Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1211: Void Merchant (Part 2)

Zhuo Bufan is the master of the Minsheng Sword, but his understanding of the Minsheng Sword is very limited.

He only knows that the Minsheng Sword is actually the heart of Jianmu.

And Jianmu is the first God of Creation in Daluo Heaven.

But after the God of Creation completed its mission, that is, after creating all the rules, it was wiped out by the Heavenly Dao.

The Heavenly Dao destroyed Jianmu countless times. It can be said that in the entire Daluo Heaven, only Jianmu has suffered the most destruction in Daluo Heaven.

Until God chopped the proudest tree in the world into ashes.

Originally thought that Jianmu's life was over, but Luotian later found this pile of ashes and forged it into a sword, which is now the Minsheng Sword.

This Minsheng Sword, in terms of power, can be said to be very weak, not as powerful as any powerful artifact.

However, the Minsheng Sword ranks at the top of the Heavenly Dao Artifact List.

Because the Minsheng Sword has become the most feared appearance of the Heavenly Dao.

It is not afraid of any heavenly calamity, even God can no longer destroy it.

Because it was originally just a pile of ash, it could not be destroyed into any shape.

And Luo Tian relied on the Minsheng Sword to escape danger all the way.

However, Zhuo Bufan knew that it was not so simple for the Minsheng Sword to break.

This sword, which was praised as a sword that even God could not do anything about, finally learned the truth from the Void Merchant.

It turned out that after the Jianmu was destroyed countless times by God, the ashes formed had already integrated the countless rules and powers of God, forming the eternal and indestructible Eternal Wood.

This material can integrate all the forces between heaven and earth.

You know, there are mutual fusion and mutual repulsion between forces.

For example, ice and fire are two forces that cannot be integrated with each other.

But this Eternal Wood can combine these two forces into one.

Not only ice and fire, this Eternal Wood can integrate all the forces between heaven and earth, even time and space.

It is a divine weapon that can accommodate all forces, which is why the Void Merchant took a fancy to the Minsheng Sword in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized that he had such a treasure in his hands.

No wonder he felt so relaxed when fusing the Purple Chaos Stone. You know, the Purple Chaos Stone is very difficult to smelt.

It takes a lot of processes to fuse this extremely difficult thing.

But when the Purple Chaos Stone and the Minsheng Sword merged with each other, the whole process was not difficult at all.

Obviously, the Minsheng Sword itself can fuse the Chaos Stone, and Zhuo Bufan only played a role in providing Yuanli at most.

Even if it is Yuanli, it is absorbed and fused by the Minsheng Sword.

"Why do you tell me this? After telling me, aren't you worried that I won't give it to you?"

Zhuo Bufan said to the Void Merchant in front of him.

But after hearing this, the other party laughed.

"Hahaha, you obviously misunderstood something. I'm not the kind of swindling robber you imagined."

"I just think it's a pity that you shouldn't coat the sword with chaos stone."

"You should melt a purple chaos bead and embed it on the sword."

"After all, after the coating, once you fight, all the energy will be absorbed by your purple chaos stone. It is equivalent to covering up the original ability of your sword."

"Believe me, it's obviously more appropriate to remove this coating."

"If you embed another Devouring Star Core in the future, then your sword will be amazing."

After hearing so much, Zhuo Bufan was completely confused.

Because the other party obviously didn't need to tell him this information.

After telling Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan obviously couldn't give up the Minsheng Sword.

"Your Excellency made me so confused. I was originally planning to give up this sword, but now that you have said so many benefits of this sword, I obviously won't give it up anymore."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took back the Minsheng Sword.

The Void Merchant on the opposite side laughed after hearing this.

"Of course I know that you didn't intend to sell this sword from the beginning. After all, this sword has a very deep meaning to you."

"The reason I told you this is just to hope that you don't let this sword be covered in dust."

"And today, the deal I want to make with you is not this sword! I tell you this just to make friends."

To Zhuo Bufan's surprise, the other party was quite kind and friendly.

This surprised Zhuo Bufan a little. After all, he was chasing and killing all the way in the chaotic void, surrounded by dangers, and basically didn't meet any good birds.

