Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1114: Passing Through the Gate

Zhuoyue subdued the invisible Yaksha ghost with one move and twisted off the head of the Yaksha ghost directly.

The battle ended in an instant, which the two people in the Rakshasa group could not have dreamed of.

Zhou Peng, who had never made a combat puppet in a few years, actually created a little monster.

Obviously, the battle was over.

The two scoring teachers fell from the air, and then looked at Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng who were gathered together.

"Zhou Peng, not bad, based on your performance, you are qualified to become a level 5 combat puppeteer!"

"Manipulating a puppet of the fourth energy level can defeat a puppet of the fifth energy level. As a puppeteer who operates, your operating ability is unquestionable."

Zhou Peng was evaluated as a level 5 combat puppeteer, and he nodded with satisfaction for this result.

At this time, the two scorers looked at Zhuo Bufan.

Then, the teacher Fu said.

"Do you mind if we take a look at your puppet?"

Obviously, the two were much more interested in Zhuoyue than Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan nodded and said after listening.


Then, the two began to observe Zhuoyue carefully.

After observing for a while, the two even touched it.

"These three broken swords are not simple! They contain powerful sword energy. Even after thousands of years, the sword energy on them is still overbearing."

"This body, this skeleton, if I am not mistaken, is at least the remains of a powerful person in the Yuanshen realm."

As expected of the teachers of Kuimen, their observation ability is amazing.

Just by observing Zhuoyue's appearance, they have judged that Zhuoyue's body is definitely not simple.

Zhuoyue's body is certainly not simple. After all, he is the most perfect puppet body that Zhou Peng has spent half his life to create.

Such a powerful puppet body will naturally attract the attention of these teachers.

"Can I see the puppet core?"

The two teachers continued.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was about to nod, but Zhou Peng on the side said.


"Two teachers, please grade us quickly! We have important things to do in the Panhuang Territory."

Zhou Peng stopped the other party.

After hearing this, the other party was obviously disappointed.

"In that case, then okay!"

"To be honest, this student named Zhuo Bufan is not very good at operating puppets. His victory is actually more due to the ability of the puppet itself."

"Although I haven't seen the puppet core, I guess this puppet core is probably not weak, at least it has the level of seven orifices."

"So the ability of this puppet itself is very powerful."

"In comparison, as a puppeteer, your ability is still very lacking. Puppets are puppets after all, they have no self-feelings. They need the most appropriate guidance and operation from their masters to be able to fight perfectly."

"You let the puppet fight by itself, which undoubtedly puts both yourself and the puppet in danger."

"In the end, the evaluation we two give you is that you are a second-level combat puppeteer!"

The final rating given to Zhuo Bufan by the two was only the level of a second-level combat puppeteer.

Zhuo Bufan was also a little surprised by this result.

But Zhou Peng on the side said.

"Okay, please send us the War Puppet Master Qualification Certificates! We are in a hurry."

Zhou Peng couldn't wait to leave the puppet.

Zhuo Bufan didn't ask any more questions.

After hearing this, the two teachers took their information and returned to the door.

After waiting for nearly half an hour, Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng finally got their qualifications.

Zhuo Bufan's second-level War Puppet Master Certificate is an orange metal card.

And Zhou Peng's fifth-level War Puppet Master Certificate is a cyan metal card.

After the two got the War Puppet Master Certificate, Zhuo Bufan carefully looked at the card in his hand and smiled with satisfaction.

"Now I am also a person of status."

Zhou Peng on the side said after hearing this.

"I need to explain to you that your goal now is just to get this certificate. It doesn't matter what level it is."

"Because you must have this certificate to enter the Crossing Gate."

"If you want to take a higher-level certificate in the future, you can go to Kuimen for the test at any time."

"There is a Kuimen in every country in the whole Daluotian. So you don't have to worry about not being able to find a place to take the promotion test."

Zhou Peng deliberately explained to Zhuo Bufan why he asked Zhuo Bufan not to mind this level evaluation.

Zhuo Bufan understood what Zhou Peng meant.

Indeed, for Zhuo Bufan, the most important thing now is not the puppeteer level.

These false names are meaningless to him.

"Besides, with your ability, it's only a matter of time before you become an excellent combat puppeteer."

"Moreover, Zhuoyue is not an ordinary puppet, he is a puppet with a ten-aperture exquisite heart."

"It is rumored that a puppet with a holy heart only has its own consciousness."

