Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1216 Assassination of Meng Chanyi (Part 1)

Ronin, a wandering planet that always wanders in the chaotic void.

The only people who can find the Ronin Star are members of the Ronin tribe.

"Brother Zhuo, I'm afraid we're still half a year away from Ronin. If Brother Zhuo needs anything, just let me know."

Zhuo Bufan boarded Shun's starship and rushed towards Ronin.

For Shun, Zhuo Bufan's appearance is obviously a timely help.

Therefore, he was quite friendly towards Zhuo Bufan, and naturally he warmly invited Zhuo Bufan to Ronin Planet.

Of course, he didn't know that Zhuo Bufan went to Ronin Planet this time to find Meng Chanyi.

"I heard Brother Yi say that the leader of your Ronin clan recently brought a seriously injured woman back to the Ronin planet, right?"

Zhuo Bufan wanted to confirm this information with Shun.

After listening for a moment, he nodded in response.

"Yes, that woman is really beautiful. Our clan leaders are all enamored with her."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he immediately frowned.

"The leader of the Ronin clan is attracted to Chanyi? What a bloody plot."

"It's like a toad wants to eat swan meat."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt nervous.

"By the way, Brother Zhuo, do you know that girl?"

Shun on the side obviously didn't notice the ugly expression on Zhuo Bufan's face, and just asked with a smile.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied with a cold face.

"She is my friend and she was seriously injured trying to save me. So I am worried about her condition."

After listening for a moment, he nodded.

"So that's the case, but brother Zhuo, don't worry, that girl has been rescued by Li Po, the most powerful witch god in our clan."

"Li Po's ability can bring the dead back to life. So it's not a problem to find that friend who can save you."

At this moment, it is obvious that the true relationship between Zhuo Bufan and Meng Chanyi has not been understood.

Of course, he actually didn't know that the people in his clan were already in panic because of this woman.

On Ronin Star, the leader Qiankun was fascinated by the appearance of Meng Chanyi.

This man with the highest status in the Ronin clan is now focused on Meng Chanyi.

This made the female leader, Keira, obviously jealous.

Originally, Keira still had illusions about Qiankun, but because of Meng Chanyi, Qiankun no longer took her seriously.

A black hole of jealousy arose in Keira's heart and began to devour her reason.

"Why, after I have waited for you for three thousand years, why can't I compare to a woman you randomly picked up on the roadside?"

Keira was in her palace, drinking the soul-killing wine gloomily.

This kind of wine can make people lose their minds and eat away at their souls.

This is not actually wine, but more of a poison.

However, at this moment, Keira was dead inside, and even drinking poisonous wine no longer mattered to her.

Soul-losing wine can make her forget those troubles.

She hoped that this soul-eating poisonous wine would swallow up all the memories of the universe in her soul.

However, 90% of Keira's entire soul is Qiankun. How could she forget that man when her mind is full of Qiankun?

Therefore, even the soul-destroying wine could not make her forget her troubles.

She will only become more depressed after drinking. She has completely lost herself.

At this time, suddenly a bald old man entered Keira's hall.

After seeing the other party, Kayla narrowed her eyes and said with some pain.

"It turns out to be the Great Elder. I wonder why the Great Elder came here?"

The bald old man who came was none other than the Great Elder, Li Mei.

Ever since Li Mei sent out her call for help, she has been thinking about whether to deal with Meng Chanyi.

After thinking about it, she still felt that Meng Chanyi was a serious problem for her, so she had to deal with it quickly.

But Meng Chanyi is now in the Witch Temple, guarded by seven elders, so it is impossible for her to do anything. There is no chance to take action.

After much thought, Li Mei came up with a way, which was to use Keira.

Keira is the female leader of the Ronin tribe. In a sense, her status is equal to that of Qian Kun.

And most importantly, Keira is deeply supported by the elders, and the Seventh Elder and the Witch God Li Po also secretly support her.

So if it were her, she would be able to come and go freely.

This Li Mei wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone, so she found Keira.

Seeing Kayla drinking wine, she walked up and said.

"Why are you drinking alone here?"

"Keira, are you feeling sad and uncomfortable because of what happened to the leader?"

Li Mei pretended to be a great elder and looked at Keira.

After hearing this, Keira looked at Li Mei coldly.

"The Great Elder didn't prepare for the battle in your palace, but came to my place to watch the joke?"

After hearing this, Li Mei shook her head.

"Why do you think I'm here to see a joke?"

"Girl, you are the great elder and I have watched you grow up. Like all the other elders, I support you being with the leader."

Li Mei became eloquent, and she had to pretend to be a great elder to gain Keila's trust.

After hearing this, Kayla's eyes were wet and her heart was full of grief.

"Why, why does brother Qiankun like that woman?"

"What's so good about that woman!"

Keira said angrily, transferring all her inner dissatisfaction to Mengchanyi.

When Li Mei heard this, she nodded and said.

