After Li Mei left the public soul channel.

Finally, the fourth incarnation of heaven appeared.

The heaven of hatred, Ao Lai!

Ao Lai is a giant dragon who always lives alone. After being separated from the other Heavenly Dao clones, he led his twelve men alone to search for Zhuo Bufan's whereabouts in the vast and chaotic void.

Of course, if you want to find Zhuo Bufan, you can't use your brain.

This Ao Lai doesn't have the brains of Wang Ce and Mo Chichi, he only knows how to act recklessly. So so far, there is no trace of Zhuo Bufan's whereabouts.

Obviously, he also discovered this problem. He can't do it alone, he must use his brain.

"Tyrant, Xu Kuang! You can't wait like a fool any longer."

Ao Lai, the Tian of Hatred, spoke suddenly, and Ba Tu, the Ao Zhi Tian, ​​snorted coldly.

"Oh? So it's Ao Lai who lives alone! Don't you want to take all the credit? Why, the boy hasn't been found yet?"

This proud Tianba Tu originally disliked Ao Lai, but now that Ao Lai spoke, he would naturally feel hurt.

After hearing this, Ao Lai snorted coldly.

"You don't have to hurt me like this. You should think carefully about how father will punish us if we can't bring our natural enemies back!"

The father Ao Lai mentioned was naturally Da Luo Tiandao.

His words indeed made Tyranny shut that arrogant mouth.

They had received a death order from Heaven. If they could not kill Zhuo Bufan, they would be destroyed by Heaven.

"So, instead of arguing here, let's think about how to catch that kid!"

"Now I can confirm that that old guy Wang Ce was probably tricked by that kid."

"It's not just him, I think Mo Chichi was also plotted by that kid."

This time, Ao Lai made a rare and clever analysis.

The angry Tianxu hummed after hearing this.

"A smart woman, two stupid women are so useless."

This Xukuang had a lot of opinions about Mo Chichi and Li Mei.

So far, the suspicious Tian Wang Ce, the foolish Tian Mo Chi Chi, and the fallen Tian Li Mei have all lost contact.

Now, only four of the seven incarnations of heaven are left.

"So next, I suggest cooperation!"

When Ao Lai proposed cooperation, everyone was silent for a while.

Of course, it mainly depends on what Tyranny and Xu Kuang think.

This Tyrant is a proud man, extremely arrogant and unwilling to cooperate.

And Ang Zhi Tian Xu Kuang is also an extremely conceited person, and he seems to have his own plans.

As for Ao Lai, he decided to talk about cooperation only after being frustrated.

"Cooperation? What kind of cooperation? I don't think it's necessary."

As expected, Ao Zhi Tian Ba ​​Tu was the first to object.

"You, Ao Lai, are desperate and just want to cooperate with us. Isn't it too wishful thinking?"

"Let's avoid this cooperation!"

After Ao Zhi Tian Ba ​​Tu finished speaking, he left the public chat group.

Seeing Tyranny leave, Ao Lai was obviously unhappy.

"You arrogant guy will pay the price for your arrogance sooner or later."

After hearing this, the angry Tianxu sneered.

"What he said seems to be right. Before you came, you proposed to split up and work on your own. Whoever finds the boy first will get the credit."

"Now that this person can't be found, you come back to discuss cooperation. It's really your Ao Lai style!"

"This cooperation is waived!"

After Xu Kuang finished speaking, he immediately logged off.

Xu Kuang's offline made Ao Lai gnash his teeth in hatred towards the two of them.

In the end, only Huan Chaos and Ao Lai were left in the entire communication group.

"Hunchao, you are the only one left now, will you cooperate with me?"

Faced with Ao Lai's order, Hun Chao hesitated and did not answer for a while.

"What? Don't you want to find that human?"

"No, it's not. It's just that I have to save sister Li Mei. I can't go with you."

Hun Chao was so frightened that he quickly disconnected.

In the end, only Tian Ao Lai of hatred was left, roaring with anger.

"They're all idiots, idiots. I hate them!"

On this side, conflicts have arisen among the pursuers.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other side, was chased by these incarnations of heaven and had no way out.

However, after sealing away Mo Chichi, an extremely smart woman, Zhuo Bufan was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief on his escape.

