Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1146: Making Trouble in the Palace

The reason why Zhuo Bufan wanted to visit Dahai Dynasty was that Dahai Dynasty had a deep connection with him.

Hai Long, the ancestor of the Dahai Dynasty, was once a follower of Ji Xuanhao.

Ji Xuanhao once left his Heaven-Sealing Seal in the ancestral land of the Hai Family, which is now the Imperial Tomb of the Dahai Dynasty.

The most important purpose of going to the Hai Dynasty this time is to get back the Heaven Sealing Seal.

Although Zhuo Bufan now has an artifact such as the Mercy Sword, the Sealing Sky Seal is obviously very important to Zhuo Bufan now.

Zhuo Bufan brought Zhuo Zhuo to Haomiao City, the capital of the Dahai Dynasty!

Haomiao City is located on an inland sea, and the Hai Dynasty is also a powerful empire based on Haomiao City.

The three super empires in Panhuang's territory are the Dahai Dynasty, the Daqi Dynasty, and the Daxu Dynasty.

These three dynasties stood on three pillars and controlled the secular discourse power of the entire Panhuang territory.

Among them, the Dahai Dynasty is the oldest and has the deepest foundation.

After all, it has existed for more than 200,000 years. The fact that a dynasty can exist for hundreds of thousands of years without falling shows how powerful this empire is.

Of course, this is mainly due to the orderly inheritance of this dynasty.

Since its founding, the Dahai Dynasty has had a national treasure, which is the family genealogy that Zhuo Bufan helped find earlier.

This genealogy has been passed down from the first emperor Hai Long to this day, and it has become the supreme treasure of the Dahai Dynasty.

He who has the genealogy will win the world, this has been an eternal motto in the Hai family.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan didn't know this secret.

He came to Haomiao City this time mainly to find Zi Yihou, who is Hai Xiaoyun.

After Zhuo Bufan handed over the family tree to Hai Xiaoyun, Hai Xiaoyun had promised Zhuo Bufan that he could go to his house to look for him after he came to Hai Dynasty.

However, when Zhuo Bufan came to Haomiao City, he realized that things were not as simple as he thought.

Because Zhuo Bufan saw the wanted order of Ziyi Hou Hai Xiaoyun on the street.

That's right, Zi Yi Hou Hai Xiaoyun has become a wanted criminal, his mansion has been sealed, and Hai Xiaoyun's whereabouts are now unknown.

After Zhuo Bufan inquired, he roughly knew what had happened in Haomiao City in the past month.

It turns out that just a month ago, the pattern of the Hai Dynasty had changed.

Emperor Hagrid must meditate because his destiny is approaching.

The eldest prince Haitu successfully waited for his position with the support of all parties.

However, just before the enthronement ceremony, Hai Xiaoyun rushed back with the genealogy.

I thought this was a good opportunity to fight back, but I didn't know that the eldest prince used clever methods to frame Hai Xiaoyun for stealing the family tree and convicted Hai Xiaoyun of stealing the country.

Hai Xiaoyun fought his way out of the siege under the protection of the personal guards.

That day, blood flowed in the royal courtyard. Finally, Hai Xiaoyun was rescued by an expert in the Yuanshen realm and disappeared into the Dahai Dynasty.

From then on, the entire Dahai Dynasty was all wanted by Hai Xiaoyun.

After Zhuo Bufan learned the whole story, he realized the importance of that genealogy in the Dahai Dynasty.

"It turns out that it is a genealogy of succession."

"It's a pity that Hai Xiaoyun got a pair of Wang Zha and actually lost the game."

In Zhuo Bufan's view, Hai Xiaoyun lost completely.

He holds the treasure of passing the throne in his hand, but he still cannot legitimately ascend to the throne.

"Maybe he doesn't have the ability to become an emperor! An emperor should be brave and resourceful."

"Forget it, my goal is to seal the sky. The battle for the throne is none of my business."

Zhuo Bufan did not want to interfere in the Hai family's struggle for the throne.

Although the Hai family had some relationship with him in the previous life, this did not mean that Zhuo Bufan would care too much about the Hai family.

"Zhuo Zhibo, let's go to the palace!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he led Zhuo Zhuo outside the palace.

However, after all, he is not a palace minister or a relative of the emperor, so this imperial city is not something he can enter just because he wants to.

Zhuo Bufan thought about breaking in, but if he did so, the noise might be too loud, and it might attract God's attention.

"Stop, this important area of ​​the imperial city, no other people are allowed to enter."

As expected, Zhuo Bufan and the others were stopped outside the palace.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and smiled.

"I am Zhuo Bufan, a disciple of Xuanyi who has just returned from Jie Tian Mountain. Naturally, he came to Hai Dynasty to meet the emperor and find a job."

Zhuo Bufan thought about it for a moment. Since forcing his way in was not possible, he could only follow secular methods.

