Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 110: Failed to show off and ended up being a**【Please recommend】

Chapter 110: Pretending to be cool can’t be countered [Recommendation requested]

The east wind blows the rain and brings a slight chill, and the willows fly and the flowers bloom. It clears up in the evening.

Before you know it, it’s already March 9th, when a slight cold comes, with less sunshine and more rain.

Three days have passed since Zhuo Bufan applied for the position of Lord, and the messenger sent by the Talisman Temple is still on the way.

This day he had nothing to do and came to the classroom.

He may have forgotten that he is still an apprentice and a lower-level bronze man.

When he came to the classroom, he found Lan Miaoren on the podium talking endlessly about the effects of the "Scorching Light Spell".

Looking under the stage, Zhuo Bufan was shocked to find that there was actually a person sitting in the seat that originally belonged to him.

Sitting on Zhuo Bufan's seat was a very dignified-looking girl.

Her appearance was not striking, and she was not the kind of person who could be noticed at first glance as she glanced over.

She has a snow-white and sweet face, and a regular figure. She wears a dark dress with a moon-white skirt embroidered with green lotuses. Other than that, nothing else stands out.

Nowadays, not many women wear Qujing, because this kind of clothing is relatively tight and restrictive. The hem of the skirt is in the shape of a trumpet and does not expose any part of the body.

In this world where fighting and killing happen at every turn, it is indeed rare to dress so rigidly.

Looking at Lan Miaoren again, she is wearing a blue lotus skirt, which looks a bit like a dress-up. She is neat and tidy, and does not stray away from the water. At first glance, she looks like the kind of violent woman who will do anything if she disagrees with her.

So when Zhuo Bufan saw the girl wearing a skirt, he suddenly felt like a spring breeze in this severe cold.

For some reason, that woman exuded a special gentleness, as if she was born with a ladylike temperament.

A lady, yes, a lady.

Zhuo Bufan found a word to describe this girl, gentle, virtuous, and a graceful lady. Like a green lotus that emerges from the mud but remains unstained.

"Boy, why are you standing there in a daze?"

Just when Zhuo Bufan was slightly absent-minded, Lan Miaoren's voice suddenly came to his ears.

At this time, all the twenty people in the classroom looked at Zhuo Bufan, including the woman who occupied his seat.

She has a pair of eyes like black pearls, which reveal a kind of shyness and tenderness.

Zhuo Bufan took a look and found that his heart clicked. He actually avoided the girl's eyes, and then looked at the female devil Lan Miaoren.

"I just came to take a look. I believe I won't have many opportunities to take your class in the future."

Zhuo Bufan found that he was relatively natural when facing Lan Miaoren.

Hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Lan Miaoren's blue eyes narrowed into a straight line, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

She naturally heard the hidden meaning of Zhuo Bufan's words.

After all, Zhuo Bufan is about to become a respected person, and when the time comes, the entire Fu Bao people will hold him up like the stars and the moon.

"Did you come up to me on purpose?"

Lan Miaoren gritted her teeth and glared with lowered eyebrows.

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan really wanted to laugh, he said with a faint smile.

"No, I just feel that no matter how noble my status is, Mr. Wonderful Man will always be the one who taught me a lesson!"

Playing the harp, Zhuo Bufan is playing the harp.

Of course, he interpreted this as showing off. It's hard to become a respectable person, but it's meaningless if you don't use it to show off.

Who knows, after hearing this, Lan Miaoren curled up the corner of his mouth and smiled evilly.

"You really dare to babble in front of me! Don't forget that you are still my apprentice now."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's heart clicked.

Only then did he realize that his little black master was still on the way here. He was not a master yet, just an apprentice.

This guy is pretending!

Seeing Lan Miaoren's angry face, Zhuo Bufan screamed in his heart that something was wrong.

"Well, it's not now, isn't it about to happen?"

Zhuo Bufan said with a smile that what he was afraid of was that Lan Miaoren was pretending to be a public servant for personal gain. This woman doesn't dare to be messed with casually, but there is an awesome grandpa behind her.

When Lan Miaoren heard this, he smiled.

"Immediately? Do you really think you are the only one who discovered that spell?"

As soon as Lan Miaoren finished speaking, she snapped her fingers and separated an identical clone from her body.

The moment he saw this scene, Zhuo Bufan was stunned on the spot.

She looked at Lan Miaoren in disbelief and said in shock: "You, you, you..."

"What are you doing? If you dare to talk to me again, believe it or not, I will kill you. To be honest, I think the name of Light and Shadow Talisman is too unpleasant. It would be better to call it Wonderful Man's Talisman."

Zhuo Bufan was frightened by the scene shown by Lan Miaoren.

He never expected that Lan Miaoren had also realized the light and shadow spell.

How did she do it?

Just when Zhuo Bufan was puzzled, Lan Miaoren had a proud smile on his face.

"Do you really think you are the only smart person in this world?"

"Now you have two choices. Go to the 'Big Sun Torture Room' and face the wall to think about your fault. You skipped my class for two days. According to my rules, you will face the wall for two days."

"Of course, there is another option. That is to kill me, and then I will replace everything about you."

As soon as these words came out, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but take two steps back.

"What kind of plane are you doing? This is impossible? Is Lan Miaoren the big devil hiding behind the commercial road?"

"This Lan Miaoren is too secretive! Or am I thinking too much?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't believe that Lan Miaoren had understood the light and shadow spell so quickly. He hadn't even had time to publish his paper yet!

Do he have to reload the game again?

"I'll count to three, give me the answer."

"Three, two..."

"Da Ri torture chamber, I choose Da Ri torture chamber."

Zhuo Bufan felt so aggrieved at the moment. He came here to show off, but now he failed to show off and ended up being a jerk!

Under the threat of Lan Miaoren, he finally chose to compromise.

At this moment, the classmates in the classroom cast sympathetic eyes.

They sympathized with Zhuo Bufan for provoking Lan Miaoren, the female devil. For Zhuo Bufan who was about to enter the Da Ri torture chamber, they could only mourn for him.

In Lan Miaoren's class, Zhuo Bufan was used as a negative example and stood at the foot of the wall for a whole class.

After the class, Zhuo Bufan was taken to the Da Ri torture chamber by Lan Miaoren.

The Da Ri torture chamber was in the basement of Fubao. The basement was like a dungeon with many separate rooms.


Finally, Zhuo Bufan was thrown into the torture chamber.

When he came to his senses, the door had been closed.

Until now, Zhuo Bufan was confused! He thought he was showing off, but he turned out to be courting death!

Showing off in front of Lan Miaoren is tantamount to courting death!

"Hahahahaha, I knew that you would come in one day."

Just when Zhuo Bufan was speechless, a familiar laugh suddenly came from behind him.

Zhuo Bufan looked back and found that there was another person imprisoned in this torture chamber.

"Huang Tianbang, oh no, Huang Haotian?"


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