Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1182 The Last Chase

Lan Ke took the space crystal obtained from Lord Ning Wu and entered the domain of the Chaos Beast.

He was looking for the location of the life in this domain.

According to the red dot on the wheel of life, there is indeed a life in this Chaos Beast domain.

But Lan Ke released all his spiritual power, but did not find any signs of life.

At this time, Lan Ke suddenly found two huge twin stars in the sky.

In the entire Chaos Beast domain, only the two twin stars were the most eye-catching.

So Lan Ke slowly approached the twin stars.

Suddenly, the twin stars disappeared.

Just when Lan Ke was full of doubts, the twin stars suddenly appeared again.

"What's going on?"

Lan Ke was shocked by the twin stars that suddenly flashed and disappeared.

Just when he was full of doubts, a voice suddenly emerged from the depths of his soul.

"Garbage, clear it!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lan Ke suddenly found that an extremely terrifying energy vortex had formed around him.

The 360-degree, no-dead-angle energy vortex, like dozens of huge mouths, bit towards the Lan Ke.

Before the Lan Ke even had time to let out a miserable scream, he was swallowed up in the next second.

Before he was about to be swallowed, he struggled hard and crushed the space crystal.


The moment the crystal was crushed again, countless star-like fragments of energy intertwined in the air into a beam of light, and then soared into the sky.


The next moment, the broken crystal turned into a white space vortex.

Then, a terrifying figure walked out of the space vortex.

He held a star staff in his hand and stepped into this chaotic void.

The moment his feet stepped into this starry sky.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz!

The entire starry sky trembled, and the planets of the entire galaxy began to tremble.

The Doubtful Heavenly King Strategy has arrived.

Wang Ce is indeed the incarnation of Daluo Tiandao. When he appeared in this universe, even the big snake chaos beast felt great fear.

However, no matter how scared it was, the big snake chaos beast would not run away.

Because they are the guardians of order in this chaotic void, their mission is to eliminate all existences that may threaten this void.

The big snake chaos beast obviously felt the threat of Wang Ce, so it launched an attack on Wang Ce with all its might.

The two twin stars in the sky pressed down on Wang Ce.

In fact, it was not just the twin stars that pressed down, but the entire universe and the entire galaxy.

Endless energy created a huge black hole that was about to swallow Wang Ce.

I don’t know what is on the other side of the black hole, but no one wants to be swallowed by it.

At this moment, Wang Ce was obviously a little angry.

He was waiting hard in the base camp for someone to crush the crystal and summon his appearance.

However, he waited for a long, long time until he almost lost his patience.

Just when he decided to go there in person, he suddenly sensed that one of his space crystals was crushed.

The next second, he opened the space gate and connected to the location of the broken space crystal.

He was very excited because the space crystal had been crushed and the space gate had been opened, which meant that his men had found Zhuo Bufan.

It was time to end this aimless pursuit in the void.

But after Wang Ce walked out of the space gate, he did not see Zhuo Bufan as he wanted to see.

Instead, he was greeted by an attack from a chaos beast.

At this moment, Wang Ce was furious.

He raised the star staff in his hand and blasted towards the huge twin stars falling from the sky.

The extremely terrifying energy instantly shattered the void.

The entire space and time of the void was shattered by this staff.

And the twin stars began to shatter on the spot, and then exploded!

Bang bang bang bang bang...

Next, it was like a strong chain reaction, the entire galaxy, the entire galaxy, began to spread in this explosion.

Until the end, an endless snake-shaped explosion chain was formed.

That was the body of the Great Snake Chaos Beast, which was the entire galaxy.

"Haha, it turned out to be the Great Snake! A mere low-level Chaos Beast dared to attack me!"

Seeing the Chaos Beast behind him exploded into a piece, Yi Zhi Tian Wang Ce breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously, he still had a certain understanding of the Chaos Beast in this void.

This Chaos Beast, whose real name is Great Snake. It is a low-level Chaos Beast that has been identified.

