Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1095: The Trap of the Reception Gate

After Shangguan Ziyi killed Yu Ziji in seconds, he took Zhuo Bufan into a deep pool.

After entering the pool, Zhuo Bufan found that there was something else inside.

"Who is this woman?"

"I was actually tricked!"

If Zhuo Bufan was not stupid, he would be able to see that he was caught, or rather, he was tricked.

At that moment, he suddenly remembered the look Hong Dieyi gave him on Linzi Peak.

In that look, Zhuo Bufan saw regret and sadness.

At that time, he still felt puzzled, thinking that Hong Dieyi still had evil intentions towards him.

Now it seems that Hong Dieyi was regretting his life.

If he followed Shangguan Ziyi, his life would be in danger.

"I don't understand, who are you? What are you going to do?"

Although Zhuo Bufan knew that he was tricked by Shangguan Ziyi.

But he didn't understand why the other party wanted to take him away.

However, Shangguan Ziyi did not answer him, but took him to walk in a passage with purple light.

Soon, they came to a spherical cave.

In the cave, there were crystal coffins standing up.

And in the crystal coffins, there were naked people lying.

There were men and women.

They had some black mysterious crystal stones inserted into their bodies, and they all had happy smiles on their faces.

"Who are these people?"

Zhuo Bufan was confused. He didn't know these people, but he had a feeling that these people, like him, were once disciples of the Jieying Sect.

"Hehehe, little girl, how about the food you brought today?"

At this time, an old woman with a hunched figure came out from a small room in the cave.

She hunched over, holding a cane in her hand, and walked to Shangguan Ziyi staggeringly.

Then she looked at Zhuo Bufan, and suddenly the cane in her hand hit Zhuo Bufan's abdomen.


Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt his stomach churning.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

He coughed violently twice, and felt like he was going to cough out his internal organs.

This old woman was really cruel.

"What's the matter? Why did you bring a scumbag from the Human Yuan Realm?"

"Little girl, you are getting more and more perfunctory now."

The old woman's words made Shangguan Ziyi bow his head quickly.

"Grandma, this kid is not a simple Human Yuan Realm."

"With his cultivation in the Human Yuan Realm, he defeated three Earth Yuan Realm. Not only that, I found that the breathing method he practiced is also not simple."

"The stupid woman Hong Dieyi gave him the ninth-grade breathing method, but this kid has accumulated more than the vitality of three Earth Yuan Realm strongmen in just one year."

"And when I felt his breathing, I found that his breathing method was at least above the third grade."

After hearing this, the old woman looked at Zhuo Bufan with a little surprise.

"Oh? Interesting, this scumbag is so powerful?"

After the old woman finished speaking, she began to feel Zhuo Bufan's breath.

However, Zhuo Bufan knew what the other party was going to do, so he held his breath and didn't let the other party feel it.

"Boy, don't play tricks in front of grandma. You have to die when grandma tells you to."

After the old woman finished speaking, she suddenly hit Zhuo Bufan in the stomach again.

The terrible vitality condensed on the wooden stick, shaking Zhuo Bufan's internal organs so much that he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Hu, hu, hu..."

Zhuo Bufan exhaled three times in succession, and the old woman felt it carefully and was shocked.

"This, this kid is practicing the first-grade breathing method! The first-grade breathing method of ten inhalations and one exhalation."

The old woman said with certainty.

He did feel that Zhuo Bufan's breathing was inhaling ten and exhaling once.

"No way, grandma, even our Jieyinmen doesn't have the breathing method of inhaling ten and exhaling once, where did he come from."

"And as soon as he ascended to this world, he was led to the mountain gate by us. This skill can't be brought from outside."

Shangguan Ziyi was obviously a little bit unbelievable.

After hearing this, the old woman nodded slightly.

"Yes, yes, maybe I sensed it wrongly."

"No, I want to test it again."

After the old woman finished speaking, she suddenly stretched out her finger and touched Zhuo Bufan's forehead.


A piercing pain poured into Zhuo Bufan's head.

Then, Zhuo Bufan felt as if his soul was being spied on.

