Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1213: The Void Merchant's Treasure Pavilion (Part 2)

Zhuo Bufan was rarely unable to move because of a treasure.

The millstone was really too eye-catching.

The moment Zhuo Bufan saw the black and white millstone, he was deeply attracted by it.

Because he felt an extremely familiar power on the black and white millstone.

"Is this the Sand of Time?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but say.

After hearing this, the Void Merchant laughed and said.

"Your eyesight is really unique. You recognized the sand of time at a glance!"

"That's right. This artifact is called the Time Magic Wheel. Using it can reverse time and space, change the ending and destiny."

"To be honest, I don't know much about its use, because this artifact is not something that ordinary people can use."

"It was created by a great man of the Samsara clan, and only those with the blood of Samsara can use it."

"This kind of artifact that defies the heavens and changes fate is one of the best even in my Wanbao Pavilion. It is not an exaggeration to say that it can resist the best of the best."

The Void Merchant put the Time Magic Wheel in a very conspicuous place, making it clear that it was for Zhuo Bufan to see.

After all, such a top-grade best, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the treasure of the Wanbao Pavilion.

But such a treasure, the other party put it in a very conspicuous place, and his intention can be imagined.

This Time Magic Wheel can only be used by people with the blood of Samsara. It is obvious that this Void Merchant is not a member of the Samsara clan.

Zhuo Bufan is certainly not a member of the Samsara Clan, but he is a reincarnator.

I don’t know if Zhuo Bufan’s own blood can be considered the blood of the Samsara Clan.

In short, Zhuo Bufan was very enthusiastic when observing the Time Magic Wheel.

Because he was too familiar with this kind of artifact.

Tianxuan Tower, a cultivation pagoda that can speed up the flow of time.

Rebirth Gate, an artifact that can go back to the past and change fate.

Now, Zhuo Bufan was very surprised to see this kind of time artifact again.

“Someone has been to the Samsara World, found the Long River of Time, and then used the Sand of Time to practice such an artifact.”

Zhuo Bufan speculated.

“What’s going on? Why can’t I return to the Samsara World after I arrived at Daluo Heaven?”

“When I was in the Yin-Yang World, I could enter and exit freely?”

Zhuo Bufan actually always wanted to return to the Samsara World.

Because there is a Long River of Time in the Samsara World.

The origin of the Long River of Time is naturally where the Lord of Time is.

It can be said that the Long River of Time is the most convenient and quickest place to find the Lord of Time.

However, after Zhuo Bufan came to Daluotian, he could not go to the world of reincarnation.

Not only that, Zhuo Bufan could not return to his original Yin-Yang world.

Not only Daluotian, but also the chaotic void plane where Zhuo Bufan was currently located could not enter the world of reincarnation.

This made Zhuo Bufan a little distressed.

"Isn't the world of reincarnation the middle world connecting the Yin-Yang world and Daluotian?"

Zhuo Bufan thought.

"No, it seems that I have been wrong about one thing. The world of reincarnation is definitely not the middle world between the Yin-Yang world and Daluotian."

"The world of reincarnation should be a world of higher latitude."

"After all, the long river of time is in the world of reincarnation, and only reincarnators can enter the world of reincarnation. It is not a place of ascension."

"Also, the old Zhou who ascended with me did not ascend to Daluotian at all."

"All this is too strange. It seems that I have to find this reincarnation clan as soon as possible."

After Zhuo Bufan analyzed himself, he realized that the world of reincarnation was not as simple as he thought.

At first, he thought that the world of reincarnation was just one of the three thousand small worlds belonging to Daluotian.

But later he found more and more that the world of reincarnation obviously belonged to a world of higher dimensions.

That world belongs to the world of the Lord of Time, and only those who are chosen by the Lord of Time can go to this world.

Zhuo Bufan no longer thought about it, but looked at the void merchant on the side and asked.

"Can I ask where you got this thing from?"

"Or do you know where the reincarnation clan is?"

Although Zhuo Bufan coveted this artifact, he knew very well that this magic wheel of time was definitely not something he could trade now.

After hearing this, the void merchant responded.

"I can't say more about the origin of this thing, but don't worry, this thing is definitely the natal artifact of the great power of the reincarnation clan."

"If you want, you can use the sword in your hand as an exchange."

The other party actually took the initiative to propose an exchange.

But Zhuo Bufan was not impulsive after hearing this.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan did not expect that the other party actually thought that the Minsheng Sword in his hand was equivalent to this Time Magic Wheel.

You must know that this Time Magic Wheel is a time artifact.

And the Time Artifact is the most powerful kind of artifact in the world. After all, it is an existence that can change time and destiny.

Therefore, in Zhuo Bufan's view, this Time Magic Wheel is definitely a top-grade artifact.

The Minsheng Sword in his hand should not be better than the other party.

