Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1134 Heavenly Tribulation Artifact

It is no secret in Jietian Mountain that Zhou Wuwo has a demon in his body.

And the demon in his body is not an ordinary existence, but his parents.

Zhou Wuwo's ​​parents died when he was very young.

In order to revive his parents, Zhou Wuwo made an evil deal with the Emperor of the Void Clan.

The Emperor of the Void Clan possessed the power of the virtual body in his parents, and then lived in Zhou Wuwo's ​​body.

Zhou Wuwo used this power to grow into a peerless genius at first.

But gradually, he was no longer controlled by the demon in his body.

Those were no longer his parents, but two powerful virtual bodies.

In order to seek liberation, Zhou Wuwo later killed the Emperor of the Void Clan who had signed a contract with him.

However, after killing the Emperor of the Void Clan, the demon in his body did not disappear.

Not only that, the Emperor of the Void Clan even possessed his power in Zhou Wuwo.

In this way, Zhou Wuwo completely became Xu Huang's container, and he was constantly plundering the control of Zhou Wuwo's ​​body.

Zhou Wuwo gradually lost his rationality in the constant struggle with the great demon in his body.

Until the end, he met Pan Huang.

Pan Huang took Zhou Wuwo in to Jietian Mountain and made Zhou Wuwo his fifth disciple.

And gave him a sword to suppress the great demon in his heart.

This sword is the Minsheng Sword.

Zhou Wuwo knew only a little about the true origin of the Minsheng Sword.

He only knew that the owner of the Minsheng Sword was not him, and the Minsheng Sword could not exert one ten-thousandth of its power in his hands.

And Pan Huang did not give this sword to him, but just let him use it to suppress the inner demon.

In Pan Huang's words, the Minsheng Sword was a divine weapon of heavenly tribulation made by his old friend.

In this world, except for that old friend, no one can exert the true power of the Minsheng Sword.

The Minsheng Sword is a sword against the sky, not weaker than the Futian Sword in Fuhuang's hands!

When Zhou Wuwo first learned the news, he was still a little panicked.

After all, it is such a legendary sword. If it is handed over to him, it may be covered in dust.

However, Pan Huang said: "The Minsheng Sword is just a sword after all. It is also the most powerful artifact to suppress the inner demon."

Pan Huang also wanted to see whether the Minsheng Sword could exert its true power in Zhou Wuwo's ​​hands.

However, it is obvious that even Pan Huang underestimated the Minsheng Sword's ability to recognize its master.

The Minsheng Sword is extremely recognizable to its master. No one in the world can exert its true power except its creator, not even Pan Huang.

The material for forging the Minsheng Sword is the sacred tree destroyed by the heavenly calamity, strictly speaking, it is a pile of ashes.

At the beginning, Luo Tian was moved by Jianmu's will to not fear the power of the Heavenly Dao, and forged Jianmu's ashes into a more sharp sword.

At the beginning, the Minsheng Sword was sharp.

On the day the sword was completed, the Minsheng Sword suffered a ruthless blow from the Heavenly Dao.

The Heavenly Dao discovered that Jianmu's will was still there, so it sent down a terrifying heavenly calamity.

Not only that, it even affected Luo Tian, ​​and Tian Dao discovered Luo Tian's whereabouts.

It was a heroic tribulation ceremony. Luo Tian used the Minsheng Sword to challenge the Daluo Tian Dao for the first time.

One man and one sword, challenging the power of heaven.

After this battle, the sharpness of the Minsheng Sword was destroyed by Tian Dao.

However, the Minsheng Sword also gained unimaginable power.

The Minsheng Sword, which had restrained its sharpness, was no longer afraid of the heavenly tribulation.

This is the legendary heavenly tribulation artifact, the Daluo Tian Dao, the only thing that is not afraid of the heavenly tribulation.

This is why the Minsheng Sword can be ranked fifth on the Tian Dao Artifact List.

The Minsheng Sword may not be the strongest sword, but it is not afraid of the power of the heavenly tribulation, which makes it have a very high ranking on the Tian Dao Artifact List.

You know, even the Kaitian Axe, which ranks first on the Tian Dao Artifact List, is afraid of the heavenly tribulation.

Facing the power of the Daluo Tian Dao, the Kaitian Axe will also be damaged and destroyed.

However, after countless baptisms of heavenly tribulations, the Minsheng Sword has become the only nemesis of heavenly tribulations.

Later, Luo Tian also relied on this Minsheng Sword to survive the pursuit of the Great Luo Tiandao.

It can be said that Luo Tian was able to survive the pursuit of the will of this world by relying on the Minsheng Sword.

But later, after Luo Tian decided to enter the reincarnation, he gave the Minsheng Sword to Pan Huang.

He asked Pan Huang to give the Minsheng Sword to the destined person, and then he entered the reincarnation.

After Luo Tian left the Minsheng Sword, the Minsheng Sword was no longer dim.

For so many years, Pan Huang has been constantly looking for the right destined person for the Minsheng Sword.

There was a chance for Ji Xuanhao to obtain this sword before.

