Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1088: The Cheat Technique

In the following months, Zhuo Bufan was treated with indifference by the college as always.

Although this kind of cold violence made him unhappy, there was nothing he could do about it.

However, it was in this environment that Zhuo Bufan gradually got used to it.

It also allowed him to develop a kind of undivided concentration.

It was also during this period that Zhuo Bufan slowly collected the materials needed for the Xingyue Curse Seal.

He only needs eight buckets of ink now. This kind of thing is hidden in the curse tower, and non-curse seal masters are not allowed to enter.

"Hey, I've been here for three months and my cultivation has made no progress."

"Do I, Zhuo Bufan, have to be so mediocre in this world?"

Zhuo Bufan was lying in the pavilion of Qinglianju.

Just when he was suffering from no way to practice, suddenly there was a crisp knock on the door outside.

"Dong dong dong!"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he immediately stood up.


The person outside the door replied in a low voice.

"I, Caviar Ji!"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment. Isn't Yu Zi Ji Hong Die Yi's favorite male favorite?

Could it be that Hong Dieyi sent him on another mission?

"Does that woman have any explanation?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't open the door. He had already given up on Hongdieyi, and he didn't have any good impressions of that woman.

However, it seems that Caviar Ji is not here to deliver news for Hongdieyi today.

"I'm here to help you."

Just when Zhuo Bufan suspected that Yu Ziji came with bad intentions, Yu Ziji first expressed his intention of coming.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing this.

"Come and help me?"

"Yes, Badou Mo, you should need it!"

When Zhuo Bufan heard the three words Badou Mo, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Then he rushed to the door and opened it.

After opening the door, he saw a handsome man standing in front of him. It was Yu Zhiji.

In Yu Zhiji's hand, there was a white earthen jar the size of a fist. Inside the jar was exactly the eight buckets of ink that Zhuo Bufan needed most.

Yu Zhiji didn't say anything and directly handed Badou Mo in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was obviously very surprised. He looked at Caviar Ji and said nothing for a while.

He didn't know what Yu Zhiji's plot was.

But the temptation of Badou Mo is too great. Zhuo Bufan wants this thing in his dreams now.

"Are you really willing to give it to me?"

Finally, Zhuo Bufan's eyes shone brightly when he looked at the Badou Mo sent by Caviar Ji.

And Caviar Ji continued.

"Not only do I want to give you eight buckets of ink, I also want to help you carve the star and moon curse seal."

"You want to help me draw the curse seal?"

Zhuo Bufan was suddenly moved.

"Why are you doing this? If you help me, you can't explain it to Hongdieyi, right?"

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that Hongdieyi had warned everyone on Linzi Peak that anyone who dared to secretly help Mr. Hu Bufan would be punished by her.

Zhuo Bufan had the backing of the sect master and she didn't dare to act recklessly, but the others didn't have the backing master.

Therefore, Caviar Ji helped Zhuo Bufan take a huge risk.

Even so, the other party was willing to help Zhuo Bufan, so Zhuo Bufan was very moved.

"When I help you, I help myself."

Yu Zhiji's words are intriguing, but it can be seen that he really wants to sincerely help Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan also felt that this person was reliable, so he brought Caviar Ji into the house.

"Come in and talk!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he let Yu Zhiji enter the house.

After entering the house, Yu Zhiji felt relieved and said.

"I'll help you practice, and you help me get out of here."

"Leave? How can I help you?"

Zhuo Bufan also wanted to leave here, but it was not easy.

For the past two months, he has been dreaming about leaving here.

But this place is like a prison to him.

They were on a suspended mountain thousands of feet high, and the only way to leave was to fly out.

However, only those who have cultivated to the Tianyuan realm can fly.

The Jie Yinmen does not have the freedom to imprison them, but if they want to leave here, they must rely on their own abilities.

"I can see that you are someone who can achieve great things. I am willing to take a gamble on you."

Yu Zhi Ji was once the strongest person in the shadow world, but when he got here, he realized how weak he was.

Because of Daluotian, everyone can cultivate a world.

The world here is just a very small unit.

"I have been paying attention to you during this period. You are not afraid of all kinds of insults from Hongdie Yi."

"You must be a powerful person. There are countless possibilities for you."

Yu Zhiji was good at reading people, and he noticed that Zhuo Bufan was unusual.

Although everyone at the reception gate is a big boss from all walks of life.

But in Daluotian, it is not easy for them to survive.

Zhuo Bufan finally understood that Yu Zhiji was actually making a bet.

He is taking care of himself, thinking that he is a person who can achieve great things in the future.

