The ghost boy thought that his trap would easily capture Zhizhi.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng suddenly came out.

Not only that, Zhizhiang, who had already fallen to the ground, actually stood up.

"You, you are okay?"

The ghost boy looked at Zhuo Zhuo who stood up in disbelief and said.

He knew how powerful his thunder was.

Zhiqiang is just a puppet at the fourth energy level, and he should not be able to withstand his power.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan on the side smiled.

"If Zhiqiang doesn't pretend to be a fool, how can he lure out a brat like you?"

"Kid, hand over Nana's puppet core and we can spare your life."

Zhuo Bufan led Zhou Peng to surround Guitong, just to force him to hand over Nana's puppet core.

However, the ghost boy sneered after hearing this.

"Hehehe, you little brats, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

"Do you really want this?"

After the ghost boy finished speaking, he took out Nana's puppet core and held it in his hand.

Zhou Peng was shocked when he saw this: "Nana!"

"Hey, don't move! If you two guys dare to move, I will destroy it."

The ghost boy was obviously prepared. He was going to take Nana's puppet core and threaten Zhou Peng and Zhuo Bufan.

Originally, he planned to use it to threaten Excellence.

However, he didn't expect to attract Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng.

"If you dare to hurt her, I will make your life worse than death."

Zhou Peng gritted his teeth and looked at the ghost boy again and again.

However, the ghost boy did not show any timidity, but instead said proudly.

"It seems that you are very nervous! This puppet means a lot to you, right?"

"Actually, I can't bear to part with this puppet core. After all, it's the Qiqiao Exquisite Heart. If you get it on the black market, it will be worth more than 100 million at least."

"Of course, if you give me 100 million Yuanjing now, I can return it to you."

The ghost boy took the opportunity and the lion opened his mouth and wanted to blackmail Zhou Peng and Zhuo Bufan.

When Zhuo Zhuo heard this, he immediately frowned.

"Kid, don't be too loud. Be careful if you take your life or lose it!"

"You don't care whether there is a life flower or not. I want 100 million yuan of essence now, immediately, immediately." The ghost boy began to threaten.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said.

"Then what if we don't give it?"

"No? If you don't give it to me, I'll take it to the black market and sell it. You can buy it back at a higher price then."

This ghost boy made it clear that he wanted to kill Ding Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng.

Zhou Peng was so angry that he had no intention of listening to what he said.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, was still trying hard to negotiate with this brat.

"Kid, we don't have that many Yuanjing now. It's useless for you to push us like this."

"It's even more impossible for you to sell Nana's puppet core, because we can't let you leave here."

"You have only one choice now, put down the puppet core in your hands."

"We can ignore your fault for destroying Nana's body. How about we let you go?"

"Otherwise, if you hurt Nana's puppet core today, I'm sure you'll leave here without your life."

Zhuo Bufan is also a master negotiator.

He was not led by the ghost boy.

Instead, he threatened the ghost boy in turn.

When the ghost boy heard this, he frowned tightly.

He didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to be a master negotiator.

This time, it actually made his situation a little embarrassing.

If he destroyed Nana's puppet core, he would definitely be dead.

Now he really only has one way to survive, and that is to hand over Nana's puppet core.

Otherwise, he would have no choice but to die together.

"Boy, don't force me."

The ghost boy was frightened by Zhuo Bufan's momentum and entered a dilemma.

But Zhuo Bufan smiled coldly.

"No one forces you. I gave you a choice. It's up to you whether you choose or not."

"You have to think clearly, should you die together with a puppet core? Or should we each take a step back and save your life."

"After all, you don't want the puppets around you to die here with you!"

Zhuo Bufan pressed forward step by step, leaving the ghost boy completely unable to resist.

The original initiative has become passive.

The ghost boy was forced to gnash his teeth and wanted to eat Zhuo Bufan alive.

"Don't force me. The worst is possible. Just because you don't care doesn't mean the guy in front of you doesn't care."

Soon, the ghost boy discovered the situation in front of him, and Zhou Peng was the key to breaking it.

Zhou Peng's level of care for Nana goes beyond ordinary feelings.

Zhuo Bufan may not care about Nana's life or death, but Zhou Peng values ​​it more than anyone else.

"It's not good, this kid!"

Zhuo Bufan screamed in his heart that something was wrong. He was afraid that this boy would alienate the relationship between him and Zhou Peng.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan spoke first.

"Hey, kid!"

"Well, I thought of a compromise."

When the ghost boy opposite heard this, he felt that there was a step down, so he took advantage of the situation and asked.