The other party was peeping at his soul and reading his memory.

"Ahhh, get out of here!"

Zhuo Bufan howled and shook the other party's peeping away.

Although the old woman was shaken out, she had already got the memory she wanted.

"Wow, this kid actually created a first-grade breathing method by himself!"

The old woman saw Zhuo Bufan's memories over the past few days and knew that Zhuo Bufan was practicing a first-grade breathing method he created himself.

Shangguan Ziyi on the side couldn't believe it.

"No way, grandma, this kid created a first-class breathing method?"

"Yes, he created a first-class breathing method, which is something that even your majesty can't do!"

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, the old woman would never believe it.

There is actually someone who can create a first-class breathing method, and he is an ascender who has just arrived in this world.

"Interesting, really interesting. Girl, the trash you brought this time is very good, grandma, I am very satisfied."

The old woman began to take a keen interest in Zhuo Bufan.

Shangguan Ziyi bowed his head and said, "As long as you like it."


Soon, Zhuo Bufan was also brought to an empty crystal coffin.

Then Shangguan Ziyi looked at Zhuo Bufan with a cold face.

"I feel like he seems to have discovered something, and he wants to leave the Jieying Gate. So I brought him here."

"But he is only in the Renyuan realm, and can't enter the furnace room, nor can he be a furnace tripod. I wonder how grandma is going to deal with him?"

From Shangguan Ziyi's words, Zhuo Bufan vaguely understood something.

It turned out that the people in these crystal coffins were all furnace tripods.

It turned out that this so-called Jieying Gate was actually a huge conspiracy.

"Are all these people the so-called Tianyuan realm masters who had been apprenticed before?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help asking.

The old woman laughed when she heard it.

"You're not stupid, kid!"

"That's right, all the people here have reached the Tianyuan realm and left the Jieying Gate."

"So, you've been deceiving us and using us. What's your intention?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned. He didn't expect that the Jieying Gate was so dark.

These people led the people who ascended from the lower world to here, and then when these people reached the Tianyuan realm, they brought them here in the name of a master and became furnaces.

"Damn, who are you?"

Zhuo Bufan finally understood that the Jieying Gate was actually a scam.

After hearing this, the old woman showed a mouthful of disgusting yellow teeth, and then smiled at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Even if you know it now, it's too late."

"I don't mind telling you, the so-called reception gate is just a trick to deceive you furnace tripods who ascended from the lower realm."

"The next generation of ascenders are all the strongest geniuses in the world. You are the most suitable people to be furnace tripods."

"Your Majesty is now going to impact the Daoyuan realm. The mission of you furnace tripods is to help your Majesty impact the Daoyuan realm."

Zhuo Bufan didn't know who the old woman was talking about, but he already understood.

This reception gate is a trap set by these bad guys, specifically bringing the flyers from the lower realm here, and then cultivating them into furnace tripods.

Once these people cultivate to the Tianyuan realm, they will be taken here as furnace tripods, and then locked in these crystal coffins.

"Hahahaha! So that's it, you guys are really bad!"

Zhuo Bufan understood everything, and also understood that even if he didn't leave now, he would never be able to leave this ghost place in the future.

From the beginning when he came to this so-called reception gate, he was destined to die in the future.

This was a scam and a trap from the beginning.

"Grandma, I'll leave him to you. I still have some things to deal with."

Shangguan Ziyi said, and turned away.

Zhuo Bufan and the old woman were left in the cave.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the old woman and did not commit suicide to reload the game immediately.

Because he felt that he might learn a lot of secrets from this old woman.

"Little thing, you are such a treasure! I must dig out all the secrets in you."

The old woman looked at Zhuo Bufan with an extremely sinister smile, which made Zhuo Bufan's scalp numb.

But for Zhuo Bufan, didn't he want to learn the secrets he wanted to know from this old woman?

"It's amazing that you created a first-class skill. When you practice to the Tianyuan realm, you will definitely become the best furnace for His Majesty. Maybe His Majesty can use your body as a human."

