Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1068 Danger in Yang Realm

Zhuo Bufan was possessed by the Mirror Master and the Qing Emperor flicked his soul out with one finger.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan understood how far his cultivation level at the Great Sage Realm was compared to that of Emperor Fengtian.

First of all, there are two major differences between the Great Sage Realm and the Fengtian Emperor.

Secondly, the reason why Emperor Fengtian is called Emperor Fengtian is because their ability is enough to Fengtian.

In other words, a being like Emperor Fengtian is not afraid of the World God.

What's more, Zhuo Bufan is not the world god of the virtual world.

In the virtual world, he is at most stronger than an ordinary great saint, and at most he is at the level of a super saint.

Compared with Emperor Fengtian, he is really far behind.

Therefore, it is not surprising that he was wiped out by Qing Emperor with a snap of his finger.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan is not really dead! With the Gate of Rebirth plug-in, it would be impossible for Zhuo Bufan to die.

After many years, Zhuo Bufan read files again, which made him feel a little frustrated.

Because the enemy he faced again was the unimaginably powerful Qing Emperor.

"No, I am no match for Qing Emperor. I can only go back to find my master first and then think of a solution!"

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that only by finding his master, Emperor Xuan, could he have a chance to turn things around.

"Go back first and find Master."

Zhuo Bufan has almost investigated the situation on Emperor Qing's side.

The Qing Emperor was possessed by the mirror owner's soul, and now the Qing Emperor has temporarily become the mirror owner's puppet.

Zhuo Bufan needed to transfer this information to Emperor Xuan immediately.

Now Emperor Xuan is the only one who can compete with Emperor Qing, and Zhuo Bufan also needs Emperor Xuan's help.

After figuring out his next plan, Zhuo Bufan stood up again and prepared to read the file.

Arriving in front of the archive door again, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

The three save doors are now in disrepair, and the number of times they can be used will probably become less and less.

Zhuo Bufan has not yet mastered the ability to recast the save doors, so he is not sure when these three save doors will suddenly collapse.

"Take a step and see what happens!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stood up and pushed open the first save door, then stepped away.

Pushing open the archive door, Zhuo Bufan returned to before the battle with Qing Emperor.


The sound of running water came to my ears.

Zhuo Bufan looked up and saw the bone dragon flying in front of him.

On top of the bone dragon's head, there is an unparalleled divine figure, standing resolutely and fascinating.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he grabbed the Moon God beside him without even thinking about it.


He shouted, and then took the Moon God and flew away like a stream of light.

As soon as Zhuo Bufan escaped, a powerful force struck behind him.

But this time, Qing Emperor obviously only attacked Zhuo Bufan tentatively and did not use his real power.

Seeing the murderous intention approaching, Zhuo Bufan immediately called out the Chaos Clock.

"Old Zhong, push it up!"

Zhuo Bufan asked the Chaos Clock to help push it.

After the Chaos Bell appeared, it made a shocking sound.


A bell rang, breaking open under the water, causing huge waves.

Qing Emperor's murderous intention was blocked by the Chaos Bell.

However, the Chaos Bell suffered a lot of damage because of this.

"Old Zhong, thank you for your hard work, come back!"

Zhuo Bufan asked the Chaos Bell to help block the blow, and finally escaped from the Qing Emperor's clutches.

However, just when Zhuo Bufan was about to take back the Chaos Clock.

Suddenly, the Qing Emperor, who was standing on top of the bone dragon, stretched out a big hand that covered the sky.

"Old man, why are you here?"

When Qingdi saw the Chaos Clock, he was so excited that he spoke.

Immediately, he grabbed the chaos clock that Zhuo Bufan was about to take back.

"Old clock!"

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he shouted in horror.

He didn't expect Qing Emperor to take back the Chaos Bell at this time.

"Boy, run away quickly, don't look back, run away!"

The Chaos Bell passed his last trace of spiritual thought to Zhuo Bufan.

Before Zhuo Bufan could react, Qingdi had already grabbed the Chaos Bell back, and then cut off the connection between the Chaos Bell and Zhuo Bufan.

"Damn it!"

Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth. He had never expected this situation.

As a last resort, he had no choice but to lose his car and cut off an arm to protect his commander. Otherwise, he would not be able to escape at all.

After Qingdi took back the Chaos Bell, he obviously did not take action again. Zhuo Bufan also took the opportunity to escape with the Moon God.

"Xiao Lin, run!"

Zhuo Bufan summoned the Abi Beast and brought the Moon God back to the Moon Palace in an instant.

At this point, Zhuo Bufan breathed a sigh of relief.


He suddenly punched a tree, blasting the moon tree directly.

Unexpectedly, he lost the Chaos Clock in the end, which was Zhuo Bufan's most regretful thing.

However, in the situation just now, he had to give up the Chaos Clock, otherwise, he would not be able to leave.

