Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1207: Crazy for Love

The Heavenly Dao Wanhua Gong that Mo Chichi practiced can allow her to transform into all the ways of the world and pursue it for her whole life, like crazy.

So Mo Chichi has her own obsession with everything in the world.

There is only one obsession that she has never practiced, and that is love obsession!

Love obsession is the last level of Mo Chichi's cultivation.

Love obsession is the love level. Mo Chichi is the incarnation of Heavenly Dao, and it is difficult for her to fall in love.

She didn't plan to practice this last obsession at all.

However, she never thought that one day she would fall in love with someone else.

What was even more unexpected was that this person would be her enemy.

That's right, Mo Chichi fell in love with Zhuo Bufan.

Perhaps it was because of love obsession that Mo Chichi fell in love with Zhuo Bufan, more because she had a love seed deep in her heart.

Now that she met Zhuo Bufan, this love seed finally began to take root.

Mo Chichi's feelings for Zhuo Bufan were obviously unfounded.

But the love has been awakened, and Mo Chichi soon fell into the practice of love.

Mo Chichi was unable to extricate herself from the practice of the last obsession.

So, this time, she had to save Zhuo Bufan no matter what.

She carefully protected Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Then, together with the Soul Devouring Divine Source, she put it into Zhuo Bufan's body.

Then, Mo Chichi let the Soul Devouring Divine Source and Zhuo Bufan's body completely merge.

She was helping Zhuo Bufan, and she wanted Zhuo Bufan to merge the Soul Devouring Divine Source.

It is impossible to take out the soul swallowed by the Soul Devouring Abyss.

Instead of trying to take out the soul, it is better to help Zhuo Bufan become the master of the Soul Devouring Divine Source and let Zhuo Bufan's soul dominate this source.

Of course, it is impossible to master the Soul Devouring Divine Source with Zhuo Bufan's soul power.

So Mo Chichi will spare no effort to help Zhuo Bufan and merge this Soul Devouring Divine Source.

Once Zhuo Bufan merges with the Soul Devourer, he will have all the abilities of the Soul Devourer and become the next Soul Devourer.

After all, the source of the Soul Devourer's power is the Soul Devourer.

The Soul Devourer relies on the power of the Soul Devourer.

As long as Zhuo Bufan masters the Soul Devourer, he will have the strength to fight even if he encounters the Heavenly Dao incarnation in the future.

After all, the Soul Devourer is an existence that even the Heavenly Dao incarnation is afraid of.

Mo Chichi may never dream that he would think so hard for Zhuo Bufan.

He even forgot that he was here to hunt Zhuo Bufan.

If Zhuo Bufan is not eliminated, then the Daluo Heavenly Dao will be threatened.

But even so, Mo Chichi still helps Zhuo Bufan without hesitation.

Because only in this way can Zhuo Bufan survive and survive in this chaotic void.

Only in this way can he have the ability to protect himself from the pursuit of other Heavenly Dao clones.

The whole fusion process lasted for a long time.

So long that Xiaoyan could no longer bear it and carefully looked in the direction of Zhuo Bufan and the others.

As a result, when Xiaoyan came nearby, he happened to see the scene where Mo Chichi had just merged the Soul Devouring Divine Source with Zhuo Bufan.

"Who are you?"

Xiaoyan had never seen Mo Chichi, because Zhuo Bufan had always sealed Mo Chichi in his inner world before.

So Xiaoyan had never seen Mo Chichi.

But after it saw Zhuo Bufan unconscious, it immediately swam towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Boy, boy, wake up?"

Xiaoyan tried to call Zhuo Bufan, but Zhuo Bufan did not respond.

So it immediately looked at Mo Chichi on the side.

"Girl, what's wrong with this boy?"

Mo Chichi shook her head and said, "He was injured. But now he is fine, and he will wake up soon."

Mo Chichi successfully merged the Soul Devouring Divine Source with Zhuo Bufan's soul.

And with her help, Zhuo Bufan dominated the power of the Soul Devouring Divine Source.

Now the Soul Devouring Divine Source has been completely dominated by Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan's soul is also gradually recovering. I believe it won't take long for him to wake up.

Therefore, Mo Chichi has to leave here before Zhuo Bufan wakes up.

She is worried that if she stays too long, she may get deeper and deeper into the alcohol.

The power of the love-crazy has begun to make her fall into it.

Mo Chichi is trying her best to suppress the formation of her last infatuation clone.

Because she keeps telling herself in her heart that it is impossible for her to be with Zhuo Bufan.

