Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1132 Eighteen Heroes

Twelve Xuanyi disciples, including Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng, flew towards the other side of Shenyun Cliff.

When they passed through the gray mist in the air, the black dragon in the mist began to roar.

Many people hesitated, fearing that the black dragon would attack them.

However, Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng were obviously fearless.

Since they were already Xuanyi disciples and had been recognized by Panhuang, the black dragon would naturally not hurt them.

"Look, this guy is so big!"

Zhuo Bufan pointed at the black dragon that had just flown over his head and sighed.

There were more than one, a total of three black dragons, and each black dragon was a hegemon-level existence.

Such a powerful creature was just a gatekeeper in Jietian Mountain.

"We are here!"

At this time, Zhou Peng saw the end of the mist, which was a colorful world.

On the cliff in front of him, stood a man in a white robe.

He stood with his hands behind his back, standing on the cliff, quietly waiting for the upcoming Xuanyi disciples.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng leading the charge, he waved his hand, and twelve paper cranes appeared in the air.

Those paper cranes flew in the air, as if they were given life, and began to vibrate their wings and resurrect.

They danced in the air, like living spirit birds.

At this time, the black-clothed disciples began to pass through the fog one by one.

Soon, all the black-clothed disciples appeared on the edge of the cliff.

The man smiled when he saw this.

"The chosen children, welcome to Jietian Mountain."

"I am your guide, Jiang Tage, you can call me Brother Jiang."

When Zhuo Bufan heard the other party's self-introduction, he said happily.

"He is the seventeenth brother that the dean mentioned, Jiang Tage!"

The dean, Mu Lao, told them that Jiang Tage has a good personality and likes to make friends.

"Hello, Brother Jiang!"

The twelve black-clothed disciples greeted Jiang Tage one after another.

At this time, Jiang Tage continued to speak.

"Next, you will face my first test."

"Your names are written on these paper cranes. Find your own name. I'll be waiting for you at the top of Jie Tian."

"Remember, don't make the wrong choice."

The man in white said, and quickly disappeared from the spot.

Seeing Jiang Tage disappear, the twelve Xuanyi disciples present looked at the twelve paper cranes in front of them.

Zhuo Bufan quickly scanned his name on the paper cranes.

Finally, he saw the three words "Zhuo Bufan" on the wings of the leftmost paper crane.

"Found it!"

Zhuo Bufan found the paper crane with his name on it, and his eyes lit up immediately, and he reached out to grab the paper crane.

But when he stretched out his hand, the paper crane flew away with a whoosh.

"Want to leave?"

Zhuo Bufan saw his name flying away, and immediately chased after it.

"Zhou Peng, I'll go first."

Zhuo Bufan didn't wait for Zhou Peng, and followed the paper crane and flew away.

On the other side, Zhou Peng and other Xuanyi disciples found paper cranes with their names written on them.

These paper cranes took them to fly in various directions.

Among them, Zhuo Bufan's paper crane was the most agile and ran very fast.

It seemed to be flying in one direction with Zhuo Bufan for a purpose.

Zhuo Bufan chased the paper crane all the way to the bottom of a cliff.

Under the cliff, two men were playing chess, and the paper crane disappeared.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately stepped forward and asked.

"Sorry to bother you, two senior brothers!"

In Jietian Mountain, there were only eighteen heroes besides Pan Huang.

Obviously, the two people in front of him must be two of the eighteen heroes.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan didn't know them, so he called them senior brothers.

The two heard Zhuo Bufan's voice, but they were indifferent and continued to play chess.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly, then he looked around, looking for the trace of the paper crane.

But after turning around, he didn't find the paper crane.

"How could it be? I clearly saw it fly here."

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, and finally he only looked at the two people playing chess.

Obviously, the paper crane that Zhuo Bufan wanted was on them.

"Two senior brothers, I am Zhuo Bufan, this year's Xuanyi disciple. Today I came to the mountain to practice and am taking the test of Senior Brother Seventeen. May I ask the two senior brothers, have you seen the paper crane?"

Zhuo Bufan asked again patiently and respectfully.

The two people playing chess, one of them has loose hair and looks like an immortal.

The other one wears a hair crown, is well-dressed, handsome, and people look at him sideways.

Facing Zhuo Bufan's question, the one wearing the hair crown raised his hand and said.

"Do you think this game will win black or white?"

Obviously, the two of them are testing Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan walked forward and looked at the chessboard.

On the chessboard, the chess pieces were crisscrossed and black and white were clearly distinguished.

