Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1098 Fat Man in Red

"My defeated general is against the sky. I am the Great Sage Zhuo. When you see this letter, come and pay your respects!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know that his words had caused a stir in the Soul Yuan world.

"Who is this! So arrogant?"

"Ni Cang Qiong, what he said is Ni Cang Qiong, is he referring to Ni God?"

"You're kidding, who is this guy? Is he provoking the god of rebellion?"

"The last guy who was so arrogant died less than three years ago, right?"

"Three years ago, the Heavenly Sword Great Sage issued a message in the Soul Yuan Realm, saying that his cultivation had reached the Holy Yuan realm and that he wanted to kill Ni Cangqiong to prove his Dao. As a result, he died in Ni Shen's hands three days later."

"You are the most petty person who goes against the gods and the sky, and you will be punished."

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful of being slapped to death by the counter-god! He is at the pinnacle of the Saint Yuan Realm. He can ignore Da Luotian's space constraints. Taking a person's head thousands of miles away is like picking up an object from a bag."

"Ni God Ni Qiong, the heaven-defying power who has been hunted for thousands of years and is the enemy of the whole world. So far, he has never been defeated. Even his senior brothers have not been able to defeat him."

"Legend has it that he has challenged the sky, and faced the wrath of the sky, he can still escape unscathed. Such a person can be said to be the person closest to the Three Emperors. Now there are people who dare to shout in the Soul Yuan Realm that he is a defeated general. This person I’m afraid I’m tired of living!”

Zhuo Bufan's unusual missing person notice has exploded in the Soul Yuan world.

Now everyone is discussing who this Zhuo Dasheng is, and soon Zhuo Dasheng's name is on the top of the daily hot search list in Soul Yuan Realm.

Everyone seemed to be watching a play, waiting to see a shocking show.

Some experts even used some express methods to defeat the source of the information.

"We found the source of the message. It's Jiang Micheng in Jingguo, the territory of Emperor Wa!"

"Jiang Micheng? The roast goose there is delicious. But when did a big shot appear in Jiang Micheng and dare to clamor against the gods?"

"I'm afraid Jiang Mi, the founder of Jiang Mi City, wouldn't dare to say such a thing in front of Nishen!"

"Jiang Mi is one of the twelve lotus-born saints under the throne of Emperor Wa, and one of the eighteen outstanding people under the throne of Emperor Pan at Ni Cang Qiong. Although both parties are peers, Ni Cang Qiong is obviously stronger than Jiang Mi."

"Goddess Jiang Mi is not weak either. Her own cultivation level is also in the Saint Yuan realm, and she is also one of the female war gods sitting down under the Emperor Wa."

"No matter how strong Jiang Mi is, can he be stronger than Ni Qiong who practices the way of Ni God? Ni Qiong was once an enemy of the whole world."

In the Soul Yuan Realm, many people were arguing over who was stronger or weaker between Goddess Jiang Mi and Ni Qiang.

But this is obviously not the point.

"Now we are not talking about who is stronger or weaker, Jiang Mi or Ni Cangqiong? But who announced this news in Jiang Mi City?"

"Besides Jiang Mi, are there any powerful people in Jiang Mi City?"

"I think he's just a small character, trying to become famous in the name of the God of Rebellion, right?"

"I think so. I've never heard of Zhuo Dasheng."

"This person dares to call himself a saint, so he must be in the Saint Yuan realm. But I don't believe he can be compared with Ni Shen."

"A nobody, not worth mentioning, just a topic for conversation after dinner."

As more and more people talk about it, and the person who posted this news has no follow-up, more and more people think that this is just someone who borrowed the reputation of rebelling against God for the sake of fame.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan, who posted this news, did not know that his words caused an uproar in the Soul Yuan world.

This Soul Yuan Realm is just like the Internet on Earth, and news spreads quickly on it.

Zhuo Bufan is not afraid that this news will go unnoticed.

Because Nishen is so famous, any news related to him will arouse heated discussions.

"Next, all we have to do is wait for him to come here in Jiangmic City."

Zhuo Bufan could only use this provoking method to attract Ni Cangqiong's attention and make Ni Cangqiong take the initiative to come to him.

After all, with his cultivation in the Inverse Sky Saint Yuan Realm, it would be easier to find Zhuo Bufan than Zhuo Bufan to find him.