"any solution?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said, "Fight with me!"

The ghost boy frowned and looked at Zhuo Bufan with disdain!

"A fight with you?"

"That's right, we'll have a fight with puppets. If you win, I'll let you leave with Nana's puppet core."

"If you lose, leave Nana's puppet core and get out! How about that?"

When Zhuo Bufan said this, Zhou Peng on the side suddenly grabbed his collar, then looked at Zhuo Bufan fiercely and said.

"What do you want to do? I don't allow Nana to be used as a bet."

Zhou Peng obviously disagreed because he didn't believe in Zhuo Bufan's ability.

Zhuo Bufan was only in the Human Yuan realm. He couldn't even defeat Ghost Tong, let alone Ghost Tong's puppet.

In this game, Zhuo Bufan obviously had little chance of winning.

But Zhuo Bufan said resolutely.

"Please calm down. Do you have any other options now?"

"I know you are worried about Nana's safety. I also know how important Nana is to you. I also know that you are even willing to die for her."

"But now, we have no other choice."

"You can only choose to believe me."

Zhuo Bufan comforted Zhou Peng.

But Zhou Peng couldn't believe Zhuo Bufan because Zhuo Bufan's chance of winning was too low.

There was no way he was going to take that risk.

"No, absolutely not. Even if you have to fight, I will do it. It's not your turn to fight!"

Zhou Peng didn't want to leave his and Nana's fate to Zhuo Bufan.

However, if Zhou Peng were to fight, the chances of winning would be even lower.

After all, Zhou Peng is only one person, and he is facing the ghost boy and his puppets.

Guitong and Zhou Peng have the same level of cultivation, which means that Zhou Peng is facing a two-on-one situation, and his chance of winning is even lower.

"Zhou Peng! That's enough!"

Zhuo Bufan was helpless, and finally looked at the ghost boy opposite, and then said.

"Boy, let's do this. If you win, how about I exchange my excellent puppet core with you?"

In desperation, Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to use the excellent puppet core as a bet.

The ghost boy opposite heard this and frowned.

"With your puppet?"

"Yes, the excellent puppet core is much stronger than Nana's puppet core."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he looked at Zhuo Zhuo aside and said.

"Zhiqiang, do you believe me?"

Zhuo Zhuo glanced at Zhuo Bufan, and then nodded without hesitation.

"I believe brother."

"Well, open the chest box and let the guy opposite see your puppet core."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Zhuo Zhuo pulled off the clothes on his chest.

Then a hole opened in the skin on the chest, and then, a ball of light floated out.

When the ghost boy saw the puppet core floated out by Zhuo Zhuo, he was stunned.

I saw ten small light balls floating outside the fist-sized light.

"Ten Apertures? Your puppet is actually the Exquisite Heart of Ten Apertures?"

The ghost boy said in disbelief. He never expected that Zhuo Bufan's puppet actually had ten orifices and exquisite hearts.

The Sacred Heart of the Ten Apertures, this is a priceless treasure!

With such a sacred heart, even a Sky Mending Stone of the same size is enough.

When the ghost boy looked at the Sacred Heart, he felt like his saliva was about to flow out.

The puppet master's desire for the Sacred Heart is absolutely unimaginable.

Just looking at this Sacred Heart gives you a feeling of having no regrets in this life.

Just when the ghost boy was looking at it, Zhuo Bufan put the Sacred Heart away and put it back into Zhuo Zhuo's body.

"Okay, boy, do you want to compete with me now?"

"Defeat me, and the Sacred Heart will be yours. Give me Nana's core."

"But if you lose, return Nana's core and get out."

Faced with the bet proposed by Zhuo Bufan, Guitong answered immediately without any thought.

"Okay, I'll compete with you!"

At this time, Zhou Peng on the side was ready to stop the battle, but Zhuo Bufan said.

"Zhou Peng, now it's a duel between me and him."

"Even if I lose, it has nothing to do with you. What else are you going to do?"

Zhuo Bufan used his outstanding Sacred Heart as a bet, which moved Zhou Peng very much.

"You don't have to do this." Zhou Peng said.

"Okay, mother-in-law. Just stay aside and wait for me to fight him."

Zhuo Bufan pushed Zhou Peng away.

The venue was handed over to Zhuo Bufan and Guitong.

The ghost boy saw this and said.

"In that case, then you and I will make an oath to defeat the emperor."

Ghost boy raised his finger and pointed at Zhuo Bufan.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned.

"Oath to the Emperor, what is that?"

