Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1178: Battle against the Void Saint

Standing on the huge red planet, Zhuo Bufan saw a desolate scene.

If he didn't need to breathe oxygen right now, he might have finished playing here.

This is a huge red giant star. A long time ago, it was also a sun that released endless brilliance.

Unfortunately, time will cause great changes in everything in the world, and even these planets cannot escape the sanctions of time.

"By the way, maybe I can find the origin of time through the existence years of these stars."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the red giant star in front of him, and suddenly a bold idea came to his mind.

If the theory of the Big Bang is correct, the origin of the explosion must be the origin of time.

From the moment of the explosion, time and space were born simultaneously.

Then, the energy of the explosion began to radiate around, and time and space also continued to spread.

Then it began to evolve into such a chaotic world.

Obviously, the closer to the center of the explosion, the longer time passes.

In other words, as long as Zhuo Bufan finds the existence with the longest time, he will be one step closer to the origin of time.

"Yes, if I follow this method, maybe I can really find the Lord of Time."

Zhuo Bufan regained his confidence and found the path to find the origin of time.

"Then first measure the age of this red giant star."

Zhuo Bufan took a rock from the planet and entered his inner world.

He came to the Palace of Miracles again and found Zhang Jing and others who were having a meeting.

Zhang Jing and the other nine evangelists were discussing how to tell the world about the upcoming invasion by people from other worlds.

After all, this matter is related to the future of the entire world, so Zhang Jing and the others are still more cautious.

The arrival of Zhuo Bufan obviously caused a panic among them.

"Welcome, Your Majesty!"

Zhang Jing led everyone present to kneel down towards Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan waved and said.

"Get up, no need to be polite."

Zhuo Bufan was not used to this status of a superior person.

But Zhang Jing and the others were already panicking.

"When the Lord comes, he must ask us about the countermeasures we have discussed!"

"We have betrayed the trust of our Lord. We haven't come up with a complete plan yet, but we already have a basic idea."

Zhang Jing took the initiative to ask Zhuo Bufan for instructions.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly and said.

"Oh? Then tell me, what are your basic thoughts?"

Zhuo Bufan also wanted to know how Zhang Jing and the others dealt with the new immigrants.

Zhang Jing said after hearing this.

"We have currently discussed three plans, which are for the Lord's reference only."

"The first plan is the savior method!"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was slightly startled.

"Savior Method? The name sounds interesting. Please tell me in detail."

At this time, Zhang Jing continued.

"The so-called savior method is to make our aborigines suffer a catastrophe. Under the catastrophe, everyone is helpless. At this time, the Lord will send immigrants from the New World into our world, and let me help us solve this catastrophe. "

"In this way, the indigenous people of our world will definitely be grateful to these people who have helped us. This will be very helpful for the subsequent immigration plan. This is what we call the savior method. Let the new immigrants serve as The savior of our world.”

After hearing Zhang Jing's suggestion, Zhuo Bufan was slightly stunned.

He didn't expect that Zhang Jing and the others could actually come up with a way. This savior method was very interesting.

Let the people of the New World act as saviors to the native peoples of the earth.

In this way, future immigration plans will not encounter too many obstacles.

However, there is a major problem with this method, and that is the catastrophe mentioned by Zhang Jing.

If this disaster is minor, then the indigenous people may be able to solve it themselves without waiting for new immigrants to help.

And if this disaster is serious, it may really cause an irreparable disaster. The indigenous people may even be wiped out under this catastrophe.

In this case, it would be a brutal massacre.

Faced with Zhang Jing's proposal, Zhuo Bufan quickly considered the other side of this idea.

Then he told Zhang Jing about this shortcoming.

"You should know very well that if the catastrophe you are talking about is not controlled, it is likely to cause the end of the world."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Zhang Jing and others nodded immediately.

"Yes, we thought of this problem exactly, so this method was rejected by six votes."

There were ten people present, and six vetoes meant that the plan could not be passed.

