When Zhuo Bufan brought Xuan Su back to Jingyuan, it caused quite a stir.

Xuan Su was the Yin Queen of the Yin Realm. Everyone in Jingyuan knew her and had a deep hostility towards her.

So when Xuan Su appeared, everyone felt a little surprised.

Fortunately, Baidi and Qingdi were in charge, and no one dared to complain.

Zhuo Bufan took Xuan Su and entered the Imperial Palace.

Baidi and Qingdi were the only ones present.

Xuandi had gone to find Bai Su and had not returned yet.

Qingdi had been suppressing his emotions and had not exploded.

But his tone was not very good.

"Yin Queen, did you let the Deer God deceive our little girl? Since you are here, return the girl."

Xuan Su looked at Zhuo Bufan on the side when she heard it.

Then, without saying a word, she waved her hand lightly and opened a space door.

Then, a little girl stumbled out of the space door.

"Old witch, come out to me, I'm going to fight you."

"Old witch... Eh? Master, grandma?"

The little girl ran out of Xuansu's small world, and unexpectedly saw her master Qingdi and grandma Baidi.

"Girl, it's okay, it seems you are in good spirits."

Qingdi was very excited to see Nian Nian coming back.

And Baidi, who was standing by, beckoned to Nian Nian.

"Nian Nian, come to grandma quickly, let grandma see, are you okay?"

Bai Zi Nian ran to Baidi and threw himself into Baidi's arms.

"Grandma, Nian Nian misses you so much, Nian Nian was deceived by this old witch, this old witch..."

"Eh? Dad? Dad, why are you here?"

Bai Zi Nian only saw Zhuo Bufan sitting next to the Queen of Yin Xuansu now.

Zhuo Bufan had a cold face and looked very serious.

"Dad, Dad! Nian Nian misses you so much, Dad!"

Said Bai Zi Nian, and rushed towards Zhuo Bufan again.

"You little brat, you are getting more and more naughty. When your brother comes, let him discipline you."

"Brother? Is your brother coming too?"

"Not only your brother, but your mother and your other sister are coming too."

"Mother, sister?"

Bai Zinian was surprised and confused.

"Hahaha, you will know when you see them later."

"Well, brother and mother, and a new sister. I am not dreaming!"

Bai Zinian seemed very happy and completely forgot about Xuan Su's existence.

However, it was impossible to completely ignore Xuan Su.

Soon, Bai Zinian looked at Xuan Su again and frowned.

"Dad, Master, Grandma, this old witch, she is the one who sent people to arrest me."

Bai Zinian was hostile to Xuan Su.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and shouted immediately.

"Don't talk nonsense, girl. You can't call your Aunt Xuansu like this in the future, okay?"

"In a short while, maybe you will have to change your words and call her Second Mother!"

"Second Mother?"

Bai Zi Nian was stunned for a moment. His little head couldn't figure out what his father was doing. Was he crazy?

"Second Mother? Boy, do you want to marry this Yin Queen?"

The Green Emperor was also stunned.

Zhuo Bufan saw the Green Emperor's surprise, turned his head to look at Xuan Su, then held her hand tightly and said.

"Yes, I want to marry her. I owe her."


At this moment, there was a sudden roar outside the hall.

"Boy, what did you just say?"

The next second, a black figure appeared in the hall, then grabbed Zhuo Bufan's neck and twisted him up.


"Zhuo Lang?"

The Xuan Emperor suddenly appeared and grabbed Zhuo Bufan's neck.

It seemed that he was going to strangle Zhuo Bufan to death in the next second.

Xuan Su and Nian Nian on the side shouted.

But Zhuo Bufan himself seemed very calm.

He looked outside the hall, where Bai Su was standing at the door with Bai Zifan and Yaya.

Obviously, they had heard what Zhuo Bufan said just now.

"Ahem! Everyone is here."

Zhuo Bufan said, and suddenly used the power of his soul.

Then, white bubbles of light floated up from his head.

In those bubbles, all of his memories during this period of time were fragments.

From Zhuo Bufan's arrival in Jingyuan, until he took Bai Su to the underworld to find Xuan Su.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Xuan slowly let go of his hand.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan finally stopped trying to hide his biggest secret - the archive door.

When everyone saw Zhuo Bufan committing suicide again and again and reloading the archive, they were all stunned.

"Boy, you, you can go back to the past?"

Qingdi couldn't believe it at all. He didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to have the ability to be reborn.

"This is the artifact that my previous life, Ji Xuanhao, created with his last strength."

"I am able to live to this day and grow so fast because of him."

"In fact, I have died countless times."

"Just practicing the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death, I have died dozens of times."

"What you see now is everything I have personally experienced before."

"I'm sorry Susu, facing the Yin Emperor, I have to be reborn."

Zhuo Bufan said, and walked towards Zhuo Bufan step by step.

In the memory balloon in front of Bai Su was her wedding with Zhuo Bufan.

In fact, Bai Su had long known that Zhuo Bufan had the ability to be reborn alone.

She didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan in front of her was reborn.

He was reborn specifically to change the tragedy of the future.

"I know this decision is very sudden for you. But I'm sorry, Susu, I don't want to regret it this time."

"I don't know how many times my rebirth door can be reborn, but the current result is the best result after I have been reborn so many times."

"I want to marry you, and I want to marry Xuan Su."

When Zhuo Bufan said that he wanted to marry the two women in front of him at the same time.

Both Bai Su and Xuan Su, as well as everyone present, were shocked.

They knew very well that they could not understand Zhuo Bufan's feelings at the moment.

After all, Zhuo Bufan had experienced all this personally, and he knew the pain of rebirth better than anyone else.

As the two women who loved him deeply, they could empathize with him.

One was a lover who was in harmony with him and whose souls were integrated.

The other was a lover who had the love seal of the Queen of Wa and promised to be together in life and death.

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to lose either of them.

"I understand, Zhuo Lang, I understand!"

"Don't worry, no matter what decision you make, I support you."

When Bai Su saw all the memories in front of her, she also knew everything Zhuo Bufan had experienced during this period.

The most painful one was Zhuo Bufan.

If Bai Su didn't agree at this time, Zhuo Bufan might be forced into a desperate situation.

He couldn't choose and would fall into a difficult dilemma.

Fortunately, Bai Su was still the same Bai Su.

Even after rebirth, Bai Su had not changed.

Zhuo Bufan looked at her and thought of what Bai Su said before he read the file.

At that time, Bai Su looked at him with a firm look and told him to be reborn without worry.

It was Bai Su who made Zhuo Bufan reborn and change everything.

"It's enough to have you say this!"

"It's enough to have you and Xuan Su in this life."

Zhuo Bufan was very relieved. Although the process was a bit difficult, the ending was beautiful.


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