A low-level Chaos Beast can already dominate a galaxy.

This Great Snake is hidden in this galaxy, forming the Great Snake Galaxy.

The entire galaxy is its domain.

Its original mission was to master the order of this galaxy, but it was too miserable.

First, it encountered a mysterious woman who nailed a poisonous hairpin to its energy source.

Then it encountered a perverted old man, the incarnation of Daluo Tiandao.

This old man even directly detonated the galaxies of the entire galaxy.

For the incarnation of Tiandao, destroying a galaxy is not a difficult task.

So these incarnations of Tiandao are actually not afraid of these low-level Chaos Beasts.

Poor Serpent, although it was just saved by Zhuo Bufan and survived.

But it was destroyed before it could enjoy freedom.

Fortunately, before that, it had opened a space channel for Zhuo Bufan and sent Zhuo Bufan out of this galaxy.

The Chaos Beast Serpent was destroyed, and Ning Wu and other big virtual rushed in.

But they did not see Zhuo Bufan and the Lan guest.

Instead, they saw Wang Ce with an angry face.

"King, King!"

Ning Wu quickly took the other two virtual saints and knelt down in front of Wang Ce.

After hearing this, Wang Ce squinted at them and snorted coldly.

"Ning Wu, explain it! Why did you call me here?"

Wang Ce held the star staff in his hand, his eyes were fierce, and he was horrified.

Ning Wu hurriedly explained when he heard it.

"Replying to the Lord. We just found the red dot of life, but were blocked by a chaos beast."

"In order to investigate whether the red dot of life in the chaos beast's territory is the target Zhuo Bufan, I asked Lan Ke to bring this space crystal into the territory. Once he finds the target, he should crush the crystal."

"Now that the king is here, it means that he should have found the target."

"By the way, where are Lan Ke and the target person?"

Ning Wu said while looking around.

There was nothing around except the endlessly destroyed galaxy.

"Get out!"

Suddenly, Yi Zhi Tian Wang Ce cursed at Ning Wu.

"You said you saw the target, so where are the other people? Where are the people?"

"You stupid idiots, what do you think of my space crystal? Do you think of it as a toy for you to ask for help?"

"That damn Lan Ke crushed the crystal before he died, not because he saw that human, but because he wanted me to save his life."

"What a damn thing, he deserved to die. It's so abominable to waste my chance to travel through time!"

The Doubtful Heavenly King Ce is the incarnation of Doubt of the Heavenly Dao.

He would not easily believe Ning Wu's words, he only believed what he saw with his own eyes.

And what he saw was that Lan Ke wanted to ask for help when he was dying, so he crushed his space crystal, making him waste a chance to travel through time.

You know, he can only use space travel once a day.

If someone from another team crushed the crystal at this time, then he would not be able to make it.

However, what you fear will come true.

At this moment, Wang Ce suddenly sensed that a big virtual from another team crushed the space crystal.

At that moment, Wang Ce was furious.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!"

"Assholes! You bastards, you ruined my great cause, you deserve to die, you deserve to die."

At this moment, Wang Ce could only watch the space crystal at the other end of the starry sky being crushed, and he could no longer rush over.

In his opinion, Zhuo Bufan should be at that end.

Seeing Wang Ce's rage, Ning Wu and other big virtuals were trembling with fear.

They were actually confused and had no idea why Wang Ce was so angry.

Fortunately, Wang Ce knew how to control his emotions. He knew that these guys present were still useful, so he calmed down quickly, and then looked at Ning Wu and other big virtuals on the side and said.

"Okay, let's go back to the base camp first! Liu Cheng should have gained something."

Liu Cheng, another Daoyuan Realm virtual master. He led the other three virtual saints to chase another life red dot.

Wang Ce just sensed that Liu Cheng crushed his space crystal.

However, because he only has one teleportation opportunity every day, Wang Ce cannot go to Liucheng.

So, they had to rush back to the base camp and wait for news from Liucheng.

In his opinion, Liucheng should have found Zhuo Bufan.