"Then tell me what your second method is?"

Zhuo Bufan continued to ask.

After Zhang Jing heard this, he immediately reported it.

"The second method is called isolation method!"

"Isolation method? Please tell me in detail." Zhuo Bufan said.

At this time, Zhang Jing took out a map and showed it to Zhuo Bufan.

"My lord, please look at this map. This is the current distribution map of the world's population."

When Zhuo Bufan saw the map, a feeling of intimacy arose spontaneously.

He noticed that a huge circle was drawn on the outside of the map.

Then Zhang Jing said: "My lord, please look at this circle. This is the isolation circle."

"I think if we use the Lord's ability, we should be able to establish such an isolation circle to completely isolate the indigenous people from the new immigrants. In this way, the two sides will not disturb each other, and there will be no war."

After hearing Zhang Jing's words, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

Because it reminded him of the dividing line between yin and yang in the yin and yang world.

Those dividing lines divide the entire Yin and Yang world into five major worlds.

Yin world, Yang world, true world, virtual world and no world.

These five worlds gradually merged after Zhuo Bufan unified the Yin and Yang worlds.

It can be said that Zhang Jing's proposal coincides with the birth of the Yin and Yang world.

This even made Zhuo Bufan wonder whether the being who created the Yin and Yang world was also the one who encountered the problems Zhuo Bufan and the others were currently facing. Finally, the isolation method was adopted.

In any case, Zhang Jing's second proposal really made Zhuo Bufan's eyes light up, and he felt that it was a feasible method.

The aborigines and new immigrants were completely isolated so that they would not interfere with each other and could still live their previous lives.

"This is indeed a solution and worth considering."

Zhuo Bufan thought in his mind.

At this time, he looked at Zhang Jing and continued.

"You just said you have three proposals, so what is the third proposal? Tell me!"

Zhuo Bufan asked again.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Jing continued with his third idea.

"This third idea is, the neighbor method!"

"The so-called proximity method is to create another 'Earth' on the periphery of our 'Earth' world. The Lord has great supernatural powers, so there should be no problem!"

After Zhang Jing finished speaking, he looked at Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but roll his eyes at him.

He thought to himself, if I could create another world, there would be no need to beep with you here!

Zhang Jing was just cheating and cheating to get along with the third suggestion.

Zhuo Bufan was secretly angry, but he didn't express it openly.

"Okay, I agree with your second proposal. When the time is right, I will start to build an isolation barrier."

"Next, you are responsible for informing the people in this world so that they don't have to waste time and venture into the newly opened world. Once I start to build an isolation barrier, it will be impossible for them to return."

"The other thing is to strengthen the spread of spiritual practice and let the people of this world practice it as soon as possible."

"No one can guarantee the future. When the catastrophe comes, you cannot live under my wings forever. You must know how to fight on your own and seek a chance for yourself. Do you understand?"

Zhuo Bufan was still a little dissatisfied with Zhang Jing.

Zhang Jing knows how to be cunning.

If he didn't have something to explain to him, Zhuo Bufan would definitely give this guy a good lesson.

After hearing this, Zhang Jing nodded quickly and responded.

"Understood! Don't worry, Lord, we will make a detailed plan and layout according to the second plan. Everything will be properly handled before the new immigrants arrive."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, that's good. But today I'm here not only for this matter, but I also have something else I want you to do."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took out the rock he took from the red giant star.

The rock was completely crimson, and I didn’t know what it was made of.

But it is certain that there must be soil inside, and many of the elements on it can also be found on the earth.

Zhang Jing's eyes lit up when he saw Zhuo Bufan taking out a red stone. Then I felt a little confused.

"Why did the Lord bring a stone? Could it be that this stone is a rare treasure? Or is it a divine object suitable for cultivation?"

Zhang Jing thought so.

He thought it was specially given to them by Zhuo Bufan.

So Zhang Jing was secretly happy at the moment, waiting for Zhuo Bufan's reward.