Even if he reads the file again, Zhuo Bufan believes that the result will be the same.

In front of Qing Emperor, it was impossible for him to escape unless he gave up the Chaos Bell.

"Father God, Mr. Zhuo, you are back."

The God of Flowers saw Zhuo Bufan and Yueshen suddenly returning and quickly stepped forward to ask.

The Moon God raised his hand to stop the Flower God who came forward, and then he looked at Zhuo Bufan.

"Master Zhuo, what happened? Why did we run away?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked at Moon God and said with a grimace.

"I am no match for Qing Emperor. If we don't run, we will all die!"

"Sorry Luna, I took you and ran away before I had time to explain to you."

"I'm going back to the Yang Realm now, Moon God, you guys should be careful when I go there."

Zhuo Bufan didn't explain too much, then he mounted the Abi Beast and turned towards the Yang Realm.

The Mirror Master possesses the Qing Emperor, no one knows what will happen in the future.

Zhuo Bufan's top priority is to escape back to the Yang Realm and tell Emperor Xuan everything that happened here.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan rode the Abi Beast, crossed the forbidden wall, and returned to the Yang Realm.

When Zhuo Bufan returned to the Yang Realm, he rushed back to Deyi Palace as soon as possible.

From the time Zhuo Bufan left the first palace to the time he came back, it took less than two days.

Even Xuan Emperor Jiang Taixuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to return so soon.

"Boy, why are you back so soon?"

As soon as he returned to Deyi Palace, Emperor Xuan sensed Zhuo Bufan and appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan immediately.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he immediately replied.

"Master, it's not good, the Mirror Master is resurrected."

When Zhuo Bufan said that the Mirror Master was resurrected, Emperor Xuan was shocked.

"What's really going on? Are you resurrected so soon?"

"Yes, and there are worse things."

Zhuo Bufan said.

"Then say it quickly, don't be surprised, and finish it in one breath."

Emperor Xuan said something bad.

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately replied.

"The Mirror Master was not only resurrected, but also took over Qingdi's body."

"Now, Qing Emperor has been controlled by the Mirror Master. The current Mirror Master is Qing Emperor."

Zhuo Bufan's subsequent words shocked Emperor Xuan even more.

"How is it possible? Even though that guy Donghuang is unconventional, it is impossible for him to be captured by the Mirror Master."

Emperor Xuan still didn't believe it, but Zhuo Bufan saw it with his own eyes and couldn't help but believe it.

"Master, this is actually the case. I lost a life because of this. I even lost the Chaos Clock."

"Qing Emperor has really become the Mirror Master now."

"That powerful man is finally back."

Zhuo Bufan has never met the Mirror Master, but he has heard the legend about the Mirror Master countless times.

Now that the Mirror Master has reappeared in the world, and with the help of the Qing Emperor, Zhuo Bufan has a premonition that the former enemy will once again start a shocking war.

"Let's go to the virtual world with me!"

Emperor Xuan didn't think much, grabbed Zhuo Bufan and teleported to the forbidden wall.

But just when Emperor Xuan was about to cross the forbidden wall, he found that the forbidden wall had disappeared.

"What's going on? The forbidden wall is gone?"

Zhuo Bufan was slightly shocked.

Seeing this, Emperor Xuan shook his head and said.

"It's the Mirror Master, he hid the virtual world."

"Hide the virtual world? What exactly is this mirror master going to do?"

"The Void World Tree is here with me, and it doesn't have the power of the world. How can it hide the Void Realm?"

Zhuo Bufan is the world god in the world of cultivation. He knows that the world god can hide the world he is in.

But with the virtual world tree on him, how did the Mirror Master hide the virtual world?

What's more, what Zhuo Bufan couldn't believe was that even Emperor Xuan couldn't find the hidden forbidden wall.

"The mirror master has integrated the power of the Eastern Emperor. The first thing he should do is to rule the virtual world again."

"Xiao Zhuo, the Virtual Realm Tree is on you now, you must be extremely careful!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"I understand, then Master, what should we do now?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that the mirror owner would target him, but Zhuo Bufan had a save door, so he was not afraid.

What he wants to know more now is what to do next.

Emperor Xuan frowned slightly after hearing this.

"Next, wait!"

"Let's see what this guy is going to do."

Emperor Xuan's mood at the moment was actually quite complicated. His best friend had now become his old enemy.

"Go back first! I have a feeling that a big battle is coming."

Emperor Xuan believed that the war was coming and winter was coming.

Unable to find the virtual world, Emperor Xuan had no choice but to return to Deyi Palace with Zhuo Bufan.

Next, an emergency meeting was held inside Deichi Palace.

There were only four people in this meeting, namely Emperor Xuan, Emperor Bai, Zhuo Bufan, and the current head of Deyi Palace, Jiang Taiyi.

When Emperor Bai heard that Emperor Qing had become the mirror master's puppet, he seemed very anxious.