But whether it is true or not, we have to wait and see.


Of course, the person met in Liucheng will definitely not be Zhuo Bufan.

But a perverted and powerful existence.

That guy is called Qiankun! This is a very domineering name. Those who claim to be Qiankun dare to hold the world in their hearts.

Qiankun is a human, but not a human.

He is not a human from Daluotian, but a descendant of a part of humans who escaped from Daluotian ten million years ago.

Now these people have become void wanderers, and Qiankun is such a void wanderer.

He specializes in hunting chaos beasts in the void and uses chaos beasts to temper his body and magic.

This person is extremely terrifying. He is the first master of the void wanderer clan and sweeps all low-level chaos beasts.

His strength is definitely comparable to the existence of Daluotian Daoyuan realm.

Qiankun actually knew about the existence of Daluotian, because Daluotian is the first miracle of the chaotic void.

The three supreme golden Dharma bodies of the Three Emperors formed the first wonder in the chaotic void.

It is rumored that the three golden Dharma bodies of the Three Emperors are comparable to the most powerful super-level chaotic beasts in the chaotic void.

So far, no one dares to approach the territory of the Three Emperors.

The glory of the Three Emperors is like the most dazzling lighthouse in the chaotic void, guiding people on their way home.

Qiankun knew that his ancestor was born in Daluotian.

So he always thought about returning to Daluotian one day.

And for nearly a hundred years, he has been active in the galaxies around Daluotian, working hard to improve his own cultivation.

Thinking that one day, he could bring his people back to the brightest star in this chaotic void.

After all, their Void Wanderers live in the pursuit of Chaos Beasts every day, and now there are not many people in their tribe.

As a young clan leader, Qiankun's mission is to bring his people back to Daluotian.

However, he is not clear about the current situation in Daluotian.

Unexpectedly, at this time, he actually met the unique life of Daluotian, the Void Clan.

The Void Clan is a unique life created by Daluotian, which Qiankun has heard from his ancestors since he was a child.

And he has also heard about the way to deal with the Void Clan.

The best way is to seal these things that look like smoke.

The first Void Clan encountered was Linfeng Zhenghe Erxu. At that time, Qiankun had not reacted yet, so he directly sealed them.

Unexpectedly, not long after, the second wave of pursuers attacked.

This time, there were four great Voids.

The strength of one of the great Voids was not much different from him.

So, a shocking battle was about to break out.

This battle destroyed the entire galaxy, and countless planets exploded.

What shocked the Daoyuan Realm Void Venerable Liu Cheng was that he did not expect the man he met to be so powerful.

The three Void Saints under his command were the existences that could call the wind and rain in Daluo Heaven.

But in this void, they did not even dare to approach the man's body.

The man was covered with terrifying tattoos all over his body.

These tattoos were all some powerful Chaos Beasts.

He imprinted the power of Chaos Beasts on his body.

He could freely exert the power of each Chaos Beast.

"The scum of Daluo Heaven, you have repeatedly come to harass my practice. Today, this galaxy is your burial place."

As soon as Qiankun finished speaking, he raised his left hand, and a blue dragon roared out, holding up the stars and turning into a galaxy.

This is a low-level Chaos Beast, Canglong Constellation! The strength is almost the same as that of the Great Snake Constellation.

After the Azure Dragon transformed into a galaxy, it hid among the galaxies.

The four virtual beings present were wrapped in the entire galaxy.

He raised his hand and summoned a terrifying Chaos Beast.

For a moment, Liu Cheng, who was present, was shocked.

If it was just a simple Qiankun, he could still fight it.

But this guy now summoned a Chaos Beast.

This Chaos Beast was enough to make the four virtual beings miserable.

Seeing this scene, Liu Cheng chose to crush the space crystal without hesitation and summon the king to return.

However, Liu Cheng never thought that after he crushed the crystal, the king he expected did not appear.

What awaited them was a destructive blow from Qiankun and Azure Dragon...


