Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1110 Three Lives and Three Worlds

Few people know about Meng Chanyi's past.

When people first knew her, she had already been with the Emperor Wa.

Because she knew the art of repairing the sky, there were many rumors about Meng Chanyi.

Some people said that she was transformed from a piece of the Emperor Wa's sky-repairing stone, so she could practice the art of repairing the sky.

Some people said that she was the daughter of the Emperor Wa, so she was qualified to practice the art of repairing the sky.

Others said that she might be the reincarnation of Mazu. After all, the Emperor Wa was the daughter of Mazu, and the Emperor Wa's sky-repairing art might come from Mazu, so it was not surprising that Meng Chanyi knew the art of repairing the sky.

In short, there are many different opinions about the legend of Meng Chanyi.

But there are very few people who really know her identity.

Perhaps only the three emperors of the time knew Meng Chanyi's identity.

And the Emperor Wa was undoubtedly the clearest.

Meng Chanyi was not from Daluotian. In fact, she also came from that forbidden world.

That's right, Meng Chanyi, like Zhuo Bufan, came from that world.

However, Meng Chanyi has been here for a long time, so long that people in this world think that she is from Daluotian.

Meng Chanyi can be said to be the person who has lived the longest in this world except the Three Emperors.

Because she came to Daluotian a million years ago.

A million years is really a long time.

Yes, Meng Chanyi is from the same era as Luo Tian.

In other words, she ascended to Daluotian from the Yin-Yang world at the same time as Luo Tian.

And she is Luo Tian's follower, as well as Luo Tian's Taoist partner and lover.

As the most outstanding ascender in the Yin-Yang world for millions of years, Luo Tian naturally has no shortage of confidantes around him.

Among them, Meng Chanyi is the only woman Luo Tian has ever truly loved.

People in the world know very little about Meng Chanyi because Luo Tian's glory is too great.

People of the same era as Luo Tian are all shrouded by his brilliance.

Not long after Luo Tian ascended to Daluotian, Meng Chanyi followed him to this world.

Later, they adventured together in this world.

Meng Chanyi had always followed her master Luo Tian.

Until Luo Tian's virtual clone became the successor of the Heavenly Dao.

Luo Tian had no choice but to live a life of exile.

During that time, Meng Chanyi still followed him.

Until one day, Luo Tian made a decision, he decided to leave this world and enter the reincarnation.

He had to abandon Meng Chanyi who had always been by his side.

Before leaving, he was worried that Meng Chanyi would follow him into the reincarnation.

So he created the reincarnation magic power - Tianchan Transformation with all his life's learning, and passed it on to Meng Chanyi.

Tianchan Transformation is a magical power that can conceal the secrets of heaven.

Every time it changes, you can live another 100,000 years.

Luo Tian asked Meng Chanyi to wait for him, wait for him to return.

So Meng Chanyi relied on the magical power of Tianchan Transformation to continuously extend her life.

Because she believed that Luo Tian would definitely return, she had been waiting for him in Daluotian.

Later, Queen Wa took Meng Chanyi in.

Strictly speaking, Meng Chanyi is not a disciple of the Queen of Wa.

Because the Queen of Wa never formally accepted her as a disciple.

Meng Chanyi's cultivation was all self-taught.

After all, with millions of years of accumulation, it is no exaggeration for her to be the first person under the Three Emperors.

There is actually a reason for Meng Chanyi to play the role of Zanpaku Tendō.

The reason is that the current host of Tendō is Luo Tian's virtual body clone.

It can be said that the virtual body clone also has a very entangled feeling for Meng Chanyi.

Meng Chanyi used the Tendō sword left to her by Luo Tian to leave Meng Chanyi with a chance.

Including the Tendō power that Meng Chanyi can obtain from Tendō, which is specially arranged by Luo Tian.

Meng Chanyi can reach this point today, all because of Luo Tian's arrangement.

This is also the reason why Meng Chanyi is so devoted to Luo Tian.

It can be said that Meng Chanyi has lived for Luo Tian all her life.

She has been waiting for Luo Tian's return after reincarnation in Daluotian.

She waited for eight hundred thousand years.

Until two hundred thousand years ago, the man she had been waiting for came back.

He changed his name and identity to Ji Xuanhao, also known as Feng Jun.

They met for the first time at a state banquet in Wa Country.

Ji Xuanhao helped Wa Country solve a national crisis at that time, so the emperor of Wa Country treated Ji Xuanhao as a guest of honor.

And it happened that Meng Chanyi went to Wa Country for a banquet on the order of the emperor.

She was of course the focus of the night, and everyone bowed down to her.

And it was at that banquet that Meng Chanyi met the reincarnated Luo Tian, ​​that is, Ji Xuanhao.

On that day, Meng Chanyi did not recognize that Ji Xuanhao was the reincarnated Luo Tian.

After all, people have been reincarnated, and his aura has long been extinguished.

But that night, the two looked at each other for several minutes.

Ji Xuanhao, that guy, was obviously attracted by the beautiful woman in front of him.

