Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1180 Zhuo Bufan, I advise you to be kind

"Stop, you're going to hit me with a hammer!"

"Aren't you going to take me back? Can I go back with you? Don't run away."

In the vast sea of ​​​​stars, Zhuo Bufan desperately chased Lou Tie, the great sage of the Xu clan.

However, the speeds of both sides were evenly matched, and it felt like two lights running at the same speed.

Zhuo Bufan was obviously a little tired, and he even had the idea of ​​giving up chasing his goal.

However, once you give up, the consequences will be disastrous.

"No, pursuing him like this is not an option."

"It's possible that a new batch of pursuers has already arrived in my direction."

"If I continue to struggle with this guy here, I will probably fall into the opponent's delaying strategy."

Zhuo Bufan is a smart man, he knows the other party's arrangements very well.

When the other party realizes that the team chasing them has not returned for a long time, they will soon send more powerful Void people to chase them.

To put it simply, the two Void Clan powerful men who chased after them first were obviously just investigating troops.

Once one's position is determined, the next person to catch up is likely to be the Dao Yuan realm, or even the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

Zhuo Bufan was not an idiot. After thinking about it for a while, he realized that continuing the pursuit was definitely not the best option.

"It seems I have to give up the pursuit. I can't waste my time on this guy."

After Zhuo Bufan thought clearly, he immediately stopped pursuing.

Although it was a pity to let this guy go, at this point, he had no other choice.

But just when Zhuo Bufan gave up the pursuit, he suddenly discovered that Lou Tie, hundreds of miles away, had also stopped.

"Huh? This guy stopped"

Zhuo Bufan's spirit could sense that Lou Tie had indeed stopped.

"Boy, wait a minute, stop chasing me now, you must have felt it too!"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan also found that Lou Tie's voice came from his soul.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

"Don't chase me? You think I'm stupid!"

When Zhuo Bufan saw Lou Tie stop, he naturally would not miss this opportunity. His energy surged immediately, and he was ready to pursue him.

However, when he pursued the Lou Tie, the Lou Tie quickly shouted.

"Stop, you little tiger? Don't you feel it?"

Zhuo Bufan was once again stunned. He didn't know what conspiracy the other party was playing.

"How do you feel?"

As Zhuo Bufan spoke, he put his right hand behind his back and quietly released the Sealing Heaven Seal again.

"Take your right hand out from behind your back. Don't think that I don't know that you are secretly taking the Heaven Sealing Seal to seal me."

"Boy, I advise you to be kind. Now we are both grasshoppers on the same rope."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Lou Tie in front of him in confusion, and then rolled his eyes.

"You are the grasshopper, seal the sky, seal him for me!"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but release the Heaven Sealing Seal in his hand, causing thousands of dragons to gallop. He roared towards Lou Tie.

However, this time, Lou Tie was obviously prepared.

He knew Zhuo Bufan's move, so the moment Zhuo Bufan made his move, he used Shunpo to dodge the dragon soul seal.

As a result, dozens of black dragons roared and flew towards Lou Tie, but Lou Tie easily dodged them.

However, Zhuo Bufan's dragon soul seal did not hit the air, but hit the void solidly.

At this point, Zhuo Bufan also widened his eyes.

"Is there something?"

Zhuo Bufan finally understood what Lou Tie meant before.

There was something in this void, and it was right around them.

"Boy, stop it. Do you want to die?"

Lou Tie shouted immediately after seeing Zhuo Bufan's Heaven Sealing Seal hitting the thing in the void.

"What the hell?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

In that dim, chaotic void, something was indeed moving.

It is lurking around Zhuo Bufan and the others, and may rush out at any time to give Zhuo Bufan and the others a fatal blow.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

At this moment, a strange voice came from the depths of Zhuo Bufan's soul.

It buzzed, and the sound was like a cry from thousands of miles deep under the sea.

It sounds so sad and lonely.

And at this moment, a huge star that was closest to Zhuo Bufan and the others suddenly exploded.

A powerful shock wave radiated towards them.

What was even more terrifying was that after the star exploded, it disappeared in front of them for no reason.

It was as if it was suddenly swallowed by a huge black hole.

"Is it a black hole?"