However, Zhuo Bufan seemed to have seen through his little thoughts, smiled coldly and said.

"Don't think this is a reward for you. This is a task assigned to you by me."

Zhuo Bufan noticed the cunning in Zhang Jing's eyes.

Only now did he realize that Zhang Jing, who looked honest on the surface, was actually a bit cautious.

Maybe he was bullied a lot in the past and developed a sinister personality.

A shady guy suddenly gained invincible power one day. It's pretty good that he can be so honest.

"May I ask, Lord, who is there?"

Although Zhang Jing was a little disappointed, he couldn't show it.

Because he felt that his entire being was in front of the god in front of him, and there was no secret at all.

Therefore, he suddenly became more honest and did not dare to have other small thoughts in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan said after hearing this.

"I want you to take this rock and go find the best geologist in the world and ask him to help me measure the age of this rock."

The rock that Zhuo Bufan took was not an ordinary rock, but the rock near the center of the red giant star.

There are many radioactive elements in it, and the age of the red giant star can be inferred using isotope dating.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan needs excellent geologists to help him determine the age of the red giant star.

After hearing this, Zhang Jing became much more honest this time and did not dare to ask more questions, but answered decisively.

"Don't worry, Lord, I will go find the best geologists right now, and I will definitely let them complete the tasks you have given me."

"It's not them, it's you! If you can't complete this task, it means you are not qualified for your current position. Then I have to let you go back to being your ordinary high school student."

Zhuo Bufan's words undoubtedly made Zhang Jing feel uneasy.

Zhang Jing couldn't imagine what he would do if he lost everything and returned to that ordinary high school student.

So, he immediately knelt down towards Zhuo Bufan, and then said to Zhuo Bufan in a very sure voice.

"Don't worry, my lord, my subordinates will definitely complete the mission assigned by you to the death."

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he didn't say anything more and disappeared into the Palace of Miracles.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan leave, Zhang Jing slowly stood up from the ground.

On his forehead, there were thin beads of sweat.

What Zhuo Bufan just said obviously scared him half to death.

The other preachers on the side saw this and stepped forward to ask.

"Zhang Jing, are you okay?"

After hearing this, Zhang Jing picked up the rock and said.

"I'll leave this to you, you can continue the discussion. I'll go to the lower world."

After Zhang Jing finished speaking, he took the rock and flew down from the Miracle Palace, and then began to look for the geologist to complete the task assigned by Zhuo Bufan.

On this side, Zhuo Bufan returned to the Red Star after leaving the Miracle Palace.

"Hurry up and find the next star. We must find the starting point of the big bang."

Zhuo Bufan has now transformed his search for the end of time into searching for the starting point of the Big Bang.

This is equivalent to turning the illusory time into a space problem that can be found.

This will be of great help to Zhuo Bufan in his search for the Lord of Time.

But just when Zhuo Bufan was about to leave the red giant star, suddenly a strong murderous aura came from not far away——

call out!

As a terrifying death ray struck, Zhuo Bufan's soul immediately discovered that this death ray was locked on him, and he could not avoid it.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan opened a space door and used space folding to avoid the attack of the death ray.

To outsiders, the death ray completely penetrated Zhuo Bufan's body.

After the ray passed through Zhuo Bufan's body, it heavily bombarded the surface of the red giant star.


The power of this blow was extremely terrifying. After it landed on the surface of the red giant star, it exploded a huge crater with a diameter of 100,000 kilometers.

The entire red giant trembled and even shifted a little.

It can be said that this is a sure-fire strategy. If Zhuo Bufan is hit by this move, even if he does not die, he will be seriously injured.

Of course, this is without considering Zhuo Bufan's ability to mend the sky.

Because of the existence of Tian Mending Technique, it doesn't matter if Zhuo Bufan resists this move forcefully.

However, the Heaven-Mending Technique consumes Yuan Power, and Zhuo Bufan does not want to waste Yuan Power casually.