It was a bit unexpected to meet a good person.

"Then I wonder what you need?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

The most valuable thing on him might be the Minsheng Sword.

Or it could be the Sealing Heaven Seal.

But Zhuo Bufan would never sell the Sealing Heaven Seal.

Because in Zhuo Bufan's opinion, the value of the Sealing Heaven Seal is far higher than the Minsheng Sword.

Of course, now Zhuo Bufan knows that the Minsheng Sword seems to be more valuable.

After hearing this, the Void Merchant replied.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should have quite a few Purple Chaos Stones on you!"

When the Void Merchant said this, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and did not answer.

"In fact, I have a friend who has been collecting this stuff everywhere recently. Unfortunately, I sent all the Spacetime Nightmare Dragons to search for it in the nearby Spacetime rifts, but found nothing."

"But recently, a new space-time rift was born near the Avius star field."

"I thought I would get a lot. But when my space-time nightmare dragon arrived, I found that all the purple chaos stones had been taken away."

"These purple chaos stones are difficult to collect, because only space-time nightmare dragons that can freely enter and exit space-time rifts can collect them."

"You have a good helper beside you! Considering that your sword has another layer of chaos. It is not difficult to guess that you should be the winner of that piece of purple chaos stone!"

After the void merchant finished speaking, he looked at the little nightmare hiding behind Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, the little nightmare quickly shrank back.

This time, Zhuo Bufan couldn't hide it anymore.

He didn't expect the other party to be so powerful. Just relying on reasoning, he knew that those purple chaos stones were obtained by him.

"You are really amazing. An open man does not do shady things. Since you have guessed it, I don't need to hide it."

"That's right. The Purple Chaos Stones you are looking for are all on me."

"But I got this thing first, so it belongs to me naturally."

Zhuo Bufan's attitude is very clear. The Purple Chaos Stone is his, and no one can take it away.

The businessman said after hearing this.

"Hahaha, it seems that you are still on guard against me."

"You are right. The Purple Chaos Stone is first come first served. Since you got it, it is naturally yours."

"But I also said that I am a businessman and I ask for a fair deal."

"How about I provide you with goods that satisfy you and trade them for the Purple Chaos Stone on you?"

The other party also expressed his attitude.

As a businessman, his attitude is also very firm. He just wants to do business with Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was relieved after hearing what the other party said.

Since the other party is a reasonable person, it will be easy to deal with.

"These Purple Chaos Stones are all rare!"

"You, as a Void Merchant, don't have any in stock, which naturally reflects the preciousness of these Purple Chaos Stones, right?"

"So if you want to get these Purple Chaos Stones, what do you want to exchange?"

This mysterious Void Merchant, since he was able to invite Zhuo Bufan here, naturally has the capital to trade with him.

After getting Zhuo Bufan's answer, the other party said confidently.

"I wonder if the news of the Lord of Time is worth it?"

This Void Merchant suddenly spoke, which made Zhuo Bufan slightly stunned.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that the other party knew what he was going to ask before he even opened his mouth.


"Hehe, don't be surprised. If I, a void merchant, don't even have this little ability, how dare I do business in this chaotic void?"

"Not long ago, a mysterious girl came to me and asked me about the whereabouts of the Lord of Time."

"I smell the same confusion and doubt in you. Obviously, you are on the same side and want to find out the same thing."

Zhuo Bufan was once again impressed by the ability of the void merchant.

"I admire you. You are worthy of being a void merchant. It seems that it is really impossible to hide it from you."

"But there is one thing you didn't guess."

Zhuo Bufan smiled and looked at the void merchant.

After hearing this, the void merchant was stunned.

"Oh? Tell me, what did I guess wrong?"

Zhuo Bufan said: "That is, I don't want to know the whereabouts of the Lord of Time. I want to know where the girl you mentioned is now."

Zhuo Bufan actually planned to ask for information about the Lord of Time.

However, the void merchant had already said that before this, a woman came to ask this question.

Obviously, this woman is Meng Chanyi.

Since Meng Chanyi has already asked, why should Zhuo Bufan ask again?

