Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1063 Changes in the Yang Realm

After Zhuo Bufan handed over the hell world to Chu Fan, he left with Bai Su.

They passed through the wall of the hell world and headed to the world of the sun.

"Madam, you haven't been to the Yang Realm yet, right?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought that Bai Su was born in the realm of cultivation, so she should have never been to the Yang realm.

But Bai Su replied.

"I've been here before. I accompanied Lord Feng in my previous life. I also came here for the Yang Realm Tree, but in the end I found nothing."

"I see. Since Madam is here, let's go to the Deyi Palace where Father God lives!"

While talking, Zhuo Bufan had already brought Bai Su to the Yang Realm.

As soon as they arrived in the Yang Realm, Zhuo Bufan suddenly frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong.

"That's not right. Why do you feel that the spiritual energy in the Yang Realm has become much weaker?"

Zhuo Bufan held Bai Su in his left hand and held the sleeping Yaya in his right hand, walking in the wilderness of the Yang Realm.

Bai Su frowned slightly when he heard this.

"Indeed, the spiritual energy of this Yang Realm cannot even be matched by our cultivation world. It is too thin."

Even Bai Su also saw the shortcomings of Yang Realm's spiritual energy.

Zhuo Bufan had a subconscious hunch that something might have happened in the Yang Realm.

"Let's go back to the First Palace first."

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and immediately rushed to Deyi Palace with Bai Su.

Since the Yang Realm is not under the control of Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan has not yet reached the point where he can do whatever he wants in the Yang Realm.

He could only take Bai Su and fly away.

On the way to Deyi Palace, Zhuo Bufan discovered that something was wrong with the Yang Realm.

Because along the way, Zhuo Bufan didn't see a single person.

The cities and villages he passed were all deserted.

People seemed to evaporate overnight.

"What happened? Where are the people?"

Zhuo Bufan took Bai Su and landed in a Guo city called Black Dragon City.

Originally, this city should be extremely prosperous, and people should be walking shoulder to shoulder on the streets.

However, Zhuo Bufan walked around and found that there were no pedestrians on the road, the buildings were empty, and the entire city was eerily quiet.

"Husband, what happened?"

Bai Su also frowned slightly, feeling a little abnormal.

"This is already the third empty city."

"Similar to the previous two empty cities, there are no traces of fighting in the city, and everyone seems to have suddenly disappeared."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

"Let's go to the First Palace first! Maybe Master and the others have something to do with the world."

After thinking hard and having no idea, Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to take Bai Su to Deyi Palace.

One day later, they finally arrived at the Xu Dynasty.

The Xu Dynasty was the most prosperous country in the entire Yang Realm.

However, now, the same empty cities are beginning to weather in the wind and sand.

This made Zhuo Bufan become even more nervous.

He was worried that something had happened in the Yang Realm.

In the end, he simply took Bai Su to the Fuji Mountain Range where Deichi Palace is located.

However, when Zhuo Bufan and the others arrived at the Fujian Mountains where Deyi Palace was located, they were stunned by what they saw.

The entire Fuji Mountain Range, with a radius of thousands of miles, was razed to the ground and turned into endless wasteland.

The earth is devastated, there is no mountain, only countless pits.

An earth-shattering war broke out here, and the war destroyed everything within a thousand miles.

After Zhuo Bufan saw this scene, he was dumbfounded and incredulous.

"How is that possible? What a joke!"

Zhuo Bufan's surprise was absolutely indescribable.

You must know that Deyigong is one of the three supreme sects in the Yang Realm, which is equivalent to the strongest strength and peak combat power in the entire Yang Realm.

However, this peak was flattened, and even the foundation was gone.

"What the hell is going on?"

Zhuo Bufan wanted to find someone to ask, but facing the wasteland within a thousand miles in front of him, who should he ask?

Shocking images, incredible scenes.

Zhuo Bufan never dreamed that the First Palace would be razed to the ground.

Who has the power to level the entire palace?

"It's such a familiar picture, it feels like deja vu."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the crazy scene in front of him and suddenly thought of something.

Bai Su on the side frowned when he saw this.

"Cultivation World, Talisman Temple!"

Bai Su's words reminded Zhuo Bufan.

"That's right, it's the Talisman Temple. The former Talisman Temple was also a hundred miles in radius and was razed to the ground."

"The one who can do that is that arrogant guy."

Zhuo Bufan thought of a person, a person he really didn't want to think of again.

Similarly, Bai Su also thought of that person.

"Go against God, go against the sky!"