However, as soon as Ji Xuanhao's identity was exposed, Ji Xuanhao jumped into the reincarnation himself.

So this Minsheng Sword is a magic sword that even Ji Xuanhao could not obtain.

Later, Pan Huang gave the Minsheng Sword to Zhou Wuwo.

At first, he just wanted to use the power of the Minsheng Sword to control the demon in Zhou Wuwo's ​​body.

He wanted Zhou Wuwo to possess the power of the demon in his body, and just see if Zhou Wuwo was qualified to be the master of the Minsheng Sword.

However, after a long time, Zhou Wuwo only mastered the power to control the demon in his body, but did not master the true power of the Minsheng Sword.

The Minsheng Sword has the power of purification that even Daluo Tiandao fears!

Any evil demon, if cut down by the power of the Minsheng Sword, will be redeemed and evolved.

After all, the Mercy Sword contains endless power of heavenly calamity.

The Heavenly Tribulation is originally the power of the laws of heaven, and it is the power of heaven used to purify the common people.

The Mercy Sword will not easily recognize others, or in other words, he will not recognize anyone except the master who created it.

The previous life of Minshengjian was Jianmu, a life that could fight against the way of heaven. He had his own will and consciousness.

In its heart, it only recognizes one master, and that is Luo Tian.

So it won't accept anyone except Luo Tian.

Unless this person is Luo Tian's reincarnation.

In the previous battle, Zhuo Bufan used the power of reincarnation.

What a familiar power that is!

The Ming Sheng Sword even felt excited because of this, as if a dead tree was blooming with spring, glowing with vitality that had not happened in millions of years.

Although the power of reincarnation is the most mysterious power in the world, there are not many people who can master it.

Moreover, there are many people who have mastered the power of reincarnation.

However, the power of reincarnation that Minsheng Jian felt was too familiar.

That sense of familiarity is like the feeling it had when it was first created by its owner.

Because of this, the Minsheng Sword is almost certain that the boy in front of him is the reincarnation of its owner.

After pedaling for a million years, it finally found its owner.

The Mingsheng Sword, the most powerful divine tribulation weapon in the world, at that moment was as exciting as a long-lost child meeting his father.

He couldn't wait to break free from Zhou Wuwo's ​​hand.

and returned to his master's arms.

The Mercy Sword has found its owner, so it is obviously impossible for Zhou Wuwo to control it or even use it anymore.

And Zhuo Bufan also knew the past of the Sword of Mercy the moment he held it in his hand.

I know, it turns out that I am the master of the Minsheng Sword.

"I see, I created the Mercy Sword."

Zhuo Bufan learned from the memory of the Minsheng Sword that his first life, Luo Tian, ​​created it.

Therefore, that feeling of intimacy suddenly came to Zhuo Bufan's heart.

The moment Zhuo Bufan's hand clenched the Mercy Sword, a light array burst out from the Mercy Sword.

The sword body of the Minsheng Sword kept trembling, as if saying.

"Master, welcome back."

After waiting for a million years, Minshengjian finally returned to his master. At this moment, Minshengjian was naturally extremely excited.

But even so, Zhuo Bufan did not completely release the power of the Mingsheng Sword.

The current Zhuo Bufan is, after all, the reincarnation of Luo Tian, ​​and his cultivation level is only at the Yuanshen realm.

Currently, Zhuo Bufan can only unleash half of the power of the Mercy Sword.

But this half is enough.

It was enough to deal with the completely obsessed Zhou Wuwo in front of him.

"Let's go!"

Zhuo Bufan held the mercy sword and rushed towards Zhou Wuwo.

At this moment, Zhou Wuwo has completely liberated the demon in his body.

The great demon in his body possesses three incorporeal powers, and there is even a Void Emperor power among them.

Zhou Wuwo, who has completely liberated his power, has reached the level of the legendary Saint Yuan realm.

The representative figure of the Saint Yuan realm is obviously Ni Qiong.

In other words, Zhou Wuwo now has the strength to fight against Ni Qiong.

Zhuo Bufan has seen the power of Ni Qiong, and releasing 20% ​​of his power is enough to destroy the existence of the world of cultivation.

Therefore, at this moment, when Zhuo Bufan faced Zhou Wuwo who had completely liberated the power of the great demon, the first thing he could think of was to take the Mercy Sword in his hand and hit him head-on.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Fear, chaos, roar, rage——

At this moment, Zhou Wuwo has simply reached a state of madness.

The body was completely wrapped in the power of black incorporeal body.

The incorporeal body possesses innate abilities and the power of immortality.

Terrifying, powerful and mysterious!

Facing Zhou Wuwo who had three incorporeal powers hidden in his body, Zhuo Bufan did not dare to take it lightly, and the Mercy Sword in his hand burst out with all kinds of terrifying purifying power.

"Sword of Compassion, purify him!"

Zhuo Bufan brought the Mercy Sword and defeated the attacks of countless tentacles released by Zhou Wuwo. Finally, the Mercy Sword in his hand, wrapped in the sky-shaking light array, completely enveloped the person in front of him who was completely enveloped by the power of the incorporeal body. Zhou Wuwo, cut it in two with a knife and split it in half!

