Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1081 Establishing Heaven [End of this volume]

Ni Cangqiong left, but the words he left behind made Zhuo Bufan fall into deep thought.

Not only Zhuo Bufan, but everyone present deeply realized that the Yin-Yang world they were in was just a valley in the valley.

What to do next now depends on Zhuo Bufan.

Because Zhuo Bufan has merged the world trees of the five worlds and become the only world god in the Yin-Yang world.

Zhuo Bufan is now facing a choice.

One is to stay in the Yin-Yang world and be his only world god.

In this world, he is an invincible existence, he can do whatever he wants, and he is already at the peak of his life.

But if he chooses to stay in the Yin-Yang world, Zhuo Bufan will have to be worried every day.

Because he doesn't know when Daluotian will come to another existence as powerful as the Mirror Master, or even stronger than him, to destroy the Yin-Yang world.

So, this gives Zhuo Bufan a second choice, which is to leave the Yin-Yang world and go to Daluotian.

Go to Daluotian and become more powerful.

In Daluotian, he will get more opportunities.

Only when Zhuo Bufan becomes more powerful can he face the upcoming crisis.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan believed that returning to Daluotian must be the wish of his previous life, that is, the wish of the great god Luotian.

When Luotian ascended to Daluotian, he divided his power into two.

Half became the virtual Luotian, and the other half became the human Luotian.

He never expected that the virtual Luotian would want to kill the human Luotian in the end.

His body separated two completely opposite consciousnesses.

Zhuo Bufan is now just the reincarnation of the human Luotian. If he cannot become stronger, then if the virtual Luotian finds him next, it will only bring endless destruction to Zhuo Bufan.

In order to protect himself, his family, and the world behind him.

Zhuo Bufan felt that he had to go to Daluotian to seek a solution to the crisis of the Yin-Yang world.

However, he was just thinking about it, and he didn't dare to act for a while.

Moreover, he believed that Bai Su and the others didn't want him to go to Daluotian.

That world was too dangerous, and if Zhuo Bufan went there, his future would be uncertain.

Because of this, Zhuo Bufan promised Bai Su that he would not consider going to Daluotian for the time being.

The most urgent task is to build the entire Yin-Yang world.

The Yang world was exhausted because of the war between the Mirror Master and Ni Cangqiong, and it would take at least hundreds of years to recover.

The Yin world was also devastated and in ruins because of the previous war.

Although the Hell World has Chu Fan as an administrator, it is now only in a stage of reconstruction.

The Yin world has peace after the war of the gods, and is now slowly recovering its former prosperity.

Perhaps the only one that has developed well in the five worlds is the cultivation world.

Zhuo Bufan is now the only world god in the five worlds.

The first thing he did was to destroy the hostile law of the Yin-Yang world.

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was that he found the sealed power of the hostile law in the depths of his soul.

Just when he was about to break the hostile law, he actually got a piece of information that surprised him.

It turned out that the hostile law of the Yin-Yang world was set by Luo Tian himself.

The purpose of setting the hostile law is to prevent the creatures of the five worlds from offending each other. Secondly, it is to promote the development of the five worlds. Thirdly, the hostile law can make people in the Yin-Yang world feel a sense of crisis at all times.

As the saying goes, one is born in trouble and dies in comfort. Luo Tian originally set up the hostile law in order to make all creatures in the world feel a sense of crisis at all times.

Because he knew that one day, this world would usher in a more powerful enemy.

At that time, the hostile law would naturally disappear.

And the people of the five worlds will work together to fight against foreign enemies.

Although the great god Luo Tian set up the hostile law for the benefit of the billions of people in the entire Yin-Yang world.

But Zhuo Bufan eventually destroyed the hostile law.

Because he believed that the Yin-Yang world no longer needed the hostile law.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan planned to merge all the five worlds of Yin-Yang Qiankun together.

The fusion of the five realms will allow the entire world to return to an era of unity and harmony. This is Zhuo Bufan's wish.

He does not need a powerful world where all people are martial artists. His world, and he has to protect it himself.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan decisively destroyed the hostile law.

After this world no longer had the hostile law, when the creatures from different worlds walked together, they no longer felt the innate hatred.

People from the real world and the underworld were finally able to walk together peacefully, and they even loved each other.

And Zhuo Bufan's other wife no longer had to be as shameful as before.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan's lifting of the hostile law was a gift to the five major worlds, and the world celebrated the three hundred years.

After resolving the hostile law of the five major worlds, Zhuo Bufan did not run around anymore, but stayed at home and began to enjoy the family life of husband and wife and two daughters.

After this beautiful life lasted for three hundred years, Zhuo Bufan found that the world power of the Yang world had also been restored.

After that, Zhuo Bufan returned to the Yang world and returned to this barren land.

He used the world power of three hundred years to restore the time of the Yang world to what it was three hundred years ago.

The former Yang world finally revived again.

However, this time, Zhuo Bufan basically squandered all the world power of Yangjie.

So far, Yangjie is now quite fragile and cannot withstand the slightest destruction.

For thousands of years, Yangjie has been in a slow development, and there is no war in the five worlds.

After Zhuo Bufan merged the five worlds, he established an organization dedicated to managing the world, which he called the Heavenly Court.

The Heavenly Court is divided according to a strict hierarchy, from the master, to the supreme, to the god king, to the upper god, to the middle god, and then to the lower god.

The representatives are:

Representative of the Lord: Zhuo Bufan

Representative of the Supreme: Xuandi, Qingdi, Baidi,

Representative of the God King: Jiang Taiyi, Zhou Yong, Chu Zhongtian

Representatives of the Upper God: Bai Su, Xuan Su, Yinjie Dragon God, Yinjie Sun God, Yinjie Tree God, Void World Moon God, etc.

Representatives of the Middle God: The Lords of the Seven Kingdoms of Yangjie, Chu Fan, the Boundless Manager, Bai Zifan, Bai Zinian, the Little Moon God of the Void World, etc.

Representatives of the Lower God: Chu Mubai, Xuanyuan Hao, Lu Fei, the Ten Great Saints of Yangjie, etc.

So far, Zhuo Bufan has established his own heaven.

After the Yin-Yang World has the Heaven, the world has rebuilt its faith.

Every god has his own position, and the world has begun to restore the long-lost peace.

Order has been maintained and developed, and the Yin-Yang World has finally ushered in its beautiful era.

When Zhuo Bufan saw that his world was on the right track and developing, he finally made a decision.

He is ready to enter Daluotian!

[There is really only the last volume left now. This book is planned to be written in 3 million to 5 million words. Because the results are not good, I have glossed over many plots. There is only one volume left, I think it should be finished within a month! The last volume "Luo Tian Da Dao", please look forward to it! 】

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