"Donghuang, it will be fine!"

Bai Di frowned.

Emperor Xuan comforted him.

"Don't worry, we all know what Donghuang is capable of. I believe in him, he will get rid of the control of the Mirror Master."

At this time, Jiang Taiyi asked.

"Master, what are our plans next?"

All decisions now rest with Emperor Xuan.

Emperor Xuan is currently the number one person in the Five Realms and the only one who can resist the Mirror Master.

Therefore, everyone placed their expectations on Emperor Xuan.

"What are you going to do?"

Emperor Bai also looked at Emperor Xuan, he was the hope of the five realms.

But how did Emperor Xuan know?

The current Emperor Xuan does not know as much as Zhuo Bufan.

"I have an idea!"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly said.

When Emperor Xuan heard this, he quickly asked: "Speak quickly."

"Master, Master, I have a hunch that the Mirror Master may take action against the Yang Realm soon."

"And the way he does it, I can basically guess nine out of ten."

Zhuo Bufan said.

"In what way?", the three asked.

"Master, Senior Wife, Senior Brother, do you remember what I said before? When I came to the Yang Realm again, I went to a mirror world."

"If my guess is correct, that world is actually the world that the Mirror Master uses to deal with the Yang Realm."

"Deal with the Yang Realm?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

Bai Di vaguely understood what Zhuo Bufan meant.

"Child, what do you mean? Could it be that the Mirror Master wants the mirror world to perish together with the Yang Realm?"

Emperor Bai's words made Emperor Xuan and Jiang Taiyi stunned.

Zhuo Bufan nodded repeatedly.

"At first, I thought the mirror world was used by the Mirror Master to replace the Yang Realm."

"But since the mirror master hid the virtual world, I can now basically confirm that the mirror master is preparing to use the mirror world to launch an attack like the Yang Realm."

"The specific method is, world collision!"

"Worlds collide!"

Emperor Xuan and others present obviously realized the seriousness of the matter.

If the Mirror Master really intends to let the two worlds collide, then the Yang Realm will definitely be wiped out.

"I see, this guy hasn't forgotten his ambition yet?"

Emperor Xuan also understood the Mirror Master's methods.

The Mirror Master has never given up on his wish during the hundreds of thousands of years he has been sealed.

He spent hundreds of thousands of years replicating the entire Yang Realm.

He was waiting for this moment, waiting to wipe out the Yang Realm.

"No, we can't let that guy's trick succeed!"

"Boy, where is that mirror world? You take me there, I must destroy it."

Emperor Xuan couldn't hold it any longer.

As powerful as Emperor Xuan, it was obvious that he was no longer calm at this moment.

The Mirror Master is Emperor Xuan's old enemy, and he is the only being who can cause Emperor Xuan to be in chaos.

"I'll go too. If it's like what Xiaofan said, once the two worlds collide, the endless people in the Yang Realm will be wiped out."

Bai Di also agreed to go to the mirror world now and destroy it.

But Zhuo Bufan did not agree.

After all, the mirror world is too big, and it is copied 1:1 from the Yang world.

It is impossible to destroy that world just by relying on Emperor Bai and Emperor Xuan.

"Master, Master, actually I have another way to solve this potential crisis."

Zhuo Bufan said.

When Emperor Xuan heard this, he quickly asked.

"At this time, why do you still care? You kid, tell me quickly."

Facing Emperor Xuan's scolding, Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to speak honestly.

"My disciple's solution is to become the World God of the Yang Realm before this crisis comes."

As long as I become the World God of the Yang Realm, I can ensure the peace of the Yang Realm. Even if the mirror world collides, it will not have any impact on the Yang Realm.

Zhuo Bufan's suggestion is not unreasonable.

As long as he becomes the World God of the Yang Realm, he has the power to change all rules.

At that time, even if the two worlds collide, the Yang Realm will be destroyed as a result.

Zhuo Bufan can also restart the Yang Realm and restore everything in this world to its original appearance.

This is also the best solution that Zhuo Bufan can think of at the moment.

After hearing this, Emperor Xuan frowned.

"Boy, are you sure? Can you really become the World God of the Yang Realm before the arrival of the Mirror World?"

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"Yes! Master, please rest assured, I will definitely be able to protect the Yang Realm."

"So what do we do now?"

Emperor Xuan asked.

Zhuo Bufan replied: "Wait!"


"That's right, wait! Wait for the arrival of the mirror world!"

Zhuo Bufan's words are thought-provoking.

Just as he finished speaking, bursts of exclamations suddenly came from outside the hall.

"It's not good, it's not good!"

A disciple who won the first palace ran in in a panic.

"Ancestor, something bad is going to happen!"

The head Jiang Taiyi heard this and scolded.

"Didn't you see that I am discussing something? What's wrong?"

The disciple didn't have time to admit his mistake and said quickly.

"Ancestor, the sky is falling!"

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