Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1026: The Ultimate Wedding

The snow has passed, and the winter solstice is here!

Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su's wedding was held on the winter solstice.

On this day, the sky was covered with white snow, making the world covered in white.

Only in Meicheng, there were clusters of flowers and azaleas.

Red silk, red silk, red carpet, red door, red table, and red lanterns.

Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su's wedding became a great event in Meicheng. Meicheng Lord Lu Fei even borrowed his own palace to preside over the wedding.

Fireworks and firecrackers were set off over 30,000 miles.

Gongs, drums, and flutes resounded through the sky.


On this day, the whole Meicheng was more lively than the New Year.

On this day, the whole real world was cheering for this, it was truly a universal celebration.

Every household opened their doors to celebrate, and Zhuo Bufan and Bai Su's wedding candy was distributed to everyone in Meicheng.

"Sister Su, congratulations. From now on, you will be Mrs. Zhuo."

In the specially arranged boudoir in Meicheng, Lingyu was helping Bai Su dress up.

Today, Lingyu wore a light red long skirt with light blue peonies embroidered on the cuffs and a few auspicious clouds drawn with silver thread.

The hem was densely packed with a row of blue sea and cloud patterns, and the chest was wrapped with a wide piece of light yellow brocade. She turned her body gently and the long skirt spread out. Her every move was as graceful as the wind blowing the willows.

Today is Bai Su's wedding, and as a sister, she naturally has to bless Bai Su in the most beautiful state.

"Lingyu, I'm scared!"

Just when Lingyu was dressing up Bai Su, Bai Su, who was sitting in front of the dressing table, frowned slightly.

"What's wrong, sister Su?"

Lingyu asked. She didn't know what happened, but Bai Su was not as happy as she thought today.

"I don't know, but I feel very uneasy inside."

Bai Su couldn't tell why, the unrest in her heart kept lingering in her heart.

Perhaps it was because Nian Nian didn't come back, so she missed her very much.

However, today was her big day, and Bai Su was more beautiful than ever.

Ling Yu also called all the skillful girls in the Su Nu Sect to help with her makeup.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan was in the City Lord's Mansion in Meicheng, ready to go.

Today, he was wearing a red and dark gold cloud pattern groom's suit, looking extremely handsome and unrestrained.

His close friends also arrived one by one.

Xuanyuan Hao, Chu Mubai, Lu Fei, Donghuang Haotian, and even Duan Xinghe!

The only regret was that Zhuo Bufan's sworn brother, Gao Yangxu, who was also Zhuo Bufan's only sworn brother, did not come.

Zhuo Bufan had looked for Gao Yangxu, but he was shocked to find that Gao Yangxu had left the cultivation world.

Gao Yangxu is not from the world of cultivation, and Zhuo Bufan doesn't know where he came from.

But after becoming the world god, Zhuo Bufan found that Gao Yangxu had left.

"Boss, congratulations, you are so happy today!"

As he spoke, Lu Fei and his men had already driven to the city lord's mansion.

The carriage for the wedding today was a handsome flying white horse. It had a pair of huge wings and a beautiful head of hair. It unexpectedly matched Zhuo Bufan's groom's outfit today.

"Boss, get on the horse!"

Lu Fei patted the horse's back and said to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly when he saw this, then jumped up and rode on the white horse with a noble aura.

"We will welcome the bride, and set off!"


The person walking in the front rang the gong to clear the way, and behind him was Zhuo Bufan, riding a tall white horse, surrounded by tens of thousands of people on both sides of the road, heading towards the Su Nu Sect in the south of the city.

Following Zhuo Bufan, there was a big red sedan chair, which was tied with embroidered balls and red silk, looking particularly festive.


"One gong, thank heaven, this marriage is tied by a thread!"


"Two gongs, thank the earth, this marriage is destined!"


"Three gongs, thank parents, who have worked hard to raise children!"


"Four gongs, thank the people, please bless this relationship!"

