Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1196: Super-dimensional Battle

When the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon sensed that the Void Clan was catching up, it turned into a streak of black light and ran away.

Zhuo Bufan was always paying attention to the four Great Voids chasing behind him.

"Only four?"

Then, he looked at the starry sky battlefield behind him.

In the battlefield, Meng Chanyi and Mo Chichi fought fiercely, slaughtering the entire starry sky and turning it into a terrifying Shura field.

"Xiao Yan, I have a plan."

Zhuo Bufan saw that the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon was much faster than the four Great Voids, so he came up with a plan.

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

Xiao Yan asked.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the battlefield, and he was still very worried about Meng Chanyi.

"Let's split up! You lead these guys into the depths of the void, and I want to go to that battlefield to take a look."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Xiao Yan was stunned.

"What? You want me to lead these guys away? Are you trying to sell me out, brat?"

"Also, you want to go back to that battlefield. You don't want to live, right?"

In Xiaoyan's opinion, Zhuo Bufan's desire to go back to that battlefield in the void is undoubtedly to seek death.

Moreover, they are now being hunted down by the mighty men of the Void Clan.

"Don't worry. I think the four members of the Void Clan seem to have suffered some injuries. With their speed, they should not be able to catch up with you."

"You lead them into the depths of the void, and then we will meet at the space-time rift we mentioned before."

"Anyway, I have to go and see. I'm really worried."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want Meng Chanyi to get hurt.

Although he was not Luo Tian, ​​and he didn't have those memories of Luo Tian.

But at this point, Zhuo Bufan could no longer deny his own identity.

He was the reincarnation of Luo Tian.

Meng Chanyi had been waiting for him for more than one million years. How could Zhuo Bufan let down such affection!

"Are you serious?"

The Space-Time Nightmare Dragon was not a coward, and he was confident that he could escape the pursuit of the four great voids behind him.

"Well, I have to go. Although my cultivation is far inferior to theirs, I should be able to do something at the critical moment."

"Xiaoyan, I'll leave it to you. After you get rid of them, rush to the space-time crack immediately."

"Then, we will escape from the space-time crack."

Zhuo Bufan and Xiaoyan planned everything, and then Zhuo Bufan left a body on Xiaoyan's back.

Then, his body detached, opened up a different space, and hid in it.

"Little ghost, you guy, I haven't agreed yet!"

Zhuo Bufan had already detached from its body, and it was too late for the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon to regret it.

He had to take Zhuo Bufan's body and began to run away frantically.

On the other side, the four great voids didn't notice that Zhuo Bufan had escaped.

They were still chasing Xiaoyan without hesitation.

After they missed each other, Zhuo Bufan jumped out of the alien space, and then turned around and rushed to the battlefield on the other side of the starry sky.

At this moment, in the center of the battlefield, Meng Chanyi and Mo Chichi had already fought to the death.

Mo Chichi turned into a martial arts fanatic, and the battle was unstoppable.

The war spear in her hand was extremely powerful. But the Meng Chanyi she faced was even more powerful.

Meng Chanyi was not only unparalleled in strength, but also absolutely invincible with her combination of the Heaven-Repairing Technique and the Dream Chan Gong.

The Heaven-Repairing Technique can make Meng Chanyi never get injured.

And the Dream Chan Gong can keep Meng Chanyi in the best state forever.

This is why Meng Chanyi was feared by Mo Chichi.

Because Meng Chanyi was too difficult to deal with, she could be said to be invincible in a protracted battle.

So Mo Chichi exploded several times, trying to cause Meng Chanyi several fatal injuries.

However, with the recovery of the Heaven-Repairing Technique, Meng Chanyi could recover in an instant no matter how serious her injuries were.

"Meng Chanyi, why do we have to fight to the death?"

"Although your Heaven Repairing Technique is powerful, it is not endless. If you use it too many times, even the Heaven Repairing Technique will be useless."

"At least I have found that your recovery speed has obviously decreased."

Mo Chichi did not forget to dissuade Meng Chanyi while fighting.

After hearing this, Meng Chanyi responded: "Then why are you blocking my way?"

"Get out of the way."

"It is impossible to get out of the way. I have achieved my goal by leaving you here."

Mo Chichi now only hopes that his men can catch Zhuo Bufan quickly.

"Mo Tianzun, it is rumored that your strength is comparable to Ao Zhitian in the state of demon madness."

"Next, I will be serious. I hope you can fight seriously."

