Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1112 Following in Secret

Zhuo Bufan followed Zhou Peng and came to Kuimen in Butian City.

Kuimen is a special force that specializes in recruiting the best puppeteers in the world.

And the founder of Kuimen is Fuhuang, one of the Three Emperors.

Therefore, Kuimen is also one of Fuhuang's forces.

Of course, Fuhuang only created Kuimen. Kuimen has been able to develop to this day, spread all over the world, and become one of the top ten forces in Daluotian, relying on the unremitting efforts of generations of puppeteers.

Now, puppeteers are considered a relatively popular profession in Daluotian. After all, the contributions made by puppeteers in Yuanli technology are not less than those of some professional scientists.

Of course, scientists in this world are not called scientists, but Yuanneng masters.

The so-called Yuanneng masters are those who invent and create many technological products that use Yuanli as energy through the study of Yuanli.

For example, the Yuanneng spacecraft, Yuanneng car, Yuanneng helmet they use, etc.

All the science and technology on Earth are available here, and even more.

It's just that electrical energy has been transformed into Yuanneng.

Yuan energy is a universal energy source, so the science and technology of this world far exceeds that of other worlds.

Space teleportation can also be easily done.

And puppeteers are a category of Yuan energy masters.

Puppet masters are people who specialize in making puppets using Yuan energy.

After you follow me in later, don't walk around casually.

To obtain a puppeteer's qualification certificate, you need to pass Kuimen's test.

The test is mainly a written test. If your puppeteer fights puppets, then there will be an additional martial arts test.

"Is there another test? So complicated?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that obtaining a puppeteer's qualification certificate would be so tiring.

"Nonsense, do you think anyone can get a puppeteer qualification certificate?"

"Puppet master is a very noble profession. Even if you get a qualification certificate, it is only the lowest level qualification certificate."

"If you want to have a more outstanding career in this industry, you have to constantly improve the level of your qualification certificate."

"For example, I am now a level 4 green card puppeteer."

After listening to Zhou Peng's explanation, Zhuo Bufan knew that his puppeteer qualification certificate seemed difficult to pass.

"Is this written test difficult? Can I do it?"

Zhuo Bufan said with some worry.

"Why, are you scared?"

"You studied in my basement for three months, read a lot of books, and even made a ten-hole exquisite heart. Are you scared now?"

Zhou Peng's words ignited Zhuo Bufan's fighting spirit.

"You don't have to provoke me, but you're right, I really have nothing to fear."

"After three months of study, I can't guarantee that I have learned all the puppet knowledge in your basement, but it's not too far off."

"Let's go, I'll give you a perfect score and come back."

Although Zhuo Bufan did not formally worship Zhou Peng as his teacher, Zhou Peng was indeed a teacher and friend to Zhuo Bufan on the road of puppet master.

So Zhuo Bufan didn't respect Zhou Peng on the surface, but he actually respected Zhou Peng very much.

Especially Zhou Peng helped him create excellence, it can be said that he was extremely grateful in his heart.


Zhou Peng didn't talk nonsense with Zhuo Bufan, and took him into Kuimen.

As a result, as soon as the four entered the gate of Kuimen, they met another group of people.

There were eight people on the other side, but they were called eight people, but in fact there were only four people, and the other four were naturally all puppets.

When they met Zhuo Bufan, the scene became inexplicably tense.

"Hey, isn't this Lord Zhou Peng? How come you have time to come to Bu Tian City?"

The leader was a hunchbacked old man.

He was carried on the back of a giant puppet more than three meters tall.

Obviously, the giant more than three meters tall was his puppet.

One look at this giant puppet, and you know it is a combat puppet.

And standing on the left of the giant puppet, there was a group of lovely sisters.

They wore the same purple dresses, and people who didn't know them thought they were twins.

In fact, one of them was a puppet, and the other was a puppeteer.

But ordinary people couldn't tell which one was a puppet and which one was a puppeteer, so they often suffered losses in battle.

And behind the pair of sisters, there was a man in blue.

Beside the man was a Yaksha-like, ferocious puppet, which was obviously also a combat puppet.

As for the last one, it was a child.

The child looked only eleven or twelve years old, but you can't judge a person by his appearance, and no one knew how old he was.

Next to the child, there was a female puppet flying in the air.

The female puppet looked like a fairy in a fairy dress.

"Rakshasi Four!"

Zhou Peng said immediately after seeing the four people.

"Rakshasi Four, who are they?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Zhou Peng replied.

"It's a team of combat puppeteers."

"These guys use puppets as combat props."