"So what you did is right, Zhuoyue can fight on his own."

"Also, don't let others see the puppet core casually. Zhuoyue's puppet core is a ten-aperture exquisite heart. Once it is coveted by someone with ulterior motives, it may cause a lot of unnecessary trouble."

"Zhuoyue's current strength is not enough, only the fourth energy level. Facing a strong opponent, he is likely to suffer."

"So we need to be cautious."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect Zhou Peng to consider so much.

It can be seen that Zhou Peng is really thinking about Zhuoyue.

After all, he has also made a lot of efforts to make Zhuoyue born.

"Okay, now that the qualification certificate is in hand, we should go."

"Let's go to Chuanjiemen now! I hope it goes well."

After Zhou Peng finished speaking, he took Zhuo Bufan and others out of Kuimen, and then headed towards Chuanjiemen.


On the other side, Zhou Peng and Zhuo Bufan defeated Feng Lao Mo and others from the Rakshasa Group.

Not only did the two fail to successfully advance, but the man's puppet Yaksha Ghost was also destroyed by Zhuoyue.

"These two damn bastards!"

"Zhou Peng, that guy, actually dared to plot against me. Ghost boy, use your tracking curse to track them. I will ask for help now, and I must avenge this."

Feng Lao Mo refused to give up, and he asked the remaining child and the woman who looked exactly like his puppet to track Zhuo Bufan and others.

I went to inform other puppet hunters and prepare to issue a hunting order against Zhou Peng and Zhuo Bufan.


Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng naturally did not take the people of the Rakshasa Group to heart.

After all, they were about to leave the Wahuang Territory, and they might not see these people at all in the future.

Zhuo Bufan followed Zhou Peng to a heavily guarded restricted area in the center of Butian City.

To enter the restricted area, you must show your identity certificate.

This is why Zhou Peng wanted Zhuo Bufan to take the puppet master certificate test.

After they gave the certificate to the guarding soldiers, the soldiers let them enter the restricted area.

Then, Zhou Peng took Zhuo Bufan to a huge altar.

Around the altar, there are two obelisks hundreds of meters high, and there are still many guards guarding next to them.

This is one of the most important places in Butian City-the gate through the boundary.

The gate through the boundary, as the name suggests, is a space gate that can instantly travel to other places.

There are not many such gates in the world.

There are only ten gates in the Wahuang Territory.

This is why they had to travel thousands of miles from Jingguo to Waguo and then to Butian City.

"Come with me!"

It was obviously not the first time that Zhou Peng had walked through the boundary gate.

He took Zhuo Bufan to a level platform, and a female official was in charge of the level.

Zhou Peng took the initiative to hand over his ID to the female official, and Zhuo Bufan did the same.

The female official then registered their identities and asked.

"Where are you going?"

Zhou Peng replied after hearing this.

"Panguo in Panhuang Territory."

The female official replied after hearing this.

"One hundred thousand Yuan Jing per person, four of you, four hundred thousand."

Zhou Peng's eyebrows jumped slightly after hearing this, and it was obvious that so much Yuan Jing made him feel a little painful.

But he still took out a gold card and handed it to the female official.

"Swipe the card! It should be enough."

Zhou Peng's gold card only had a total of 500,000 Yuan Jing. Riding through the boundary gate once basically consumed the Yuan Jing he had saved for many years.

Although he felt painful about this, he did not hesitate.

Since he decided to send Zhuo Bufan to Futian Mountain, he must do what he said.

After seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan frowned and said.

"This essence is just like what I lent you. I will definitely return it to you in the future."

Zhuo Bufan is a grateful person. He will not forget Zhou Peng's help.

Zhou Peng did not say much about this.

Then, under the arrangement of the female official, they entered the altar.

The person in charge of the operation set the target location, and then the next second, Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng all disappeared on the altar.

As soon as Zhuo Bufan and his group disappeared, the ghost boy and Yu Luosha who were responsible for tracking them quickly contacted Feng Lao Mo.

"Feng Lao, they went to Panguo in Panhuang Territory."

In the hand of Yu Luosha was a crystal ball, in which there was an image of Feng Lao Mo.

Feng Lao Mo replied after hearing this.

"Ghost boy, has the curse been attached to you?"

The child replied, "No problem, I have attached the curse to the female puppet."

"Now no matter where they are, they can't escape my mother's eyes."

After the little ghost finished speaking, he looked at the fairy-like puppet flying in his judgment and said.