And Meng Chanyi thought he was very interesting, and she felt very comfortable looking at him.

After that day, Meng Chanyi remembered the handsome young man, and could not forget Ji Xuanhao's appearance in her mind.

The second time they met was at a Three Emperors Conference jointly held by the Three Emperors.

The Three Emperors Conference invited heroes from all over the world to participate and compete for the treasure of heaven and earth, the Heart of Time!

This Heart of Time was created by the three emperors together, and it has a power that the three emperors can hardly imagine.

In order to obtain the Heart of Time, Ji Xuanhao, who was only in the Yuandan realm at that time, also participated in this competition.

The competition rules stipulate that only cultivators with cultivation in the Yuandan realm, Yuantai realm, and Yuanshen realm can participate.

The Yuandan realm is the lowest realm for registration.

At that time, Ji Xuanhao had just entered the Yuandan realm.

However, Ji Xuanhao continued to create miracles in this competition.

He unexpectedly became a hot candidate for the championship.

In the final Miracle Mountain Battle, Ji Xuanhao was besieged by many forces.

However, with the help of Meng Chanyi, he fought his way out and finally won the championship and got the Heart of Time.

Later, he used this Heart of Time to make the Gate of Rebirth that Zhuo Bufan now has.

When they met for the second time, Meng Chanyi already felt that Ji Xuanhao was Luo Tian.

So from then on, she began to pay attention to Ji Xuanhao.

When they met for the third time, Ji Xuanhao was preparing to climb Futian Avenue.

This time, Ji Xuanhao did something that shocked the world.

He ascended the Futian Avenue, but did not join the Fuhuang Sect.

This incident caused dissatisfaction in Futian Mountain, and all the disciples of Futian Mountain made things difficult for Ji Xuanhao.

Ji Xuanhao was almost beaten to death by the disciples of Futian Mountain.

At the last moment, it was Meng Chanyi who appeared and saved Ji Xuanhao.

Meng Chanyi took Ji Xuanhao to her cave to heal his wounds.

The two lived together for a year.

During this period, Ji Xuanhao even worshipped her as a master, but Meng Chanyi did not accept him as a disciple in the end.

But she taught Ji Xuanhao a lot of cultivation methods.

Until a year later, when Ji Xuanhao was preparing to advance to the Yuantai realm.

Ji Xuanhao finally attracted the attention of Daluo Tiantian Dao.

Daluo Tiantian Dao first discovered that Ji Xuanhao was Luo Tian's reincarnation.

So it brought the strongest world-destroying divine tribulation to Ji Xuanhao's Yuantai realm tribulation.

Even with Meng Chanyi's protection, Ji Xuanhao suffered an unprecedented heavy blow.

This time, Ji Xuanhao was wiped out on the spot.

Fortunately, Meng Chanyi used the Eternal One Finger Cicada to protect him.

It was at this moment that Meng Chanyi learned of Ji Xuanhao's amazing identity.

It turned out that Ji Xuanhao was Luo Tian's reincarnation.

However, Meng Chanyi knew it too late.

Ji Xuanhao suffered the world-destroying divine calamity of the Great Luo Tian Dao, his soul was almost incomplete, and his cultivation began to decline.

The most important thing is that he has less than a year left to live.

Even with Meng Chanyi's Heavenly Cicada Transformation, Ji Xuanhao could not be saved.

Ji Xuanhao finally chose to leave, and with the help of Meng Chanyi, he returned to the Yin-Yang world.

In the remaining year, he created the Gate of Rebirth and arranged everything for the future.

In the end, Ji Xuanhao also entered reincarnation.

So there was the current Zhuo Bufan.

Meng Chanyi knew that her Luo Tian had entered reincarnation again.

So, she still chose to wait.

Even if she had to wait another million years, she would wait.

Unexpectedly, when Wahuang asked her to go to Futian Mountain to rescue Xiao Lao Ba, she met Ni Cangqiong.

And Meng Chanyi felt the breath of the Heart of Time from Ni Cangqiong.

Or, Ni Cangqiong had contacted the owner of the Heart of Time.

You know, the owner of the Heart of Time is Ji Xuanhao.

So Meng Chanyi knew at the first time that Ji Xuanhao's reincarnation body was back.

Her Luo Tian, ​​returned again.

So far, after three lives and three worlds, Chanyi finally waited for him.

Looking at Meng Chanyi's infatuated look, Wahuang finally couldn't bear to deceive her.

Only Wahuang knew how hard Chanyi had lived for a million years.

It is said that people who miss each other spend days like years.

Then I don't know how much time Meng Chanyi spent in lovesickness for a hundred years.

"Yes, your him is back."

Wahuang didn't want to lie to Meng Chanyi anymore.

After hearing this, Meng Chanyi's tears kept falling.

"I'm back, I'm finally back."

But Wa Huang continued.

"But Chan Yi, you should be very clear about his situation. Once he is discovered by the Heavenly Dao, he will surely die."

"You don't want him to enter reincarnation again!"

Wu Huang's words startled Meng Chan Yi.