Zhuo Bufan said in surprise.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan also felt an inexplicable sense of fear coming over him.

He even forgot to deal with Lou Tie for a moment.

And that Lou Tie had even forgotten that Zhuo Bufan was his enemy, because he actually asked Zhuo Bufan for help.

"Boy, let's join forces! Otherwise no one can escape."

"After we leave here, we will continue the pursuit. You chase yours, and I'll run away from mine."

The great sage of the Xu clan in Tangtang actually asked for mercy from his enemies.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan asked inexplicably.

"Join forces, did I hear you correctly? Why join forces?"

Zhuo Bufan obviously still didn't know what happened.

When Lou Tie heard this, he shouted.

"Don't you understand yet? We are being targeted, by the guardians of order in this void."

"Guardian of Order?"

This was the first time Zhuo Bufan heard this word.

Lou Tie looked at Zhuo Bufan and shook his head helplessly.

Zhuo Bufan was even more clueless than he thought. He really didn't know how Zhuo Bufan sealed Song Yuan.

"Didn't anyone tell you? The most terrifying existence in Chaos, the Guardian of Order! Also known as the Chaos Beast."

When Zhuo Bufan heard about Chaos Beast, his eyes lit up.

"Chaos beast?"

Of course he had heard of the Chaos Beast, because the Red Emperor once told him that there was little life in the chaotic void, but there was a terrifying existence, the Chaos Beast.

Strictly speaking, chaos beasts are not living things, but they are extremely terrifying.

The Red Emperor warned Zhuo Bufan that once he encounters a Chaos Beast, he must run away immediately without any hesitation, otherwise he will definitely die.

"It can't be such a coincidence!"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly. He didn't expect that he was so unlucky that he encountered a Chaos Beast not long after leaving Da Luotian.

Lou Tie saw Zhuo Bufan's stunned look, and then continued.

"The Chaos Beast is also known as the Continuing Guardian, the Star Swallowing Beast, the Void Scavenger, and the Galaxy Singer!"

"We broke into its territory. As you just saw, it swallowed up the planet so easily. If the two of us don't join forces, we will definitely die."

Lou Tie obviously knew how terrifying the Chaos Beast was better than Zhuo Bufan.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he looked in the direction of the previous planet, and he couldn't help but shake his head.

"Star Swallowing Beast, was that planet just swallowed by this Chaos Beast?"

Zhuo Bufan believed that facing such a monster, he absolutely did not have the strength to fight against it.

"What should I do? Do I really want to cooperate with my enemy?"

Zhuo Bufan realized the seriousness of the matter.

Lou Tie on the other side saw through Zhuo Bufan's thoughts and said bluntly.

"I advise you not to think about escaping, because that is impossible. Once targeted by the Chaos Beasts, no one can escape. They will easily tear apart space, even if you are a hundred thousand light years away. You can also be caught immediately.”

Lou Tie's words undoubtedly gave Zhou Bufan a headache.

It can easily tear apart space and open up space channels.

This Chaos Beast is really not a simple existence!

"Listening to what you said, it seems that I have no choice but to join forces with you?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Lou Tie and said.

When Lou Tie heard this, he smiled and answered.

"Yes, either we cooperate and escape. Or we die here together."

"Of course, I am an incorporeal body and will not die. At most, I will be swallowed by this chaotic beast and sealed in its world. But if you say so, you will definitely die."

"Haha, that's interesting!"

"Okay, tell me, how can we work together to escape?"

Who doesn't want to survive? Even if Zhuo Bufan possessed the Heaven-Mending Technique, he would not dare to be so arrogant.

Therefore, in the face of Lou Tie's request, Zhuo Bufan became interested in cooperation.

On the opposite side, Lou Tie smiled inwardly when he heard Zhuo Bufan's answer.

If he hadn't been faceless, you would have seen a proud smile on his face.

Lou Tie actually did have a way to escape, and that was to bring in reinforcements.

Although he couldn't defeat this Chaos Beast, their boss, Suzhi Tian Wang Ce, could deal with this Chaos Beast.

Wang Ce is the incarnation of the way of heaven, and his strength is undoubted. He can still deal with the chaos beast.

