Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1209 Seeing the Creation Tree Again

Qiankun's words in the conference hall undoubtedly shattered all of Keira's expectations.

This also made the other elders dare not ask any more questions for a while.

After all, Qiankun is the leader and the patriarch.

Although they are powerful elders, they are still subordinates after all, and they do not have the emotions to influence the world with all their strength.

Interfering too much would be overstepping one's authority and would only anger Qiankun, a fool like him.

So the result of this meeting was that they, the elders, failed after all.

Qiankun has decided to marry Meng Chanyi when she wakes up.

"What a pig brain!"

"I'm really happy today, my dear, I watched a good show."

Li Mei sat in the great elder's palace, snickering inwardly.

Now she suddenly became more and more interested in Qiankun, and she really wanted to see Qiankun deflated.

Of course, she wanted to kill Meng Chanyi in her heart.

So she was wondering whether to instigate Keila to remove Mengchanyi.

Lying on the bed, drinking wine from a golden cup.

It was rare to be so timid, and Li Mei showed a cunning look in her eyes.

"The soul has almost recovered, and the excitement is over. It's time to send the positioning to Chaos."

Li Mei has not forgotten his ultimate goal.

Her ultimate goal is to destroy the entire Ronin planet.

Of course, it is not easy to destroy this Ronin planet.

She needs a powerful helper, Greedy Heaven Hunchuan, who is also the incarnation of the Dao of Heaven.

Li Mei contacted Hun Chaos soul channel with her soul power and chose to have a private chat with Hun Chaos.

"Brother Hun Chaos, come and save my little sister. Brother Hun Chaos, come and save my little sister."

Although Chaos is the first incarnation of Heaven, it has certain flaws.

He is not very intelligent and somewhat naive.

As soon as he heard Li Mei's cry for help, Hun Chao quickly responded.

"Sister Li Mei, where are you? I will rush over to save you right now."

"Brother Hun Chaos, every once in a while, I will locate your soul. You must come and save me!"

"Also, the enemy is very powerful. Call Chichi and bring my subordinate Ling Ya and the others. Brother Hunchao must be careful."

After Li Mei finished speaking, she hurriedly logged off. If it took too long, she might be discovered by Qiankun.

Although Chaos is very stupid, he still has no problem chasing after him according to his soul position.

After Li Mei went offline, she immediately left the Great Elder's palace, then found a secret place on Ronin Planet and sent her soul location.

Now Li Mei must be careful in everything. Once he is discovered, it will be over.

Once the soul positioning is sent, Chaos can be found immediately on the Soul Wheel instrument.

This wheel of soul is the same as the wheel of life, except that the wheel of life exists specifically to discover living entities. On the wheel of life, no life of the virtual race can be seen.

But the soul wheel can sense the existence of the virtual soul.

Once the light of soul breaks out from Li Mei, it will naturally appear on the wheel of soul.

After sensing the light of Li Mei's soul, the Soul Wheel showed a dazzling soul light.

Lan Xing, Hun Chaos' subordinate, frowned slightly as he looked at Li Mei's soul light spot.

"so far?"

Lan Xing then reported the situation to Hun Chaos.

"Honorable Chaos Heavenly Lord, we have discovered the location of Limei Heavenly Lord. However, the journey is far away. Our Greedy Wolf starship will probably take more than half a year, and the target is still moving. If we want to catch up, we need to A lot of time.”

Lan Xing informed Hun Chao of the situation. After hearing this, Hun Chao roared in a low voice.

"Then we will move forward at full speed and must rescue sister Li Mei."

Chaos is not human, but a terrifying monster.

But despite its ugly appearance, it is actually very gentle on the inside, especially towards Li Mei and the others.

Although his IQ is not high, it also knows that he is the first incarnation of heaven, so it thinks of itself as a big brother.

As the eldest brother, of course he must protect his younger siblings.

However, among the other six incarnations of Heavenly Dao, perhaps no one except Mo Chichi regards it as their eldest brother.

And Li Mei only found it, Chaos, when she wanted to ask for help when she was in crisis.

No matter what Li Mei had in mind, when she called out "brother Hun Chao", Hun Chao had already decided to save her.

"Sister Li Mei is still waiting for me. She must have suffered a lot."

"Go forward at full speed, then destroy all enemies and rescue sister Li Mei."

Hun Chao was very excited because Li Mei finally allowed him to be his eldest brother.

Of course, Li Mei is just using it!

As a fallen heaven, Limei's nature is to achieve her goals by any means.

