Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1193 A Dream Startles the Cicada

Qian Kun finally released the third Chaos Beast in his body, the middle-level Sword God Throne.

In this way, Li Mei dared not take it lightly anymore. The middle-level Chaos Beast could already kill Dao Yuan Xu Zun in seconds.

The battle started, and it would be a shocking battle.

At the same time, at the other end of the void.

There was also a shocking battle, which was about to start.

Mo Chi Chi led her men, moving forward at full speed, chasing the second life red dot.

She was very fast. Driven by the energy of the burning star core, Cang Yue Star made many space shuttles.

Finally, she caught up with Zhuo Bufan and caught up with the second life red dot.

The reason why Mo Chi Chi did this was to give Zhuo Bufan a chance to wait and see.

Although Mo Chi Chi did not calculate that Meng Chan Yi would be the second life red dot, she was definitely not wrong about Zhuo Bufan's direction.

At this moment, Mo Chi Chi was approaching Meng Chan Yi at a high speed.

Neither side noticed, but as the distance between the two sides got closer and closer, it was obvious that it was only a matter of time before they met.

In the Cang Yue Star, Li Fang looked at the second life red dot that was getting closer and closer, and hurriedly reported to Mo Chichi.

"Lord Tianzun, are we close to the target? What should we do next?"

Mo Chichi was lying drunk on the bed, his eyes blurred.

"Don't do it yet, we still need him to attract the enemy."

Mo Chichi was thinking freely in her heart. Her target was not the life red dot, but Zhuo Bufan who came thinking about the life red dot.

But at this time, Li Fang said.

"Lord Tianzun, the target we are chasing suddenly stopped. Maybe the other party has discovered us."

At this time, Mo Chichi frowned slightly.

"Has it been discovered? That's not good! Once the other party stops, our target is likely to notice it."

"That man is very cautious. Once he notices something wrong, he may change the direction of escape."

Mo Chichi looked at the stopped life red dot and frowned slightly.

"It seems that I have to go there in person!"

Mo Chichi was ready to go down in person and go to chase and kill the other party. No matter what, she had to make the other party move.

However, when Mo Chichi chased after the red dot of life, the closer she got, the more she felt the familiar breath on the other party.

The other party seemed to have sensed her arrival, standing still, waiting for Mo Chichi.

"No, this feeling is so familiar."

Mo Chichi secretly cried out that it was not good, because the closer she got to the target, the more frightened she was.

An ominous premonition came to her mind.

And when Mo Chichi was completely close to the target, she only saw a white shadow in the chaotic void, peerless and independent.

The other party was surrounded by holy light, and he was dressed in white like snow, standing proudly in the chaos.

His clothes were fluttering, and his heroic posture was outstanding. The brilliance was pleasant and pleasing to the eye.

What made Mo Chichi frown was the unparalleled temperament of the other party, the aura that had been accumulated for millions of years.

Just standing there, it felt like the center of the entire void. A sense of fear from the soul made Mo Chichi slowly exhale the fragrant orchid.

"A dream startled the cicada! It seems that I miscalculated."

The transcendent and peerless phantom in front of him was the person Mo Chichi least wanted to see, Meng Chanyi.

Although Mo Chichi was also the most beautiful in the world, she would feel inexplicably ashamed to die in front of Meng Chanyi.

And Meng Chanyi just stood there motionless, but all the starlight in the surrounding light years gathered on her.

Mo Chichi seemed helpless. She had calculated everything, but she still miscalculated Meng Chanyi.

It was precisely because Meng Chanyi had long been out of the world and was an existence that she could not calculate.

So Mo Chichi, the Chizhitian, seemed a little helpless.


Meng Chanyi, the most beautiful and sweetest woman in Daluotian, could move the souls of all living beings in the world with every frown and smile.

Its voice is so gentle that it makes the soul sweet and pleasant.

"Why do you keep following me?"

Meng Chanyi's soul voice is quite gentle, which makes it difficult for people to feel disgusted.

Standing in front of her, Mo Chichi actually had a strange thought in his heart.

Such a gentle woman, why does Li Mei hate her so much?

Of course, hidden under Meng Chanyi's gentleness is her peerless cultivation that is the best in Daluotian.

Facing Meng Chanyi's gentle question, Mo Chichi hesitated for a moment and replied.

"I didn't follow her intentionally, I just went the same way."

Originally, the human race and the virtual race were sworn enemies. Originally, the virtual race would kill the human race when they saw the human race. Originally, the enemies would be particularly jealous when they met.

But after seeing Meng Chanyi, Mo Chichi did not take action, or she did not dare to take action.

First, she did not want to fight with Meng Chanyi.

Second, even if she fought, she was not very sure in her heart.

So after weighing the pros and cons, Mo Chichi decided to make peace and negotiate peacefully.

