As a puppeteer, Zhou Peng can easily make this kind of spell ball.

The "swallowing nothing" ball just now is a spell ball that can release a swallowing black hole.

However, using these balls requires strong energy.

Zhou Peng used three balls at a time, and now he has little energy left.

Zhou Peng, who escaped with Ling Shuang, can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Okay, you can leave now."

Seeing that the crisis was temporarily resolved, Zhou Peng smiled at Ling Shuang.

After hearing this, Ling Shuang shook her head repeatedly.

"No, I won't leave. What will you do if I leave? How can you get your name back in this state?"

Ling Shuang refused to leave, but now she had no choice.

Just when Ling Shuang was hesitating, a purple light suddenly fell on her.

Then, a voice came from the sky.

"Congratulations to Ling Shuang for passing the test."

"No! I don't want to leave, Senior Brother, don't let me leave."

Just as Ling Shuang was struggling, the next second, Ling Shuang also disappeared from the spot.

Seeing Ling Shuang disappear, Zhou Peng slowly exhaled.

"Hey, am I the only one left at last!"

Watching Ling Shuang leave, Zhou Peng breathed a sigh of relief.

For him, it was enough to watch the people he protected pass the test one by one.

Now Zhou Peng has no last bit of strength.

Other contestants in Ziyang Realm have left Ziyang Realm one after another, leaving Zhou Peng alone.

And just as Zhou Peng collapsed on the ground powerlessly, suddenly several black shadows rushed out from the magma lake in front of him.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

These black shadows soared into the sky, like giant pillars.

Eight huge tentacles like mountains, like a group of demons dancing wildly, baring their fangs and claws in front of Zhou Peng.


At this time, the earth began to tremble, the magma lake began to boil, and countless flying fire meteors fell from the sky.

Then, from under the magma lake, a huge head slowly rose.

It was a terrifying bull head, and the huge horns were like two curved dragons.

The two bull eyes were burning like the sun.

And in the center of the brow of the bull head, there was a ball of light, and in the ball of light, there was a paper crane.

The moment Zhou Peng saw the paper crane, his eyes lit up.

"Is this my name?"

As the bull-headed troll slowly raised its body, its body was like a mountain, hundreds of feet high, and it was simply a terrifying behemoth.

What's even more terrifying is that on its eight tentacles, each was like an energy transmitter, swallowing and spitting out powerful and terrifying power.

People outside were already stunned.

"Oh my god, big brother, this is the prehistoric Eight Desolations Bull Demon! This thing is probably enough for opponents in the Yuandan realm! Isn't it too much for you to let Junior Brother Zhou fight this Eight Desolations Bull Demon?"

"That's right, big brother. What's more, Junior Brother Zhou doesn't have much strength now."

Zi Yang saw that all the junior brothers and sisters begged for mercy, and he was helpless.

"Sorry, this is really not arranged by me, it's the master's idea."

The reason why Zhou Peng was arranged to fight the Eight Desolations Bull Demon was entirely because of the old man Pan Huang's attention.

It's really not that Zi Yang deliberately made things difficult.

However, this level is really too difficult, not to mention that Zhou Peng has no Yuan power at all now.

Even if Zhou Peng was in his prime, it would be impossible to defeat this Eight Desolations Bull Demon and win.

"Enough, it's over! I give up, the last level, I give up."

Zhou Peng sat on the ground limply, and then looked up at the sky.

At this moment, people outside saw Zhou Peng with a helpless look on his face.

It seems that everyone expected Zhou Peng to give up.

Although it was helpless, this was the reality. Zhou Peng could not get his own name, and he knew it very well, so he compromised.

Looking at the mountain-like Eight Desolate Bull Demon, Zhou Peng lay on the ground, begging to admit defeat.

Among them, Mu Ling, Feng Buping, Wang Xuzhi, Qi Ji, and Ling Shuang, their hearts were extremely uncomfortable.

"Brother Zhou, Brother Zhou!"

Ling Shuang was even more painful. If it weren't for himself, Zhou Peng would not be so helpless now.

But for them, Zhou Peng had to give up in the end.

"I give up, Senior Brother, I choose to give up! Senior Brother, let me leave here!"

Looking at Zhou Peng's compromise, Zi Yang shook his head helplessly.