Lou Tie knew that he could not escape from the realm of this chaotic beast, and after much thought, he finally came up with only one way, which was the only way to save himself, and that was to bring in reinforcements.

Bringing the Suspicious King Ce here will not only save him from this predicament, but also capture Zhuo Bufan as well.

However, there is only one way to invite Wang Ce to come, and that is to use space crystals to position Wang Ce in space.

That space crystal was made by Wang Ce and contained Wang Ce's own space power.

Once it is crushed, it is equivalent to opening a space channel for Wang Ce.

Wang Ce was able to come from light years away as soon as possible.

However, the most important space crystal was taken away by Zhuo Bufan.

Of course, the blame lies with that self-righteous fool Song Yuan.

The reason why Lou Tie proposed to cooperate with Zhuo Bufan was because he wanted to find a way to defraud the space crystal that Zhuo Bufan had taken away.

Of course he had to lie. If he honestly told Zhuo Bufan the function of the crystal, then Zhuo Bufan would definitely not hand over the crystal honestly.

This is also the reason why Lou Tie swallowed his anger in front of Zhuo Bufan.

If it weren't for this reason, Lou Tie would have torn Zhuo Bufan into pieces long ago.

So, how to cheat?

Lou Tie did a lot of inner activities.

"I know a way to escape from the realm of this Chaos Beast, but only if you trust me."

Lou Tie looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes at him and said.

"If you fart, let it go. I'm very impatient."

Zhuo Bufan said, picked up the Seal of Sealing Heaven and waved it in front of Lou Tie.

When Lou Tie saw the seal, he was so frightened that he said quickly.

"Hey, you'd better stop messing around. If I am sealed, you will never escape from the realm of this Chaos Beast."

"We don't have much time. This Chaos Beast should still be observing us. It may launch an attack at any time."

Lou Tie was obviously a little anxious.

"The first step is to put down the seal on your hand."

Hearing Lou Tie begging for mercy, Zhuo Bufan reluctantly put the seal away.

"This is going to be bad! Old guy, don't play tricks on me. We are so close now, I can seal you at any time."

Zhuo Bufan slowly approached Lou Tie.

After hearing this, Lou Tie said angrily.

"Hmph, the heart of a villain. Boy, we agreed that we will never start a war before we escape. You don't want to die here either!"

"Okay, tell me what you are going to do? My patience is running out."

Zhuo Bufan was not a fool. Why couldn't he see what this dark thing was thinking?

The current situation is that the two guys are not planning to do anything on the surface, but both sides have their own agenda and are secretly trying to get at each other.

Lou Tie was thinking, and so was Zhuo Bufan.

"Well, let me tell you the truth! I need something, and that thing is in your hand."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned slightly.

"In my hand? Is it the wheel of life?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

When Lou Tie heard this, he immediately shook his head.

"It's not the wheel of life, but the crystal! It can help us escape."

What Lou Tie said here is basically true.

That crystal can indeed help them escape.

"That crystal is called the Space Crystal. As long as it is crushed, the power inside will be able to break through the realm of this Chaos Beast and lead us here."

This sentence is obviously made up by Lou Tie!

Naturally, Lou Tie would not say that after crushing the crystal, a door to space would be opened, and then the incarnation of Daluo Tiandao, Suzhi Tianwang Ce.

He will move through the door of space and come to Zhuo Bufan.

Lou Tie told Zhuo Bufan that this space crystal can break open the space and allow them to escape from the realm of chaotic beasts.

This explanation is actually very reasonable, because there is indeed space power in the space crystal. Zhuo Bufan had studied it before and discovered the power of space stored inside.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not answer immediately after hearing this.

His brain began to analyze quickly.

"Space crystal?"

"It doesn't sound like a lie, but it's definitely not that simple."

"Beware of scams. I need to be careful."

Zhuo Bufan was not a fool, although he believed Lou Tie's words 50%.

But he expressed doubts about the remaining 50%.

Therefore, in order to prevent Lou Tie from harming him, Zhuo Bufan secretly copied the space crystal in his inner world and made an almost identical crystal.

Outside of the crystal, it's basically the same.

But inside, Zhuo Bufan had other preparations.

