Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1037 Unifying the Thousand Imperial Guards

The Yin beasts killed each other.

Zhuo Bufan put the Yin beasts he tamed into the Yin Beast Sea.

In a short while, the entire Yin Beast Sea was filled with slaughter.

With Zhuo Bufan's world power, the Yin beasts he tamed were almost invincible.

This Yin Beast Sea was soon ruled by the Yin beasts he tamed.

In this way, the Yin beasts tamed by Zhuo Bufan directly became the kings among the Yin beasts.

The king is God!

It accepted all the divine light of the Yin Beast lineage, and was finally crowned by the priest.

"In this way, I have the first god to support me."

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly with a smile.

The God of Yin Beasts was originally tamed by him, and even after becoming a god, he would listen to Zhuo Bufan's orders.

This time, Zhuo Bufan did not take the God of Yin Beasts into the Chaos Bell.

Instead, he let it stay in the Demon God Sea and began to expand the territory.

The Yin Beasts can only be regarded as a third-rate racial force in the Demon God Sea. After all, there are many more powerful beings in the Demon God Sea.

But now Zhuo Bufan is helping the Yin beast with all his strength, and using the world power of the Yin world to change the Yin beast's nemesis rules.

Before, the Yin beast's nemesis was life force.

This is the rule of the Yin world, so life force is the biggest killer of the Yin beast.

However, in order to allow the Yin beast to expand its influence, Zhuo Bufan changed its so-called weakness.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan could not erase this weakness.

If the Yin beast had no weakness, then he would not be able to control it.

So Zhuo Bufan changed the Yin beast's weakness, from the previous fear of life force to the fear of fire power.

In this way, the Yin beast has almost no natural enemies in the seabed.

After all, in the seabed, except for the submarine volcano, there are few other creatures carrying fire power.

In this way, the Yin beast began to kill in the Demon Sea and expand its territory crazily.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan did not completely let the Yin beast's crazy behavior go.

After all, he did not want to attract the attention of the Yin Emperor yet.

Although the Yin Emperor usually doesn't care about the affairs of the Southern Yin Realm, once he finds something unusual, he may still intervene.


"Next, it's the Qianyu Clan!"

Zhuo Bufan has already dealt with the Yin Beast Clan.

Then, he came to the Qianyu Clan.

Zhuo Bufan is relatively familiar with the Qianyu Clan.

After all, when he was dominating the world in the Yunmeng Realm, he was a celebrity in the entire Yunmeng Realm.

Until now, his legend is still circulating in the Yunmeng Realm.

Because he is familiar with the Qianyu Clan, Zhuo Bufan is ready to take action against the Qianyu Clan.

He must rule the Qianyu Clan first.

"Go directly to the Lord of Qianyu! It seems that the Lord of Qianyu listens to Xuansu very much."

Zhuo Bufan thought that Xuansu had summoned the Lord of Qianyu with a word.

Obviously, the Lord of Qianyu is Xuansu's subordinate.

Since he is Xuansu's subordinate, he should listen to Zhuo Bufan.

And the Lord of Qianyu is the god of the Qianyu Clan.

After Zhuo Bufan let the Yin Beasts develop in the Sea of ​​Yin Beasts.

He came to the Qianyu Sea.

The Qianyu clan is divided into many tribes.

Qianshou Yu, Qianmu Yu, Qianhun Yu, Qianshou Yu, Qianzu Yu, Qianjia Yu, Qianhou Yu, etc.

Each tribe has its own leader, that is, a small god.

This time, Zhuo Bufan came directly to the Qianmu Yu sea.

He casually collected the Jingling Palace hidden under this sea.

When he collected the Jingling Palace, he suddenly felt a powerful force enveloping him.

"Qianmu Yu, you don't salute me when you see me."

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan immediately released the powerful power of the Yin world, shocking the other party.

The Qianmu Yu master felt Zhuo Bufan's domineering power and instantly took back all the power condensed in his eyes.

"Who are you? Why do you have the power of the Yin Queen?"

At this time, a low and distant voice came to Zhuo Bufan's ears.

After listening, Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"It seems that you are very knowledgeable. This is indeed the power of the Queen of Yin."

"The Queen of Yin is my wife now. She has given me her power."

"Wife, what is that?"

"A wife is someone who is worthy of entrusting her life to. She gave me her most important power, which means that I am the most important person to her. From now on, I will replace her to rule your tribe. Do you have any objections?"

Zhuo Bufan directly stated his origins. He wanted to rule the Qianmu Yu clan.

However, after hearing this, Qianmu Yu was silent.

After a long silence, he continued.

"I only obey the Queen of Yin!"

"Really? In this case, I can only make you surrender."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he began to mobilize the power of the world rules, preparing to train Qianmu Yu.

However, Qianmu Yu responded.

"If you want me to recognize you, then you have to show me your ability to make me recognize you."

"The Queen of Yin promised us the Qianyu clan to give us the power of the evil god, and only then did she gain the recognition of our entire Qianyu clan."

"What benefits can you give us the Qianyu clan?"

This Qianmu Yu suddenly admitted his weakness, and it turned out that he wanted to get benefits from Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan raised his mouth slightly when he heard it.

It would be great if he could be moved by benefits.

"Do you want to hear what I'm going to do next?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly said.

"What are you going to do?"

Qianmu Yu asked.

"Next, I'm going to kill the Yin Emperor, get the other half of the world's power, and become the only real world god in the Yin world."

"When the time comes, I will give the throne of the evil god to your Qianyu clan, so what? Not only that, I will also let your Qianyu clan have all the ruling rights over the Demon Sea."

When Zhuo Bufan stated his conditions, Qianmu Yu was silent again.

This time the silence was a bit long, so long that Zhuo Bufan was a little impatient again.

After nearly half an hour, when Zhuo Bufan was about to leave.

Suddenly Qianmu Yu's voice sounded again.

"Our leader wants to see you. What you said can be considered."

It turned out that Qianmu Yu had just discussed with the god of their Qianyu clan, the Lord of Qianyu.

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly after hearing this.


The next second, the scene around Zhuo Bufan suddenly changed.

He came to a gray space.

There was a bonfire in front of him.

And around him were eight huge creatures like mountains.

They are the Thousand Hands Master, the Thousand Eyes Master, the Thousand Souls Master, the Thousand Heads Master, the Thousand Feet Master, the Thousand Armors Master, the Thousand Throats Master and the Thousand Masters.

Among them, the Thousand Masters are even more unattainable and have the largest body.


"This is the holy land of our Thousand Masters - the Bonfire Land."

"If you want my Thousand Masters to seize the world's godhood for you, my Thousand Masters have only one request, kill the God of Fire."

The one who spoke was the Thousand Masters.

Zhuo Bufan was slightly stunned when he heard it.

"Kill the God of Fire?"

"Yes, kill the God of Fire, and we will help you."

The Thousand Masters said.

"Is the God of Fire a god of the Yin Emperor camp?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Yes, the God of Fire is one of the seven holy warriors of the Yin Emperor."

"Well, I'll kill him!"

Zhuo Bufan was very happy.

Since it is the enemy camp, then it should be killed!


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