So instead of being harmed by the love-crazy in the future, it is better to make a decisive decision and choose to leave.

"I'll give him to you, and he will wake up soon."

"If he wakes up and asks me, you tell him that the favor will be repaid, and we will not owe each other anything. We will meet again in the future and we will never stop until we die."

Mo Chichi gritted her teeth and said these words cruelly.

Then she handed Zhuo Bufan to Xiaoyan.

Then, Mo Chichi took a breath and used her remaining strength to quickly leave this chaotic void.

Seeing Mo Chichi leave, Xiao Yan still felt a little puzzled.

"What a strange woman, how many romantic debts does this boy have outside?"

Xiao Yan was puzzled, carrying Zhuo Bufan, floating quietly in the void.


After a long time, Zhuo Bufan woke up from his coma.

After waking up, Zhuo Bufan felt like he had a long dream.

"I'm not dead?"

Zhuo Bufan was very surprised, he always thought he was dead.

Before dying, he tried his best to open the door to rebirth and enter the loading space.

But until she woke up, he didn't see the existence of the loading space.

"Boy, you're awake."

Seeing Zhuo Bufan wake up, Xiao Xiang asked.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Xiaoxiang and couldn't help but be startled.

"Little Nightmare? Why are you here?"

"By the way, where's Mo Chichi? There's also the Soul Eater..."

When Zhuo Bufan said this, he suddenly discovered that there was a white light source deep in his soul.

Zhuo Bufan was shocked when his spiritual thoughts swept away.

"This is the Soul-Eating Divine Source?"

"Why is this thing deep in my soul?"

Zhuo Bufan said in shock.

Little Nightmare obviously didn't know what Zhuo Bufan was talking to himself. It answered the question Zhuo Bufan said before.

"Mo Chichi, you mean the girl who saved you! She's gone."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he frowned slightly.

"Left? She saved me!"

Only then did Zhuo Bufan come to his senses. It was Mo Chichi who saved his life.

Zhuo Bufan's memory of that battle was only the scene after he failed in the confrontation with the Soul Eater.

Countless soul-eating tentacles attacked him, eating his soul alive piece by piece, until in the end, no trace was left.

Zhuo Bufan recalled what Mo Chichi had said before. Once he was swallowed by the Soul Eater, he would not even be able to read the file.

So at that moment, Zhuo Bufan actually regretted it.

He shouldn't have taken such a risk, even risking his life for Mo Chichi.

"I never thought she would save me."

What Zhuo Bufan didn't expect even more was that Mo Chichi saved him and gave him the Soul Eater's Soul Devouring Source.

"Boy, who is that girl? She said some weird things to me."

"She told me that kindness must be repaid, and we owe nothing to each other. We will see each other again until death. What does this mean?"

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly after hearing this.

"Until death?"

"This Mo Chichi is so cute and stupid! You handed me the soul-eating divine source. Even if you see him in the future, I will be able to fight."

Zhuo Bufan sensed the soul-eating divine source deep in his soul. With this thing, Zhuo Bufan would become another soul-eating source from now on.

The Soul Eater is powerful and extraordinary. This thing will only attack the target's soul.

And it's the kind of attack that ignores all soul defenses.

The soul is inherently fragile. If faced with an attack that ignores the defense of the soul, then this is simply a powerful attack method.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that Mo Chichi would hand over this soul-eating divine source to him.

You know, Mo Chichi can take away this soul-eating divine source alone.

The most important thing is that Zhuo Bufan is her enemy, the natural enemy she wants to capture back.

If she didn't take Zhuo Bufan back, then she would have betrayed the law of heaven, which would definitely not be tolerated by the law of heaven.

"Does this woman want to use this method to even out the grudges between us?"

When Zhuo Bufan fought against the Soul Eater before, he tried his best to protect Mo Chichi.

He guessed that maybe Mo Chichi did this because he didn't want the favor he owed him.

"Forget it, let's not talk about her!"

"She's right. We repay our grudges and owe each other nothing."

"Next, let's go to the red spot of life No. 2. We can't delay the matter of Dream Fairy."

Zhuo Bufan was grateful for Mo ChiChi's help, but he did not forget his relationship with Mo ChiChi.

Just like Mo Chichi said, after today, they will not owe each other anything.

When we meet again, it may be another life-and-death chase.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan's current thoughts are entirely on Meng Chanyi, so he doesn't have much thought about other things.

And Xiao Xiang didn't know what happened, but just obeyed Zhuo Bufan's words.

