Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1093: A Bet for Freedom

"What? You want to leave my Linzi Peak?"

"Who do you think you are? You can come and go as you please at Linzi Peak?"

In the main hall of Linzi Peak, the angry shout of the peak master Hong Dieyi came.

The whole Linzi Peak trembled.

Zhuo Bufan actually wanted to leave Linzi Peak, which made Hong Dieyi, who was already unhappy with him, even more angry and ashamed.

"Isn't your Jieying Sect a holy place that claims to be a guide? Why do you want to restrict our freedom?"

"I want to see your sect master, I want to see Master Ziyi."

Zhuo Bufan knew that it would not be so easy for him to leave Linzi Peak.

But facing Hong Dieyi, he was not afraid. He also knew that Hong Dieyi would never dare to mess with him.

"You can't meet the sect master just by asking me to meet you? Go back!"

"I've had enough of this hellhole of yours, Shangguan Ziyi, I know you are paying attention to me, come out."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly opened his throat and shouted into the air.

The Shangguan Ziyi he mentioned was the leader of the Jieying Sect.

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that Shangguan Ziyi had always been paying attention to him.

Sure enough, when Zhuo Bufan called out Shangguan Ziyi's name.

Suddenly, blue clouds flowed above the blue sky.


There was a scream above the sky, and then a blue bird fell from the sky.

On the back of the blue bird, a domineering blue figure stood like a peak.

Hong Dieyi rushed out of the hall when she saw the person coming, and then took the initiative to greet him.

"Aunt, why are you here!"

Hong Dieyi called Shangguan Ziyi aunt, not because they were relatives, but in the Jieying Sect, all the peak masters called her aunt.

Shangguan Ziyi glanced at Hong Dieyi and didn't pay much attention to her.

She turned her eyes to Zhuo Bufan on the side, then raised the corner of her mouth slightly and said.

"You want to leave Jieyingmen?"

"You have no right to interfere with my freedom!"

"I didn't interfere with your freedom, and we at Jieyingmen won't interfere with your freedom either."

"Well, I'm leaving now!"


Zhuo Bufan and Shangguan Ziyi had a pleasant exchange, and to Zhuo Bufan's surprise, Shangguan Ziyi didn't stop him from leaving.

"Well, please prepare a flying prop for me to leave here immediately."

Zhuo Bufan said.

But Master Ziyi shook his head.

"Sorry, we are not obliged to provide you with a flying tool to leave here."

"What do you mean?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned, he knew this matter was not going to be easy.

"Master Ziyi, I thought you were a person who could distinguish right from wrong."

"I respect the supreme Lord Wahuang, but is this how you treat guests at Jieyingmen?"

"Let us leave, that sounds good."

"But this Linzi Peak is located at an altitude of 10,000 meters, how can you let us leave?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but get a little angry.

This Jieying Gate is meters high in the sky. If you want to leave here, the only way is to fly down.

However, only cultivators who have reached the Tianyuan realm can be dragged off the ground and fly in the sky.

Facing Zhuo Bufan's questioning, Master Ziyi instead raised difficulties.

"I remember I should have told you that you can't leave the Jieying Gate unless you reach the Tianyuan realm."

"Do you know that the world below is full of dangers. With your cultivation level, you can only struggle to survive down there."

"My Jieying Gate never interferes with the freedom of students. If you want to leave, you can leave at any time."

"But you must have the ability to leave here."

"If you don't even have the ability to leave the Jieying Gate, you may not survive a day after leaving here."

"We Jieying Gate is also for the sake of geniuses like you who come from the lower world."

Shangguan Ziyi's words made Zhuo Bufan feel a little harsh.

"Hehe, it's for our own good."

"Master Ziyi, my life is in my own hands."

"Whether I live or die is none of your business."

"Besides, I, Zhuo Bufan, believe that I have the ability to survive in this dangerous world."

Zhuo Bufan has made it clear that he is determined to leave this hellhole.

If there is really no choice, he would rather choose to reload the game.

Choose to go back to the time when he just ascended to this world.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan is ready to reload the game at any time.

Anyway, he has created his own breathing method, and he has learned a lot of knowledge in the Reception Sect in this year.

After reloading the game, Zhuo Bufan can find a place to retreat quietly for a while.

However, if he reloads the game, Zhuo Bufan cannot take Yu Ziji with him.

To be honest, Yu Ziji treats him well.

Zhuo Bufan intends to take him away with him, which is why Zhuo Bufan did not choose to reload the game directly.

He wants to try and see if he can take Yu Ziji with him.

After hearing this, Shangguan Ziyi replied.

