Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1189 Whereabouts Exposed

Zhuo Bufan rode on Xiaoxiu's back, thinking about the direction Meng Chanyi was heading in and chased after her.

What confused Zhuo Bufan was that Xiao Xi was not as fast as he thought.

Zhuo Bufan just thought this and did not say it out loud, but his inner thoughts were heard by Xiao Yu.

"Boy, are you disappointed?"

"Actually, you don't have to be too disappointed. Although our Space-Time Nightmare Dragons can freely travel through time and space, it does not mean that we can freely open up time and space."

Xiao Xi's words made Zhuo Bufan frown slightly, a little confused.

"What's the meaning?"

"Don't you understand? You are such a stupid boy!"

"Do you think that in this chaotic void, anyone can easily open up time and space?"

"I might as well tell you that it is easy to open up space, but no one can do it to open up time."

"Because in this chaotic void, time is the first law, and it is only determined by the Lord of Time... No one can control time in this chaotic void."

Zhuo Bufan quickly asked: "Aren't you a time and space dragon? You can freely travel through time and space. You said this yourself. Did you lie to me?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't like to be deceived, so he questioned Xiao Xi in a questioning tone.

After hearing this, Xiao Yu quickly replied: "Don't worry, I didn't lie about the fact that I can freely travel through time and space."

"The reason why I said that before was because I was afraid that you, the kid, would do something bad to me. So I deliberately exaggerated a little."

"Actually, what I mean is that I can freely travel through time and space rifts, but I cannot freely open time and space channels. Do you understand?"

"I have said before that our Space-Time Nightmare Dragon was born in this space-time rift. We can carry out interstellar voyages through the space-time rift."

"So I didn't lie to you about this. I can indeed travel through time and space freely. It's just that I can't open a time and space channel by myself."

"After all, only the Lord of Time can create this space-time rift."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan probably understood what was going on.

It turns out that the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon cannot freely travel through time and space.

They need to use the cracks in time and space to travel through.

And this space-time rift is equivalent to a natural interstellar voyage channel in the void.

"So, there is still an exit from the space-time rift?"

Zhuo Bufan asked in surprise, because he thought of his enemy, Suzhi Tianwang Ce.

He threw Wang Ce into the rift of time and space. He thought that Wang Ce would definitely die, but now it seems that Wang Ce might still be able to escape.

Xiao Xiang's answer was tantamount to confirming Zhuo Bufan's guess.

"Yes, of course there will be an exit from the space-time rift."

"However, the exit of this space-time rift is usually very far away. The shortest one is hundreds of light years away. The longest one is hundreds of millions of light years away."

"In addition, there is destructive power inside the space-time rift. Ordinary beings who fall into it will basically not survive."

"That's why we, the Time and Space Nightmare Dragons, are needed to help lead the way. With our protection, you can easily travel through time and space."

"However, in my current state, I cannot travel long distances. I can travel up to three hundred light years."

"If it's too long, I might be torn apart by the power in the cracks in time and space, you understand!"

After listening to Xiao Xi's explanation, Zhuo Bufan basically understood the matter of the space-time rift.

"I see, I wonder if that incarnation of Heaven is dead!"

Zhuo Bufan was worried that the suspicious king Ce might not be dead at all.

"Forget it, even if you don't die, you will at least be thrown a hundred light years away. I don't have to worry at all."

Zhuo Bufan thought about it for a moment and felt that there was no need to be too entangled.

After all, the distance between the nearest channel of the space-time rift starts at a hundred light years, so he doesn't need to worry about being pursued by the suspicious king Ce.

"So, you can only travel through time and space by relying on time and space cracks?"

"Then do you know which cracks in time and space lead to which directions?"

Zhuo Bufan had to figure this out, so he couldn't help but ask more questions.

After hearing this, Xiao Xi explained.

"Every space-time rift in this chaotic void has a unique destination."

"We, the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon, are born with the ability to sense the existence of space-time rifts, and from one end of the space-time rift, we can sense where the other end is and how long the passage is. This is our innate ability, do you understand?"

Xiao Xiang's answer was tantamount to giving Zhuo Bufan a reassurance.

As long as the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon can know where the space-time rift it travels leads to, it is enough. At least this point is considered reliable.

In the future, Zhuo Bufan will inevitably conduct some time and space travel, and he will definitely have to rely on the power of the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon.