After Meng Chanyi finished speaking, a purple hairpin appeared on her fingertips again, and mysterious energy flowed on the hairpin.

Mo Chichi saw this, even in the state of martial arts madness, he felt a fatal threat.

"Meng Chanyi is getting serious!"

"It seems I can't hold back any longer!"

Mo Chichi felt that Meng Chanyi had already started to kill, and she no longer hid her skills.

A circle of black energy began to fly out from her body, like ripples, turbulent.

The colorful armor on her body turned black. A blood-colored cloak fluttered in the air without wind.

And her long hair was like a galaxy, floating in the air.

The halberd in her hand turned into a blood-colored blade.

In her eyes, there was a murderous intent.

What made people even more frightened was the unparalleled aura on her body and the evil thoughts of killing in her eyes.


Mo Chichi slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, which warmed the space and time around him.

"Hahahahaha, I'm finally out."

Mo Chichi suddenly laughed wildly, her hair flying wildly for a moment, like an invincible demon.

Mo ChiChi has ten thousand different clones, each of which represents one of her obsessions.

Among them, the strongest is none other than the devil.

Mo Chi Chi was born when Mo Chi Chi went crazy while practicing.

In this state, Mo Chichi has lost all humanity and has endless killing wisdom.

She will destroy everything she sees.

In order to fight against Meng Chanyi who was in a serious state, Mo Chichi had to summon his demon.

When Meng Chanyi saw Mo Chichi's state, the look in her eyes became more determined.

She had never seen Mo ChiChi in his devilish state, but it was undeniable that Mo ChiChi in this state was definitely more powerful than ever before.

call out!

Before Meng Chanyi could react, Mo Chichi turned into a black light and flew towards her.

Almost instantly, Meng Chanyi's shoulder was broken.

"So fast!"

Meng Chanyi frowned and immediately used the Sky Mending Technique to repair her arm.

But soon she discovered that Mo Chichi had left a mysterious energy on her wound, which was constantly devouring her energy.

Not only that, that energy seems to contain the power of space and time.

Meng Chanyi's sky-repairing technique was unable to repair her arm immediately.

Of course, the Heaven-Mending Technique is the best magical power in the world, and there is nothing it can't make up for.

It's just a matter of speed.

Obviously, the injuries caused by Mo Chichi's Demonic Form will significantly slow down the recovery speed of Meng Chanyi's Sky Mending Technique.

"here we go again!"

Meng Chanyi didn't have time to think too much. The flying hairpin in her hand came out with her hand and penetrated towards Mo Chichi's chest.

At the same time, the blood sword in Mo Chichi's hand once again penetrated Meng Chanyi's chest.

Of course, Mo Chichi obviously did not escape Meng Chanyi's decisive blow.

The two actually severely injured each other at the same time.


Between the two sides, Yuanli poured out and their souls were turbulent.

Meng Chanyi had the Heaven-Mending Technique and quickly recovered from her injuries, but Mo Chichi did not.

But Mo ChiChi, in the devilish state, couldn't feel any pain.

She will fight until the last moment, until her energy is gone and her soul is gone.


A chilling breath came out of Mo Chichi's mouth.

The battle between the two sides has changed from a fierce battle to the simplest mutual harm.

Although the battle scenes are not as exaggerated as before, the damage they do to each other is more simple and direct.

They have put every ounce of energy they can use into each other.

Because of this, the battle scenes are no longer earth-shattering.

Because such a battle that burns the sky is such a waste of energy.

A truly powerful battle will not be earth-shattering.

They will only apply every ounce of energy in their body to the other party's body and soul completely and intact.

This is the purest battle. This kind of battle has transcended the ordinary battle dimension.

The previous battle between Li Mei and Qiankun and the current battle between Mo Chichi and Meng Chanyi were completely on two levels.

There is no turmoil in time and space, no earth shattering, no planet exploding, no ashes.

Some are just simple moves, a kind of madness that has calmed down.

When Zhuo Bufan arrived at this star field, the flames of war had disappeared.

There is no one in the entire void, and there is no energy fluctuation.

"How is it possible? It was earth-shattering just now, why is there not even a trace of energy fluctuation now?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly. Of course, with Zhuo Bufan's current state, he couldn't understand that level of fighting.

However, Zhuo Bufan could indeed feel that something existed in this star field.

The battle between Meng Chanyi and Mo Chichi was so fast that even the soul could not sense it. It was a battle that transcended time and space.