"Well, I'll give you a chance to prove yourself."

Shangguan Ziyi's words gave Zhuo Bufan hope.

"What do you mean?"

Shangguan Ziyi continued.

"Three, if you can defeat three masters of the Earthly Realm, I'll let you go."

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he heard this.


Although he was confident that he could fight against masters of the Earthly Realm, he still felt a little reluctant if he could defeat three masters.

Shangguan Ziyi also seemed to let Zhuo Bufan back off.

Hong Dieyi on the side smiled even more.

"Aunt, you think too highly of him. He can't even beat one of the three."

Hong Dieyi obviously didn't know that Zhuo Bufan had reached the peak of the human Yuan realm right under his nose.

But after hearing this, Zhuo Bufan hesitated for a moment, and then answered decisively.

"No problem, three is three! This is what you said, as long as I defeat them, let me go."

Shangguan Ziyi said: "As long as you can defeat three masters of the earth Yuan realm, I will let you go."

"No, I want to take one more person away."

"Take one more person away?"

"Yes, I want to take one person away."

Zhuo Bufan didn't say who it was, but just said that he wanted to take one person away.

Shangguan Ziyi thought about it, and finally nodded.

"Okay, I allow you to take one more person away."

"Well, please!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he didn't say anything more, but got ready for a fight.


Soon, everyone came to the martial arts arena.

In the martial arts arena, Hong Dieyi found three masters of the Earthly Realm according to the request of her aunt Shangguan Ziyi.

When the three people learned that they were specially recruited to fight Zhuo Bufan, they were a little surprised.

"Let us fight him? Peak Master, you are not kidding!"

"For such a guy, do we need three people of the Earthly Realm to fight together?"

The other party looked down on Zhuo Bufan.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan also looked down on them.

"You three, stop talking nonsense, this is the request of the sect master. I warn you, if you lose, you will end up miserably."

Hong Dieyi looked at the three people of the Earthly Realm, and a terrifying look appeared in her eyes.

Seeing this, the three people immediately became much more honest.

"Peak Master, don't worry, we will do our best."

After the three people finished speaking, they no longer smiled playfully, but showed murderous intent.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the three people in front of him and knew that the next battle would be a fierce battle.

"It's time to start. I wish you good luck."

The sect leader Shangguan Ziyi said, then turned and left the training ground.

Then she and Hong Dieyi came to the stands and started the battle.

Seeing the surrounding walls slowly rising, Zhuo Bufan's eyes showed a solemn look.

He knew that the three people in front of him were the top ten guys in the Earth Yuan Realm of Linzi Peak.

The man standing on the far left, wearing white clothes and holding a white fan, was called Bai Yu. He was in the late Earth Yuan Realm. He practiced the fifth-grade breathing method. He was superb with a white fan and ranked tenth in Linzi Peak.

The guy standing in the middle, holding a big scimitar, with a burly figure like a meat mountain, was called Xu Ba, also in the late Earth Yuan Realm. This man was extremely brave. Zhuo Bufan had seen him blow up the Yuanli column of the training ground with his own eyes.

You should know that the Yuanli column is specially used to test a person's Yuanli.

There are seven levels of Yuanli columns, arranged in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

Generally, the strong men in the Earthly Realm can only reach the seventh stage, but this Xu Ba can directly blow up the Yuanli Pillar and directly reach the eighth stage.

It can be seen that Xu Ba is definitely a fierce man.

And Xu Ba is the sixth-ranked master.

In addition, the one standing on the far right, Zhuo Bufan had seen before, called Nanhe, with a great vertical and horizontal force, vertical and horizontal, extremely powerful.

He is the fifth-ranked master in Linzi Peak.

Facing such a powerful three people, it is not surprising that Zhuo Bufan can feel pressure.

Any of these three people is stronger than Yu Ziji.

So Zhuo Bufan doesn't know if he can really beat them.

But Zhuo Bufan has made a choice in his heart.

Even if he can't beat them, he doesn't care, at most he will die.

It's just right to die, once and for all, Zhuo Bufan can read the file and start over.

So Zhuo Bufan has a heart of death for this stop.

"I'll go up and try his tricks first, you guys step back."

The three people on the opposite side were all powerful people in the Earth Yuan Realm, while Zhuo Bufan was only in the Human Yuan Realm.

It was bullying for a person in the Earth Yuan Realm to beat a person in the Human Yuan Realm.

If three people in the Earth Yuan Realm came together, it would be too much.

After Bai Yu finished speaking, Shou Houzong fanned his white fan, and several curved sword qi swept towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Here it comes!"

Zhuo Bufan sensed the opponent's strength and immediately opened his Hun Yuan Jin.