Although he didn't want to think of it again, Zhuo Bufan still couldn't help but say his name.

"Could it be that guy?"

Ni Shen Ni Cang Qiong once used a causal seed to land in the real world and became a demon.

After the demon was resurrected, he immediately ruled the entire world of cultivation.

For this reason, he destroyed the greatest power of faith in the world of cultivation, the Talisman Temple.

When Zhuo Bufan rushed to the Talisman Temple, he found that the entire temple had been razed to the ground.

And all of this was done against the sky.

Now, the Deyi Palace in front of Zhuo Bufan is the same as the Talisman Temple in the past.

So, did Ni Qiong do it?

Zhuo Bufan now wants to know the truth.

If it is really Ni Qiong, then Zhuo Bufan is afraid that he will have to fight with him again.

You must know that Ni Cangqiong is Da Luotian's Ni God. In the previous battle with Zhuo Bufan, he didn't even use 20% of his power.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan almost lost his life at his hands.

Ni Qiong is definitely the enemy Zhuo Bufan doesn't want to face right now.

"Susu, see if you can contact Master and Mistress."

"They must know what happened"

Zhuo Bufan said to Bai Su beside him.

After hearing this, Bai Su quickly used the communication method left by her mother, Bai Di, to contact her.

But no matter how Bai Su contacted him, he could not sense Bai Di's presence.

After several failures in a row, Bai Su looked at Zhuo Bufan and slowly shook his head.

"Can't get in touch?"

Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows knitted together.

Bai Su nodded, and she began to become sad at the same time.

"Husband, do you think anything will happen to Emperor Father and Emperor Mother?"

Seeing that Bai Su was worried, Zhuo Bufan quickly comforted her.

"Don't worry, Su Su. Emperor Father and Emperor Mother are both extremely powerful. Even I am not their opponent. I believe no one in the world can hurt them."

"If my guess is correct, Master and Mistress are probably no longer in this world."

"No more?" Bai Su exclaimed.

"Don't be nervous, I mean, they might have gone to the virtual world."

Zhuo Bufan's only guess now is that Emperor Xuan and Emperor Bai went to the virtual world.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to watch Deichi Gong disappear.

"Then let's go to the virtual world quickly!"

Bai Su said anxiously.

But Zhuo Bufan was very calm and he quickly comforted him.

"There's no rush, Su Su. I'll first sense whether there is still life in the Yang Realm."

Zhuo Bufan must investigate the situation in the Yang Realm.

Because he now has a suspicion that they have come to a false Yang Realm.

As the most powerful world in the Yin-Yang Universe, the Yang Realm cannot be completely obliterated for no reason.

You must know that Emperor Xuan and the others are in charge of the Yang Realm.

Even Ni Qiong probably wouldn't be able to get any advantage in Emperor Xuan's hands.

What's more, if all life in the world disappears, this is even more impossible.

And the entire world seems to have no trace of any battle, except for the desert-like ruins of Deyi Palace in front of them.

The more Zhuo Bufan looked at it, the more he felt that the wasteland in front of him might have been wasteland in the first place.

There is actually a lot of chaotic energy left in the wasteland.

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he sat down cross-legged.

He began to let go of his spiritual thoughts and feel the breath of the entire world.

As Zhuo Bufan's spiritual thoughts continued to spread to the edge of the world, Zhuo Bufan discovered that there was really no living thing at all.

Not to mention a human being, not even a dog, a bird, or even a bug was found.

What's even more weird is that, except for the thin spiritual energy, there is no sign of life in the entire world.

An hour later, Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again.

Seeing this, Bai Su asked quickly.

"Husband, what's wrong?"

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan slowly shook his head, but a smile appeared on his lips.

"Susu, maybe we have really come to a fake Yang Realm."

"Fake Yang Realm?"

Bai Su asked in shock, not knowing what Zhuo Bufan meant.

Zhuo Bufan stood up slowly, then suddenly grabbed Bai Su's hand and flew into the sky.

When they flew to an altitude of 10,000 meters, Zhuo Bufan looked down at the earth again.

"The three supreme sects are all in wasteland."

"Everything in this world, from my perspective, seems to be somewhat different from the Yang Realm."

"Difference?" Bai Su asked in surprise.

"That's right, everything in this world seems to be the opposite of the Yang Realm."

"If I guessed correctly, we came to a fake Yang Realm, and someone copied the exact mirror image of the Yang Realm."

Zhuo Bufan's words made Bai Su's eyes widen with an incredible expression.

"Mirror copy, what is that?"