In addition, every time they collide, there is no energy fluctuation, so the starry sky is extremely quiet, as if nothing exists.

However, they are indeed still within this space.

"It's him!"

Zhuo Bufan's arrival attracted the attention of Meng Chanyi and Mo Chichi.

Mo Chichi almost didn't think much and immediately killed Zhuo Bufan.

"not good!"

Upon seeing this, Meng Chanyi immediately flew towards Zhuo Bufan.

Almost at that moment, no party had a chance to react.

Meng Chanyi stood in front of Zhuo Bufan, and the bloody sword in Mo Chichi's hand pierced her body.


A cold voice came out of Mo Chi's mouth.

The next second, all of Mo Chichi's energy was poured into Mengchanyi's body and began to destroy everything in her body, including the inner world that Mengchanyi cultivated.

Not a shred of energy was poured out, this was Mo Chichi's ultimate kill.

At the same time, in front of Zhuo Bufan, two people appeared out of thin air.

Meng Chanyi still stood in front of Zhuo Bufan with her hands open.

Zhuo Bufan stared at this scene blankly, furious in his heart.

"Dream Fairy!"

Zhuo Bufan seemed to be aware of his appearance, which led to this scene.

He took out the Heaven Sealing Seal in anger and attacked Mo Chichi.

For a moment, countless sealed dragon souls flew out from the Heaven Sealing Seal.

Tens of thousands of dragon souls roared and attacked Mo Chichi in the state of Demonic Madness.

Unexpectedly, at that moment, Mo Chichi did not resist at all.

She let those dragon souls turn into shackles and seal her up.

Mo Chichi wanted to resist, but she had no ability to resist.

Because long before Zhuo Bufan arrived, Mo Chichi had consumed all her energy.

In fact, if Zhuo Bufan came a step later, Meng Chanyi would have defeated Mo Chichi.

If it weren't for Zhuo Bufan's arrival, Meng Chanyi would not have been defeated by Mo Chichi in order to save Zhuo Bufan.

Demonic Madness obviously took advantage of Zhuo Bufan to catch the breath of victory at that moment.

Demonic Madness was sealed by the Heaven Sealing Seal and completely lost his fighting power.

However, Meng Chanyi had been hit by the full force of the demon, and everything in her body had been destroyed, even her soul had suffered unimaginable damage.

"Fairy Meng, Fairy Meng. Sorry, I'm a burden to you."

Zhuo Bufan held Meng Chanyi in his arms, and used the Heaven Repairing Technique in his hand to continuously repair the injuries in Meng Chanyi's body.

Meng Chanyi had suffered an unprecedented severe injury, and there was almost only a trace of her soul left.

She herself was completely in a state of near death, and she was unable to use the Heaven Repairing Technique to repair her injuries.

Now, she could only rely on Zhuo Bufan's Heaven Repairing Technique.

But Zhuo Bufan's Heaven Repairing Technique was obviously not as good as Meng Chanyi's, and it would take more than a day to save Meng Chanyi.

"Xiao Yan is right, I'm just a burden."

"If it wasn't for saving me, she would have been more than this."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the unconscious Meng Chanyi, and had no time to feel the joy of meeting each other, and only felt extremely guilty in his heart.

He tried his best to use the Heaven Repairing Technique to treat Meng Chanyi. Fortunately, the Heaven Repairing Technique can make up for everything, including regrets.

Meng Chanyi will not die, but she will definitely not wake up for a while.

With Zhuo Bufan's treatment, Meng Chanyi has improved.

However, the energy in her body is still fluctuating chaotically.

Zhuo Bufan originally wanted to put her in his inner world "Earth" to rest, but with the energy fluctuations of Meng Chanyi, it is enough to easily destroy his inner world.

In the final analysis, Zhuo Bufan's small world is too vulnerable to an existence like Meng Chanyi. It may be destroyed in a breath.

Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to put the sealed Mo Chichi into his inner world.

The sealed Mo Chichi obviously could not use any energy, and there was no energy fluctuation on his body, which would not destroy Zhuo Bufan's small world.

"Don't worry, I'm here, and I will never let anything happen to you."

Zhuo Bufan held Meng Chanyi in his arms, releasing all his life force and heaven-repairing magic.

Meng Chanyi was shrouded in a layer of faint golden light, and her body was slowly recovering.

Looking at the person sleeping in his arms, Zhuo Bufan finally felt at ease for a moment.

"Go to sleep, you are tired too!"


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