What's more, Zhuo Bufan didn't want to get hurt for no reason.

"Damn it, are you chasing me?"

Zhuo Bufan escaped from the different space, and he immediately realized that it was very likely that the enemy had caught up.

Therefore, under this situation, Zhuo Bufan did not dare to get hurt casually.


Zhuo Bufan's first thought was to escape.

Because what is chasing him is not a simple existence, but the incarnation of the way of heaven.

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that he was definitely no match for those incarnations of heaven. So running away is definitely the best choice at the moment.

But just when Zhuo Bufan was about to open a door to space and escape from this red giant star.

Suddenly he discovered that there was a huge layer of restrictions surrounding the entire red giant star.

The restriction prohibits Zhuo Bufan from opening up space passages.

"Want to escape? Watch where you go."

At this moment, two figures appeared in the void.

One of them was wearing armor and the other was wearing a white robe, surrounded by black energy.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he immediately released his soul.

Soon, he discovered that only the two Saint Yuan Realm masters of the Void Clan in front of him were chasing him, and the more powerful Void Clan greats were not nearby.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan's real enemies are only the two Saint Yuan realms in front of him.

"It should work."

Zhuo Bufan wondered in his heart.

He believed that the situation in front of him was not a fatal one. If there were only two Saint Yuan realms, he should be able to escape.

And maybe, it can even fight back.

"Hahahaha, Brother Lou, did you see it? Our luck is really good. We actually bumped into this kid. God helps me."

Song Yuan, who was wearing a white robe, smiled particularly wildly after seeing Zhuo Bufan.

Lou Tie, who was wearing armor on the side, was also very proud.

"Brother Song, it seems that God has really helped us. It is destined that you and I will get this opportunity."

Song Yuan and Lou Tie were obviously very happy, because the scene they were looking forward to finally happened.

You must know that on the way here, they were thinking about it all the way, and they must find Zhuo Bufan.

Unexpectedly, they actually met Zhuo Bufan himself.

Seeing the target person appear, they immediately blocked the entire space around the red giant star to prevent Zhuo Bufan from escaping again.

At this time, they were obviously planning to catch Zhuo Bufan in a trap.

"You brat, you have two choices now."

"Either you come back to Daluotian with us and accept the judgment of heaven."

"Either you are executed on the spot by us, and then we take your body back to Daluotian."

"Tell me, which way do you want to choose?"

Lou Tie looked at Zhuo Bufan as if he had a chance to win.

It is impossible for these two Saint Yuan realm experts to be unable to deal with Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly as he analyzed the situation in front of him.

"Obviously, they are the only two chasing us. But this speed is too fast."

"I ran away without leaving any clues. I even chose a comet and walked aimlessly in the void."

"In the vast chaos, how did these guys find me by such a coincidence? I would never believe it was a coincidence. They must have a way to find me."

"It seems that I must find a way for them to find me. Otherwise, even if I escaped today, I will still face endless pursuit in the future."

Zhuo Bufan realized the seriousness of the matter.

It is not the top priority to deal with the two masters of the Xu clan in front of them, the top priority is to find their means of finding people.

After all, only two Saint Yuan realms came this time. What if two Dao Yuan realms came next time, or even the incarnation of Heavenly Dao?

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan needs to know the other party's tracing methods.

So he spoke.

"Two great Saint Yuan realms, you really think highly of me, Zhuo!"

"There's nothing you can do. If you resist, you'll definitely die."

Zhuo Bufan smiled helplessly and stabilized the other party's mood.

After hearing what Zhuo Bufan said, Song Yuan continued.

"You're not stupid, you can clearly see the situation in front of you."

"You are right. Once you resist, you will definitely die."

"Originally, it wouldn't be a big deal to take your body back. Daluo Tiandao will still reward us generously."

"However, if Da Luo Tianda kills you with his own hands, the old man will definitely be happier. This is the purpose of keeping you alive."

