Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1072: Battle of Qingxuan

Sure enough, the so-called person in the mirror was just an illusion.

When Zhuo Bufan woke up, he found that besides him, there were other people around who had already woken up from the illusion in the mirror.

"Xiao Zhuo, have you also broken through the mirror realm?"

Jiang Taiyi stood in the wind, with his hands behind his back, looking at Zhuo Bufan in front of him calmly.

Zhuo Bufan took a look and found that besides him, the three supreme masters had also woken up.

Not only that, many of the former ten little saints had also woken up.

However, everyone's eyes were looking at the sky.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan also raised his head and looked at the sky.

On the top of the Golden Mountain in the sky, a battle that destroyed the world was erupting.

The legendary Xuan Emperor, fighting against the legendary Qing Emperor.

This Qingxuan battle will determine the future of hundreds of millions of people in the future.


Above the sky, the flames of war burned the sky.

The heat waves swept across the entire Golden Mountain.

In the sea of ​​fire, two divine bodies stood alone.

Emperor Xuan was wearing a black cloak, with bright stars floating around him. The terrifying energy caused the entire Golden Mountain to begin to disintegrate.

The mirror master on the opposite side controlled the body of Emperor Qing. There was no extra existence around him, and even the breath of his whole body was restrained.

That feeling was like returning to nature and returning to the ordinary.

One side was extremely powerful, and the other side was extremely ordinary.

However, the confrontation between the two sides made people avoid it.

No one flew to the ninety thousand layers of the sky, because no one knew what kind of disaster was waiting for them in the sky.

The battle between the two supreme powers was so fierce that even the three masters of the Yang Realm did not dare to approach.

Emperor Fengtian, the battle between them could destroy the entire virtual world.


"Emperor Xuan, long time no see!"

Facing the powerful enemy in front of him, the mirror master seemed very calm.

Although it was Emperor Xuan who sealed him at the beginning, the mirror master did not hate Emperor Xuan.

When he was resurrected, he did not think of seeking revenge on Emperor Xuan.

After hearing the greeting from the other party, Emperor Xuan responded with a cold brow.

"Do you want to be sealed by me again?"

"Whether you are the Mirror Master or the Eastern Emperor, as long as you dare to destroy the peace of the Five Realms, I will make you regret it."

Emperor Xuan's tone was full of domineering majesty.

It seemed that as long as he was there, even if the sky collapsed, there was nothing to fear.

After hearing this, the Mirror Master on the opposite side remained calm.

"Emperor Xuan, you are too confident. Are you sure you can fight this body?"

The body that the Mirror Master possessed was the body of the Green Emperor.

The Green Emperor, an existence that was not weaker than the Black Emperor. The gap between the two sides was just a millimeter.

And now that the Green Emperor has merged with the Mirror Master, the strength of the Green Emperor is probably beyond the Black Emperor.

So it is really hard to say who will win or lose in this battle.

Divine fire scorched the sky, golden light filled the air, white snow sealed the border, and thunder gathered in the sea...

The virtual world presented a terrifying doomsday scene, and the war that destroyed the world was about to break out.

On one side, Emperor Xuan, with a ten-thousand-foot divine body, the stars behind him began to explode one by one, and then a steady stream of energy began to flow into Emperor Xuan's body.

Emperor Xuan was the Emperor Fengtian, who had picked the stars in the sky and sealed his energy in the stars.

So these stars contained the terrifying power of Emperor Xuan.

Once fully liberated, no one in the world could stop Emperor Xuan's wrath.

On the other side, the Mirror Master used the body of Emperor Qing to control the terrifying scene of thousands of dragons roaring.

Dragons soared in the sky, and each dragon held an endless black ball of energy in its mouth.

Then they rushed to roar towards Emperor Xuan.

Suddenly, the world was in chaos, the mountains and rivers were torn apart, the space began to explode, and thunder pierced the sky.


Another earth-shattering collision, powerful energy exploded on the top of the Golden Mountain, sweeping across thousands of miles.

The floating mountains under the Golden Mountain began to explode one by one.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Seeing the floating mountains collapse one by one, the people on the ground also began to wake up one by one in this shocking shock.

"Here it comes! A terrible creature has descended."

At this time, the earth began to tremble and earthquakes began.

The ground within a radius of thousands of miles collapsed directly, and then a bottomless cenote opened up.

Those who did not wake up fell into the abyss one after another, and those who woke up flew up at the first time.

The battle on the ground battlefield also started, and endless energy began to gush out from under the bottomless cenote.

Along with the terrible energy attack, four extremely terrifying creatures drilled out from the ground.

A terrifying creature like a toad, its body as huge as a thousand-foot mountain.

The corners of its mouth were covered with countless tentacles, and the moment it opened its mouth, it had the power to swallow the sky and the earth.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes widened when he saw the creature for the first time.

"Wangqi beast!"

This creature was the terrifying creature that he had seen in Bei Ming Xuan Ji's sea of ​​​​realm before.

It was called the Wangqi beast, and it specialized in devouring life.

When it opened its mouth, everyone present felt that their lives were constantly disappearing.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan waved his hand and created a life sky, condensing the vitality into an unparalleled dome to resist the swallowing of the Wangqi beast.

The second creature was a dragon head, a huge dragon head like a mountain, and on the dragon head, there was a reverse scale, and that reverse scale was the mountain and sea boundary.

Behind the dragon head, there was no body, only endless white smoke.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this creature, his eyes lit up.

"This is the terrifying dragon head in the mirror world."

The dragon head suddenly opened its mouth towards the volunteers on the ground.

At that moment, all the volunteers felt that their spiritual energy was being constantly pulled.

The spiritual energy began to escape from them frantically.

"No, this is the Liangqi beast!"

Zhuo Bufan recognized this terrifying beast at the first time.

He is the Liangqi beast, one of the ghosts and monsters fed by the mirror master, and has the ability to swallow spiritual energy.

Faced with the Liangqi beast's crazy swallowing, everyone had to keep their spiritual energy from being deprived, and had no power to fight back.

Instead, the three masters joined forces to attack the Liangqi beast.

As a result, a divine light was projected from the Liangqi beast's forehead scales, and the three masters were directly swallowed.

At this time, the third beast appeared.

Rather than a beast, it is better to say that it is a ball of black smoke.

The black smoke spread quickly, and then formed a black fog, which filled everyone present.

Zhuo Bufan frowned and said immediately.

"Wangqi beast!"

Zhuo Bufan had seen the Wangqi beast before. It was specialized in devouring divine power. Even the Moon God was not its opponent.

Although no one in the expeditionary army practiced divine power, in the black fog, everyone instantly lost their spiritual sense and divine sense.

Finally, a strange figure appeared in the black fog.

Along with the appearance of the ghostly figure, there was a giggle.

When hearing the laughter, everyone found that their souls were constantly being deprived and torn.

Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply, and finally the last of the four strange beasts, the Meiqi beast, appeared.

Ghosts and demons, the four strange beasts, devour divine power, souls, life, and aura.

When they appear at the same time, it will be a disaster for all living beings!

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