He first released ten black dragons from the Sealing Seal and drilled them into the crystal, and then filled it with a large amount of space power.

Once the crystal is crushed, the space power inside will explode immediately.

Then the sealing black dragon will rush out and seal the nearest target immediately.

Wang Ce's space crystal was made by Wang Ce using secret techniques. It is obviously difficult for Zhuo Bufan to completely copy a space crystal that can carry out space transfer.

However, he believed that the crystal he had imitated could definitely deceive Lou Tie by looking fake.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan took out his imitation crystal, held it in his hand, and looked at Lou Tie in front of him.

"You mean this thing?"

Lou Tie immediately sensed the space crystal in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

There is indeed space power in it.

"Yes, that's it. Just leave it to me."

Lou Tie stretched out his hand and asked Zhuo Bufan for help.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan pretended to stretch out his hand, but when he reached halfway, he retracted it.

"No, what should I do if you lie to me? If I leave it to you, what if you crush yourself and escape alone?"

Zhuo Bufan said with a serious expression, he is a good actor.

After hearing this, Lou Tie smiled inwardly.

"I'm trying to be smart. I thought you wouldn't believe me."

After finishing what he said in his heart, Lou Tie looked at Zhuo Bufan again and said.

"If you don't believe me, then you can choose to crush it yourself!"

"Just crush it and we can escape."

Lou Tie didn't care whose hands the crystal would be in. Anyway, as long as it was crushed, it would definitely arouse suspicion.

If Zhuo Bufan crushed it, he would be seeking death himself, and Wang Ce would not want it.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't see the expression on Lou Tie's face, but he could feel his pride.

In a battle of wits and courage with this guy, Zhuo Bufan suddenly found that it was very interesting.

"Looks like I'm going to show off my acting skills."

Zhuo Bufan smiled inwardly, then he closed his palms deliberately and tried to crush the crystal.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan squeezing the crystal, Lou Tie couldn't hold it anymore.

He was shouting in his heart...

"Crush it hard, crush it, crush it!"

Lou Tie was eager to let Zhuo Bufan crush the crystal,

However, Zhuo Bufan suddenly stopped after pinching halfway.

"No, what if it suddenly explodes after I crush it?"

"I will be seriously injured by the explosion. Do you want to take the opportunity to take me down?"

Seeing Zhuo Bufan stop, Lou Tie roared in his heart.

"This damn boy, why are you doing so much shit?"

"This guy is too suspicious. I think he is the most suspicious person!"

"Being smart is just being smart."

"Son of a bitch, I want to see what you want to do."

Lou Tie was hysterical in his heart, but on the surface he pretended as if nothing had happened.

"Zhuo Bufan, I advise you to be kind and not be too suspicious. We don't have much time anymore. Make a decision quickly. Should you crush it or not?"

Lou Tie finally forced Zhuo Bufan to make the final decision.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan pretended to be thoughtful, and then hesitated for a long time.

Finally, he raised his hand and looked at Lou Tie and said.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you to crush it. If there's a lie, at least it won't hurt myself."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he threw the fake space crystal to Lou Tie.

At the same time, the seal of seal behind Zhuo Bufan appeared again.

And at the moment when the space crystal was thrown at Lou Tie, Lou Tie laughed with great satisfaction in his heart.

"Hahahaha, great, this idiot sent the crystal over."

"This time, you are dead, you are finished, you are finished."

At this moment, Lou Tie felt like he had won a huge victory.

After all, the battle of wits and courage with Zhuo Bufan has finally yielded a result. And the result was even better than he expected.

So now Lou Tie wanted to shout out, he wanted to personally announce his victory to Zhuo Bufan.


Lou Tie's big black smoke hands grabbed the space crystal thrown by Zhuo Bufan.

The next second, the guy started shaking all over and laughing hysterically.

"Hahahahaha, hahahahahaha, hahahahaha..."

He smiled crazily, feeling that this was the happiest time in his life.

He succeeded, he successfully deceived the space crystal.

When I think of my own battle of wits and courage with Zhuo Bufan,

When I think of crushing the crystal and summoning Master Wang Ce,

When he thought that he helped Wang Ce catch Zhuo Bufan,

When he thought of following Wang Ce back to Daluotian and accepting the reward from Heaven,

Thinking that his cultivation will be even higher in the future.