After hearing what Song Yuan said, Zhuo Bufan shrugged and smiled.

"It seems I have no choice. I can go back with you. But I want to know something."

"I ran away aimlessly. I didn't even know where I was. How did you find me?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Song Yuan in front of him and asked.

The doubtful look on his face made Song Yuan very proud.

In Song and Yuan's view, Zhuo Bufan was just a fool, just trying to be smart.

At this time, Song Yuan took out the Wheel of Life that Wang Ce gave them, and then entered the vitality.

Suddenly, the wheel of life began to spin.

Then on the wheel of life, a brilliant star path was projected.

On the star path, there are ten or twenty red dots.

The moment Zhuo Bufan saw the red dot, he immediately understood something.

At this time, Song Yuan was still explaining.

"This is called the Wheel of Life. It can detect all life within a radius of ten light years."

"Do you understand now?"

Hearing what Song Yuan said, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

"That's true. Can the Wheel of Life detect all life within a radius of ten light years?"

"I just saw nearly twenty red dots, which means there are twenty lives within ten light years!"

Zhuo Bufan was overjoyed.

He has always wanted to find other lives, but he didn't expect that now he would finally have a way to find other lives.

"It seems that the opponent is chasing the red dot of life on the star map in batches."

"It's just that these two are luckier, and it happens to be me who they are chasing."

Zhuo Bufan immediately understood how the other party tracked him down. Their plans and methods were basically figured out by Zhuo Bufan.

"It will be easier once I know how the other party is looking for me. I must get the theory of life."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Wheel of Life in Song Yuan's hand with longing in his eyes.

Obviously, he has set his sights on the Wheel of Life.

With the Wheel of Life, he can find other lives, and maybe even Meng Chanyi.

After all, Zhuo Bufan promised Emperor Wa that he would find Meng Chanyi and bring her back safely.

"Boy, now you know how we found you. Then please follow us honestly!"

After Song Yuan finished speaking, he took out a white porcelain bottle from his arms.

Then he looked towards Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Get in there quietly before I do anything."

Obviously, that white porcelain bottle is a sealed bottle. Once Zhuo Bufan got in, it would be almost impossible to get out.

Just when Song Yuan threw the white porcelain bottle at Zhuo Bufan.

Suddenly Zhuo Bufan made a backhand move from behind.

The next second, a dark divine sword appeared in his hand.


When the sealed bottle just landed on top of Zhuo Bufan's head, it was suddenly thrown away by Zhuo Bufan.

"Boy, what are you doing?"

Seeing Zhuo Bufan suddenly smashing away his sealed bottle, Song Yuan was immediately furious.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan sneered.

"What to do? Fuck you!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't say anything nonsense, raised his sword again, and killed Song Yuan.

Only then did Song Yuan and Lou Tie react.

"Stop talking nonsense to this kid, kill him!"

Song Yuan shouted angrily, stretched out his hand to Zhuo Bufan, and the space exploded immediately.

Lou Tie on the side reproduced the miracle of destruction. He opened his mouth and shouted angrily at Zhuo Bufan.


The next second, a purple light of destruction was projected towards Zhuo Bufan.

That light of destruction was extremely powerful. It had previously blasted a huge pit with a diameter of 100,000 miles in the entire red giant star.

So, the power of this light of destruction should never be underestimated.

Zhuo Bufan also knew the power of this light of destruction, but this time he could not use the previous method of space folding to escape.

Because the surrounding space domains were all blocked, Zhuo Bufan could not escape to another space.


This time, the light of destruction completely hit Zhuo Bufan,

Zhuo Bufan fell onto the red giant star.


The land began to fall apart. And the red giant star even shifted its position.

"Hahaha, he's dead after being hit by my annihilation ray."

Lou Tie laughed.

There has never been anyone that his annihilation ray has failed to kill. This is not only a physical blow, but also a devastating damage to the soul.