The red makeup is ten miles long, and the gongs are ringing to clear the way!

Zhuo Bufan's wedding procession came to the Su Nu Sect in a mighty manner.


"Here they come, the city lord and his wedding procession are here."

A little girl from the Su Nu Sect rushed into the room in a hurry and was stunned by the beauty in front of her.

"Ding Dang——"

A crisp sound of gold and jade colliding came from the wind.

The fiery red sleeves fluttered gently in the breeze like flying fire butterflies.

Red silk fluttered in the air, and a figure came out of the house.

Her skirt was as bright as fire, like a fiery dragon, and her long skirt dragged on the ground, her feet were not exposed when she walked, and she was dignified and elegant.

Her hair flowed down like a dark spring, and the fluttering hair stirred up layers of ink-colored light. The golden phoenix hairpin and crown were like a phoenix about to spread its wings and fly high.

She was filled with a nobleness that surpassed peony, floating in the flower field covered with white snow, and it dazzled the eyes of others.

Her fairy-like jade-colored face was as clear as water and as bright as the morning star.

Her pair of spiritual eyes were ethereal and gorgeous, and she was the only one who was charming.

Shocked, amazed, and amazed, the shadow cast by her thick eyelashes was like the light ink on rice paper.

There was a red blush and tiredness between her eyebrows, which made people pity her.

The girls in the yard couldn't help but feel their hearts beating fast and their breathing quickened. The air was filled with the faint fragrance of lotus, which gently wiped away the frosty air.

With light steps, she stepped over the door of the boudoir. A pair of red rope bells were tied to her feet, making a tinkling sound.

Beautiful, incomparably beautiful, breathtakingly beautiful.

Even the girl couldn't help but feel excited and restless when she saw that stunning face.

Today's Bai Su is so beautiful that people can't look straight at her.

Like a mysterious woman above the nine heavens, she exudes an aura of innate nobility.

Even the delicate flowers in the courtyard were eclipsed. The proud plum blossoms on the treetops are too shy to bloom.

This kind of beauty is so beautiful that it makes heaven jealous.


Lingyu who was following Bai Su could obviously only serve as Bai Su's foil today.

Her dress today was originally stunning, but in front of today's protagonist Bai Su, she could only be regarded as a green leaf.

"Well, Master, the wedding team has arrived outside the palace gate."

The girl in charge of reporting recovered from her dementia.

"Well, we're ready, let's go!"

Afterwards, Lingyu took Bai Su's hand and slowly walked out of the door.

"Zifan, Yaya, you two have to hold your mother's hands!"

At Lingyu's call, Bai Zifan took his sister Yaya and each of them held Bai Su's hand and walked out of the yard.

Walk out of the gate,

Under the main hall, there was already a sea of ​​people waiting for the bride to appear.

The moment Bai Su appeared, all sentient beings were elated.

Her beautiful eyes moved and she swept lightly.

In an instant, people suddenly lose their soul. Fascinated by it.

With his hands behind his back and his eyebrows raised, all the heroes in the world bowed their waists, causing thousands of beauties to lose their color.

All living beings are more proud than snow plums and more elegant than ink chrysanthemums. They are embroidered with bright golden lines, as if they have stepped on people's hearts.

"Is that the bride? She looks like a goddess."

"The goddess descended to earth and left the human world, all her beauty was lost."

"It is said that Bai Su is a stunning beauty in the world. When I saw her today, she really lived up to her reputation."

"I am lucky enough to see such a beautiful face today, and I will die without any regrets in my life!"

"This girl should only exist in heaven. After today, she will be praised by the most beautiful woman in the world."

People's praise for Bai Su has reached the point where the economics is overturned.

I feel like I can't find any adjectives to describe what I saw today.

The literati don't know what to say, and the painter doesn't know what to say!

Praise can only stay in the heart, chew deeply, and have endless aftertaste.

As the owner of the most beautiful woman in the world, Zhuo Bufan rode on a white horse and saw Bai Su walking from heaven to earth, guided by a pair of sons and daughters, step by step, as if from heaven to earth.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan's heart almost melted.

