Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1041: Mu Clan Benefactor

Zhuo Bufan reached an agreement with the Sun God and got the support of the Sun God.

Of course, the biggest credit belongs to Xuan Su. Zhuo Bufan actually did nothing.

It was Xuan Su who arranged all this half a year ago.

It seems that Xuan Su had long planned to hand over the world power to Zhuo Bufan, and also to help Zhuo Bufan become a true underworld god.

After leaving the Sun God Palace, Zhuo Bufan immediately contacted Xuan Su through the Queen Wa Love Seal.

"Husband, has the Sun God agreed to help you?"

Before Zhuo Bufan spoke, Xuan Su hurriedly asked.

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly after hearing this.

"What do you think? You have arranged all this half a year ago. How can I thank you, Madam?"

Xuan Su felt warm inside when she heard Zhuo Bufan call her Madam.

She quickly replied.

"These are what I should do. I am very happy to be able to help my husband."

Xuan Su did these things naturally without regrets and without asking for anything in return.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's affection for Xuan Su became even stronger.

"Tell me the truth, who else did you arrange?"

"You should have arranged the Dragon God before!"

Zhuo Bufan realized that Xuan Su might have started to arrange all this a long time ago.

In order not to be a headless fly, Zhuo Bufan had to ask Xuan Su.

After hearing this, Xuan Su answered seriously.

"Husband, next you go to Qimu Mountain to find the God of Wood! He should be able to help you."

"God of Wood?"

"Yes! You will understand when you go to Qimu Mountain."

Sure enough, Xuan Su had already arranged.

Not only the Dragon God and the Sun God, Xuan Su actually arranged many confidants to help Zhuo Bufan.

"Okay, I'll go to Qimu Mountain now. Let's talk later."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he hung up the call, and then searched for the whereabouts of Qimu Mountain in the Yin Realm in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Not long after, Zhuo Bufan arrived at Qimu Mountain.

Qimu Mountain is the holy land of the Wood Clan. Every year, the flower gods, tree gods, grass gods, and leaf gods come here to worship and receive the blessings of the Wood God. The God of Wood is one of the oldest gods in the underworld.

He has lived for more than 10 million years. It is rumored that the God of Wood has existed since the beginning of this world.

Other gods have changed generations, but the God of Wood has lived until now, and has been prosperous and seems to have endless life.

And this immortal God of Wood lives in the Tree of Life on the Lacquer Mountain.

The World Tree of the Underworld is also one of the sacred objects of the Underworld. Although it is not as good as the World Tree, the existence of the Tree of Life has increased the vitality of the entire underworld by several times.

The mortals in the real world can live to more than 100 years old at most.

But the mortals in the underworld can get 300 to 400 years old.

It is said that it is because of the existence of the Tree of Life.

The God of Wood lives under the Tree of Life all year round, which is why he can live until now.

Since it is a visit, Zhuo Bufan did not lose his courtesy.

After he arrived at the foot of the Lacquer Mountain, he did not continue to fly, but walked up the mountain step by step.

Along the way, Zhuo Bufan was not blocked.

It seemed that the owner of the mountain had known that he would come.

When Zhuo Bufan arrived at the top of the mountain, he saw the towering tree on the top of the mountain.

It was a sacred tree emitting colorful light.

Each leaf on the tree represents a type of leaf.

Each leaf has a vigorous life force.

The powerful vitality, just approaching, feels infinite life.

Zhuo Bufan practiced the way of reincarnation of life and death, and he himself mastered the powerful vitality that others had never mastered.

However, this powerful vitality was dwarfed by the tree of life in front of him.

"Is this the tree of life?"

Zhuo Bufan stood under the brilliant tree and accepted the favor of the tree of life.

Zhuo Bufan had a feeling that if he practiced under this tree for a period of time, he would be able to practice the Nine Turns of Life and Death to the ninth turn.

The vitality of the tree of life can help him understand the great way of life.


"You are finally here!"

Just as Zhuo Bufan was admiring the miracle of the tree of life, a voice suddenly came to his ears.

Zhuo Bufan turned around and saw an old man in white clothes and holding a wooden stick, who appeared in front of him at some point.

The old man in front of him was dressed in white and meticulous. His hair was silver, but it was bright and beautiful.

There was no trace of time left on him, as if he was the source of life.

Zhuo Bufan immediately recognized the other party and hurriedly bowed to greet him.

"You are the God of Wood, right? I am Zhuo Bufan, and I meet the Lord God of Wood."

The God of Wood is one of the elemental gods.

It is also the god of the second echelon besides the supreme god.

The person in front of him is undoubtedly the God of Wood that Zhuo Bufan is looking for.

"Benefactor, long time no see."

The words of the God of Wood surprised Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that the God of Wood would call him benefactor as soon as he came up.

And he had never met him before, why did he say long time no see?

"Lord Wood God, have we met before?"

"Haha, it doesn't matter if you don't remember, it's enough for me to remember."

"I will never forget your kindness to my Wood Clan."

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand a word of what the Wood God said.

He had never met the Wood God, so how could he be kind to the Wood Clan?

But he realized something and asked quickly.

"The person that the Wood God is talking about is Ji Xuanhao?"

If Zhuo Bufan guessed correctly, the person who had done a favor to the Wood Clan was obviously his previous life, Ji Xuanhao.

"It seems that you are the reincarnation of the benefactor, right? The Queen of Yin will not give her world power to anyone other than him."

The Wood God obviously felt the world power given by the Queen of Yin in Zhuo Bufan's body, and guessed that Zhuo Bufan was the reincarnation of Ji Xuanhao.

Zhuo Bufan did not question this.

"It seems that Lord Wood God and my previous life are old friends."

When the Wood God heard this, he shook his head quickly.

"I don't deserve it, I don't deserve it. The benefactor is the benefactor of my Wood Clan, and the Wood Clan will remember it for the rest of their lives."

Sure enough, Ji Xuanhao had done a favor to the Wood Clan, so the Wood God would respect Zhuo Bufan so much now.

Presumably Xuan Su also knew his relationship with the Wood Clan, so he asked him to find the Wood God.

If it was really as Zhuo Bufan guessed, then it would not be difficult to wait for the support of the Wood God.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan's top priority is to find out the true relationship between Ji Xuanhao and the Mu Clan.

"Lord Mu Shen, can you tell me the relationship between my previous life and your Mu Clan?"

"Now I have only recovered part of my memories of my previous life, and I have no impression of the Mu Clan."

Although Zhuo Bufan knew that he was Ji Xuanhao's reincarnation, he had almost no memory of his previous life.

There were only some sporadic fragments of memory!

After hearing this, Mu Shen nodded without hesitation.

"Okay, let me tell you how you were kind to our Mu Clan in your previous life."

After Mu Shen finished speaking, he raised the wooden stick in his hand and drew a circle in the air.

Layers of divine power began to surge in the circle, and then formed a picture.

Then, in that circle, the scene of that year began to be performed.


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