Lou Tie always kills his opponents instantly with his annihilation ray.

So he naturally believes that Zhuo Bufan was completely killed by this blow.

"Well done, Brother Lou!"

Song Yuan on the side praised.

"Thanks to Brother Song for controlling it well."

In business, Lou Tie also praised Song Yuan.

After all, the two of them are grasshoppers on the same rope from now on, and they will definitely be together whether they live or die.

If they can't catch Zhuo Bufan this time, then they will definitely die at the hands of Yizhi Tianwangce.

So no matter what, they must kill Zhuo Bufan.

"Go and see if he's dead!"

Lou Tie said to Song Yuan.

After hearing this, Song Yuan flew towards the red giant star below.

He saw Zhuo Bufan lying in a huge deep pit, and then he didn't move.

"Is he really dead?"

Although Song Yuan would not doubt the power of Lou Tie's destructive death light, it was obviously too easy to kill Zhuo Bufan who escaped from Daluotian.

"One more move!"

Song Yuan was a cautious person. Although he saw Zhuo Bufan motionless, he still had to make another move to feel relieved.

So, Song Yuan gathered terrifying energy with both hands in front of his chest, and then a white sword-shaped energy appeared in the air.

He was gathering a terrifying big move, and the power was even greater than the destructive death light used by Lou Tie before.

This time, he wanted to kill Zhuo Bufan completely.


Just when Song Yuan was gathering the big move, countless black dragons suddenly came from below.


The moment he saw the black dragon, Song Yuan immediately found that Zhuo Bufan was not dead.

"Sure enough, he is not dead. Cunning boy, do you want to plot against me?"

"It's ridiculous. I am the immortal Void Saint. What if I can withstand your attack?"

The body of the Void Clan is immortal and has a lifespan of heaven. It is almost impossible to be killed.

That's why Song Yuan is so confident and wants to resist Zhuo Bufan's attack.

Because if he chooses to defend, the terrifying killing move that is condensing in his hand will disintegrate by itself.

Song Yuan thought that he must kill Zhuo Bufan.

So he must not withdraw this move in his hand.

In this case, he had to resist Zhuo Bufan's attack.

Seeing countless black dragons rushing down below, the terrifying killing move in Song Yuan's hand has been condensed.

"Destroy it for me!"

Song Yuan shouted, and the Zhuxian Divine Sword condensed in his hand went to kill Zhuo Bufan below.


The Zhuxian Divine Sword was extremely fast, even as fast as lightning.

Zhuo Bufan could not dodge at all, and could only choose to resist.

"Can you withstand this move of mine?"

Song Yuan laughed.

Both of them chose to resist the other's killing move.

But Song Yuan was fearless because he was a virtual life and would not suffer any physical damage. The damage to his soul was almost negligible.

However, Zhuo Bufan was not a virtual body. He would be injured and would suffer incalculable damage.

So in Song Yuan's view, Zhuo Bufan was dead.

No one could withstand his move just now, so he could laugh without worry.




The terrifying killing sword fell, and for a moment, the whole land began to fall apart under the destruction of the terrifying Zhuxian Sword.

The entire red giant even showed signs of being destroyed, and the energy that had been burned out was revived again.

After enduring so many destructive energies, the red giant had a tendency to explode.

On the other side, tens of thousands of mysterious black dragons crashed into Song Yuan.

Song Yuan opened his hands, sneered, and confidently waited for the black dragons to hurt him.

But then, something unbelievable happened to Song Yuan.

After rushing towards him, the black dragons did not attack him, but started to bite each other.

Then, the black dragons biting each other formed a series of black rune chains.

These chains entangled Song Yuan at a very fast speed.

At that moment, Song Yuan looked terrified.

"Damn, not good!"

He tried his best to break free, but the more he struggled, the tighter the rune chain locked.

And all the energy in his body was sealed in an instant.

The omnipotent Void Saint turned into a weakling in the next second, and then fell face first, heavily on the ground.

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