Then, Zi Yang waved his hand, and a purple sky light fell from the sky, and then projected on Zhou Peng, allowing Zhou Peng to fly out of the Zi Yang Realm.

When Zhou Peng walked out of the Zi Yang Realm, Ling Shuang and the others surrounded him.

"Brother Zhou, I'm sorry, if it weren't for us, you wouldn't..."

Zhou Peng saw Ling Shuang and the others and shook his head silently.

"It's okay. For me, it's an honor to come to Jie Tianshan."

"So everyone doesn't have to worry about me."

"Besides, even if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to pass this level. For me, being able to help you pass the test is already a great sense of accomplishment."

Seeing Zhou Peng give up voluntarily, many people felt regretful.

Zhuo Bufan, Han Fei, Senior Brother Ziyang, etc.

Everything Zhou Peng did along the way was seen by everyone.

Zhou Peng's performance can be said to be impeccable, and he is fully qualified to become Pan Huang's disciple.

Almost everyone thinks so.

Even Zhuo Bufan feels sorry.

"Hey, are you okay!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Zhou Peng and said.

Zhou Peng shrugged and smiled, "I'm fine, congratulations first, it seems that you should have passed the test."

Zhou Peng actually envied Zhuo Bufan, because Zhuo Bufan's absolute strength made people envious.

If it was Zhuo Bufan's painting, he would definitely help everyone pass the test, and he would also be able to pass the test.

Zhou Peng has deeply felt the gap between himself and Zhuo Bufan.

"Big Brother, what's the solution?"

Zhuo Bufan turned around and looked at Ziyang.

He felt that Zhou Peng was fully qualified to become Pan Huang's disciple.

But Zi Yang shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, this test is very important to him. If he doesn't pass this test, then he is not qualified to become our junior brother."

Zi Yang's words undoubtedly made everyone look disappointed.

After hearing Zi Yang's words, Ling Shuang knelt down to Zi Yang and begged.

"Big Brother, please, give Brother Zhou another chance! How about letting him take the postgraduate entrance examination again after his vitality is restored?"

After hearing this, Zi Yang shook his head.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I can't make the decision on this matter. Although I also hope that Brother Zhou can become our junior brother. But the decision is made by our master."

At this time, other junior brothers on the side said.

"Then Brother, let's ask the master!"

A group of junior brothers and sisters planned to plead for Zhou Peng, and even decided to ask Pan Huang to come.

Seeing that the junior brothers and sisters were so eager, Zi Yang smiled helplessly.

"Then I'll try!"

Zi Yang naturally also hoped that Zhou Peng could become their junior brother.

So, Zi Yang took out a golden token and threw it into the sky.

Then, a ray of light fell from the sky and shone on a cloud above their heads.

The white cloud turned into brilliant colors.

Above the cloud, a divine light appeared, and in the divine light, a sacred energy was floating.

"Welcome Master!"

After seeing the glow, all the disciples of Jietian Mountain knelt down.

Zhuo Bufan and other black-clothed disciples also knelt down at the first time.

"Greetings to Pan Huang!"

Sure enough, the next moment, a kind and majestic voice came from the divine light.

That voice was full of ancient power.

"Little things, the last test is over. Do you have any regrets?"

Pan Huang's words seemed to explode in people's souls.

Facing Pan Huang's words, no one dared to answer. The fear from the depths of their souls made it difficult for them to breathe, let alone answer Pan Huang's questions.

At this time, Zi Yang spoke.

"Master, the training of the Xuanyi disciples has ended. I wonder if there are any disciples that Master likes this year?"

"I think the junior brothers and sisters this year are all excellent, such as Junior Brother Zhuo and Junior Brother Zhou. Master, can you consider them carefully?"

After Zi Yang finished speaking, the divine light of Pan Huang in the sky sighed.

"Zi Yang, have you been blinded by selfishness and forgotten the test that I gave you?"

"Unfortunately, among the Xuanyi disciples this year, none of them are suitable to be my disciples, your junior brothers."

When Pan Huang's voice came, everyone present was stunned.

No one could have thought that among so many people this year, no one was suitable to be Pan Huang's disciple.

At this time, some other disciples did not understand, and the first one to speak was Zhou Wuwo.

"Master, I don't understand, is it possible that even Junior Brother Zhuo is not qualified?"