So before that, Zhuo Bufan should try his best to have a good relationship with this guy.

"Okay, let's go look for Chanyi first. Once we find her, we'll look for the Lord of Time together."

Zhuo Bufan changed his mind and decided to find Meng Chanyi first. If the two of them then join forces to find the Lord of Time, the probability of success will be greater.

"Are you sure she left from this direction?"

Zhuo Bufan took out the Wheel of Life and asked Xiaoxi.

After hearing this, Xiao Yu said with certainty.

"Of course, I can still feel the aura of that woman's soul. She escaped in this direction."

"Okay! Next, we will find her first."

After determining the direction Meng Chanyi left, Zhuo Bufan took out the Wheel of Life, then unfolded the star map to find Meng Chanyi's whereabouts.

In the direction that Zhuo Bufan and the others were heading, there were four red dots of life, two of which were moving at high speed.

Zhuo Bufan guessed that Meng Chanyi should be one of the two red dots of life.

The suspicious king Ce used this elimination method to find Zhuo Bufan's position.

Now Zhuo Bufan uses this method to find Meng Chanyi.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan is no better than Wang Ce, and he has many subordinates who can help find him.

He only has one person, so he can only search one by one.

"Go to the one on the left first."

Zhuo Bufan was not sure which of the two red dots of life Meng Chanyi was, so he could only try his luck.

However, being able to lock on to two life red dots is already a huge improvement for Zhuo Bufan.

Next, just chase one of the health red dots.

"I have to say, this Wheel of Life is really a good treasure. With it, it can save me a lot of time."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he closed the Wheel of Life.

Then, under the leadership of Xiao Xi, they quickly pursued one of the life red dots.

At the same time, in the star field where Zhuo Bufan is located.

Mo Chichi, who was responsible for investigating the disappearance of the suspected king Ce, arrived in a starship as white as snow.

This starship took Mo Chichi a year to build.

Mo Chichi is an incarnation of the way of heaven with strong obsessions and obsessions.

She knew very well that capturing Zhuo Bufan would not happen overnight, so she had already been prepared for a protracted war.

To this end, she first spent a year building this starship, the Cang Yue Star.

Cang Yue Star relies on burning star core energy to provide powerful power, and there is no problem in short-distance space travel.

Of course, you can only travel through space. It is impossible to travel through time and space with high difficulty.

It is even more impossible to enter the terrifying time and space rift.

This Cang Yue Star is more than capable of chasing Zhuo Bufan.

Moreover, there is a more powerful life detector on Cang Yue Star, its strength is ten times that of the Wheel of Life.

In other words, the ordinary Wheel of Life can only detect life within ten light years.

The Wheel of Life on Cang Yue Star can detect life within a hundred light years.

This is Mo Chichi who is fully prepared. She is obviously confident that she will be the first to catch Zhuo Bufan.

Moreover, in addition to Cang Yue Star, Mo Chichi also had twelve powerful masters from the Void Clan under his command.

It is also the standard configuration of the two Yuan realms and the Ten Saint Yuan realm.

After the suspicious Tianwang Ce, it was obvious that a more difficult opponent came to capture Zhuo Bufan.

"Here is the Heavenly Venerable of Madness, the place ahead is where the soul signal of the Heavenly Venerable of Doubt disappeared. The energy meter of Cang Yue Star has detected that there may be a huge space crack ahead. Do you want to move forward?"

In the main hall of Cang Yue Star's main cabin, Tian Mo Chi Chi, the incarnation of Heavenly Dao, was sitting on a high position.

She was wearing colorful clothes and had a pair of flying wings.

She has long snow-colored hair and blurred eyes.

Facing the reports from her subordinates, she spoke calmly.

"No need, Mr. Wang has probably been swallowed up by the cracks in space and time."

Although Mo Chichi is obsessed with things, she is also a smart person.

As soon as I heard that there was a space-time rift where Wang Ce disappeared, I didn't need to think too much, and I could deduce that Wang Ce should have been swallowed by the space-time rift.

"Master Tian Zun, what should we do next? Do we need to report to Master Tian Zun?"

Under the main hall, Li Fang, a powerful Dao Yuan realm expert, asked respectfully.

To this, Mo Chichi responded gently: "Why do we need to report to him? We can also look for natural enemies."

The natural enemy Mo Chichi mentioned was Zhuo Bufan.