Zhuo Bufan thought that Xuanyi's disciples were the talents that all countries competed for since ancient times.

After all, they were the ones chosen by Panhuang. They were born noble and had the qualifications to enter Jie Tian Mountain.

Now that Xuanyi's disciples came to visit in person, these imperial city guards naturally did not dare to show any slightest care.

"May I ask your Excellency, do you have the academy's seal of approval?"

The other party began to ask cautiously, for fear of causing Zhuo Bufan's dissatisfaction.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he turned his palm and a jade card appeared in his hand.

This is Zhuo Bufan's official seal, which is equivalent to a student ID card. People in the palace can check whether Zhuo Bufan is a true disciple of Xuanyi through this seal.

After the guard took the seal document, he said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Both of you, please wait here while I hand over the document to the adults above for verification. Once it is verified that you are a disciple of Xuan Yi, we will never hesitate."


Zhuo Bufan knew that there were these red tape procedures to go through, so he did not embarrass the guard.

The guard entered the palace with Zhuo Bufan's seal document.

Naturally, the seal document would not be handed over directly to the emperor. After all, the guard was not qualified to meet the emperor.

He handed over the knowledge to his superiors, who then passed it on to the commander of the imperial army who guarded the palace. After the commander of the imperial army reviewed it, he passed it to the prime minister of the cabinet.

The prime minister of the cabinet is called Jin Ziweng. He used to be the first adviser to the eldest prince Haitu. Now that the eldest prince has become the emperor, he naturally becomes the prime minister.

Jin Ziweng was a little excited at first after receiving the extraordinary seal document.

After all, Xuanyi's disciples took the initiative to seek positions at the top, which was of great help to their Hai Dynasty's new policy, and was simply a timely help.

However, when Jin Ziweng took Zhuo Bufan's seal document and went to the Military Aircraft Department to investigate, he frowned when he learned that Zhuo Bufan was also from Panhuang Academy in Kaitian City.

Later, Jin Ziweng found the emperor Haitu with Zhuo Bufan's seal document.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan's ultimatum, Haitu smiled calmly.

"It seems that the adult was right, what was supposed to come finally came."

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, let him come in, and we will give him a way to catch a turtle in an urn."

Jin Ziweng hesitated after hearing this.

"Your Majesty, this is a disciple of Xuanyi. He has just returned from Jie Tian Mountain. If we do this, will it..."

"What are you afraid of? We have that adult as our backer. Are we still afraid of him, a disciple of Xuanyi?"

"Don't worry, go ahead and do it. This is also what the adult meant. If something happens, the adult will be there!"

"Is that gentleman really reliable?" Jin Ziweng said.

When the emperor heard this, he said angrily.

"Prime Minister, do you doubt the identity of that gentleman?"

"I don't dare, I will go down and prepare now."

Jin Ziweng knew that he was asking for trouble by asking for knowledge, so he said nothing more, turned around and left the palace.

Outside the city, Zhuo Bufan was already waiting impatiently.

At this moment, a gorgeous sedan chair suddenly came from the palace. When the guards at the door saw this, they immediately knelt down.

"Brother, it seems like a big shot has arrived. Do we want to kneel down?"

When Zhuo Zhuo saw everyone kneeling down, he thought he should kneel down as well.

But Zhuo Bufan said.

"No, Xiao Yue, please remember that no one in this world is worthy of your kneeling, not even this God."

"Then Zhuo Zhuo will only kneel to his brother from now on!" Zhuo Zhuo said obediently.

"Silly boy, you don't need to kneel down, do you understand?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that Zhuo Zhuo had just become a human being, and there were still many human rules that needed to be learned slowly.

There is no need to rush this matter, we can only do it step by step.

While Zhuo Bufan and Zhuo Zhuo were talking, they saw an elder walking down from the sedan chair.

The other party's white beard mopped the floor, looking like the embodiment of wisdom.

He came to Zhuo Bufan and bowed his hands.

"I am the Prime Minister of the Hai Dynasty, Jin Ziweng. After verification, you are indeed a disciple of Xuanyi. Your Majesty asked the old minister to come to greet you in person, and also asked you to accompany the old minister into the palace."

After Jin Ziweng finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan nodded calmly and said.

"Then please lead the way."

Later, Zhuo Bufan followed the Prime Minister Jin Ziweng and entered the palace hall.

In the main hall, the emperor was sitting on the throne.

Zhuo Bufan took a look, but did not kneel down. He just bowed his hands and said, "See you, Your Majesty!"

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan did not kneel down, Haitiao above the throne was obviously dissatisfied.

"Why don't you kneel down when you see me?"

Haitu is the emperor. Although this emperor's name is somewhat unfair, it is precisely because of this that he needs the affirmation of others.

Therefore, everyone in this hall must kneel down to him, so that he can find some peace of mind.