"I swear in the name of Emperor Fu that if one party violates the contract, he will be struck to pieces by the divine thunder of Emperor Fu's Judgment, and his soul will be scattered."

The ghost boy was worried that Zhuo Bufan would regret it, so he planned to use the oath to restrain Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"Just what I wanted."

"Okay, now follow me."

After the ghost boy finished speaking, he raised a finger to the sky and began to swear an oath.

"I, the ghost boy, swear an oath in the name of Fu Huang, and make an oath to subdue the emperor with Zhuo Bufan, and duel with him. If I, the ghost boy, win, I will obtain the sacred heart in Zhuo Bufan's hand."

After the ghost boy finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan continued.

"If I, Zhuo Bufan, win, I will get the core of the puppet in the hands of the ghost boy."

"Those who violate the oath shall be judged by Emperor Fu."

When Guitong finished his last words, two divine lights fell from the sky and fell on Zhuo Bufan and Guitong.

In this way, the oath of both parties is established, and no one can break the oath.

After the oath was made, the two sides turned against each other, and the battle was about to break out.

"Don't worry Zhou Peng, I will definitely get Nana's core back."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he looked at Zhuoyue again.

In this battle, he used Zhuoyue's sacred heart as a bet, which was actually very selfish and risky.

But Zhuoyue believed in him, so Zhuoyue agreed without hesitation.

"Xiaoyue, believe me."

Zhuoyue looked at Zhuo Bufan and nodded: "Yes!"

"Okay, Zhuoyue, as your puppeteer, I will only give you one order, kill him at all costs! Don't worry about my life or death."

After Zhuo Bufan gave the order to Zhuoyue.


The next moment, Zhuoyue disappeared from the spot.

Then he killed the ghost child in front of him.

The ghost child was stunned for a moment, and took off into the air at the first time.

"Mom, go kill him!"

At the same time, the ghost child also asked his puppet "mom" to kill Zhuo Bufan at all costs.

Both sides chose the same tactic, which was to kill the opponent's puppeteer first.

As long as the puppeteer is killed, the battle will naturally end.

And now, it depends on who can save a life under the attack of the opponent's puppeteer first.

Whoever is killed by the opponent's puppeteer first will lose.

However, there is a big gap between Zhuo Bufan and Gui Tong in strength.

Gui Tong is a cultivator in the Tianyuan realm, and he is also able to fight against Zhuo Yue of the fourth energy level.

But Zhuo Bufan is only a cultivator in the Renyuan realm, and the enemy he faces is Gui Tong's puppet, which is a puppet of the fifth energy level.

"Here it comes!"

Feeling the cold murderous intent coming, Zhuo Bufan's first reaction was to run away.

Facing the puppet of the fifth energy level, he has no power to resist.

His best choice now is to delay time.

The longer the delay, the better, so that Zhuo Yue can quickly kill the ghost child.

"Rebuke palm!"

Just when the opponent's puppet was about to approach him, Zhuo Bufan suddenly attacked the opponent with a palm.

Rebuke palm can repel all forces.

Zhuo Bufan knew that he could not beat him, so he had to use rebuke palm to distance himself from the opponent.

Not only that, it can also use rebuke palm to speed up escape.

Although he was only a small human Yuan realm, Zhuo Bufan escaped several times under the puppet of Gui Tong.

On the other side, Gui Tong was almost unable to hold on in the face of Zhuo Yue's crazy attack.

Zhuo Yue was obviously firing at full power. After all, if he was a step slower, Zhuo Bufan would be finished.

So Zhuo Yue seemed more belligerent, and his speed and strength were increased to the extreme.

Bang bang bang!

After several fights, Gui Tong was beaten black and blue by Zhuo Yue.

For a moment, Gui Tong felt a fatal threat.

"Damn, the puppet of the Ten Apertures is really extraordinary."

The thunder whip in Gui Tong's hand hit Zhuo Yue, but there was no reaction.

"It must be trapped."

Gui Tong knew that he could not kill Zhuo Yue.

So he wanted to trap the other party.

The thunder whip in his hand tightly wrapped Zhuo Yue. Then endless electric currents surged into Zhuo Yue's body through the thunder whip.

But at this moment, suddenly the three swords behind Zhuo Yue flew out from behind.

Three broken swords, with lightning speed, slashed towards the ghost child.

"It's over!"

Faced with three broken swords that suddenly flew towards him, the ghost child had no way to avoid it.

But at this critical moment, a white shadow appeared in front of him.

Bang bang bang!

The three broken swords were inserted into its body!



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