Destroy others and degenerate yourself.

After Li Mei completed the positioning of her soul, she felt secretly happy.

Next, she only needs to wait for Chaos and the others to rescue her.

During this period, she would think of a way to kill Meng Chanyi.

At the same time, there was a woman on the other side who was deeply in love and was almost driven crazy by longing.

Mo Chi Chi's state of human infatuation cannot stop the onset of love infatuation at all.

Qing Chi constantly wants to occupy Mo Chi Chi's body and thus exist as the dominant one.

Of course, all this is mainly because of one man, Zhuo Bufan.

Mo Chi Chi is like crazy, fantasizing about being with Zhuo Bufan.

This made Mo Chichi shout out Zhuo Bufan's name from time to time.

"Bufan, Bufan, where are you! Bufan."

Mo Chichi's love-crazy heart has completely sublimated her deep affection for Zhuo Bufan to the limit.

She now just wants to find Zhuo Bufan immediately and express her love to him.

However, she has no idea where Zhuo Bufan is.

In the vast chaos, where can she find Zhuo Bufan?

Mo Chichi's usual cleverness is completely useless now.

After all, her usual cleverness is another obsession of hers, Huichi.

But now that love-crazy people are in power, Huichi is completely suppressed.

If Huichi does not appear, Mo Chichi's usual intelligence will obviously not be revealed.

It is said that women become stupid when they fall in love, and Mo Chichi is the same.

Love-crazy people are in power, and they become completely stupid.

Looking at the red dots of life on the star map.

She doesn't know which one should be the target that Zhuo Bufan is looking for.

Just when Mo Chichi was confused, she suddenly received a communication from Hun Dun.

"Chichi sister, I need your help for something."

Hun Dun suddenly wrote to Mo Chichi, and Mo Chichi obviously couldn't refuse.

After all, Mo Chichi was the only one among all the Heavenly Dao clones who recognized Hun Dun's brother status.

"Is there anything wrong, brother?"

Hun Dun's favorite should be Mo Chichi, only Mo Chichi recognized him, so of course he also liked such a little sister.

"Chichi sister, I came to you for help. Sister Li Mei was held hostage by a group of evil people, and I need to save her."

Mo Chichi was stunned when he heard it.

"Li Mei? What's going on? How could she be held hostage?"

Mo Chichi suddenly thought that she was the one who led Li Mei to the location of Qian Kun.

In other words, she was responsible for Li Mei being held hostage.

"The thieves who took Li Mei away seem to be very powerful. Li Mei is in great danger now and needs our help."

"Ba Tu and Xu Kuang don't care about Li Mei's life or death, but I can't just ignore it."

"So, Chi Chi? Are you willing to accompany me to rescue Li Mei?"

Faced with Hun Dun's request, Mo Chi Chi really couldn't refuse.

After all, Li Mei was captured because of her, and in some ways, she was also responsible.

If it weren't for Mo Chi Chi's wrong information, Li Mei wouldn't have met Qian Kun, and wouldn't have had that earth-shattering battle with Qian Kun.

But now, Mo Chi Chi wants to find Zhuo Bufan even more.

However, she has no idea where Zhuo Bufan is.

After a moment of silence, Li Mei replied silently.

"Well, I'll go with you."

Mo Chi Chi planned to rescue Li Mei first.

"Well, sister Chichi, send me your soul coordinates, I will go find you now, and then we will go to rescue my sister together."

Hundun seemed very excited. If Mo Chichi agreed, then there would be no problem in rescuing Li Mei.

After hearing this, Li Mei sighed.

Afterwards, she released her soul coordinates and waited for Hun Dun's arrival.

"Zhuo Lang, I'm sorry. I will go find you after I rescue Li Mei."

Mo Chichi said affectionately towards the endless void.


On the other side, Zhuo Bufan certainly didn't know that Mo Chichi had fallen deeply in love with him.

After all, he didn't have a love-crazy side, so it was impossible for him to have any feelings for Mo Chichi.

Zhuo Bufan was not a promiscuous person. He didn't even have the kind of love between men and women for Meng Chanyi. He only had a sense of indebtedness.

The reason why he wanted to find Meng Chanyi was actually to find a kind of redemption and to compensate this infatuated woman.

Zhuo Bufan's only feeling for Mo Chichi might be gratitude!

After all, Mo Chichi gave Zhuo Bufan the Soul Devourer's Soul Devourer Source.

Zhuo Bufan spent three months to finally figure out how to use the Soul Devourer Source.

