Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1076 Qiankun Supreme

Emperor Xuan was shocked and regretted it.

He now realized that he had been fooled.

Looking at the virtual world, it had already been beaten beyond recognition.

Mountains and rivers were broken, rainstorms and thunder, dark clouds covered the sky, and the world seemed to be doomsday.

"Let's go back to the Yang world."

Emperor Xuan realized that something must have happened in the Yang world.

So he took the remaining people and Emperor Qing and others and rushed back to the Yang world.

They quickly passed through the passage between the two worlds, that is, the forbidden wall.

Then they returned to the Yang world as soon as possible.

However, when Emperor Xuan and others returned to the Yang world, they found that everything was too late.

Everything in the Yang world has changed.

The whole world has become a desert, and no life can be seen on the earth.

It's like coming to a planet that has long been dead. The first time you step into this world, you have no feeling except desolation.

"How could this happen?"

The people following Emperor Xuan made panicked voices.

"What happened to this world?"

"It's all gone, all gone, is everyone dead?"

"Deyi Palace is gone, Guiyi Sect is gone, Taixuan Sect is gone. Are the three supreme sects gone?"

"It's over, this world is completely over."

The hesitation and anxiety condensed in everyone's spiritual world.

At this moment, suddenly a violent earthquake began on the earth.


For a moment, the earth shook and the earth split.

Everyone split up and tried to avoid the earthquake.

When everyone flew into the air, they saw mountains rising from the depths of the ground.

Valleys and gullies began to change endlessly in just a moment.

"Insects, welcome to my world!"

Just as everyone was puzzled, a black hole suddenly appeared in the space in front of them.

A figure walked out of the black hole.

When the people present looked closely, they were shocked.

"Brother Zhuo?" Gao Zhan and others shouted.

"Smelly boy, is that you?" Qingdi also shouted at the first time.

"Wait, there's a problem."

It was still Xuandi who was alert. He put everyone down and didn't let anyone get close to "Zhuo Bufan".

Because he saw the two crystals flying behind "Zhuo Bufan".

Two familiar people were trapped in the crystals.


The Baidi was trapped in the crystal on the left.

Seeing this, Xuandi and Qingdi shouted almost at the same time.

The Baisu was trapped in the crystal on the right.

After seeing Xuandi and Qingdi, Baisu hurriedly said.

"Don't come over, he is not the husband, he is the mirror master!"

The shouting of the sleeping Baisu spread, and everyone was shocked on the spot.

At this time, the mirror master was wearing Zhuo Bufan's body and appearance, sneering at Xuandi and others in front of him.

"Bugs, I want to reshape this world. Make this world suitable for virtual life."

"As lowly humans, there is no need for you to stay in this world."

"So, please disappear!"

As soon as the voice fell, the mirror master waved his hand.

A gust of destructive wind attacked Emperor Xuan and the others.

The wind of destruction penetrated everywhere.

Many minor saints were wiped out on the spot.

And the great saints, after resisting for a few seconds, began to turn into a shovel of yellow sand and disappeared in the air.

Yu Baifei, Jiang Shaohan, Li Changsheng, Nangong Yue, Feng Yexiu, Huang Daoling, Lu Zhou, Shangguan Ye, Xiao Feng, Gao Zhan...

These peerless geniuses also began to scatter with the wind under the storm of destruction.

They could not stop the power of the mirror master at all.

Because the current mirror master has mastered the world power of the five major worlds.

He is now the supreme master of Yin Yang Qiankun.

He only needs a thought to make the life in this world disappear.

It can be said that he is now invincible.

As long as he wants, he can wipe out all the creatures in the five worlds.

Change all the rules of the five worlds.

This is the current power of the mirror master, and no one can resist it.

In the end, there were only five people left from the original hundreds of thousands of people.

Emperor Xuan, Emperor Qing, Jiang Taiyi, Chu Zhongtian, Zhou Yong!

The two emperors and three masters became the only enemies of the mirror master.

After a series of destructive storms, there were only these five people left in the world.

Seeing this scene, the mirror master smiled proudly.

"Look, it's much quieter now."

"I like a quiet world."

The mirror master eliminated those he thought were weak.

Seeing this scene, the Xuan emperor seemed a little helpless.

He couldn't protect those people, and could only watch them disappear.

Obviously, he also felt that the mirror master already had all the power of the five world trees of Yin Yang Qian Kun.

"It's true. That kid guessed right. You did something in the Void World Tree."

The Emperor Xuan realized that the Mirror Master had been secretly plotting against Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was his target.

"Damn it! I was careless."

The Emperor Xuan regretted it. He shouldn't have attacked the Void World and caused the end of the Void World.

If it weren't for this situation, the Void World Tree wouldn't have suddenly merged with Zhuo Bufan.

Then Zhuo Bufan wouldn't have been possessed by the Mirror Master.

Just as the Emperor Xuan was annoyed, the Mirror Master smiled.

"No, Jiang Taixuan, you did a good job."

"As my most important chess piece, I am very satisfied with your performance."

"So, I plan to make you my collection."

"I want you to see with your own eyes how I have transformed this world."

After the mirror master finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed towards the Xuan Emperor.

The next second, a powerful time and space sealing force came to seal the Xuan Emperor.

Seeing this, the Xuan Emperor pressed his big hand towards the mirror master.

"Sealing Heaven Method!"

As soon as the voice fell, a pair of black big hands covered with countless runes broke the time and space seal pushed by the mirror master.

For a moment, the two energies collided directly with each other.


Half of the sky was torn apart, and space and time were disintegrated.

One black and one white, two rays of light collided with each other in the air, and continuous shock waves shook the heaven and earth.

Soon, the power of the mirror master began to suppress the Xuan Emperor.

The white energy beam was obviously pressing towards the Xuan Emperor.

"Jiang Taixuan, I'll help you!"

The Green Emperor on the side saw this scene and immediately appeared beside him, integrating his power into the moves of the Black Emperor and bombarding the Mirror Master opposite.

In this way, two rays of light, one black and one green, resisted the boundless power of the Mirror Master.

"Let's come too!"

The remaining three supreme masters did not watch the show from the side.

They also integrated their strongest powers into the moves of the Black Emperor.

This is the rhythm of intending to die with the Mirror Master.

After seeing the opponent's counterattack, the Mirror Master smiled coldly.

"Do you really think you can resist the power of the World God?"

"In my name, seal all your powers."

As the Mirror Master's voice fell, the three supreme masters began to find that their power suddenly disappeared.

And the power of the Green Emperor and the Black Emperor was also fading.

As their power disappeared, the infinite rule power of the Mirror Master bombarded them.

In an instant, Emperor Xuan, Emperor Qing, and the three supreme leaders were all captured by the power of the mirror master.

Each one was sealed in the crystal and became the collection of the mirror master.

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