Zhuo Bufan took a look and answered without hesitation.

"Black chess wins!"

The man in a formal dress holding the black chess laughed after hearing this.

"Oh? Do you know about life and death chess?"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head and said.

"I don't know!"

"Then how do you know that black chess wins?"

"I can see that black chess has life in death, while white chess is dead even though it is alive."

Zhuo Bufan has practiced the laws of life and death, so his understanding of life and death is far beyond that of others.

He could tell at a glance that black and white chess were alive and dead.

The man with the hair crown laughed after hearing this.

"Hahahaha, but let me tell you, Black is dead and has no way to survive."

Zhuo Bufan smiled after hearing this.

I saw him pick up a black chess piece and then drop it towards the chessboard.

The moment his sunspot fell, he saw a black dragon rising from the chessboard, flying across the sky, roaring.

"This is life."

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand chess, so he made this move entirely based on his understanding of the laws of life and death.

Unexpectedly, after this piece fell, Black really came alive.

"Hahahahaha, you are really alive, you still have a while!"

The man with the crown of hair smiled broadly as he looked at the black chess piece he had made alive.

"Junior Brother Zhuo, right? I've seen Chu Shifei before!"

Another person, Mr. Jie, raised his hand and said, "I have met Junior Brother Zhuo in Xiayue Wuque!"

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly raised his hands and said.

"I've met the Fourteenth Senior Brother, I've met the Sixteenth Senior Brother!"

The fourteenth disciple Yue Wuque, the sixteenth disciple Chu Shifei. Zhuo Bufan recalled the dean's instructions, so he quickly greeted him.

At this time, Chu Shifei stretched out his hand, and in his palm was a paper crane.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and smiled.

"found it!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the paper crane.

Unexpectedly, Chu Shifei's hand suddenly shook, and the paper crane turned into a ray of light with a hiss and disappeared into the air.

"Senior Brother Chu, you!"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned. Of course he could see that it was Chu Shifei who let the paper crane go on purpose.

After hearing this, Chu Shifei laughed.

"I'm sorry, Junior Brother Zhuo, this paper crane seems to have his own ideas! Let him go!"

After hearing what Chu Shifei said, Zhuo Bufan sighed helplessly.

"Hey! Then Senior Brother Chu and Senior Brother Yue are leaving."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to stay with this shady guy any longer.

So he quickly chased after the paper crane in the direction where it disappeared.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan flying away, Chu Shifei and Yue Wuque nodded.

"Is this boy my junior brother's old enemy?"

"Junior brother has met his match."

Zhuo Bufan didn't know it yet, but his name had already spread in Jietian Mountain.

After Zhuo Bufan chased the paper crane out of the chess cave, he saw the paper crane entering a waterfall.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and chased after him.

After passing through the waterfall, Zhuo Bufan was surprised to find that there was a cave behind the waterfall.

In front of you is a lush valley filled with strange beasts.

Among them, on a hillside, there was a woman dressed in sackcloth, holding a shepherd's whip, shepherding sheep on the hillside.

That was no ordinary sheep, but a spiritual beast.

Zhuo Bufan watched the paper crane he was chasing fly towards the shepherdess, and he followed suit.

When Zhuo Bufan landed, he immediately stepped forward and saluted the shepherdess.

"I am Zhuo Bufan, a disciple of Xuanyi this year. I have met my senior sister. I wonder if my senior sister can see a paper crane flying into this valley?"

Zhuo Bufan believed that this shepherdess must also be a disciple of Panhuang.

Although the shepherdess was wearing gray linen, it still could not hide her beauty.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan again, she bowed slightly.

"Lian Yue, I have met Junior Brother Zhuo."

"Lian Yue, seventh senior sister?"

Zhuo Bufan remembers the seniority of each disciple.

After hearing this, Lian Yue smiled and said, "The paper crane that Junior Brother Zhuo is looking for seems to be on my sheep."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he looked at the vast number of spiritual sheep on the hillside. There were black sheep and white sheep. At a glance, there were hundreds of them at least.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but hold his forehead, feeling that his head was big.

"Senior Sister, with so many sheep, you are making things difficult for Junior Brother."

"Hehehe! Then I can give my junior brother a hint. That is a sheep with five legs!"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

"Five legs? Senior sister, don't be ridiculous, there are no sheep with five legs."

"Really? But Senior Sister has it here! Senior Sister has not only five-legged sheep, but also six-legged sheep."