"You're right, how can that woman compare to you, girl?"

"The current leader is just bewitched by that woman."

"The leader doesn't understand her at all, he is completely bewitched by her beauty."

"So the real fault is not the leader's fault, but the woman's fault."

"As long as that woman is gone, the leader will naturally return to his previous state."

This Li Mei is the fallen heaven, and teaching people to fall is her specialty.

She kept instigating Kaila, causing Kaila to begin to hate Meng Chanyi in her heart.

"Kaira, you and the leader grew up together, you should be a perfect match."

"Why did that woman take away everything from you?"

"Today she can snatch your brother Qiankun, and she may snatch everything from you when she wakes up in the future."

"As the great elder, I will not let this happen."

"As the leader, Qiankun can only marry women of the same tribe. You can't find women from outside."

"That will only mess up the blood of our tribe, especially Qiankun, who has the best blood of our Ronin tribe. We must be responsible for his descendants."

Li Mei was instilling these words into Kaila bit by bit, making Kaila think that the existence of Meng Chanyi was not only ruining her own good deeds.

It might also bring disaster to their Ronin tribe.

Kaila lost her mind due to the soul-destroying wine, and was so fascinated by Li Mei, her hatred for Meng Chanyi became heavier.

"Meng Chanyi! Can't let her live!"

In Kaila's mind, she kept thinking about such a dangerous idea.

Li Mei looked at Kaila's state and nodded with satisfaction.

Kaila is now completely trapped in a vortex of hatred.

So Li Mei only needs to use a few words to activate Kaila's inner hatred.

After seeing Kaila's state, Li Mei turned around and left with satisfaction.

Kaila is now completely blinded by the fire of hatred, so even if Li Mei does nothing, Kaila has already killed Meng Chanyi.

"Next, just watch the show."

Li Mei ignited Kaila's fire of hatred, and then began to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

The stage has been set up and the actors are in place.

Kaila drank the last pot of soul-destroying wine, then stood up and walked towards the Witch God Temple.

"She will destroy us, she must be killed, she must be killed."

Kaila muttered to herself.

When she came to the Witch God Temple, she saw the Seventh Elder guarding outside the hall.

When the Seventh Elder saw Kaila coming, he was naturally unprepared.

"Kaira, why are you here?"

The Seventh Elder took the initiative to greet Kaira.

Kira saw this and quickly saluted.

"Kaira greets the Seventh Elder. I'm here to see Granny Li. Can the Seventh Elder inform me?"

The Seventh Elder smiled when he heard it.

"Girl, do you need to inform Granny Li when you come to see Granny Li?"

"Go in by yourself!"

The Seventh Elder was completely confident in Kaira. After all, she was a child he had watched grow up, so he would definitely not be defensive.

Kaira smiled smugly after hearing this.

She obviously knew that the Seventh Elder would say this, so she responded.

"Then Kaira will go in first."

"Go ahead. I have a mission to do and I can't leave my post without permission. Kaira, go find Granny Li by yourself!"

Qiankun ordered the Seventh Elder to guard Meng Chanyi around the clock. No one except Granny Li and him could be allowed to enter the Witch God Temple.

However, the Seventh Elder did not treat Kaira as an outsider at all.

How could she know that the person she trusted the most was actually the most dangerous person.

Kaila got the permission of the Seventh Elder and swaggered into the Witch God Temple.

After entering the Witch God Temple, Kaila went straight to the bedroom where Meng Chanyi was.

Kaila grew up in the Witch God Temple, so she knew the situation of the Witch God Temple very well.

She knew which palace the seriously ill and injured would go to for treatment.

Kaila came to the bedroom of the East Hall that she guessed, and she saw the person she wanted to see.

When she walked into the room, she was attracted by the powerful life energy inside.

"Grandma Li, Grandma Li!"

Kaila called Grandma Li softly, but after calling twice, she found that Grandma Li was not here.

Then she walked into the room and saw a wooden bed made of the wood of life in the middle of the room.

On the wooden bed, there was a beautiful woman lying.

Of course, no matter how beautiful the other person's eyebrows were, in Kaila's view, they were all snakes and scorpions.

Therefore, Kaila herself was not moved by Meng Chanyi's beautiful face, but was filled with resentment to destroy that beauty.

"Don't blame me, blame yourself for appearing in front of Brother Qiankun."

Kaila had made up her mind. She would rather be punished by Qiankun than get rid of Meng Chanyi.

Because only in this way can she free Qiankun and redeem herself.

Otherwise, Kaila's life may be spent in regret.

Kaila stretched out her right hand towards Meng Chanyi.

On her right arm, there was a tattoo totem like a poisonous snake.

When approaching Meng Chanyi, the tattoo on Kaila's arm began to release bursts of light.

"Find the snake and eat her!"

As soon as the voice fell, the tattoo on Kaila's arm suddenly changed and turned into a giant python.

The entire giant python appeared in the hall, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the unconscious Meng Chanyi.

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