Zhuo Bufan also believed that Ni Cangqiong was a man of his word. Since Ni Cangqiong said he would come to pick him up, he would definitely come.

After announcing the news, Zhuo Bufan prepared to leave.

It's just that he has just arrived and doesn't know what to do in Jiangmicheng.

At this moment, the female puppet Nana suddenly fell down towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Nana's body stiffened and she fell on top of Zhuo Bufan. No matter how much Zhuo Bufan shook her, she could not wake him up.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan reluctantly carried the female puppet on his back.

"It must be that there is no more energy!"

Zhuo Bufan guessed.

The puppet is actually a robot, but the robot uses electricity, while the puppet uses vitality.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know much about puppets, so he didn't know how to deal with them.

And he couldn't throw the female puppet away like trash, so he had no choice but to carry her on his back and walk aimlessly on the street.

On the street, many pedestrians looked at him strangely.

Of course, this is no wonder. After all, Zhuo Bufan was walking on the road with a female puppet on his back, which was very suspicious.

And just when Zhuo Bufan didn't know where to go, someone suddenly called him from behind.


Hearing someone's cry, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but turn around and look at the person.

As the sun set, I saw a fat man wearing a coquettish red leather coat, looking at him with his head held high.

"Let go of my woman."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but be stunned.

"Let go of your woman?"

He glanced at the female puppet Nana on his back, then pointed at her and said.

"Your woman? Her?"

Unexpectedly, the fat man in red leather clothes said arrogantly with his hands behind his back.

"Yes, she is a woman I created with my own hands."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the fat man in shock.

He didn't expect that this female puppet who called herself Nana was actually the work of this fat man.

However, this fat man actually regarded this female puppet as his own woman. This is too perverted.

But since everyone said so, Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to obey the other party's wishes.

He felt like letting go of Nana, and then handed her back to the fat man in red.

"Okay, then I'll hand her over to you."

"There's nothing else for me to do here, so I'll leave first."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to stay with this pervert any longer.

However, the other party stopped him again at this time.

"Wait a minute, do you want to leave now?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned and frowned.

"What? Can't I leave?"

He saw a trace of hostility in the eyes of the fat man opposite.

Unexpectedly, the fat man snorted angrily after hearing this.

"Hmph, are you the guy who calls himself Zhuo Dasheng?"

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he hurriedly asked.

"how do you know?"

Less than a quarter of an hour after he sent out the news, someone unexpectedly knew his identity.

"So, you admitted it?"

The fat man in red said, becoming even more angry.

Zhuo Bufan felt even more baffled.

"What the hell? I don't have any grudge against this guy, do I?"

Zhuo Bufan was puzzled as to why this guy suddenly got angry.

But the fat man in red was obviously angry, and he was coming for Zhuo Bufan.

"Who asked you to post that message using Nana? Do you want to kill us?"

It turns out that the fat man in red came here for the information released by Zhuo Bufan.

It was okay for Zhuo Bufan to publish the news, but if he asked the female puppet Nana to publish the news, it would be a big problem.

Once Nishen is investigated, both he and Nana will be finished.

"You brat, I must teach you a lesson today."

"Nana, activate combat mode."

As soon as the fat man in red finished speaking, he snapped his fingers towards the female puppet.

The next second, the female puppet Nana woke up on the spot, and then her eyes glowed red.

Suddenly there was a fierce aura on his whole body.


Nana suddenly struck Zhuo Bufan with a palm. Zhuo Bufan was unable to dodge, so he had to block Nana's palm with his hand in front of his chest.

After Zhuo Bufan took two steps back, Nana caught up and kicked Zhuo Bufan in the chest.

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan was about to be kicked in the chest, Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and waved.

The white vortex in the palm began to rotate fiercely.


He shouted loudly and slapped Nana.

The powerful repulsive force bombarded her body, sending her flying away.


That Nana hit the ground directly, and her body was broken into pieces.

The fat man in red got angry when he saw this.

"Damn it, you dare to hurt my woman."

After the fat man in red finished speaking, he rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Big Dragon Spear!"

The fat man in red held his hand in the air, and a golden spear appeared in his hand, and then he threw it violently towards Zhuo Bufan.


Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand, preparing to knock the big dragon spear away, but he found that the force of the long spear continued unabated.

"Not good!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the big dragon spear directly grazed the edge of his palm, cutting a bright red blood groove.