All attacks of the Soul Devourer Source are soul attacks.

And the attack method can change according to Zhuo Bufan's mind.

Zhuo Bufan can transform countless soul tentacles, just like the previous Soul Devourer, using the Soul Devourer tentacles to devour other people's souls.

He can also transform a Soul Devourer knife, and when fighting with others in close combat, he can use the knife to absorb the opponent's soul.

He can also transform into a Soul Devourer wolf or a Soul Devourer banshee.

In short, the attack method of the Soul Devourer Source is arbitrary.

Anyway, its purpose is to devour souls.

After Zhuo Bufan mastered the power of the Soul Devourer Source, he would not have to flee in panic even if he encountered a master of the Void Venerable level in the future.

Moreover, during these three months, Zhuo Bufan had completely restored his Yuanli and Soul Power, and the energy of the Heart of the Sky was also restored by more than half.

Only the Heaven Sealing Seal, which sealed the Dragon Soul, has not been replenished, and now there is less than 20% left.

So in the next battle, Zhuo Bufan cannot rely on the Heaven Sealing Seal blindly.

He must start to learn to fight with his own strength.

The Soul Devouring Divine Source will undoubtedly bring great help to Zhuo Bufan at this time.

"Boy, we are almost there!"

Xiaoyan's words brought Zhuo Bufan back to his senses.

After listening, Zhuo Bufan took out his wheel of life and then checked the second life red dot.

After the experience of the first life red dot, Zhuo Bufan became somewhat alert to the second life red dot.

"Xiaoyan, approach slowly, don't be in a hurry."

"This life red dot has not moved, it may be Fairy Meng."

Zhuo Bufan came here specifically to pursue Meng Chanyi.

Of course, it is still unclear whether Meng Chanyi is really here. After all, Zhuo Bufan locked three life red dots.

Since number one is not, then it is possible that it is number two.

The No. 3 life red dot is what Zhuo Bufan thinks is the least likely.

"Boy, smelt your Purple Chaos Stone into your weapon. If you encounter a battle, you will have the power to protect yourself."

After Little Nightmare's reminder, Zhuo Bufan quickly took out a lot of purple chaos stones, and then smelted the purple chaos stones with his own sword of mercy.

Purple Chaos Stone is the most powerful defensive artifact in the starry sky. If it is used as a refining material, the tools created will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Zhuo Bufan is not as talented as Ji Xuanhao in refining weapons.

However, it was probably deliberate to smelt the Purple Chaos Stone into the Mercy Sword with just knowledge.

Under the smelting of Zhuo Bufan's Yuan Power, the Purple Chaos Stone quickly began to fuse with the Mercy Sword.

After a few days, the Minsheng Sword was coated with a light purple luster.

Zhuo Bufan completely smelted the Purple Chaos Stone with the Mercy Sword.

This time, Zhuo Bufan's Mercy Sword is not only unafraid of all the power of thunder and calamity in the world, but also unafraid of energy from other situations.

"Boy, although you have smelted the Purple Chaos Stone, you must be careful not to let your sword bear too much energy. Once the energy it bears exceeds the limit it can bear, it will self-destruct."

"So, you have to release energy for your sword from time to time."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"I understand! Don't worry, the Mercy Sword has merged with my soul, and I can feel the limit of what it can withstand."

"Now, we dare to enter each other's territory and have a look. I hope it is the Dream Fairy we are looking for."

Zhuo Bufan looks forward to meeting Meng Chanyi again.

Xiaoxiang took Zhuo Bufan into the void where the second life red dot was.

Soon, they entered a group of meteorites, and Xiao Xi slowly wandered among these meteorites.

"This meteorite seems to be some kind of magic circle, and my soul is suppressed in some way."

Zhuo Bufan said.

"Not just the soul, the breath of life seems to have weakened inside."

Zhuo Bufan's words made Xiao Xiang become wary.

"So, the life aura of the No. 2 life red dot itself is not weak. Is it because of the magic circle that it has become weak?"

Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"This should be."

"I have a feeling that Dream Fairy may not be here."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Xiao Xiang slowly flew out from behind a meteorite.

At this moment, they suddenly discovered that there was a green star in the center of the meteorite group.

Above the star, there is full of life, and a huge sacred tree covers the entire heaven and earth.

"This is the Tree of Creation?"

Zhuo Bufan said in astonishment that the scene in front of him seemed familiar.

Because this tree is the tree of creation that also exists in his inner world.

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