For a moment, a powerful Yuan Qi shield wrapped Zhuo Bufan up.

Bai Yu's sword qi hit the Yuan Qi shield of Hun Yuan Jin and was forcibly blocked.

Seeing this, Bai Yu frowned.

"Hun Yuan Jin can be practiced to this extent? What a joke."

Bai Yu saw the Hun Yuan Jin that Zhuo Bufan practiced.

Hun Yuan Jin is just a very low-end skill, with no offensiveness, and can only be passively beaten.

However, Zhuo Bufan has practiced Hunyuan Jin to the highest level, and ordinary attacks can't break his defense at all.

"Don't take it lightly, this kid has practiced Hunyuan Jin and Baida Jing at the same time. In the past year, he has been constantly provoking others, and his Hunyuan Jin has accumulated a lot of vitality."

Xu Ba, who was standing aside, looked like a rough man, but he was actually very careful.

He usually observed Zhuo Bufan and knew that Zhuo Bufan practiced two sets of martial arts for taking beatings.

"So that's it, this kid practiced Baida Jing and Hunyuan Jin!"

Hong Dieyi, who was standing aside, was very surprised. She thought it was a bloody battle.

Because in her opinion, Zhuo Bufan should have never practiced any skills.

At most, he practiced the ninth-grade breathing method that he gave him.

However, Zhuo Bufan now impressed him.

"What? You don't know what kind of kung fu he has practiced?"

Shangguan Ziyi looked at Hongdieyi and said.

Upon hearing this, Hongdie Yi quickly replied.

"Aunt, I, of course I know."

"I haven't asked you yet, why did you train him with the ninth-level breathing method and two beating skills?"

Shangguan Ziyi questioned Hongdieyi.

Upon hearing this, Hongdie Yi replied tremblingly.

"Auntie, this guy's qualifications are very low and he is only qualified to practice the ninth grade breathing technique."

However, Shangguan Ziyi suddenly said angrily.

"My qualifications are very low? This guy has used your ninth-grade breathing method to practice to the peak of the Human Yuan Realm in one year. Are you telling me that your qualifications are very low?"

Upon hearing this, Hongdie Yi quickly sensed Zhuo Bufan's cultivation and couldn't help being surprised.

"Is this really the pinnacle of the human element realm?"

Seeing Hongdieyi's shocked look, Shangguan Ziyi scolded.

"Hongdieyi, do you know what you are doing?"

"Don't you know how important these people are to Your Majesty?"

"You actually let such a wonderful person practice such a low-grade technique. What are your intentions?"

Shangguan Ziyi's words made Hongdieyi terrified.

When Hongdieyi heard this, she was so frightened that she knelt on the ground.

"Auntie, I was wrong. You must not tell His Majesty that I was wrong."

"Are you wrong? I warn you Hongdieyi, don't delay His Majesty's plan because of your disgusting habits."

"When this matter is over, I will deal with you again."

After Shangguan Ziyi finished speaking, he no longer paid attention to Hongdie Yi, but continued to look at the battlefield.

But in the battlefield at this moment, Bai Yu and the others saw how extraordinary Zhuo Bufan was.

"What are you three waiting for? Why don't you come together and capture him for me?"

Hong Dieyi shouted angrily from the side.

The three of them no longer hesitated and decided to attack Zhuo Bufan together.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan no longer planned to hide it.

Zhuo Bufan flew up and reached forward with his hands.


He shouted loudly, and black vortexes began to appear on his palms.

Zhuo Bufan's self-created suction palm began to rotate rapidly.

The three people who were originally preparing to rush towards Zhuo Bufan failed to react at all.

They felt like they were being sucked in by a strong suction force.

"What kind of trick is this?"

Shangguan Ziyi and Hongdieyi were stunned for a moment outside the court.

The three people in the field were even more confused.

However, Zhuo Bufan sucked them in and fulfilled their wish.

I saw the three of them using their kung fu at the same time and attacking Zhuo Bufan.

However, just when the three of them were still one meter away from Zhuo Bufan.

The black vortex in Zhuo Bufan's hands suddenly turned white, and the vortex changed from clockwise to counterclockwise.


The next second, a powerful repelling force that shook the earth and shook the earth directly blasted the three people away.


The three of them hit the wall hard, directly smashing a huge hole in the ten-foot-high wall.


As the palm blasted out, Zhuo Bufan slowly let out a breath.

Shangguan Ziyi and Hongdieyi who were present looked at the invincible Zhuo Bufan with their mouths agape.

No one could have imagined that Zhuo Bufan actually had such a back-up plan.

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