"Okay, boy, let's rush to the second life red spot now."

After Xiao Xi said that, he started the space jump and rushed towards the second life red dot.

On this side, Mo Chichi stopped not long after leaving Zhuo Bufan.

She originally planned to find her subordinates first, and then recuperate for a while.

However, when Mo Chichi was on the way, he suddenly found that his mind was filled with Zhuo Bufan.

The more I don't think about it, the more helpless I am, and my mind is filled with extraordinary things.

Deeply in love and overflowing with infatuation, she now realizes that her own disaster has come.

This was her love disaster and her last obsession.

The heaven of insanity, the heaven of insanity, once it becomes insanity, it is impossible to extricate itself and it is difficult to redeem it.

"Why, why him?"

Mo Chi Chi was extremely distressed at the moment because she could not forget Zhuo Bufan.

His face, his voice, his breath, his taste...

Mo Chichi discovered that her entire body and mind had been completely kidnapped by Zhuo Bufan.

This is completely unwarranted emotion, a kind of obsession that should not have occurred.

Mo shook his head foolishly, trying hard to forget about Zhuo Bufan.

But no matter how hard she tried to forget Zhuo Bufan, the memory of Zhuo Bufan would only become heavier and heavier.

"No, I can't forget it, I can't forget it."

Mo Chichi found that she could not forget Zhuo Bufan at all, so she left and came back again.

However, when Mo Chichi returned to the void before, he found that Zhuo Bufan and the others had already left.

Now her soul power is weak, and she can't detect the direction Zhuo Bufan left.

Mo Chichi helplessly stayed where she was, looking at the empty void, her heart as empty as the void in front of her.

The seeds of love have been planted, the roots of love have been born, and the love-crazy Mo Chichi is growing quietly.

"Where did he go? Where did he go?"

Mo Chichi now wants to see Zhuo Bufan like crazy, just once, even if it's just once.

This feeling is very strange, maybe this is the reaction of a love-crazy person.

Obviously he is her enemy, but she can't help falling in love with him.

The love-crazy person made Mo Chichi very uncomfortable.

She quickly took out the Wheel of Life and looked for the direction Zhuo Bufan fled.

But on the Wheel of Life, there was no trace of Zhuo Bufan at all.

"No, he must have used some means to block the signal. The previous pursuits made him more cautious."

Mo Chichi didn't find Zhuo Bufan on the Wheel of Life, so she began to feel a little entangled in her heart.

Because she couldn't stop missing Zhuo Bufan, her longing for Zhuo Bufan was getting deeper and deeper, and she had reached the point of missing him like crazy.

Mo Chichi knew that she might not be able to pass this level.

The cultivation of infatuation has always been unforgettable.

Now that the cultivation of this love-crazy has just begun, she can't extricate herself. I really don't know if she will be swallowed by this love-crazy in the future.

The Tiandao Wanhua Gong that Mo Chichi practiced can cultivate all the infatuations in the world.

For this kind of skill, the deeper the infatuation, the stronger it is.

So far, Mo Chichi's devil thoughts are the most profound. In order to cultivate into a demon, she killed all the lives in a small world, and then cultivated the devil to the extreme.

And now, Mo Chichi has a vague feeling that the love-crazy cultivation this time may surpass the devil.

Because now she has completely sunk.

"I want to find him and take a look at him, even just one look is enough."

Mo Chichi was anxious and missed Zhuo Bufan like crazy.

"Meng Chanyi, he must have gone to look for Meng Chanyi."

After thinking about Zhuo Bufan's goal, Mo Chichi began to analyze the direction Zhuo Bufan might go.

She looked at the Wheel of Life and began to speculate Zhuo Bufan's location.

"Meng Chanyi was seriously injured, and his life breath must be very weak. If we lock the target on these weak red dots of life, we should be able to find him."

At this moment, all Mo Chichi's thoughts were on Zhuo Bufan.

But Zhuo Bufan's thoughts were all on Meng Chanyi!

As for Meng Chanyi, she was sleeping quietly in the Wandering Star Witch Temple at the moment.

It is still unknown when she will wake up.

And the Fallen Tian Li Mei, in order to prevent Qiankun from discovering that she had controlled the Great Elder, carefully concealed her breath.

At the same time, she was still trying to kill Meng Chanyi.

As for the way to kill Meng Chanyi, she only thought of one, that is, to kill with a borrowed knife.

Qiankun's admirer Keira is undoubtedly the best candidate.


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