In this case, Zhuo Bufan cannot live up to others' expectations.

"I understand. In that case, let me see how much help you can bring to me!"

"I, Zhuo Bufan, am not an ungrateful person. The help you have given me today will be repaid a hundred times in the future."

Zhuo Bufan originally wanted to find a helper to help him, but now that the helper is here, he will naturally not miss it.

And Zhuo Bufan could also see that Yu Zhiji had had enough of being the favorite of men in red butterfly clothes.

He is not a pretty boy, he is a man, a man with dignity.

So he will resist, refuse, and fight for his future.

"Okay, I will help you secretly from now on. I dug a secret compartment behind the second step outside the hall. If you need anything, just write down what you want and put it in the secret compartment. middle."

"I see."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that Yu Zhiji really planned to help him all the time.

"Then let me draw the star and moon curse seal for you now!"

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"That's fine, the top priority is to practice."

Zhuo Bufan has not practiced formally yet, and he needs to cultivate his vitality as soon as possible.

"Give me the materials you collected! Making the Star and Moon Curse Seal Ink also requires skills."

"The amount of each of the four materials needs to be in an appropriate proportion. Otherwise, the effect of the curse seal drawn will be very different."

After Yu Zhiji finished speaking, he began to strictly divide the four materials given by Zhuo Bufan according to proportion.

Then he poured them all into a small bowl.

After the seasoning of caviar, the ink in the small bowl looks like a sky full of stars in the night sky, dotted with stars, as bright as a galaxy.

"Bow down and come here!"

After adjusting the printing ink, Yu Zhiji asked Zhuo Bufan to turn his head.

Then Yu Zhiji picked up a writing brush on the table and began to circulate the vitality in his body.

With the circulation of meridians and the fluctuation of vitality, Zhuo Bufan saw a faint white light appear on the tip of Yu Zhiji's pen.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Zhiji dipped the tip of his pen into some printing ink, and then dabbed it on Zhuo Bufan's forehead.

As Yu Zhiji's Yuan Power merged with the Star and Moon Curse Seal ink, the Star and Moon Curse Seal began to appear as a complete curse seal on Zhuo Bufan's forehead.

"Okay, now you can practice under the moon. As long as you complete a cycle of the sky, your body will generate Yuan Power. The secrets of the technique will also leave a mark on your body. In the future, even if you don't use the Star and Moon Curse Yin, you can also practice the Xingyue Breathing Technique."

After Yu Zhiji finished drawing the Star and Moon Curse Seal, Zhuo Bufan immediately sat on the tatami and began to sit cross-legged.

The moonlight shines on him through the floor-to-ceiling window sill beside him.

When the light shone on his forehead, the star and moon curse mark on his forehead began to glow faintly.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuo Bufan really felt a force entering his body from the center of his eyebrows.


Zhuo Bufan felt Yuanli, which was a warm energy flowing quietly in his body.

"Yuanqi, is this Yuanqi?"

As he breathed, more and more Yuan Power entered his body.

From his nasal cavity, it entered the chest cavity, then entered the abdominal cavity, and finally reached the Dantian under the abdominal cavity.

Then, this vitality began to mediate in the Dantian.

After mediating for a while, it began to be slowly discharged from the body.

In one breath, a small weekly cycle occurs.

Zhuo Bufan could feel that a small part of the vitality was indeed absorbed by him in that breath just now.

That trace of vitality entered his body, making him feel that his body had undergone unspeakable changes.

It was as if an electric current penetrated his body and activated every cell in his body.

"This is Yuan Qi. Just a trace of Yuan Qi has caused earth-shaking changes in my body. It's unbelievable."

Zhuo Bufan could feel that his whole body was full of strength.

Every cell and every inch of muscle releases the brilliance of power.




In that state, Zhuo Bufan gradually mastered the wonderful breathing method of Xingyue Breathing Method.

And with the help of the Star and Moon Curse Seal, his body has memorized the secret of this technique.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan has mastered the ninth-grade breathing method.

Zhuo Bufan is also the world god of the Yin and Yang world. It is not difficult for him to master the Xingyue Breathing Technique.

After one night, Zhuo Bufan had mastered the wonderful trick of Xingyue Breathing Technique.

The Star-Moon Breathing Method actually absorbs the energy of the moon under the night when the stars and the moon shine.

The brilliance of the stars and the moon, with its divine power, caused the turbid air in Zhuo Bufan's body to begin to drain out.

Zhuo Bufan was finally able to feel the existence of Yuanli.

"This is Yuanli! It's amazing!"

Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes silently until the sky gradually became brighter.

"It's time for me to go back. Remember our agreement. If you need anything, just contact us through the secret grid on the stairs."

After seeing that Zhuo Bufan had cultivated Yuan Qi and had taken the first step in cultivation.

Caviar Ji also left with satisfaction.

He has placed his future on the treasure of Zhuo Bufan. Whether Zhuo Bufan can succeed or not is related to the future fate of the two of them.

After Yu Zhiji left, Zhuo Bufan slowly recovered from his cultivation state.

Then he narrowed his eyes slightly. He was thinking whether Yu Zhiji was really trustworthy.

"You can try him!"

Zhuo Bufan thought in his mind.

He would not trust someone easily, not to mention that Yu Zhiji was the most favored male favorite around Hong Dieyi.

Zhuo Bufan was afraid that there was Hongdieyi's conspiracy, so he planned to give Caviar Season a try first.

In the next two days, after learning the Xingyue Breathing Method, Zhuo Bufan spent a few days getting familiar with Yuanli.

He checked the information and found that he was in the early stage of the human Yuan realm, and his Yuanqi had just taken shape.

In this case, Zhuo Bufan now needs to choose a method suitable for his practice.

But what if he has no practice resources?

So Zhuo Bufan thought of the secret compartment that Yu Ziji mentioned.

He wrote his needs on a note, and then took advantage of the dead of night to come to the stairs outside the hall.

Sure enough, he found the secret compartment that Yu Ziji mentioned on the second step.

Zhuo Bufan left the note he had written in the secret compartment and left silently.

On the second day, Zhuo Bufan ran to the stairs again, and found that there were two bundles of bamboo slips in the secret compartment.

Zhuo Bufan was very happy when he saw this.

"It's true!"

He didn't expect that Yu Ziji really prepared the necessary method for him.

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much about it, and hurriedly took the two bundles of bamboo slips back to Qinglianju.

He locked the door like a thief, then lit the light and began to carefully read the words on the bamboo slips.

"Hunyuan Jin, Bai Da Jing!"

Two martial arts books, one called Hunyuan Jin, the other called Bai Da Jing!

Zhuo Bufan quickly glanced at the two martial arts books and frowned slightly.

"What the hell, these two martial arts books are for getting beaten?"

What made Zhuo Bufan slightly dissatisfied was that these two martial arts books were for training the body.

In short, they were all martial arts for getting beaten.

Especially the Bai Da Jing, in order to practice this martial arts to perfection, you actually need to be beaten constantly. Only when you are beaten enough can you achieve great success.

"Is this guy kidding me?"

Zhuo Bufan was a little angry.

He just wanted to practice a martial arts, but he didn't expect Yu Ziji to do this to him.

Such a spoof made him feel that there was a woman named Hong Dieyi behind him.

Because this was in line with Hong Dieyi's character. That woman was very bad and just wanted to see Zhuo Bufan embarrassed.

But when Zhuo Bufan read the book to the end, he learned that this technique, when practiced to the peak, could withstand the full force of a Yuan Dan realm expert.

"Can it withstand the full force of a Yuan Dan realm expert? So powerful?"

Zhuo Bufan was very surprised, because a Yuan Dan realm expert has already transformed the world prototype in his body.

This technique is very strong, very strong, to be able to withstand the attack of such a strong man.

Zhuo Bufan realized that although this technique is a bit stupid, it is strong enough!

"You can practice it!"

Zhuo Bufan finally decided to try to practice this Hundred Beats Sutra.

After that, he moved his attention to another technique, Hunyuan Jin.

"This Hunyuan Jin is a technique that can strengthen one's own vitality. To practice this Hunyuan Jin, one also needs to be beaten. The damage to oneself is converted and stored in one's body."

"That is to say, after this technique is practiced, the vitality of others can be used for oneself, which is quite good. You can practice it."

"And practicing Hunyuan Jin can strengthen one's ability to resist blows. It just happens to be in conjunction with the Hundred Strike Sutra."

Zhuo Bufan discovered that the Hundred Strike Sutra and Hunyuan Jin can be practiced at the same time.

The two sets of techniques complement each other.

"No wonder he gave me both sets of techniques. It seems that he didn't cheat me."

After Zhuo Bufan understood Yu Ziji's intention, he no longer doubted it.

Next, he prepared to practice the two techniques at the same time.

There was no way. Now he was living under someone else's roof and had no golden finger to use. He could only compromise and practice the weakest technique and take the most poisonous beating!

It was also from this moment that Zhuo Bufan went further and further on the road of being beaten.


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