Blood was splashing in the air, almost bleeding.

Bang bang bang bang!

Before Zhuo Bufan here could react, the fat man in red on the opposite side shot seven or eight big dragon spears in succession.

He can make countless large dragon spears of this kind, as long as he has enough energy.

Seeing the sharp spears coming one after another, Zhuo Bufan immediately raised his hand and grabbed the puppet Nana who was severely injured on the side.


Zhuo Bufan used his suction palm to suck the puppet Nana over and block it in front of him.

He knew that the fat man in red cared about the puppet, so he wanted to use the puppet as a shield.


Seeing Zhuo Bufan using his puppet as a shield, the fat man in red was so frightened that he immediately removed all the dragon guns.

For a moment, all the flying dragon guns disappeared into the air.

"Despicable guy, let my woman go."

The fat man in red obviously cared about the life and death of this female puppet.

However, Zhuo Bufan said angrily after hearing this.

"Damn fat man, it was you who took my life first. I was just trying to protect myself."

"Now I need to warn you, if you keep pestering me, your woman will be dead."

"Don't hurt her. If you have anything to say, please say it."

The fat man in red was scared. He regarded this female puppet as more important than his life.

Zhuo Bufan didn't do anything cruel, after all, this Nana had helped him.

"Okay, let's calm down each other!"

"I have no intention of hurting her, but you must also promise not to do it again."

Zhuo Bufan tried to communicate with the fat man in red. After hearing this, the fat man in red still felt a little disobedient.

"You asked my Nana to release such news in the Soul Yuan Realm. Do you know that you are setting us up?"

"Soon, Nishen will come and kill us, and maybe even destroy the entire Jiangmi City."

"You conceited guy, you want to kill everyone."

The other party was very angry because Zhuo Bufan's behavior would bring disaster to them.

The reason why the female puppet Nana fainted just now was because he remotely shut her down.

With Ni Cangqiong's means, it would be easy to find them by using the Soul Realm to trace the source.

"Only by killing you can we protect ourselves when Nishen comes."

The fat man in red said.

However, Zhuo Bufan sneered and said.

"Don't you think it's too late to kill me now?"

"When Ni Cangqiong comes, how will you explain to him that my dead body is the Zhuo Dasheng who released the news in the Soul Realm?"

Zhuo Bufan's words made the fat man in red react.

Indeed, even if Zhuo Bufan was killed, how could he believe that he had killed Zhuo Dasheng if Ni Cangqiong came?

"You are the one who caused this trouble, you have to solve it."

The fat man in red said.

Zhuo Bufan heard it and replied.

"No problem. Let's do this, I will follow you until Ni Cangqiong comes."

"When he comes, I will admit to him in person that I am Zhuo Dasheng. I forced you to release the news on the Soul Realm, and it has nothing to do with you. Is this feasible?"

It must be said that Zhuo Bufan's method kills two birds with one stone.

It not only relieves the fat man in red from worries, but also allows him to have a place to stay in Jiangmi City.

"How can I trust you?"

The fat man in red is not stupid, and he did not agree to Zhuo Bufan's request immediately.

After listening, Zhuo Bufan continued.

"Then do you have any other options? There are three options now."

"The first option is that I run away. When the time comes, Ni Cang Qiong will come to find the publisher according to the address, and see how you explain it to him."

"The second option is that you kill me. As I said before, how can you prove to Ni Cang Qiong that I published the news? I think he will be angry with you. When Ni Shen is angry, millions of people will die. Can you bear his anger?"

"So, you can only choose the third option. That is to let me follow you until Ni Cang Qiong arrives, and I will admit it in person and explain it to him in person."

"Now, you have to believe it if you believe it or not."

Zhuo Bufan gave the fat man in red three choices. In fact, for him, there was no choice.

The fat man in red looked at Zhuo Bufan and fell into a thought.

He frowned and was a little entangled.

And at this moment, there was a buzzing sound on the street.

Not far away, a group of people on wheelbarrows came. It was obvious that they were the law enforcers of this city, equivalent to the role of the police.

The fight here made such a big noise that it would naturally attract these law enforcers.

Seeing those people coming, the fat man in red had no time to think and had to urgently agree.

"Follow me!"

After saying that, the fat man in red went into the alley on the side.

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much either, and carried the seriously injured Nana into the alley.

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