After all, it can be said that he has worked hard for this throne for a long time.

However, Zhuo Bufan bowed and replied.

"I'm sorry, Zhuo will only kneel to his parents and mentors throughout his life, and others will not."

Zhuo Bufan decisively refused.

His words immediately angered the people on the throne.

"Be brave, don't think that just because you are a disciple of Xuanyi, you can ignore the laws of my dynasty."

"You are just a disciple of Xuanyi, not a disciple of Panhuang. I have the right to make you kneel down."

As soon as Emperor Haitu finished speaking, a group of forbidden soldiers wearing golden armor rushed in from outside the hall and surrounded Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan shook his head helplessly and said.

"Is this the way the Hai Dynasty treats guests? After all, I am also a disciple of Xuan Yi appointed by Emperor Pan. By doing this, your Majesty, aren't you afraid that the Hai Dynasty will never recruit Xuan Yi again in the future?"

Xuanyi's disciples are ruthlessly valued by the world, especially the major empires, which can be said to compete for it. Basically, Xuanyi disciples will become the pillars of the empire in the end.

Therefore, Emperor Haitu's current treatment of Zhuo Bufan was obviously due to his rejection of Xuan Yi.

However, after hearing this, Haitu hummed.

"Hmph, you are so good, Zhuo Bufan. Don't think that since you are a disciple of Xuanyi, I can do nothing to you."

"It's true that you are a disciple of Xuanyi, but do you really come to join our Hai Dynasty?"

"Don't think that I don't know that you and the traitor are from the same college. Now I suspect that you and the traitor are in the same group."

"It was the traitor who asked you to lurk beside me, be ready to wait for the opportunity!"

This Hai Tu thought Zhuo Bufan was in the same group as the Purple-Robed Marquis Hai Xiaoyun.

It was at this time that Zhuo Bufan understood the meaning of the other party's words, and finally Zhuo Bufan couldn't help laughing.

"How foolish!"

"I thought Hai Xiaoyun was a fool, but I didn't expect you to be even more stupid."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to cause trouble, but now this stupid emperor took the initiative to find trouble, Zhuo Bufan didn't want to waste time here.

"Bold, dare to insult this emperor, come on, execute him on the spot, kill him!"

As soon as Hai Tu finished speaking, the surrounding golden armored guards rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

However, as soon as they approached Zhuo Bufan, they were shaken away by Zhuo Bufan.

For a while, the weapons and armors were smashed to pieces on the ground.

"Bold lunatic, dare to fight in the Golden Palace, accept your death!"

Seeing that the ordinary guards were unable to fight, the commander of the imperial army flew out.

The commander of the imperial guards was a Yuandan realm expert. He was quick-witted and slashed at Zhuo Bufan with a knife.

Then, what hit him back was just a look from Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan glared at him, and the next second, the commander of the imperial guards stood still indifferently, then bled from all seven orifices and exploded to death.

"Damn, how could the Xuanyi disciple be so powerful?"

Obviously, the emperor did not expect Zhuo Bufan, the Xuanyi disciple, to be so powerful.

You should know that ordinary Xuanyi disciples are only at Tianyuan realm at most.

With the strength of the commander of the imperial guards, it is completely enough to take down ordinary Xuanyi disciples.

But Zhuo Bufan is not an ordinary Xuanyi.

"Where is the Shadow Army? Come out and save me!"

The emperor Hai Tu shouted in panic.

At this time, four men in black flew out from the shadows in the hall.

They are the emperor's last barrier, the Shadow Army.

The combined strength of the four is comparable to that of Yuanshen realm experts.

Seeing the Shadow Army flying out, the emperor calmed down a lot.

Obviously, he was very confident that his Indian army could easily kill Zhuo Bufan.

However, at the moment when the shadow army joined forces to kill Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and waved, and the swords flashed and the lightning flashed.

No one saw what happened clearly, only to see the four men in black turned into ashes and disappeared in the hall.


Finally, Zhuo Bufan jumped and landed on the throne, and then stepped on the armrest of the dragon chair.

He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a hint of indifferent smile, looking at the emperor who was completely stunned.

"You don't listen to me when I talk to you nicely, and you have to beat me to fight, right?"

"I looked down on Hai Xiaoyun, that idiot, but now it seems that you are even more stupid than that guy."

"In that case, you should not be the emperor, so as not to destroy the eternal foundation of your Hai family."

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking and was about to reach out to attack Hai Tu.

However, at this moment...


Suddenly, there was a roar in the hall, that was the sound of a sonic boom.

A black shadow flew into the hall at a speed faster than sound.

Zhuo Bufan reacted almost immediately, turned around, raised his hand, and grabbed the opponent's fist.


The powerful energy poured out like a dam bursting, flattening the entire hall.

The most sacred and solemn Golden Palace of the Sea Dynasty was gone in an instant.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly, looked at the attacker, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Is it you?"


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