At this moment, at the other end of the distant galaxy.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the hairpin in his hand, then turned around and saw that the galaxy behind him was destroyed, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan knew what happened.

He had actually pulled out the hairpin when Lan Ke entered the Chaos Beast Territory of the Serpent.

Then, with the help of the Serpent, the Serpent opened a space gate for him and teleported him out.

When he escaped, he looked back and found that the Serpent Galaxy had begun to explode and destroy.

Zhuo Bufan naturally knew that the legendary incarnation of the Heavenly Dao had appeared.

It was the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao that destroyed the Serpent.

"Hey, you had a chance to escape, but in order to buy me time to escape..."

Zhuo Bufan felt a little sad when he thought of the Serpent who was so loyal and righteous.

Of course, this was obviously Zhuo Bufan thinking too much.

As a Chaos Beast, the guardian of the order of the Chaos Void, the Serpent would not escape.

Their mission is to clear these existences that violate the balance of power.

Therefore, the Serpent would never leave, and even if he died, he would launch a final attack on Wang Ce.

"It's too late to be sad, let's run away first!"

"This incarnation of the Heavenly Dao is so terrifying!"

Zhuo Bufan saw a galaxy being destroyed with his own eyes, and he could imagine how terrifying this incarnation of the Heavenly Dao was.

If he encountered such an existence, he didn't even know if he could escape by reloading the game in time.

In short, with Zhuo Bufan's current strength, he is definitely not the opponent of these incarnations of the Heavenly Dao.

So, no matter what, he has to do everything he can to avoid these powerful perverts.

Zhuo Bufan put away the hairpin.

Although it is unknown what kind of artifact this hairpin is, it is very powerful and may be of great use in the future.

After hiding the hairpin, Zhuo Bufan took out the Wheel of Life, which was the secret treasure he took from Song Yuan.

As long as he has the Wheel of Life, he can find the life closest to him.

Use the Yuan force to awaken the star map in the Wheel of Life.

As soon as the Wheel of Life was opened, he saw his red dot of life at first sight.

Because that red dot is located in the center of the star map.

Then, on the star map, there were more than 20 red dots of different sizes.

Some of the red dots were moving quickly, while some were standing still.

Zhuo Bufan looked at these red dots of life and fell into deep thought.

"I didn't expect that there are so many lives in this vast chaos."

"I don't know if they are friends or enemies, and whether they are easy to contact."

Zhuo Bufan actually wanted to get in touch with these people, maybe out of curiosity, or maybe out of respect for these people.

Of course, in order to find out the news about the Lord of Time.

In short, Zhuo Bufan wanted to take a look.

"That's it! It's the closest to me and it's not moving."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the red dot of life closest to him.

Although it was recently, at the extraordinary sub-light speed, it would take at least two or three months to reach it at full speed.

On the other side, after the suspicious king Ce and the others returned to the base camp, they found that Liucheng and the others had not returned for a long time.

"Why isn't this idiot Liucheng coming back?"

Wang Ce was already impatient to wait.

Now in his temple, there are only Ning Wu and two other virtual saints.

There were once twelve great gods, but now only three are left in his palace.

Wang Ce looked at the three Daxu in front of him with a cold look in his eyes.

"That guy from Liucheng, something must have happened, right?"

Wang Ce finally started to worry.

Of course he was not worried about Liucheng, but worried that the person Liucheng and the others were chasing would be Zhuo Bufan.

So this means that Zhuo Bufan escaped again.

Next, Wang Ce and the others waited for another day.

On the second day, Wang Ce finally couldn't wait any longer. He could still sense the position marked by the crushed crystal.

So he opened the door to space and teleported himself to the place where Liucheng crushed the space crystal.

After arriving there, he saw that the entire galaxy had been destroyed.

This place has become a ruined battlefield, filled with embers and destructive power.

What Wang Ce couldn't accept the most was that Liucheng and the others disappeared.

Not only did they disappear, but the life red dot they were chasing also disappeared for a while.

Only then did Wang Ce realize that Liucheng and the others might have been wiped out.