The old woman unconsciously told a lot of secrets, such as the His Majesty she mentioned, who was obviously not a human.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have said that she was using Zhuo Bufan's body to become a human.

If it wasn't a human, then it could be the Xu Clan.

"Did humans help the Xu Clan?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly, he felt that the story behind this was not that simple.

Humans and the Xu Clan have been incompatible since ancient times, but now humans have become the running dogs of the Xu Clan, and even helped that Xu Clan creature to help the tyrants and kill their own kind.

"What do you want, damn old woman?"

Zhuo Bufan struggled and made a gesture of wanting to escape.

In fact, he knew very well that he couldn't escape.

But it didn't matter.

Zhuo Bufan's original purpose was not to escape, he just wanted to learn more information now, and then choose to reload.

"Boy, you should feel honored!"

"As long as you can be chosen by His Majesty, you will also become a lofty Xu Clan life in the future."

"Ah, it's great to become a great Xu Clan life, and then be immortal."

The old woman said, opening her hands and revealing an extremely pious look.

It turned out that the old woman was willing to be a running dog of the Xu Clan in order to become a member of the Xu Clan.

"It's ridiculous, you old woman, you don't even want to be a human. Humans are the great race."

Zhuo Bufan said sarcastically.

He wanted to learn more information through sarcasm.

Sure enough, the old woman was fooled, or she became even more excited.


"You are stupid, you are so stupid."

"You ascended from the lower realm, you had the opportunity to choose to become a member of the Xu Clan, but you, a fool, chose to be a human."

"Tell me, what's good about humans?"

"Humans are born, grow old, get sick and die, and experience all the sufferings of life. Why not become a virtual race, live happily and immortal!"

The old woman has gone crazy.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied righteously.

"Humans may grow old, get sick and die, be lonely and difficult. But it is precisely because of these that we have a complete life."

"For the so-called immortality, you are willing to become an ethereal virtual body. I think you are the stupid one."

"What's good about a virtual body? You can't eat, drink and have fun, you can't..."

Before Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the old woman suddenly shouted angrily.

"Shut up! Brat, you can't feel the happiness of a virtual body at all."

"I never wanted to be a human, I just had no choice. Becoming a virtual race, I am immortal, and I want to see all the rivers and lakes in the world."

"I haven't lived enough, I don't want to die yet, I don't want to die, do you understand?"

The purpose of the old woman becoming a virtual race is to obtain an immortal body.

The only thing that makes people envious of the Xu Clan compared to the human race is that they are eternal and live as long as the sky.

As long as the sky is not destroyed, they will not die. Unless they are sealed by special methods.

For example, the swallowing seal of the sky.

"Do you know why we created this so-called reception gate?"

"It is to give you idiots another chance to regret."

"You idiots who chose to be human, as long as you come here, you can choose again and become a great Xu Clan."

"So little boy, grandma is giving you a precious opportunity, do you understand?"

"You should regret it! After becoming a human, all the power you have is gone."

"Yes, humans are so weak that they can't even protect themselves."

"Now, grandma will give you another chance to become a Xu Clan."

"You should know that this opportunity is rare for many people?"

The old woman began to seduce Zhuo Bufan.

He wanted Zhuo Bufan to make another choice to see whether to become a human or a Xu Clan.

She thought her sweet talk could impress Zhuo Bufan.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan just sneered after seeing her.

"Sorry, old woman, I was born as a human being and I will always be a human being."

"Your bargaining chip is not big enough. You are dreaming if you want to get the practice method of breathing method from me."

Zhuo Bufan actually saw that the reason why the old woman was talking nonsense to him was to make Zhuo Bufan hand over his first-grade breathing method.

Zhuo Bufan's first-grade breathing method is definitely a precious treasure for this world.

However, Zhuo Bufan was not moved by soft or hard words, and it was even more impossible for him to tell me the practice method of his breathing method.

"Hmph! Boy, I will make you be honest and tell me word by word."

After the old woman finished speaking, she pointed at Zhuo Bufan.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan only felt that his eyes were dark, and then he lost consciousness instantly.


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