The puppet opened its eyes and projected a light curtain from its eyes.

The light curtain was a huge world map.

On the map, there were two red dots.

One of the red dots was located in Butian City, and the other red dot had appeared in Panguo in Panhuang Territory.

Seeing this scene, Feng Lao Mo smiled triumphantly.

"If they can't do it, let them be proud for a few more days. Zhou Peng and that kid's puppets are definitely not simple. Especially that kid's puppet, I suspect his puppet core is at least eight orifices."

"If these two puppets are sold on the black market, they will be worth at least hundreds of millions of Yuan Jing."

It turned out that Feng Lao Mo didn't just want to seek revenge on Zhuo Bufan and the others.

More importantly, he targeted Zhuo Yue and Nana.

As puppet hunters, they often hunted other puppets and then sold them on the black market to make a living.

With Feng Lao Mo's experience, he saw the extraordinaryness of Zhuo Yue and Nana.

That's why he asked Gui Tong and Yu Luosha to track Zhuo Bufan and the others.

"Go after them first. Remember not to alert the enemy."

"I have contacted Ghost Face Shura now. I will come to you after I have an agreement with him."

Ghost Child was surprised when he heard it.

"Ghost Face Shura? His puppet Blood Shura is a super puppet of the sixth energy level! It is known as the most cruel puppet destroyer."

"Is it okay to cooperate with him? Will he swallow our share at that time?"

Although Ghost Child looks like a child, he has quite mature considerations, just like a little adult.

Feng Lao Mo on the opposite side replied after hearing it.

"Don't worry, Ghost Face Shura owes me a favor. Although this guy is cruel, he is a man who keeps his word."

"With his words, we can kill Zhou Peng and others."

After listening to Feng Lao Mo's words, Ghost Child nodded and said.

"Well, Ghost Face Shura is left to you. I will chase them with Yu Luosha now. These two big fish must not be let go."

After Ghost Child finished speaking, he brought Yu Luosha with him and came to Chuanjiemen.

After the registration, they also boarded the altar and disappeared on the altar.

As soon as Gui Tong and Yu Luosha left, a mysterious man in white plain clothes and a white gauze hat appeared under the gate.

This mysterious man who suddenly appeared was Meng Chanyi.

Meng Chanyi found Gui Tong and others who were following Zhuo Bufan.

She originally planned to help Zhuo Bufan kill these people secretly, but just now, Queen Wa actually sent her a message.

Queen Wa asked Meng Chanyi not to interfere in any situation Zhuo Bufan encountered.

Even if it was a life-threatening situation, she could not take action.

Because all of this was Zhuo Bufan's experience.

And she could only be a bystander and watch from the side.

Faced with Queen Wa's warning, Meng Chanyi naturally did not dare to disobey.

In the end, Meng Chanyi did not kill Gui Tong and others.

Although Meng Chanyi believed that Zhuo Bufan and others could deal with these people, she was still a little worried, so she followed.


Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng didn't know that they were being targeted by the guys from the Rakshasa Group.

Once these people set their sights on their targets, they will never give up until they achieve their goals.

After passing through the boundary gate, Zhuo Bufan and his team came to the other side of the world, the Panhuang Territory.

They came to the capital of Pan Country, Kaitian City!

After arriving in Kaitian City, they did not rush to Futian Mountain immediately.

Because it is not so easy to go to Futian Mountain.

Zhou Peng and his team found a hotel in Kaitian City to stay.

Then Zhou Peng entered the Soul Yuan Realm to investigate.

"I have heard some news. The god Ni Cangqiong is now in confinement in Futian Mountain and will not leave Futian Mountain for a while."

"Also, we cannot enter Futian Mountain directly."

"Because Futian Mountain is the holy land of the Three Emperors and is located outside the world, ordinary people don't even know where Futian Mountain is, let alone entering it."

"If we want to go in, there is only one way, that is to join Panhuang Academy. Only after becoming a disciple of Panhuang Academy can we enter Futian Mountain as an outer disciple."

"So next, we have to find a way to become a disciple of Panhuang Academy."

Zhuo Bufan agreed with Zhou Peng's arrangements and arrangements.

Now he is not in a hurry.

Anyway, Ni Cangqiong can't run away in Futian Mountain.

And he can take advantage of this time to get to know this world well.

Join Panhuang Academy, become a student disciple, and practice puppetry well.

Zhuo Bufan has a lot to do...

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