Obviously, what Liucheng and the others met could never be Zhuo Bufan, because Zhuo Bufan did not have such strength.

They met an even more terrifying existence, and before Liucheng crushed the crystal, he was actually asking Wang Ce for help.

"Damn it! Who is it? Who harmed my chief general?"

Wang Ce's soul wave spread across light years, shocking the galaxy.

Only at this moment did he realize that the red dot of life that Ning Wu and the others were chasing must be Zhuo Bufan.

"Ahhhh! I'm so annoyed!"

Wang Ce was very angry. He was the incarnation of heaven, but he was deceived by a melon boy.

"Find him for me. You must find him for me. I will cut him into pieces."

Wang Ce was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

The twelve Daxu who once followed him now only have three lonely ones left.

He was the incarnation of the way of heaven, but now he has no one to use him.

Wang Ce returned to the Star Palace and sat on the throne blankly.

He must admit that his plan to hunt down Zhuo Bufan failed.

He underestimated Zhuo Bufan and the other lives in this void.

Looking at the only three Daxu left in front of him, Wang Ce needed to make a final adjustment plan.

"King, did Liucheng and the others fail? Why didn't they follow you back?"

Ning Wu couldn't help but ask when he saw Wang Ce sitting blankly on the throne.

After Wang Ce heard this, he frowned.

"They can't come back, they're a bunch of idiots."

"Next, I will personally lead the team to pursue this red dot of life."

Wang Ce made the final decision.

He pointed to the red dot of life on the wheel of life star chart and said.

That red dot of life was exactly the red dot of life that Ning Wu and the others were chasing before.

When Ning Wu saw this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Wang, could this red dot be that boy?"

After hearing this, Wang Ce nodded silently.

"Now it seems like this!"

"Liucheng and the others met definitely not this kid. They met a more terrifying existence."

"After excluding this answer, the rest is obvious. The red dot of life you were chasing before is exactly the boy we are looking for."

"So, I will personally lead the team next. This time, I will definitely catch that kid."

After so much turmoil, it’s time to end.

This time, the suspicious king Ce will not sit in the Star Palace and be his behind-the-scenes commander.

He wanted to pursue Zhuo Bufan personally and prevent all Zhuo Bufan's machinations from being implemented.

In ‘Earth’, in a geological institute!

After studying the geological fragments brought by Zhuo Bufan, a geoscientist named Ouli Yang calculated that the age of the rock was between 9 billion and 10 billion years.

When Zhang Jing got the news, he was so excited that he took the data results and waited in the Palace of Miracles every day, waiting for the return of the god Zhuo Bufan.

However, Zhuo Bufan has not returned to the Miracle Palace for almost half a year since he left the Miracle Palace last time.

Zhang Jing thought he had forgotten the mission given to him.

In the past six months, the world has begun to promote the extraordinary leadership training system.

So far, the most powerful group of monks on the 'Earth' have reached the foundation-building realm of the second heaven.

These monks are basically the direct disciples of their preachers on earth.

The so-called inheritance means that it must be passed on continuously and endlessly.

The ten great preachers knew that it would take a long time for them to promote the spiritual cultivation.

So they followed Zhuo Bufan's method and each selected ten outstanding talents as their own disciples, and then established their own sects to promote the spiritual cultivation.

They called this method inheritance.

Zhang Jing also had ten disciples, each of whom was extremely talented.

Zhang Jing planned to wait until his disciples reached the Dan stage, and then let them go out to establish their own sects and continue to promote the spiritual cultivation.

According to their plan, in less than ten years, the global spiritual cultivation era will officially come.

Since Zhang Jing handed over the inheritance to his disciples, his main task now is to complete the tasks assigned by Zhuo Bufan.

During the period of waiting for the return of his master Zhuo Bufan, Zhang Jing constantly asked Ou Liyang to accurately calculate the existence time of the rock.

Finally, Ou Liyang, at Zhang Jing's request, accurately calculated the time to 9.8 billion years.