"That's it, another Yang Realm, the Yang Realm in the mirror."

Zhuo Bufan finally discovered the anomaly in this world.

Since he was not the World God of the Yang Realm, when he came to the Yang Realm, he did not notice anything unusual at first.

Until he saw that the first palace had turned into a wasteland, Zhuo Bufan felt that something was wrong.

As the most powerful force in the Yang Realm, Zhuo Bufan found it hard to imagine what force could cause the First Palace to be razed to the ground.

Even Ni Qionglai, the most powerful person in Zhuo Bufan's knowledge, would not be able to do it.

Unless it's Counter Sky in its heyday.

Of course, it is impossible for Ni Cang Qiong to come to Yin Yang Qian Kun in its heyday.

It can be seen that 20% of the power from Ni Qianqiong is already very reluctant.

Therefore, it is impossible to destroy the first palace.

It was at this time that Zhuo Bufan began to doubt the authenticity of this world.

It wasn't until he used his spiritual thoughts to search the other two supreme sects that he finally discovered the anomaly.

The other two supreme sects are also in wasteland.

This made Zhuo Bufan think about what the three supreme sects have in common, that is, they all have barriers that are so powerful that they cannot be copied.

It is precisely because of this that Zhuo Bufan suspects that this world is actually a mirror world of the Yang Realm.

It is precisely because of this that there are no living bodies in this world, because living bodies are difficult to copy.

Non-living things, on the other hand, can be easily replicated.

When Zhuo Bufan discovered all this, he finally had an enlightenment.

"Husband, who is it that copied such a huge world?"

Bai Su couldn't believe it after hearing Zhuo Bufan's explanation.

You must know that the Yang Realm is a very big world. Who has the ability to replicate such a big world?

"I don't think there is anyone else who has this ability except for one person."

Zhuo Bufan said with a slight smile.

"Who?" Bai Su asked.

"The answer is obvious, Mirror Master!"

When Zhuo Bufan said the word mirror owner, Bai Su couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

The Mirror Master is a legendary figure, a being that even his own father is afraid of.

"Mirror Master, are you really still alive?"

Bai Su couldn't believe it.

"He has always been alive, otherwise his mirror slave would not be operating secretly."

Zhuo Bufan now regrets not paying attention to the actions of those mirror slaves.

But Zhuo Bufan knew that these mirror slaves must have carried out many secret activities in secret, all of which were under the instructions of the mirror master.

"It's not a good time to stay here. Let's get out of here first."

Zhuo Bufan took Bai Su's hand and said.

"Then how do we leave?"

Bai Su asked.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan raised his head and looked at the sky.

"The real Yang Realm is up here."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took Bai Su and Yaya and flew towards the top of the sky.

But just when Zhuo Bufan was about to reach the end of the sky.

Suddenly, a huge dragon head emerged from the sky.

The dragon's head was comparable to a giant peak. It opened its gluttonous mouth that could swallow up everything, and it came towards Zhuo Bufan to devour him.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he immediately flew aside with Bai Su.

"Susu, take Yaya to Meicheng first, and leave this place to me."

Obviously, the battle before us is inevitable, and Zhuo Bufan must fight.

Bai Su also knew that staying now would only drag Zhuo Bufan down, not to mention that Yaya was still present.

So Bai Su entered Mei City obediently.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan would face the sky dragon that suddenly descended in front of him.

After sending his wife and daughter to Meicheng, Zhuo Bufan faced Shenlong again.

He discovered that there was a reverse scale on the chest of this giant dragon.

That piece of reverse scale was shining with golden light, a bit familiar.

"Mountain and Sea Mirror?"

Zhuo Bufan took a closer look and quickly recognized that the reverse scale was the mountain and sea mirror.

"It's true, you should be the mirror slave! In this way, this world is indeed the mirror world created by the mirror master."

"What on earth is he going to do?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and grasped it in the air, and the Infinite Sword appeared in his hand.

The giant dragon in front of him turned out to be a mirror slave, which really surprised Zhuo Bufan.

But this also confirmed his suspicion.

The Mirror Master is still alive and has created the mirror world of the Yang Realm.

What exactly is the mirror owner going to do?

For a moment, Zhuo Bufan was full of doubts.


At this time, the Sky Dragon rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

It opened its huge mouth and let out a terrifying dragon breath.

The endless energy of chaos blasted towards Zhuo Bufan.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he was undaunted and used the infinite sword in his hand to split open the endless chaos.

"It seems I can only kill you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan held the infinite sword and headed towards the dragon to kill him.

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