This Lou Tie is crazy, howling like crazy.

He wanted to personally announce his victory to Zhuo Bufan and announce Zhuo Bufan's death date.

"Hahahaha, Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan, you idiot, idiot! You are dead, you are dead."

"Do you really think this space crystal will take you out of here?"

"To tell you the truth, as soon as I crush him, the king will appear in front of me immediately."

"He will kill you, kill this beast of chaos."

"So baby, it's over."

After Lou Tie finished speaking in an evil tone, the space crystal in his hand shattered.



The moment the crystal was crushed, the space power in the crystal burst out.

Ouch! Ouch!

With a burst of dragon roar, more than a dozen black dragons rushed out of the crystal, then rushed towards the Lou Tie and entangled him.

Lou Tie was instantly stunned after seeing the black dragon rushing out of the space crystal.

The next second, he shouted.

"Zhuo Bufan, you despicable villain, how dare you plot against me!"

This Lou Tie is not stupid either. He immediately realized that he had been plotted against.

However, it was too late to regret now, because the next second, Zhuo Bufan had already rushed in front of him.

The seal in his hand was almost aimed at his head.

And on Zhuo Bufan's face, there was an evil smile.

"Hey, bad old man, you are really bad!"

"It turns out that the space crystal is used to summon Big Brother. Thank you for your demonstration. I know what to do."

"You have no use value now, goodbye!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the seal in his hand pressed directly towards Lou Tie's head.


For a moment, hundreds of black seal chains appeared on Lou Tie's body, and the next second, they directly wrapped Lou Tie into a rice dumpling.

Immediately, all the strength in Lou Tie's body was sealed, and he could not move. He completely lost his previous arrogance.


"I hate it, hate it, hate it!"

From crushing the crystal by himself to being sealed by the Heaven Seal, the whole process was just between lightning and flint.

Lou Tie reacted and realized that he had been deceived. He had been deceived by Zhuo Bufan, and the deception was not shallow.

He originally thought that he had exhausted all the traps before he could deceive the space crystal from Zhuo Bufan.

Na Zeng thought that Zhuo Bufan, a scammer, had already dug a hole for him.

He regretted so much that he believed Zhuo Bufan's words.

It's just that this guy Zhuo Bufan acted so well that he was completely deceived.

"Zhuo Bufan, I advise you to be kind. If you seal me, you will be finished as well."

"You can't escape from the Chaos Beast's territory. You're dead. You're dead."

Zhuo Bufan chuckled after hearing this.

He looked at Lou Tie and sneered.

"I don't know if I can escape from the realm of the Chaos Beast, but you, this guy, will definitely not be able to let go easily. You know too many secrets."

Zhuo Bufan finally caught Lou Tie, how could he let him go.

After saying that, he ignored Lou Tie's wails and threw him directly into his inner world, which was the 'Earth'.

Then, he threw Lou Tie next to the Song Yuan Mountain where Song Yuan was suppressed.

Similarly, Zhuo Bufan also rewarded Lou Tie with a 10,000-meter mountain and named it Lou Tie Mountain.

"I was afraid that you two would be lonely, so I buried you together."

"In the years to come, you can just whisper together and discuss how to escape! Hahahahahaha!"

Zhuo Bufan laughed and returned to the chaotic void.

Lou Tie's matter is finally settled.

Lou Tie was captured, and the secret of his seal should not be exposed.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan also knew the role of the space crystal. This thing was used to open the door to space for the incarnation of Heaven. This was a hot potato and would definitely not be beneficial to Zhuo Bufan.

"How about throwing it away?"

Zhuo Bufan thought about throwing away the space crystal.

But then he gave up this plan and kept it for now, maybe it would be of great use in the future.

Zhuo Bufan is more cautious in doing things, but he is indeed a little bold to put a time bomb next to him.

Of course, now is not the time to think about what to do with this space crystal.

Because there is an even more troublesome problem for Zhuo Bufan, which is the current terrifying situation.

Chaos beast!

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

Deep in my soul, I remembered that terrifying sound again.