Zhuo Bufan's current goal is to retrieve Meng Chanyi.

After identifying three possible life red dots, he began to rush towards the No. 1 life red dot closest to him.

A month of space travel brought them finally close to the No. 1 red point of life.

"Boy, we're almost there."

Xiao Yu looked at the black void in front of her and said nervously.

Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"This starry sky is so weird. There is no light as far as the eye can see."

"Yes, even the void where there is a rift in time and space has never been so dark."

Little Nightmare said.

The space-time rift has the power to swallow stars and light, but even so, there are still stars outside the scope of the space-time rift.

Where there are stars, there will be starlight, and where there are stars, there will be light, and it will not be so dark in front of you.

"Are there space-time rifts around?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, Xiao Yu shook his head and said.

"No, I don't feel any space-time power. There are no space-time cracks nearby."

"Is there really life in this starless realm?"

Little Nightmare said a little doubtfully.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the red dot marked on the star map and nodded seriously.

"This wheel of life should not make mistakes. At least so far, it has not missed it."

Zhuo Bufan found a lot of lives by relying on the Wheel of Life, and even Xiaoxiang was discovered by him.

So there should be no problem with the Wheel of Life.

Since the wheel of life indicates that there is life in the starless realm in front of us, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Maybe it's Chanyi. She was thrown into this chaos by the rift in time and space."

Zhuo Bufan speculated.

Ordinary life cannot come to such a dark place.

In other words, the life inside is probably forced into it.

Then Meng Chanyi's situation perfectly meets the requirements.

After all, Meng Chanyi was forced to spit out the crack in time, and she had no power to resist.

"It's possible, let's go in and take a look."

Xiao Xiang felt a little indebted because of Meng Chanyi's incident.

So he decided to take Zhuo Bufan into the mysterious and dark depths.

For safety reasons, Zhuo Bufan made a save in advance, and then he opened his soul realm to detect the existence deep in the starry sky.

The closer he got to the target, the more Zhuo Bufan felt his soul being attracted by a mysterious energy.

To be precise, it's not attraction, it's engulfment.

"Boy, do you feel it? Something is wrong!"

Finally, even Little Nightmare felt that there was something strange in this dark depth.

But even so, Zhuo Bufan had no intention of retreating.

"Little Nightmare, you wait for me here, I'll go alone next."

Now that we have arrived here, it is impossible for Zhuo Bufan to go back.

If Meng Chanyi was inside, wouldn't he have missed it?

However, Zhuo Bufan's soul induction told him that there was a powerful danger in the depths of darkness, and he could not let Little Nightmare accompany him on the adventure.

"Boy, are you looking down on me?"

Xiao Xiang refused to agree because it did not want Zhuo Bufan to go on an adventure alone.

"Don't worry, I have my own means of protection. And haven't you already handed over all the Purple Chaos Stones to me?"

"Even if there is danger, I can protect myself."

"If you go with me, I won't be able to take care of you."

Zhuo Bufan told the truth just to make Xiao Xiang retreat.

After hearing this, Xiao Yu was silent for a moment, and then said.

"Okay then! You kid must be careful, I'll be waiting here for you to come back."

"no problem!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he said no more, stood up and flew towards the depths of darkness.

This time, he didn't bring Little Nightmare with him.

Because he could feel the danger of this trip.

As Zhuo Bufan continued to penetrate deeper, the chaotic energy around him became thinner and thinner.

What's even more incredible is that Zhuo Bufan found that his soul was quickly dispersed.

This feeling was as if there was a huge soul vortex in front of him, absorbing the power of his soul.

"No, it's very wrong. This sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger."

Zhuo Bufan felt an increasingly strong sense of crisis.

He already had plans to retreat. Deep in his heart, he even began to hope that Meng Chanyi was not here.

But just when Zhuo Bufan was thinking this, suddenly, in front of his eyes, a woman in white clothes lying quietly in the void appeared.

"Dream Fairy?"

When Zhuo Bufan saw the woman in white, he recognized her at first sight.

What he saw was indeed Meng Chanyi.

Ever since, Zhuo Bufan frantically followed the light and shadow.

However, when Zhuo Bufan got closer, he found that Meng Chanyi was drifting away.

There seems to be a gap between the two that can never be touched. No matter how hard Zhuo Bufan chases, he just can't catch up with Meng Chanyi.