However, the vision of this Void Merchant will never deceive Zhuo Bufan.

Since the other party believes that the value of the Minsheng Sword is comparable to this Time Magic Wheel.

Then it is very likely that Zhuo Bufan really did not realize the true ability of the Minsheng Sword.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan did not immediately respond to the proposal of the Void Merchant.

"This treasure is indeed good, but you also said that only people with reincarnation blood can use it."

"No matter how good the baby is, if it can't be used, it won't help!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he looked at the void merchant.

After hearing this, the other party laughed.

"That's it, that's it!"

In this case, please come with me to see this final swallowing star core!

Finally, it’s the turn of the protagonist of this treasure appraisal meeting—the Devouring Star Core!

This Devouring Star Core is rare to find, and it may be the only one in the entire chaotic void.

"This Devouring Star Core was something I won from another void merchant a long time ago."

"It was originally embedded in a peerless artifact. However, when the artifact was discovered, it had been destroyed. But the Devouring Star Core has been preserved."

"For this swallowing star core, I fought with that old enemy for a thousand years."

"This treasure was also in my hands and his. After several transfers, it finally fell into my hands again."

The void merchant seemed very excited when talking about this past event. After all, this was his glorious achievement.

"So you are not the only void merchant?"

Zhuo Bufan thought that there was only one void merchant, but from his words, Zhuo Bufan learned that the void merchant was more like a profession.

"Hahaha, of course I'm not the only one. In this vast and chaotic void, void merchants are everywhere. As far as I know, there are at least hundreds of colleagues!"

"Of course, we only see each other far away, and some of us never see each other once in our lives."

"I see, it's kind of interesting."

Zhuo Bufan now knows that void merchant is a profession.

Of course, this void merchant is hard to come by. I am lucky to meet this void merchant.

"Actually, I really hope that you can take away this swallowing star core. After all, my old enemy has always been thinking about this thing."

"If it can be traded away, that would be great."

The Void Merchant expressed his desire to trade the Devouring Star Core.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, his eyes lit up.

"It seems like this Devouring Star Core is a hot potato in your hands. Why don't you just give it to me?"

"Don't worry, I, Mr. Zhuo, will definitely remember your kindness. If you need anything in the future, just give me your instructions. Mr. Zhuo will be there without hesitation."

Zhuo Bufan wanted to deceive the swallowing star core.

Of course, the other party was not a fool. After hearing Zhuo Bufan's request, he just sneered.

"Your Excellency is too naive. I always act according to the rules."

"I never take advantage of others, and I certainly won't let others take advantage of me."

"Exchange of equal value is my life creed."

"You think you can get away with nothing from me?"

After hearing what the other party said, Zhuo Bufan smiled awkwardly.

"I'm just following your words."

"Since you intend to trade this swallowing star core, and I need this thing, why not make a deal?"

"If you have any needs, please tell me. As long as I can do it, I will try my best."

Zhuo Bufan never thought of taking advantage of the other party, but he didn't have much treasure in his body now.

It is really not easy to trade with the other party.

"Well, let's see how much Chaos Stone your treasure is worth. Can I trade it with Chaos Stone?"

Upon hearing this, the other party slowly shook his head.

Zhuo Bufan could feel the ridicule beneath the mask.

"How can the Chaos Stone be compared with this Devouring Star Core? Maybe ten million Chaos Stones can be compared!"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was slightly startled.

"Ten million? Haha, it seems that you are not sincere in this transaction, so why do you say that you have some and don't have it?"

Zhuo Bufan felt that he was being teased by this guy, and he suddenly lost the mood to appreciate the treasure.

When the void merchant saw Zhuo Bufan turning around to leave, he quickly stepped forward to stop him.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency. I really don't mean to tease you."

"This Purple Chaos Stone is indeed very rare and precious, but it is of little use to me and its value is limited."

"If you have other treasures, you may be able to use them in exchange."

"Of course, you won't take out that sword."

"But as far as I know, you should have another treasure in your hands."

"I wonder if I can take it out to make my eyes widen?"

After the void merchant finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan frowned.

Before Zhuo Bufan could react, the void merchant raised the top hand on the left and shook the ring on his index finger.

A picture appeared on the ring.

In the picture, we can see the scene of Zhuo Bufan holding Meng Chanyi to escape from Mo Chichi's men.

When they were chased before the rift in space and time, they saw Zhuo Bufan taking out the Seal of Sealing Heaven and starting a battle with the enemy.

The Void Merchant's gaze obviously stayed on the Heavenly Seal for a long time.

"How could you?"

Zhuo Bufan hadn't finished speaking yet, he just listened to what the void merchant said.

"As a void merchant, how can we survive in this chaotic void without any insight?"

The words of the void merchant made Zhuo Bufan silently close his eyes. It turned out that he had been monitored for a long time.

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