling.

When he appeared, half of the Yin world was shaking.

The peerless Yin Emperor finally showed his true form.

And Xuan Su snorted coldly when he saw this.

Suddenly, thousands of rule powers burst out from her body, and then condensed into black feathers, and the black feathers condensed into a pair of huge wings. Under the wings, countless rule powers were glowing.

"Yin Huang, you can try. If we fight here, I don't mind both sides getting hurt!"

In order to protect Zhuo Bufan, Yin Hou was incomparably powerful at this moment.

In fact, in terms of strength, Xuan Su could not compare with Yin Huang.

The Yin Realm rule is 1.8 billion, Yin Hou only got 500 million, and Yin Huang got 80 million more.

So if the war really started, Xuan Su could not beat Yin Huang.

However, Xuan Su could make both sides lose.

Yin Huang saw Yin Hou was so determined that his teeth were almost broken.

"Damn it, Xuan Su! You will definitely regret your behavior. This seat will remember today's shame."

Yin Huang knew that if both sides were defeated, then only Xuan Di and Qing Di would benefit.

So, he could only give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

He regretted it and felt it was a shame.

Xuan Su breathed a sigh of relief as Yin Huang left.

Then she retracted the Rule Wings and turned to look at Zhuo Bufan and the others.

"You guys should leave quickly! Yin Huang may go to organize his Northern Gods. If a war really breaks out, the world will be in chaos."

Xuan Su said gently to Zhuo Bufan.

"Queen Yin, you don't need to be hypocritical. Hand over my precious granddaughter to me."

Seeing that Yin Huang had left, Xuan Di vented his anger on Xuan Su.

Zhuo Bufan stopped him in time.

"Master, let's go quickly! I'll explain it to you when we get back."

"I have negotiated with her. Don't you want to resolve this endless battle?"

Zhuo Bufan's last words awakened Xuan Di.

At this time, the Green Emperor also ran over, grabbed the Black Emperor and said.

"Old Xuan, listen to your apprentice, let's go back first and make a long-term plan."

After the Green Emperor finished speaking, he waved his sleeves and opened the space door.

Then, he pulled the Black Emperor and went in directly.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan also followed.

However, just as he was about to go in, he looked back at Xuan Su and said.

"You be careful!"

After leaving a word, Zhuo Bufan also went into the space door.

The next second, the space door disappeared in the air.

Xuan Su stood in the air blankly, thinking about what Zhuo Bufan said, and suddenly felt warm in his heart.

"Zhuo Lang, you must come back soon!"


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