"They enjoy destroying other people's puppets. Seven years ago, after the Puppet Art Beauty Contest, they couldn't bear to see Nana win the title of the most beautiful puppet, so they joined hands to destroy Nana."

Zhou Peng talked about a past event that made him grit his teeth.

It goes without saying how important Nana is to Zhou Peng.

Because he was afraid that Nana would be harmed, Zhou Peng would rather not let Nana become a battle puppet.

Nana was his beloved, and of course he didn't want Nana to get hurt.

Therefore, Zhou Peng has not participated in the battle puppet competition.

All those participating were some literary and artistic puppet beauty contests.

And the puppet Nana he created won numerous awards in these beauty pageants.

While accepting these honors, he also got some guys’ attention because of it.

The Rakshasa Four are a group of evil heretics who specialize in destroying other people's puppets for fun.

Because they couldn't stand Zhou Peng's proud look, they once destroyed Nana beyond recognition.

"Zhou Peng, what a pity! Although you are one of the most outstanding puppet masters of the younger generation."

"But you put all your talents above the beauty pageant puppet."

"If you use your talents to develop combat puppets, you may have become a seventh-level purple-brand puppet master now."

"And now you are just a fourth-level green card, what a waste."

The old man looked at Zhou Peng with a look of pride in his eyes.

In his opinion, Zhou Peng did have a high talent as a puppet master.

It's a pity that this talent is no longer useful in the right place.

At this time, the somewhat enchanting man walked up to Nana who was next to Zhou Peng.

"This poor little kid, I really feel pity for him!"

"You are worthy of being the champion of the puppet beauty contest. This exquisite production makes every puppet master fall in love with it."

"How can such a beautiful thing belong to this guy alone? Let's completely destroy it!"

After the man finished speaking, his heart suddenly trembled.

The Yasha ghost behind him suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a steel pipe.


An astonishingly powerful elemental energy ray shot towards Nana's head.

Fortunately, at this critical moment, Zhuo Zhibo, who was standing next to Nana, stretched out its right hand and blocked Nana.

The Yaksha ghost's Yuanli ray shot into Zhuo Zhi's palm and was completely blocked.

For a moment, light radiated and energy splashed everywhere.

Zhuo Zhuo suddenly took action, shocking the entire audience with his skills.

"You actually blocked my Yaksha's light with just your body. Is this puppet yours?"

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Zhuo Bufan, who was standing next to Zhou Peng.

A puppet master can only have one puppet in his life.

Because of my heartache, it was difficult to make a second puppet.

Therefore, Zhou Peng cannot be the master of this puppet, so the only possibility is another man standing next to Zhou Peng.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan took a step forward and said coldly.

"Are you good at fighting? Do you want to play with my little brother?"

Zhuo Bufan has never seen Zhuo Bufan fight.

So if possible, he would like to see how great his excellence is.


"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Interesting, really interesting. The more I look at these two puppets, the more I want to destroy them."

The little old man hid on the back of the giant puppet and snickered.

At this moment, a female official suddenly walked out from among the puppets.

"What are you doing? If you dare to have a private fight in Kuimen, believe it or not, I will take back your qualification certificates."

Seeing the female official coming, the enchanting man quickly withdrew with his Yaksha ghost.

At this time, the little old man stood up from behind the giant puppet and said.

"I have met Mr. Si Guan. We are here specifically to take part in the promotion assessment today."

At this time, Zhou Peng also led Nana and Zhuo Bufan to the female officer.

"I have met Mr. Si Guan, we are here to take the qualification assessment!"

After hearing this, the female officer said coldly.

Those who take the promotion assessment will enter the inner courtyard, and those who take the qualification assessment will enter the outer courtyard.

"Private fights are strictly prohibited within Kuimen. If you want to fight, go to the Puppet Arena!"

"If I see you fighting privately again, your qualification certificate will be revoked. You will also be banned from taking the qualification exam for a hundred years."

After the female officer finished speaking, she shook her long braid, then turned and entered Kuimen.

Because of the mediation of this female officer, the battle between Zhuo Bufan and the Rakshasa quartet did not end.

However, the two sides are obviously already in a tense situation.

"Boy, do you dare to go to Kui Arena later?"

"If you don't come, we will naturally find you when you leave Kuimen, and then destroy your puppets to pieces."

After the little old man finished speaking, he rode his giant puppet and walked towards Kuimen with a big smile.

Seeing the guy's arrogant look, Zhuo Bufan looked back at Zhou Peng, and then asked.

"going or not?"

Zhou Peng was actually holding back a lot of anger in his heart.

He has converted his Nana into a battle puppet.

So even if there is a battle next, he has nothing to fear.