But Meng Chanyi, who was opposite her, was not a fool. After seeing Mo Chichi, Meng Chanyi had already flashed countless possibilities in her mind.

First of all, Meng Chanyi thought of Mo Chichi's identity.

As one of the incarnations of Heaven, Mo Chichi should have been in charge of the Heavenly Palace in Daluo Heaven.

Without the order of Heaven, these Heavenly incarnations would not be able to leave the Heavenly Palace at will.

In other words, the reason why Chizhitian Mo Chichi appeared here was because of the order of Heaven.

Tiandao will not issue orders casually. After all, Daluo Tiandao is under the supervision of the three emperors, and any move may cause the three emperors to suppress it.

Unless the Three Emperors took the lead in angering Heavenly Dao and causing Heavenly Dao to be dissatisfied. In other words, Da Luotian's behavior may have become serious.

Furthermore, it is absolutely impossible for the Heavenly Dao to assign the Heavenly Dao incarnation to enter the chaotic void.

You must know that what the Xu clan hates most is the chaotic void. If it is not an extremely urgent matter, then these Xu clan will not casually come to this dark and chaotic world.

Moreover, when Meng Chanyi was inquiring about the whereabouts of the Lord of Time recently, she heard a little about Da Luotian.

This time, Mo Chichi was far more than the only incarnation of Heavenly Dao sent by Daluotian.

Instead, the seven heavenly incarnations all set out.

Not only that, they also sent out a large number of powerful people from the Void Clan.

It was obvious that they were hunting down someone, and it was a very important person, someone so important that God would find him at all costs.

So in Daluotian, who is the most important person to God?

When Meng Chanyi thought like this, she only thought of one person, and that was Zhuo Bufan.

"That must be the case. He also came to the Chaos Void, probably also for the Lord of Time."

"When I left, his cultivation was already at the peak of the Yuan Shen Realm. It won't take long for him to break through to the Saint Yuan Realm."

"And as soon as he breaks through the Saint Yuan realm, he will definitely choose to escape from Daluotian, and then come to the chaotic void to find the whereabouts of the Lord of Time."

"So, Mo Chichi and the others are here to chase him?"

It has to be said that Meng Chanyi's reasoning is no weaker than Mo Chichi's.

Just relying on Mo Chichi's appearance, Meng Chanyi might have arrived in the chaotic void even if Zhuo Bufan was there.

At this moment, Meng Chanyi felt indescribable happiness in her heart, but she also had indescribable worries.

"No, if that's the case, then I have to find him first."

Meng Chanyi was worried because she felt very uncomfortable when she thought that Zhuo Bufan was being hunted by the seven incarnations of heaven.

"Fortunately, I let my empress touch the curse in my body before, and now I can finally see him again."

When he was in Daluotian before, Emperor Wa set a love spell on Mengchanyi.

Therefore, Meng Chanyi could never meet Zhuo Bufan in a real sense.

The only time they met, they almost killed Zhuo Bufan.

Now that the curse has been lifted and they are already outside the Great Luotian, Meng Chanyi can finally meet Zhuo Bufan again.

"We must find him as soon as possible, otherwise he will suffer if he is found by Da Luotian's pursuers."

Meng Chanyi had already made a plan after confirming that Zhuo Bufan had come to the Chaotic Void.

But now it's not easy for her to find Zhuo Bufan, after all, she doesn't have any news about Zhuo Bufan.

Then, Meng Chanyi looked at Mo Chichi in front of her.

Although he couldn't find Zhuo Bufan, someone as smart as Mo Chichi must have had clues about him.

"Mo Tianzun, you said you would go with me, but I don't know where you are going, Mo Tianzun?"

Meng Chanyi looked at Mo Chichi and asked.

The two women were thinking about each other at the moment, each with their own thoughts.

Mo Chichi wanted Meng Chanyi to continue on her way and they would not interfere with each other.

Meng Chanyi wanted to find out the whereabouts of Zhuo Bufan from Mo Chichi.

"Saint Chanyi, I have something important to do, so I won't accompany you."

Just when Meng Chanyi was about to inquire about the news, Mo Chichi suddenly turned around and prepared to leave.

Obviously, Mo Chichi assessed the current situation and found that there was no benefit in staying with Meng Chanyi.

Maybe their whereabouts have already been discovered.

And when Meng Chanyi saw that Mo Jiwan wanted to leave, of course she couldn't let him go.

So Meng Chanyi's slender hands fluttered in the air.

It was then that a clone suddenly appeared in front of Mo Chichi.

"Since you're here, why don't we chat more before we leave?"

Meng Chanyi could not let Mo Chichi go, because once she let her go, Zhuo Bufan would be in danger.

Mo Chichi looked at Meng Chanyi who was standing in front of her, and her heart tightened.

Of course she knew that she couldn't leave today.

"Saint Girl in Chanyi, are you blocking my way?"