After listening to Lian Yue's words, Zhuo Bufan no longer struggled.

He believed that Lian Yue would not lie to him, at least there was no need to lie to him.

So Zhuo Bufan rushed into the sheep and started looking for the five-legged sheep.

"Five legs, five legs. Such a strange creature should not be difficult to find."

Zhuo Bufan started to search one by one, but after searching all around, he couldn't find any sheep that behaved strangely.

"A sheep with five legs must walk very strangely."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he started to herd the sheep.

He wanted to make these sheep run and see if there were any sheep that ran strangely.

However, after looking around again, I still found nothing.

"No! There are no five-legged sheep."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the whole place, and he was sure that there were no four-legged sheep here.

"Is Senior Sister Lianyue lying to me?"

"There was no need for her to lie to me. It seems that I was misled."

"She said that in addition to the five-legged sheep, there are also six-legged sheep."

"Six legs, six legs."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the white sheep in front of him in a daze. As he looked at it, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"So that's it. The so-called six-legged sheep is four legs plus two horns!"

"So, the five-legged sheep is the one-horned sheep."

Zhuo Bufan realized that Senior Sister Lianyue was playing a word game with him.

He immediately scanned the whole place again, and finally saw a white sheep with only one horn left in the flock.

"Found it!"

Zhuo Bufan ran towards the one-horned sheep.

The sheep seemed to be frightened and started to run.

As it ran, a paper crane flew out of its body.

Zhuo Bufan was ecstatic when he saw the paper crane.

"Found it. You, you are hiding on the five-legged sheep. Stop right there."

Zhuo Bufan reached out and grabbed the paper crane.

Just as he was about to catch the paper crane, all the sheep on the scene bumped into Zhuo Bufan.

These spirit sheep seemed to have practiced the Iron Head Divine Art, and they bumped into Zhuo Bufan, making a bang.


Finally, Zhuo Bufan was hit in the chest by a white sheep, and he was knocked out directly.

"Damn, you guys."

Zhuo Bufan covered his chest with a fierce look in his eyes.

He wanted to kill them, but these sheep were Sister Lianyue's sheep, and he couldn't kill them.

At this time, the paper crane flew out of the canyon again under the cover of those spirit sheep.


Zhuo Bufan saw this and looked back at Lianyue not far away.

"Sister Lianyue, goodbye!"

Zhuo Bufan was ridiculed by Lianyue's sheep, so he didn't want to stay here for long.

So, Zhuo Bufan left Lianyue's valley and disappeared in the Water Curtain Cave Heaven.

Looking at Zhuo Bufan who left, Lianyue smiled slightly.

"Goodbye, Junior Brother Zhuo!"


After Zhuo Bufan chased the paper crane out of the Water Curtain Cave Heaven, he flew all the way to the top of the mountain.

Finally, the paper crane took a sharp turn and flew down to the pool below.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan followed closely.

When Zhuo Bufan followed the paper crane into the pond, he saw a pavilion in the middle of the pond.

In the pavilion, a man was sitting and drinking tea.

He held a magic sword and sat in the courtyard with a serious face.

This time, the paper crane finally did not run around or hide, but was placed on the stone table in the pavilion, next to the man's teacup.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly landed and saluted.

"Disciple Zhuo Bufan, I am this year's Xuanyi disciple. I meet this senior brother."

"Senior brother, I wonder if you can give me the paper crane on your table?"

Zhuo Bufan asked the other party boldly.

That cold face was really ugly. Zhuo Bufan felt that the other party looked unhappy, as if someone owed him money.

After hearing this, the other party put down the teacup and said lightly.

"Want it? Fight with me!"

Zhuo Bufan held his forehead and had a headache when he heard it.

"Senior brothers and sisters, why do you have to embarrass me?"

Zhuo Bufan's voice was a little louder.

His words were obviously not meant for the man in front of him alone.

Faced with Zhuo Bufan's show of weakness, the other party simply ignored him, but stood up and raised the sword in his hand.

"The one standing in front of you is Zhou Wuwo, please!"

The man in front of him was Pan Huang's fifth disciple, Zhou Wuwo.

The dean once told Zhuo Bufan and the others not to run into Zhou Wuwo and Fei Renzai.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan ran into the most difficult opponent so soon.

Faced with Zhou Wuwo's ​​declaration of war, Zhuo Bufan had no choice.

He just stood up, stood with his hands behind his back, stretched out his right hand and said.

"Zhuo Bufan, please!"


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