Zhou Peng replied decisively that he wanted to take revenge for what happened before.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"Okay! Just right. I also want to see how far excellence can reach."

"Then let's take the written test first, and then go to the Kui Arena after the written test is over!"

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, he led Zhuo Bufan towards Kuimen.

However, Zhuo Bufan had just taken two steps when he suddenly let out a scream——


Zhuo Bufan covered his chest, yelled, and then knelt on the ground on one knee.

Zhuo Yue, who was walking beside Zhuo Bufan, saw this and hurried forward to support him.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Zhuo Yue supported Zhuo Bufan.

Zhou Peng and Nana, who were walking in front, also stopped.

"What's wrong with you? Were you attacked by those people just now?"

Zhou Peng was worried that Zhuo Bufan was attacked by someone.

However, Zhuo Bufan slowly got up and rubbed his chest.

"It's okay, I just suddenly felt a heartache just now, as if thousands of arrows pierced my heart."

"Thousands of arrows pierced my heart? How is that possible? You look very healthy."

Zhou Peng said.

He thought Zhuo Bufan had some disease.

However, Zhuo Bufan continued to move for a while, then shook his head and said.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore, it's really strange."

Zhuo Bufan also felt puzzled.

Clearly, just now, he felt the pain of thousands of arrows piercing his heart, but now he felt nothing.

He looked around, and after making sure that he was fine, he continued to walk into the Kui Gate.

At this moment, on a loft a hundred miles away from Zhuo Bufan.

Meng Chanyi covered her chest with a heartache.

“I almost killed him! You can’t get close to him, Meng Chanyi, you can’t get close to him.”

It turned out that the reason why Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt heartbroken was because of Meng Chanyi’s appearance.

Once Meng Chanyi got close to Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan would feel heartbroken.

This was the reverse heart spell that Wahuang set for Meng Chanyi to prevent her from getting close to Zhuo Bufan.

This was to protect Zhuo Bufan, and also to protect Meng Chanyi.

“It’s great to see him!”

Meng Chanyi saw everything that had just happened.

Watching her beloved return, Meng Chanyi was like a young girl in her twenties, her heart was extremely excited.

“From now on, you can’t get close to him! Just watch him silently.”

Meng Chanyi was now completely cautious, fearing that she would accidentally kill Zhuo Bufan.

After all, Zhuo Bufan is too weak. Only by being careful can we protect him.

Just when Meng Chanyi was about to continue observing Zhuo Bufan, a beam of light suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of Meng Chanyi.

Then a woman in an imperial robe walked out from the light.

The woman was dressed like an empress.

"Wu Ling of Wa Country, meet the Saint Chanyi!"

Sure enough, the woman who came was really the empress of Wa Country.

Just now, the empress of Wa Country, Wu Ling, felt that a peerless great power appeared in the barrier of Wa Country.

You should know that Wu Ling is a strong man in the Saint Yuan Realm.

The person who can make her feel panic is obviously extremely powerful.

Sure enough, she soon discovered that the other party's breath came from Mazu Mountain.

When she rushed over to check, she was even more surprised to find that the person who came was the Saint Chanyi, who had the highest status in the Wa Emperor Territory besides Wa Emperor.

The Saint Chanyi is also known as the First Dream.

Her position in the Wahuang Territory is second only to that of the Wahuang. The three thousand rulers in the Wahuang Territory must all obey her orders.

In other words, these rulers are basically her subordinates.

The Saint Maiden Chan Yi, who has always been elusive, has appeared in front of people frequently in recent times.

Wu Ling was so excited to see Meng Chan Yi that she could hardly speak.

You know, the person Wu Ling admires most besides the Wahuang is Meng Chan Yi.

Seeing Meng Chan Yi, she was as excited as a little fan seeing her idol.

And Meng Chan Yi smiled lightly when she saw Wu Ling.

"It turns out to be Wu Ling! I'm just walking around in the world, you don't have to care."

Meng Chan Yi certainly couldn't say that she came for Zhuo Bufan.

Even her cute little junior sisters couldn't say this purpose.

"Just walking around? Does the Saint Maiden want to come to my palace to sit?"

Wu Ling said a little nervously.

Meng Chan Yi replied after hearing this.

"No, don't worry about me. I may leave here in a while."

"Wu Ling knows. If the Saint has any needs, just tell Wu Ling. Wu Ling will do her best."

Wu Ling said, and disappeared in front of Meng Chanyi.

Seeing this scene, Meng Chanyi sighed.

"It seems that I need to hide my own aura, otherwise it will be too conspicuous."

After saying that, she activated the spell to completely hide her aura.


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