Accompanied by the explosion of power from the Mercy Sword.

Chi chi chi——

In the air, bursts of tearing thunder and lightning power began to be heard.

This is not ordinary thunder and lightning, but energy with regular power.

It began to quickly corrode the physical power of Zhou Wuwo, and then the power of thunder and lightning completely enveloped Zhou Wuwo.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Amidst a burst of roars and screams, Zhou Wuwo knelt on the Mirror Lake, and the physical power in his body began to fall apart.

Finally, it was completely stripped away.

You know, above Zhou Wuwo's ​​head, two figures, a man and a woman, appeared.

They smiled faintly at Zhou Wuwo, who was looking up at the sky with a dull look in his eyes.

"Father, mother!"

Zhou Wuwo watched the two souls disappear before his eyes, and two lines of hot tears fell from his confused eyes.


Zhuo Bufan held the Mercy Sword and knelt on one knee on the Mirror Lake.

He didn't expect that the Mercy Sword would be so terrifying, capable of destroying even immortal bodies.

You know, the previous virtual mirror master caused their entire Yin-Yang world to suffer unprecedented damage.

The Minsheng Sword used a single sword to cut off the three virtual bodies in Zhou Wuwo's ​​body.

"What a powerful sword! Is this the magic sword I created in my first life?"

Just as Zhuo Bufan was marveling at the power of the Minsheng Sword, suddenly a series of sounds came down from the sky.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

As a series of figures appeared out of nowhere, Zhuo Bufan was surrounded by them.

Zhuo Bufan stood up immediately as if on guard, then immediately looked around, and finally his eyes fell on a man in purple.

"Master Ziyang?"

Zhuo Bufan recognized the man. In the incident of Ni Cangqiong's Fushan apology, Ziyang once represented Jietian Mountain and appeared on Futian Mountain.

As one of the three strongest Daoyuan Realm masters in the world, Ziyang was obviously as eye-catching as the sun and the moon in the sky.

Even Zhuo Bufan was a little excited when he saw Ziyang.

Ziyang smiled calmly after seeing Zhuo Bufan.

"Second Junior Brother, Fourth Junior Brother, take Old Five to Tianding Peak first."

After Ziyang finished speaking, the two male junior brothers beside him walked to Zhou Wuwo's ​​side, and then took Zhou Wuwo and disappeared directly on Jinghu Lake.

Afterwards, only Ziyang and two men and one woman were left.

They were all people he had never seen before.

"You should be Junior Brother Zhuo!"

Ziyang said gently.

Zhuo Bufan responded quickly after hearing this.

"I am Zhuo Bufan, and I have met Senior Brother Ziyang."

"Oh, do you recognize me?" Ziyang asked.

"I have seen Senior Brother Ziyang's spirit in Futian Mountain."

Ziyang nodded after hearing this.

"I see, Junior Brother Zhuo, I am sorry to make you laugh."

After Ziyang finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and waved, and the paper crane in the air, which had turned into confetti because of the previous battle, was restored again.

Then it was given life again and flew in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan reached out and grabbed the paper crane.

This naughty paper crane was finally caught in his hand.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately hugged his sword and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Ziyang."

"Hahaha, Junior Brother, you are polite. Let's go to the top of Jietian Mountain! I guess Old Seventeenth Master is waiting anxiously."

Ziyang didn't say much, but just asked Zhuo Bufan to complete Jiang Tage's mountain entry test as soon as possible.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan hurriedly replied.

"Then I'll go first!"

Just as Zhuo Bufan was about to leave, Ziyang called him again.

"Hey, wait a minute, Junior Brother Zhuo, the Minsheng Sword in your hand--"

Ziyang didn't finish, but Zhuo Bufan immediately understood.

Obviously, the other party wanted to keep the Minsheng Sword for himself.

After all, Ziyang didn't know that the Minsheng Sword was Luo Tian's sword, and he didn't know that Zhuo Bufan was Luo Tian's reincarnation.

Therefore, Ziyang would not let Zhuo Bufan take the Minsheng Sword.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know what to do for a while.

Just when he was about to hand over the Minsheng Sword, the Minsheng Sword suddenly made an amazing move.

The Minsheng Sword turned into a black light, penetrated into Zhuo Bufan's forehead, and merged into the depths of his soul.

At this moment, everyone present was stunned.

"Soul recognizes the master? This Minsheng Sword took the initiative to recognize you as the master?"

Ziyang knew the power of the Minsheng Sword.

This is a divine weapon that even their master Pan Huang treasures, but they didn't expect it to recognize Zhuo Bufan as the master.

Just when Ziyang was about to ask more questions, Pan Huang's voice suddenly came to his mind.

"Ziyang, since the Minsheng Sword has found its owner, you don't have to worry about it anymore. I will compensate Lao Wu separately!"

Since even Pan Huang said so, Ziyang naturally had nothing to say.

Then Ziyang said to Zhuo Bufan.


Zhuo Bufan saw that Ziyang did not continue to pursue the matter, so he said gratefully.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Ziyang, goodbye!"

After that, Zhuo Bufan rode the wind away...

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