Zhou Wuwo was very clear about Zhuo Bufan's strength. He thought he was not as good as Zhuo Bufan, but Pan Huang did not recognize Zhuo Bufan. "Yes, your Junior Brother Zhuo is excellent, but he is not qualified to be my disciple."

When Pan Huang said that Zhuo Bufan was not qualified to be his disciple, everyone present was stunned.

For a moment, the scene was very awkward, and even Zhuo Bufan was a little puzzled.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan did not feel the slightest regret.

For Zhuo Bufan, whether he could become Pan Huang's disciple was not important at all, it was just a little unexpected.

"This time, the others were even more helpless."

"They wanted to speak for Zhou Peng, but now even Zhuo Bufan is not qualified to be Pan Huang's disciple, so Zhou Peng's words are obviously even more impossible."

However, just when everyone had no hope, Pan Huang suddenly spoke.

"Zhou Peng, Ling Shuang. It's a pity that you are not qualified to be my disciples now, but it doesn't mean that there will be no chance in the future."

"You two can practice outside for ten years, and after ten years, return to my Jietian Mountain. At that time, you will come to meet more difficult tests. Are you willing?"

Just when everyone was a little helpless, they didn't expect Pan Huang to give Zhou Peng and Ling Shuang another chance.

Zhou Peng and Ling Shuang were obviously a little surprised.

"Really? Is it possible?"

Ling Shuang had never thought that she would have the opportunity to become Pan Huang's disciple.

"Of course, as long as you two are willing, you can come back to Jietian Mountain in ten years."

Pan Huang made a promise to the two.

"Although the others are a little regretful, I will not let you go in vain."

After Pan Huang finished speaking, he dropped endless divine light of creation.

These divine lights fell on all the black-clothed disciples, except Zhuo Bufan.

After the divine light fell on these black-clothed disciples, their Yuan power began to grow rapidly.

Then, their cultivation also began to grow by a large realm.

The Earth Yuan Realm was directly promoted to the Heaven Yuan Realm, and the Heaven Yuan Realm was directly promoted to the Yuan Dan Realm.

This was their reward for this period of time, and everyone's cultivation was madly improved.

"Thank you, Lord Pan Huang for your gift!"

Everyone knelt to thank Pan Huang for his grace, and Zhuo Bufan seemed to be forgotten and thrown aside.

"Zi Yang, send them away!"

After Pan Huang finished speaking, he disappeared in the air.

"Farewell, Master!"

After sending Pan Huang away, the other disciples looked at Zi Yang with some confusion.

"Big Brother, what does Master mean?"

"Yes, Big Brother, why can't Junior Brother Zhuo become our Junior Brother?"

"Big Brother, I think Junior Brother Zhuo is fully qualified to be our Junior Brother, why don't we talk to Master again?"

Everyone present felt incredible that Zhuo Bufan was not able to become a disciple of Panhuang.

In this regard, Ziyang shook his head helplessly.

"Sorry, Junior Brother Zhuo, we can't go against Master's meaning."

"But I believe that Master's words are definitely not what he meant. He didn't mean that you are not qualified to be his disciple. I think Master means that we are not qualified to be your senior brothers."

Ziyang's words seemed to be really safe for Zhuo Bufan.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan didn't seem to care about these, but smiled.

"It's okay, Senior Brother, although I feel a little regretful, I am already very happy to come to Jietian Mountain."

"I think it's getting late, or Big Brother, please send us away!"

Zhuo Bufan's tone was very light, and it can be seen that he really didn't care much about this matter.

Zi Yang finished speaking, turned around and smiled.

"Well, I'll send you off now."

"Stretch out your hands!"

After Zi Yang finished speaking, everyone stretched out their palms.

Then, a paper crane appeared out of thin air in their palms, and their names were written on it.

The paper crane grew bigger and bigger in their hands, and finally became big enough to carry them.

Then, led by the paper cranes, they flew towards the foot of the mountain.

Seeing the mountain peaks gradually moving away under his feet, Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly.

"What an interesting place, it's worth the trip!"

For Zhuo Bufan, he himself did not want to become Pan Huang's disciple, so he had no regrets about this trip to Jie Tian Mountain.

"Not qualified? Or Pan Huang, you dare not accept me as a disciple?"

Zhuo Bufan believed that it was definitely not because he was not qualified to be Pan Huang's disciple.

The reason why Pan Huang was unwilling to accept him must have something to do with his previous life or first life.


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