Because Zhuo Bufan is indeed the enemy of heaven.

"Li Fang, please wait here, I need to confirm something."

After Mo Chichi finished speaking, he suddenly disappeared on the starship.

A moment later, Mo Chichi appeared on the periphery of the space-time rift.

"Is it really a space-time rift? It looks very powerful and should be almost formed. The other side is at least three thousand light years away."

"Mr. Wang should be able to persevere and his life is not in danger."

Mo Chichi first determined the length of the space-time rift.

She has a certain degree of research and understanding of many existences in the chaotic void.

Obviously, this is also because of her character's willingness to be obsessed with the unknown and mysteries.

After confirming that Wang Ce would not die, Mo Chichi started the next action.

I saw her raising her jade hand and making a move in the air.

"Time will record everything, let's see what happened here before."

As soon as Mo Chichi finished speaking, a huge screen of light appeared in front of her eyes.

On the giant screen, an image appeared.

In the image, Zhuo Bufan was seen hanging in the void, holding a space crystal in his hand, and then threw the space crystal into the rift in time and space.

After seeing this scene, Mo Chichi frowned.

"Is it him? I didn't expect this natural enemy to be in this star field."

"So that's it, Mr. Wang's space crystal. This natural enemy is so smart that he actually used Mr. Wang's space crystal to send him into this space-time rift."

If Mo Chichi hadn't seen what Zhuo Bufan did, she would never have believed that it was his natural enemy who sent Wang Ce into the crack of time and space.

"It seems that I can't underestimate this natural enemy."

Mo Chichi looked at Zhuo Bufan's face on the giant screen, and she imprinted that face in her mind.

This little natural enemy, whose cultivation was so weak, was able to annihilate Yi Zhitian Wang Ce's team.

Mo Chichi was not as arrogant as Ao Zhitian, so she was cautious and did not dare to be careless with Zhuo Bufan.

Back on the starship, Mo Chichi sat on the throne and fell into deep thought.

After a moment, she raised her eyebrows and said.

"Lifang, go check out the recent movements of the red dots of life on the star map. I need a movement map of these red dots of life within a year."

"Especially the movement map within two light years. The more detailed the better. Go and prepare it."

From the huge screen she saw, Mo Chichi recalled that Zhuo Bufan had the Wheel of Life in addition to the space crystal.

So Mo Chichi speculated that the natural enemy she was looking for would definitely use the Wheel of Life to find traces of other lives.

It has been almost a whole year since Yi Zhi Tian Wang Ce disappeared, so Mo Chichi speculated that the natural enemy Zhuo Bufan must have found other lives within this year.

She needs to see if there are any collisions of red dots of life within this year.

Not long after, Lifang, who received the order, came with the star map that Mo Chichi wanted.

"Tianzun, according to your request, we have collected the movement map of red dots of life for nearly a year."

Mo Chichi took the movement maps and threw them into the air.

One by one, the trend maps began to be arranged in front of her. Mo Chichi quickly scanned all the star maps and then looked for clues on them.

Soon, Mo Chichi's eyes locked on a faint red dot.

That faint red dot of life did not appear from the crack of time and space.

Mo Chichi wanted to find the red dot of life closest to the crack of time and space at first, after all, Zhuo Bufan had stayed around the crack of time and space.

But it was obvious that Zhuo Bufan used the dead air to entangle himself and escaped the detection of the wheel of life.

This also made Mo Chichi lose a clue.

However, Zhuo Bufan gradually stopped using the dead air to entangle himself on the way to find the time and space nightmare dragon, because he found that there were no guys from the Daluo Tianxu clan chasing him.

Zhuo Bufan relaxed his vigilance.

Especially when approaching the time and space nightmare dragon, Zhuo Bufan was worried that the other party would cause him trouble because of the dead air on his body, so Zhuo Bufan basically completely withdrew the dead air at that time.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan's red life dot was completely exposed to the life detector again.

At this moment, after comparing all the life star maps, Mo Chichi finally found the red life dot that suddenly appeared.

And the two intersecting red life dots.

"Found you!"

Mo Chichi looked at the two red life dots that were now completely combined. She was almost certain that the natural enemy she was looking for must be among them.

"Lifang, go full speed ahead and hunt down these two red life dots."

Mo Chichi confidently gave Lifang an order.

Another crazy chase quietly began!


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