After Zhuo Bufan heard the mysterious and lonely voice, he immediately made a fighting stance.

The power of the Chaos Beast is self-evident, and Zhuo Bufan's first question now is how to escape from the Chaos Beast's territory.


Zhuo Bufan tried to escape, but soon he hit an invisible energy barrier heavily.


Zhuo Bufan himself was knocked out.

"How can it be?"

Zhuo Bufan returned to the invisible barrier, and then put his hand on the barrier.

His fist condensed a powerful energy, and then hit the barrier.


As a result, Zhuo Bufan's punch had no reaction at all.

It was like a fallen leaf falling on the water, with just a few ripples.

This made Zhuo Bufan realize that with his own strength, it was obvious that he could not break through the realm of this chaotic beast.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

Just when Zhuo Bufan was thinking about whether he should sit still and wait for death, suddenly another voice came from his head.

But this time, what he heard was not loneliness and mystery, but a kind of wailing, a kind of sorrow.

Immediately afterwards, an even more magical scene happened.

Zhuo Bufan discovered that two huge red planets appeared out of thin air.


Zhuo Bufan was shocked by the sudden appearance of this mysterious superstar.

Because his scenario is too fantastic, no planet will suddenly appear.

Like a ghost planet, it appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan without anyone noticing.

Just when Zhuo Bufan wanted to get closer, suddenly, the two twin stars in front of him went out.

They disappear in an instant, and then suddenly appear again.

"I'm going, not the stars, but the eyes!"

Zhuo Bufan screamed in surprise.

The two huge twin stars that appeared in front of him turned out to be a pair of eyeballs.

By the time its true form appeared, Zhuo Bufan was already in a daze.

Above the vast void, a pair of eyes as fierce as a planet stared at him.

Zhuo Bufan felt that his soul was about to be seen through.

"Is it a Chaos Beast? Such a big Chaos Beast?"

Zhuo Bufan finally saw how terrifying the so-called Chaos Beast was.

In the void, an insurmountable wall loomed.

Only then did Zhuo Bufan realize that he was probably surrounded by a snake-like chaotic beast.

The serpentine chaotic beast coiled around the snake's tail and surrounded Zhuo Bufan in his body.

Then he looked at himself with his unimaginably big eyes.

From the beginning to the end, Zhuo Bufan could not clearly see the true face of this chaotic beast, and could only make vague guesses.

"No wonder the monks in the Saint Yuan Realm have to run away when they see the Chaos Beast. I can't beat this thing!"

Zhuo Bufan is not an arrogant person. He knows very well that there is no comparison between himself and the chaotic beast in front of him.

"Is it really over now?"

Just when Zhuo Bufan thought he was powerless, he was ready to load the file at any time.

Suddenly, that wailing sound came from his mind again.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!"

The wailing sound continued several times, and Zhuo Bufan could tell that the sound came from the huge and incredible chaotic beast in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment by the wailing sound coming from the Chaos Beast.

"It seems to be wailing, asking for help. Is it injured?"

Zhuo Bufan instinctively guessed.

Because if it hadn't been injured, this Chaos Beast wouldn't be wailing.

Its wailing was full of a feeling of asking for help.

"This guy is asking me for help!"

Zhuo Bufan realized that the reason why the Chaos Beast had not attacked him was actually asking him for help.

As for what it wanted Zhuo Bufan to do, Zhuo Bufan still didn't understand.

"You are asking for help, right?"

"I think we should discuss it!"

"I can help you, but you have to let me go, okay?"

"If you agree, then blink your eyes."

Zhuo Bufan understood the Chaos Beast as a higher creature, so he believed that the Chaos Beast could understand what he meant.

Sure enough, at this moment, Zhuo Bufan found that the two huge suns above his head were extinguished again, and then lit up the void again.

The Chaos Beast really blinked.

Zhuo Bufan was delighted when he saw this.

In this way, he didn't have to fight a desperate battle.

"Well, now tell me, how can I help you?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, suddenly, a brilliant light appeared in the middle of the twin stars.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and flew towards the light.

The next second, he suddenly saw that there was a reverse scale in the light, and on the reverse scale, there was a mysterious hairpin!


Wish all the little fairies a happy holiday

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