"Wake up, wake up quickly!"

"That's a trap, wake up!"

Just when Zhuo Bufan was chasing the floating Meng Chanyi with all his strength, suddenly waves of calls came from the depths of Zhuo Bufan's soul.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt his soul turbulent, and there was a powerful force controlling his mind.


Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth and forcibly broke through the control of his soul.

For a moment, the powerful divine soul power shook the world and resounded through the void.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly woke up and opened his eyes again, only to see that the "Mengchanyi" in front of him had already disappeared.

"You finally woke up."

The voice that followed turned out to be Mo Chichi who was sealed in his inner world.

If it weren't for Mo ChiChi's call, Zhuo Bufan might have been lost forever.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan only felt that the power of his soul was constantly dissipating.

The whole person is still confused and confused.

"what happened?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't stop his body and floated towards the depths of darkness.

At this moment, he seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, unable to control himself at all.

"It's the Soul Eater. There is a powerful Soul Eater in this void."

Mo Chichi explained to Zhuo Bufan.

"Soul Eater? What is that?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

The well-informed Mo Chichi listened and replied.

"The Star Eaters are the earliest race in Daluotian. In the era when all races were divided, they rebelled against the way of heaven and were exiled in the chaotic void."

"The beings of this race specialize in devouring other people's souls to improve their own cultivation."

"No matter how powerful the soul is, they can devour it. Even our heavenly clones are among them."

"Everything you have seen before is just an illusion he created based on the memory deep in your soul."

"He was swallowing your soul unconsciously, so you didn't react at all."

"By the time you react now, it will be too late. We have already entered his hunting range."

When Mo Chichi said this, her tone was obviously sad and helpless.

"The soul eater relies on the soul-eating divine source in his body to devour the souls of others without restraint."

"Once swallowed by him into his soul-eating divine source, even an incarnation of heaven like me will be turned into a pure energy."

Mo ChiChi never expected that she would die here together with Zhuo Bufan.

"I never thought we would die here together."

Mo Chichi's words made Zhuo Bufan feel a little desperate.

In the dark void, Zhuo Bufan did feel that something was staring at him in the dark.


Zhuo Bufan shouted, and divine rings appeared around him, wrapping him up.

Buzz buzz!

At this time, a buzzing sound came from the depths of Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Zhuo Bufan didn't have time to react. The next second, his soul felt as if he had been bitten.


With a scream, Zhuo Bufan covered his head.

As a result, the pain was not over yet, and his soul was bitten again.


Another feeling of pain coming from the depths of the soul.

"Damn! Are you here?"

Zhuo Bufan could clearly feel that his soul was being deprived bit by bit.

"Do you believe me?"

"If you believe me, let me out. Otherwise we'll all die here."

Mo Chichi shouted excitedly, she knew very well that once Zhuo Bufan died, she would die too.

So now she is not only saving Zhuo Bufan, but also saving herself.

However, Zhuo Bufan shook his head after hearing this.

"It's impossible. If you are released, I will be dead."

"It's better to be swallowed by it than to die in your hands."

Zhuo Bufan will not release Mo Chichi because he still has the option of loading the file.

But after Mo Chichi listened, he said.

"You want to use your door of rebirth to go back to the past!"

"I might as well tell you that Soul Eater is the nemesis of your door to rebirth!"

"Your door to rebirth can only be opened with the last trace of your soul, which is the so-called near-death state."

"But the power of Soul Eater is that he will not leave you this last chance."

"You are in a state of near-death. It will have no effect in front of his soul-eating divine source."

When Mo Chichi said these words, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"You, how do you know?"

Only a handful of people knew about Zhuo Bufan's possession of the Gate of Rebirth. Apart from the Three Emperors, perhaps only his closest family members knew about it.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that Mo Chichi actually knew his last trump card.

Mo Chichi listened and replied.

"Want to know the answer? Then let me out, you have no choice."

"If you die here, your three reincarnations will be wasted."

"Don't worry, I will never kill you, because I really want to see how far you can go."

"So, trust me! I want to save you."

When Mo ChiChi finally said, "I want to save you."

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan's heart trembled.

The next second, he released Mo Chichi from the inner world, and at the same time, he opened the Heaven Sealing Seal...

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