Although Mo Chichi has a kind heart at heart, she is still the incarnation of heaven, and she and Meng Chanyi are originally hostile.

Now that Meng Chanyi is blocking her way, it is obvious that a big battle is inevitable.

"Mo Tianzun can leave if he wants. Tell me, where is he?"

When Meng Chanyi said these words, Mo Chichi frowned immediately, and then slowly exhaled.

"Sure enough, she still noticed it? It seems that this war is inevitable."

Mo Chichi sighed secretly, then she raised her eyebrows and looked at Meng Chanyi in front of her, and said.

"I still have something important to do, so please don't get entangled with Saint Lady Chanyi. You should know very well that we are like brothers!"

After hearing this, Meng Chanyi said calmly: "Then I can't let you go."

She knew very well that once Mo Chichi was let go, Zhuo Bufan would be in danger.

Mo Chichi was slightly angry. She knew that Meng Chanyi had guessed that she was chasing Zhuo Bufan.

If this is the case, then Meng Chanyi cannot let her leave no matter what.

"In that case, I want to leave, can you stop me?"

As soon as Mo Chichi finished speaking, tens of thousands of rays of light flew out of her body, and each ray of light created a clone.

The power of the Heavenly Dao made Mo Chichi's combat power increase by more than ten thousand times.

However, even Mo Chichi, whose strength had increased by ten thousand times, did not want to fight with Meng Chanyi.

The reason why she split into so many clones was actually just one idea, run!

Mo Chichi's tens of thousands of clones began to flee in all directions.

For a moment, tens of thousands of rays of light flew everywhere.

Seeing this, Meng Chanyi also split into tens of thousands of clones at the same time, blocking in front of Mo Chichi.

In front of each of Mo Chichi's clones, there was a Meng Chanyi.

Seeing this, Mo Chichi frowned deeply.

"Mirror Shadow Law? You really got the true teachings of the Queen of Wa!"

Mo Chichi looked at the clones in front of her and felt a headache.

The reason why she didn't want to fight with Meng Chanyi was that she knew how difficult Meng Chanyi was.

First of all, Meng Chanyi has the Heaven-Repairing Technique, so it is impossible to kill her.

Secondly, Meng Chanyi has infinite means. Although she is in the Daoyuan realm, she can enter a higher level realm at any time.

She is not weak, and she cannot be killed.

Mo Chichi weighed the pros and cons, so he decided to escape.

However, who can escape the person Meng Chanyi wants to stop?

"Mo Tianzun, if you don't tell me his whereabouts, I'm afraid you can't get away today."

In the void, Meng Chanyi used the mirror law to copy the mirror images of all Mo Chichi's clones.

Mo Chichi sighed when he saw this.

"Is it time to go to war after all? In this case, I also want to see how strong you, Meng Chanyi, the first person under the Three Emperors, are."

As soon as Mo Chichi finished speaking, all the clones used their own tricks and killed the mirror images that blocked the way.

For a time, the entire star field was shrouded in countless brilliant lights.

The entire battlefield has been completely trapped in an endless and terrifying energy vortex.

On this side, Mo Chichi dueled Meng Chanyi, and the flames of war burned through the chaos, which was absolutely beyond the realm of Daoyuan.

Zhuo Bufan, who had been chasing all the way, saw the endless light on the other side of the galaxy from a distance.

"It erupted from the place where the red dot of life was. Such a powerful energy discharge, could it be the destruction of the star?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and stopped the little nightmare under his feet.

"I think a big battle broke out. There are probably two powerful people fighting in that void."

The space-time nightmare dragon is stronger than Zhuo Bufan in terms of sensing power.

Zhuo Bufan was puzzled after hearing this.

"It's impossible. There is only one red dot of life on this star map. Could it be that the one fighting against it is not a living being?"

Zhuo Bufan thought so and immediately associated it.

"It's the Xu clan. It should be those guys from the Xu clan who found this red dot of life before us."

Zhuo Bufan's reasoning was completely correct. After hearing this, the little nightmare couldn't help but ask.

"That kid, what should we do now? Do we need to change the direction to escape?"

The Space-Time Nightmare Dragon was obviously a little afraid, because he felt the absolutely powerful strength from the battle in front.

It is definitely not something it can match to be able to cause such a crazy circle of fire.

But at this time, Zhuo Bufan said.

"Wait a minute, I feel a familiar breath from that circle of fire."

"Is it the Heaven Repairing Technique? It may be Chan Yi!"

Zhuo Bufan thought of Meng Chan Yi at the first time.

"It must be her, let's go and see!"

After Zhuo Bufan felt the energy fluctuations of the Heaven Repairing Technique, he couldn't help thinking too much, and realized that there must be one party in the circle of fire that was Meng Chan Yi.

No matter how terrifying the existence in front was, this time, Zhuo Bufan did not choose to escape!


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