9.8 billion years is really a long time.

On this day, Zhang Jing took the latest accurate time and continued to wait for Zhuo Bufan's return in the Palace of Miracles.

Finally, under his eager anticipation, Zhuo Bufan appeared and landed on the Palace of Miracles.


With the arrival of Zhuo Bufan, Zhang Jing immediately knelt down in front of Zhuo Bufan like a quiet little chicken.

"Disciple Zhang Jing, see the master! Welcome the master back."

Zhuo Bufan came back again, and this time he came back for the matter of the rock.

Zhuo Bufan said that he would not interfere too much in the affairs of the 'Earth'.

As long as he comes back, it must be something more important.

Seeing Zhang Jing, Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"It seems that you have been waiting for me here for a long time?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Zhang Jing immediately replied.

"My lord, this is what I should do."

After Zhang Jing finished speaking, he picked up the rock, handed it to Zhuo Bufan, and said.

"My Lord, this is the age of the stone you asked me to find someone to test. I have fulfilled my mission and finally found an accurate answer."

After Zhang Jing finished speaking, he handed the rock and the test report to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan took a look at the report and was slightly stunned.

"9.8 billion years? So long?"

"It means that I am at least 9.8 billion years away from the starting point of time!"

Zhuo Bufan frowned. 9.8 billion years is too long in this world. At his speed, Daluotian would have been destroyed countless epochs.

You know, Daluotian is in danger now.

Let alone 9.8 billion years, I am afraid that the Three Emperors will find it difficult to hold on for even 98 years.

"No matter, let's take it one step at a time!"

Zhuo Bufan thought for a moment, then waved his hand.

For a while, a piece of rock of different colors appeared on the ground of the Palace of Miracles.

These rocks are all from the rocks that Zhuo Bufan took from various planets.

There is a number on each rock.

From one to ten, sort them one by one.

"Measure the age of these stones for me, and leave them to you."

Zhuo Bufan said, without saying a word, and disappeared on the spot.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan disappear, Zhang Jing was slightly stunned.

Then, he looked at the ten rocks in front of him, and fell into anxiety for a while.

"So many?"

"Alas, there is no way, this is a task assigned by the master, and it cannot be neglected."

After Zhang Jing finished speaking, he hugged the rocks on the ground and went to Ou Liyang's laboratory.


On the other side, Zhuo Bufan returned to a black planet after leaving the "Earth".

After more than three months of traveling in the chaotic void, he now stood on the surface of the planet and fell into deep thought.

He held the year measurement report given to him by Zhang Jing in his hand, and the results of the report made him a little confused.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan knew very well in his heart that the entire chaotic void had existed for about 15 billion years.

That is to say, if Zhuo Bufan wants to find the starting point of time, then the distance he has to fly is at least more than 10 billion light years.

With such a long time and such a long distance, Zhuo Bufan may never find the starting point of time in his life.

"Perhaps the Three Emperors are right. Instead of letting me search for the Lord of Time, it is better to let the Lord of Time find me."

"But how can I let the Lord of Time find me? Use the reincarnation to lure the Lord of Time to show up?"

Zhuo Bufan's brain was thinking quickly about the next action.

"Sure enough, we still have to find other lives to see if they have any clues about the Lord of Time."

Zhuo Bufan thought about it and decided that the most urgent thing was to find other lives.

After three months of rushing, he finally got close to the red dot of life that was closest to him.

Now, the red dot of life is in the galaxy not far in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know what kind of life it was, whether it was human or other existence.

Zhuo Bufan was not very clear whether it was a friend or an enemy, good or bad.

Zhuo Bufan only knew that he had to go meet him. What if that person was Meng Chanyi?

Zhuo Bufan made up his mind and quietly saved it on this nameless planet.

Then, he flew towards the galaxy not far away.

When Zhuo Bufan flew to the galaxy, he saw a brilliant green light in the center of the galaxy.

The green light illuminated the entire galaxy, and endless life energy rolled towards Zhuo Bufan.

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