Facing thousands of compliments and countless praises, even though everyone in the world is paying attention to her, there is only one person in Bai Su's eyes.

Her beautiful eyes never left Zhuo Bufan until she came to Zhuo Bufan and slowly hugged him.

"I love you!"

Three simple words, at that moment, blasted into Zhuo Bufan's brain like a big explosion in the universe.


Zhuo Bufan was beaming, feeling as happy as a fool.

He didn't expect that Bai Su would be the first to say the words "I love you" to him.

He was originally going to say these three words, but Bai Su beat him to it.

"I love you too, Susu."

Zhuo Bufan hugged Bai Su deeply into his arms.

For a moment, he ignored the jealous and angry looks of thousands of men and just wanted to melt Bai Su into his body.

After a long time, the two slowly separated.

"Get in the sedan!"

Zhuo Bufan personally held Bai Su's hand and welcomed her into the sedan chair.

Then Zhuo Bufan jumped on the back of the tall and mighty white horse again, looked up at the sky, roared to the sky, and shouted.

"Get up the sedan!"

The words "get up the sedan chair" resounded throughout the sky.

That sound made Zhuo Bufan the craziest, most excited, and most excited.

There seemed to be a hint of crying in the loud tone.

Zhuo Bufan was so happy that he cried with joy.

The gongs and drums sounded again, and the firecrackers were set off again.

Beat the gongs and drums, and flowers will fly all over the sky.

The carriages lined up from the street to the end of the street in an orderly manner. Countless roses were spread on the roadside. The cold wind carried the fragrance of flowers and intoxicated the white people in the sedan chair.

Even the trees all over the city are tied with countless red ribbons.

There were soldiers on the roadside to maintain order, and there was an endless stream of people, shoulder to shoulder, everyone stretching their heads to watch this wedding that was rare to see in a century.

Bai Su, who was sitting in the sedan chair, cried, cried loudly!

Her cries were drowned in the sound of gongs, drums and firecrackers.

However, her suffering is not a cry of sadness, but a cry of happiness.

She cried so much that her face turned pale, even her makeup was ruined. But she couldn't bear it, she couldn't hold back the tears. She had never felt that one day she would be so happy.

This day was the happiest day in her history.

And she believes that every day after today, she will be happier.

Happiness has to make people intoxicated, move people, burst into tears, and cry endlessly.

Bai Su started crying almost from the moment she got on the sedan chair, until the sedan chair arrived at the city lord's palace in Meicheng.

When Zhuo Bufan got out of the sedan chair, Bai Su was already crying like a tearful person.

Zhuo Bufan said nothing, but picked up Bai Su, and then held her, walked into the City Lord's Mansion, into the inner courtyard, and into their wedding room.

The wife has been married home, and Zhuo Bufan no longer needs to care about what happens next.

After Zhuo Bufan carried Bai Su back to the wedding room, he put her on the bed.

Then he reached out and wiped away the tears from the corners of Bai Su's eyes, and smiled: "Silly girl, did you feel wronged by marrying me?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that Bai Su was moved to tears, but he still made a joke.

After hearing this, Bai Su hugged Zhuo Bufan fiercely and explained quickly: "No, no, I'm so happy. Marrying you is the happiest and happiest thing in my life."

"I want to be your bride for the rest of my life. I can't live without you, my husband."

Bai Su's love for Zhuo Bufan is so deep that it will last forever.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that Bai Su would love him so much, even more than he did. Zhuo Bufan was silent for a moment, then he reached out and touched Bai Su's head, then said.

"Well, forever and ever, I will be your bridegroom."

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan realized that he could not let Bai Su down.

Some people really cannot be let down.

Zhuo Bufan thought that he would not have many deep concerns in his life.

But now, he realized that he also had a family and relatives.

"Don't let her down, never."

Zhuo Bufan said silently in his heart.


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