"You got some power from the Heavenly Dao. This power not only makes you extremely powerful, but also connects you with the Heavenly Dao."

"Once you get close to that person, the Heavenly Dao will find him as soon as possible."

"Not only you, but also me, Pan Huang, and Fu Huang. We can't get close to that person."

"Do you know that the Heavenly Dao has also learned that the man is back. If Fu Huang hadn't helped him at the critical moment, he might have been captured by the Heavenly Dao now."

"The Heavenly Dao covets the power of the three of us and dares not look for him blatantly. But next, it will definitely follow the people of the Xu Clan to search for his whereabouts all over the world."

"At this time, if we don't get close, we are protecting him, understand?"

The Three Emperors actually knew that Zhuo Bufan had come to Daluotian a long time ago.

But they dare not contact Zhuo Bufan, because contacting him will only bring him endless danger.

"Then can I protect him secretly?"

Meng Chanyi also understood that she couldn't go to see that person now.

But she couldn't stop missing him.

After hearing this, Wahuang frowned and said.

"It's better not to, because I'm afraid you can't control your thoughts."

"Although it's okay to protect him secretly, can you promise not to recognize him?"

"I can, I can, Queen Wa, I really can. As long as I can see him from afar, I'll be satisfied."

Meng Chanyi couldn't stop thinking about him.

Although she couldn't get close to Zhuo Bufan because of Yixian Tianji's will.

But she could see him from afar, and as long as she could see him, he would be satisfied.

"Queen Wa, please, please."

Meng Chanyi couldn't bear what she thought in her heart.

Looking at this infatuated person, Queen Wa couldn't bear it.

So from the center of the stone statue's eyebrows, a holy light was projected again and fell on Meng Chanyi.

For a moment, a scale armor covered with spikes appeared on Meng Chanyi's body.

"I cast a reverse heart spell on you."

"As long as you get within a certain range of him, he will suffer from excruciating pain."

"If you get too close, he will even die on the spot."

"This reverse heart spell is to protect him and to remind you of the safe distance between you and him."

"So if you don't want him to die or suffer from excruciating pain, you can't get too close to him, understand?"

The Queen of Wa gave Meng Chanyi a curse seal.

This prevented Meng Chanyi from getting close to Zhuo Bufan.

Once he got too close, Zhuo Bufan would be in excruciating pain.

The Queen of Wa knew that Meng Chanyi would not let the man in her heart get hurt, so she would know her limits.

After hearing this, Meng Chanyi nodded excitedly.

"Queen of Wa, so you agree?"

"That's great, don't worry, I will definitely follow your holy will, I will only watch him from a distance, it's good to be able to watch him."

At this time, two rays of light were projected from the eyes of the Queen of Wa's stone statue, and a light curtain appeared in the air.

A figure emerged above the light curtain.

That person is Zhuo Bufan.

"This is the second reincarnation of that person. His current name is Zhuo Bufan."

"He is now looking for someone in Jiangmi City, Jingguo. Next, he plans to go to Jietian Mountain, and the person he is looking for is Ni Cangqiong."

"Chan Yi, remember. No matter what happens, even if his life is in danger, you can't take action, understand?"

"Your power is monitored by the Heavenly Dao. Once you help him, the Heavenly Dao will also discover his existence."

"So, please suppress your inner thoughts. What you have to do is to witness his growth step by step, understand?"

Wahuang gave many instructions, she was afraid that Meng Chanyi would not be able to help Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan's previous life Ji Xuanhao was discovered by the Heavenly Dao because of Meng Chanyi's help.

We must learn from the lessons of the past.

"I understand, don't worry, my queen, I will just watch from afar."

"I believe you, go ahead, I know you can't wait."

"You have waited for this day for too long."

After hearing what Wahuang said, Meng Chanyi no longer lingered. Instead, she flew out of Wahuang Temple impatiently.

Seeing Meng Chanyi fly away, Wahuang couldn't help but sigh.

"Fool, hey, how can I bear to tell you that he has married someone else!"

In fact, Wahuang has always been paying attention to Zhuo Bufan in secret.

Even when Zhuo Bufan was in the Yin-Yang world, she had already discovered that Zhuo Bufan was Ji Xuanhao's reincarnation.

You know, the Wahuang love seal in Zhuo Bufan's soul was planted by her own hands.

Wahuang knew that she was sorry for Chanyi by doing this.

But Wahuang needed this mark to pay attention to Zhuo Bufan.

And even if Wahuang didn't plant the love seal, she couldn't stop Zhuo Bufan from marrying Bai Su and Xuanwu.

Instead of doing this, she might as well plant the love seal and put Zhuo Bufan under her surveillance.

Because Zhuo Bufan's existence is likely to change the future of the entire Daluo Heaven.

He is an important bargaining chip in the game between the Three Emperors and the Heavenly Dao.


"Zhuo Bufan, are you called Zhuo Bufan in this life?"

Meng Chanyi deeply imprinted this name in her heart.

She couldn't wait to leave Mazu Mountain and headed towards Jingguo in the territory of Wahuang.

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