You know, the information of the void merchant requires conditions to be exchanged.

Zhuo Bufan only needs to find Meng Chanyi, and Meng Chanyi will naturally tell him the information of the Lord of Time.

So Zhuo Bufan doesn't need to do anything more.

In the tone of looking for the Lord of Time, Zhuo Bufan might as well change the question and look for Meng Chanyi.

Since this void merchant is so powerful, maybe there is news about Meng Chanyi.

After hearing this, the void merchant laughed.

"Hahaha, it's really clever!"

"I'm just too confident and say everything. It's okay, I can't take advantage of you."

"But you want to know the whereabouts of that girl, this information is very valuable!"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"So, you really know her whereabouts?"

Since the void merchant said so, it naturally means that he knows the whereabouts of Meng Chanyi.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was really impressed by him.

He didn't expect that this Void Merchant really knew everything!

"What a coincidence, the news about your friend was brought by my friend."

"What a coincidence! Tell me, how many Purple Chaos Stones do you need for this information?"

The Void Merchant said after hearing it.

"We operate with integrity, this information is 20,000 Chaos Stones."

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing it.

He had about 500,000 Purple Chaos Stones, and 20,000 was not too much for him.

But Zhuo Bufan still wanted to try to bargain.

So he raised a finger and said.

"Ten thousand! I can only sell this information for ten thousand."

I thought the Void Merchant would bargain, but he answered decisively.


Zhuo Bufan said after hearing this.

"It seems that I'm still too high!"

"Hahahaha, these 10,000 Chaos Stones are a drop in the bucket compared to your hundreds of thousands of Chaos Stones!"

The Void Merchant knew very well that the Purple Chaos Stones that Zhuo Bufan obtained in that time and space rift were at least 340,000.

"Then can you tell me where she is now?"

Zhuo Bufan looked for two red life points, but didn't find Meng Chanyi, and he was obviously a little anxious.

He was willing to pay these 10,000 Chaos Stones in exchange for Meng Chanyi's whereabouts.

After hearing this, the Void Merchant said, "The person you are looking for is in my friend's hometown."

"Your friend's hometown? Then where is your friend?"

Zhuo Bufan asked quickly.

"My friend just left a few days ago and is looking for the Purple Chaos Stone. If you want my friend to lead the way, it may not be easy."

"Because my friend was ordered by their leader to find at least 100,000 Chaos Stones before he can go back to report. But now he has not even raised 10,000 Chaos Stones. He will not return to their hometown before he finds 100,000 Chaos Stones."

"As for how long it will take him to raise 100,000 Chaos Stones, I don't know. It may take ten years, a hundred years, or even thousands of years."

"After all, Chaos Stones are hard to come by."

After listening to the words of the Void Merchant, Zhuo Bufan roughly understood.

If he wanted his friend to lead the way, he must pay the 100,000 guide fee.

"Haha, then I will spend a thousand Chaos Stones to ask you again, where is his hometown? I can go by myself."

Zhuo Bufan knew that Chaos Stones were hard to come by, so he didn't want to waste them.

But the Void Merchant laughed after hearing this.

"Sir, even if I tell you where their hometown is, you won't be able to find it."

"My friend is a member of the Ronin tribe, and the Ronin tribe has been wandering all their lives."

"Except for their members, no one else can find the Ronin Star."

The Void Merchant said this to remind Zhuo Bufan that he had to pay for the 100,000 Chaos Stones.

"Ronin Star! There really is such a magical race."

When Zhuo Bufan heard that the other party was a Ronin tribe member, he immediately thought that he was also looking for the Ronin tribe.

Maybe this is an opportunity.

"Okay, I'll pay for the 100,000 Chaos Stones. Let your friend come back!"

"Let him take me to the Ronin Star immediately."

Zhuo Bufan finally agreed to pay for the 100,000 Chaos Stones.

After hearing this, the Void Merchant smiled faintly and said.

"Haha, deal. Trust my friend, I'm happy to lead the way for you."

Zhuo Bufan rolled his eyes at him, and he had to admire the other party's negotiation skills.


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