Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1028: Xuan Su's Danger

In the underworld, in the southern sky, there is a floating city suspended above the ninety-thousand-foot sky.

This is one of the two holy places in the underworld, the Yin Harem!

Yinhou Xuansu lives here.

Since breaking up with Zhuo Bufan, Xuan Su has been using the Emperor Wa's Love Seal to secretly observe Zhuo Bufan's movements.

"I've returned to the world of cultivation! I don't know when I can come back!"

"Am I going too far? If I push him so hard, what if he really ignores me in the end?"

"When did this Emperor Wa's love seal appear? Could it be that Zhuo Lang and I had already paid homage to Emperor Wa's empress?"

Xuan Su was sitting on the swing in the small garden, talking to himself.

At this time, a maid came over, carrying fruits and wine that had just been prepared.

"Mother, what are you so happy about?"

The maid couldn't help but ask when she saw Xuan Su's happy expression with peach blossoms on her face.

When Xuan Su heard this, he responded.

"Xiao Huan, your Majesty will have a husband in the near future. By then, this Yin harem will have a male master. Are you happy?"

When the maid heard this, she was surprised.

"Ah, master?"

"Your Highness, do you think we're not serving you well?"

"Little girl, what do you know? A woman must find a man. This is in line with the yin and yang of the world, do you understand?"

"When the queen has finished the important task, she will find a man for each of you girls to marry."

"After I have a husband, I don't want you little girls to serve you. From now on, I will personally serve my husband."

The Queen of Yin looked like a young woman in love.

It’s hard to imagine that she is half a world god in the underworld.

"Mother, do you want to drive Xiao Huan away? Don't you like Xiao Huan?"

When the little maid heard that the Yin Queen was going to drive her out, she was so sad that she almost started crying.

Xuan Su saw this and said quickly.

"Silly girl, it's not that I don't want you. If you don't want to leave, then stay!"

These maids are actually some poor homeless girls taken in by the Yin Queen.

Xuansu himself is actually very kind.

As for why they joined forces with Emperor Yin to attack Jingyuan, it was entirely because they wanted to take revenge on Emperor Xuan.

Even so, Xuan Su never acted cruelly every time. Because her ultimate purpose was just to teach Emperor Xuan a lesson.

Who made Emperor Xuan suddenly appear and interrupt her wedding with Feng Jun?

It is precisely because of this that Xuan Su waited for hundreds of thousands of years before finally waiting for the reincarnation of Feng Lord.

But this time, Xuan Su was confident that she could combine with Zhuo Bufan again, so she was looking forward to it.

Just when Xuansu was dreaming about a better life with Zhuo Bufan in the future.

Suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky.


A bolt of blue thunder fell on Xuanhou Palace and directly penetrated the protective shield of Xuanhou Palace.

The next second, rays of divine light fell from the sky one after another and landed on the Xuanhou Palace.

Immediately afterwards, one god after another landed.

Xuan Su reacted immediately and flew up.

"Who? It's time to break into the Xuan harem without permission, don't you want to live anymore?"

Xuan Su raised his eyes and saw that in the sky, gods one after another surrounded the entire Xuan harem.

Tens of thousands of gods made the entire sky feel great pressure.

"Mother, help, help!"

At this time, there were calls for help one after another from above.

Xuan Su looked up and saw a group of maids from Xuan's harem who had been arrested at some point in the sky.

They were enveloped in a bloody ball of light, and all the maids were saving each other in the ball of light.

"Xiao Ling, Xiao Meng, Xiao Ai, Xiao Feng..."

Xuan Su couldn't help but exclaimed when he looked at the maids in his Xuan harem.

At this time, a god wearing golden armor came out of the void.

"Xuansu, you disappoint me so much."

The man who was born was none other than the Yin Emperor.

The Yin Emperor had a cold face and led all the gods from the underworld to surround the Xuanhou Palace.

Xuan Su looked at this scene with cold eyes.

"Shut up, you didn't call me Xuan Su, you don't deserve it. Let my sisters go!"

Xuan Su was angry, gritted his jade teeth, and looked at the demon gods in the sky fiercely.

"Xuansu, I have long seen that you are not fighting for the underworld at all. You are fighting for that man, right?"

"I should have been able to tell that day. That man is the one you are waiting for."

"I didn't expect him to come back."

"Xuansu, you betrayed me, everyone, and the entire underworld. You are not worthy of being the queen of the underworld."

"Give up the power of the world you have, you don't deserve it."

The Yin Emperor, along with all the gods in the underworld, came to investigate.

Obviously, this was planned for a long time.

He wants Xuansu to rescue the other half of the world's power, so that he can become a complete world god in the underworld.

"Go away, Emperor Yin, you just want the power of the other half of the world so that you can fulfill your ambition to unify the world."

"You are the one who least deserves this power."

"You want the power of my world, you're dreaming!"

Naturally, Xuan Su would not hand over the other half of the world's power to the Yin Emperor. In that case, the Yin Emperor would be able to merge the power of the two worlds and become the only world god in the underworld. Then he would be truly unstoppable.

When Emperor Yin heard this, his eyes froze.


He stretched out his hand towards the red light ball in the air and grasped it.


The next second, all the maids in the red light ball turned into a pool of blood mist.

Xuan Su was completely dumbfounded when she saw this scene.

Yin Huang actually killed all the maids in front of her.


Xuan Su was angry, and as soon as she finished speaking, the power of the world was added to her.

Endless divine power began to gather on her.

However, Xuan Su had not had time to use her ability to destroy the world.

On the other side, Yin Huang actually suppressed Xuan Su with the same world power.

The two stood in the air like this, and the two world powers began to restrain each other, and they could not fight at all.

"What are you waiting for? Attack Yin Hou with all your strength and kill her!"

Just as the two sides were restraining each other, Yin Huang issued instructions to the gods around them.

For a while, all the gods began to launch a fierce attack on Xuan Su.

"Empress, run away!"

At this time, Xiao Huan, the only maid who was still alive, flew towards Xuan Su.

With her weak body, she blocked countless divine skills.

In just a moment, Xiao Huan's body was shattered and turned into ashes.

"Xiao Huan!"

Seeing Xiao Huan's tragic death, Xuan Su's eyes were filled with tears.

Now she had no helpers, and all the gods wanted to bombard Xuan Su with their own power.

For a time, the gods in the sky wanted to kill Xuan Su.

Xuan Su endured wave after wave of attacks, and her power began to be suppressed by the Yin Emperor.

At this moment, the Yin Emperor showed a smug smile.

"Xuan Su, this time, your power belongs to me. When I become the only world god in the Yin Realm, I will definitely erect an immortal monument for you to remember your merits forever."

Seeing that the Yin Emperor was about to defeat Xuan Su.

At this moment, Xuan Su suddenly withdrew his hand.


Accompanied by a scream, the whole world directly produced an unparalleled explosion.

Seeing this, Yin Huang quickly activated the rules of heaven and earth, and used a ball of light to continuously shrink and suppress the explosion until it was completely extinguished.

At this time, Yin Huang discovered that Xuan Su had disappeared.

"Half of the rules were consumed, and then the golden cicada escaped?"

Seeing this scene, Yin Huang was not too angry.

Instead, he showed a satisfied smile.

Because he had obtained half of Xuan Su's world power, and then Xuan Su would no longer have the power to resist.

She would continue to be hunted down by Yin Huang until she died.

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