Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1219 Gathering on Ronin Star

Kyla and her team's plan here has the help of Tianjiang, and it is obviously one step closer to success.

As long as the time is right, they will unseal and release Li Mei.

And Li Mei obviously hasn't noticed their plan yet, she just feels that the day when she returns to the light of day is coming soon.

On the other side, her reinforcements Hun Dun and Mo Chi Chi are already on the way.

Hun Dun first went to meet Mo Chi Chi, and then they locked the life red dot of Ronin Star and began to track this distant star.

However, this is obviously not something that can be caught up in a day or two.

At their speed, it will take at least half a year.

The current situation is that the seven incarnations of the Heavenly Dao who were originally ordered by heaven to hunt down Zhuo Bufan.

Among them, the Doubtful Heavenly King Ce was thrown into which time and space by Zhuo Bufan.

And the remaining six incarnations of the Heavenly Dao, among which the Fallen Heaven Li Mei was captured by the leader of the Ronin Star, Qian Kun.

And the Greedy Heaven Hun Dun and the Crazy Heaven Mo Chi Chi had to go to the Ronin Star to save Li Mei.

Moreover, this crazy Tianmo Chichi actually fell in love with their target Zhuo Bufan.

It can be said that up to now, half of the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao sent by Daluo Tiandao have been destroyed.

The remaining three incarnations of the Heavenly Dao are still consuming each other.

Each of them is very proud, but all of them are like headless flies, and there is no clue of Zhuo Bufan at all.

So, Zhuo Bufan does not need to worry about the pursuit of the Heavenly Dao at all.

His current priority is to go to the wolf to find Meng Chanyi.

Of course, he has no idea what kind of thrilling and passionate journey this trip to the Ronin Star will cause.

"Brother Zhuo, may I ask, are you from that Three Emperors world?"

On the way to the Ronin Star, Zhuo Bufan learned a lot about the Ronin from the Sixth Elder Shun.

Similarly, the Sixth Elder also wanted to learn something about Daluo Tian from Zhuo Bufan.

"The world of the Three Emperors?"

"Yes, is it the world in the Three Emperors Star Region?"

"Those three rays of light that are used to piercing the chaotic void are famous beacons in this chaotic void."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan thought of the supreme glory of the Three Emperors of Daluotian.

I didn't expect that the Ronin people would actually regard the glory of the Three Emperors as a beacon.

Indeed, the glory of the Three Emperors is the most dazzling light in this chaotic void.

"I guess so! But I'm not familiar with that world."

Zhuo Bufan knew that this moment wanted to find out about Daluotian from him.

However, Zhuo Bufan didn't live in Daluotian for a long time, and his understanding of Daluotian was only one-sided.

He didn't even know how many strong people there were in Daluotian.

He only knew that Daluotian was the most dazzling existence in the chaos.

There are three thousand small worlds under Daluotian.

"In fact, the ancestors of our Ronin tribe also came from that world."

"In order to survive, our ancestors had to leave that world."

The reason why Shun mentioned Daluotian is because the root of their race is that world.

The Ronin tribe has been wandering outside Daluotian for millions of years, and finally one day, they want to go back.

Nowadays, the call for returning to the origin is getting louder and louder.

The leader Qiankun went out before to find a way to go home.

"I did hear that your Ronin tribe originated from Daluotian."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Shun and said.

"Yes, according to the prophecy of our ancestors, our Ronin tribe will perish in less than a hundred years."

"Unless we can return to our homeland."

"Of course, it is not certain whether this prophecy is true or false. But there are indeed some calls for returning to our roots within our Ronin tribe."

Shun told Zhuo Bufan about the situation of their Ronin tribe.

After listening, Zhuo Bufan shook his head and said.

"People inside the wall want to go out, and people outside the wall want to come in."

"Brother Shun, Daluotian is not as beautiful as you think."

"The reason why I escaped from that world is because a doomsday catastrophe is about to happen in that world."

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Shun was slightly startled.

"Doomsday catastrophe? How could this happen?"

"I don't know the specific situation very well, and it's inconvenient to say more."

"In short, Daluotian is not a good destination after all."

Zhuo Bufan was warning them.

After all, Daluotian is about to have a catastrophe whose outcome no one knows.

The Three Emperors have been preparing for this catastrophe for millions of years.

The light of the Three Emperors will go out.

The most dazzling world in the chaotic void will collapse.

The current Daluotian is completely a bomb that can be destroyed at any time. Going to Daluotian is undoubtedly the stupidest decision.

Out of kindness, Zhuo Bufan reminded Shun.

"Brother Shun, let's not talk about this. Can I ask how long it will take us to reach your Ronin Star?"

"My friend is seriously injured. I am really worried."

"Maybe we can increase our speed a bit."

Zhuo Bufan has not even thought about practicing recently.

The reason is nothing but Meng Chanyi.

He learned from Shun that Meng Chanyi was actually rescued by the leader of their Ronin tribe.

And that leader wanted to take Meng Chanyi for himself.

Zhuo Bufan naturally couldn't let this happen.

So, he had to rush to Ronin Star immediately to rescue Meng Chanyi.

After listening for a moment, he replied.

"Okay, if we move forward at full speed, we should be able to get back to Ronin within three months."

"Okay, let's move forward at full speed. What do you need me to do?

Shun shook his head and said.

"There's nothing needed. The star core fuel on the battleship is enough to get us back to Ronin."

"It's just Brother Zhuo, there is something I must tell you."

"After you listen, you can decide whether you want to follow me to Ronin or not."

Shun's expression suddenly turned serious.

Zhuo Bufan frowned after hearing this.

"tell me the story."

Shun continued.

"It's like this. Our clan leader encountered a wave of enemies on his way back not long ago."

"After our investigation, we found that this enemy is actually a virtual life sent by the Three Emperors World."

"Brother Zhuo must have heard of this virtual being!"

When Zhuo Bufan heard the word "Xu Clan", he immediately frowned.

Of course he knows about these guys from the Void Clan, because they are coming for him!

I just didn't expect that the guys from the Void Clan didn't find Zhuo Bufan, but instead found the leader of the Ronin Clan, and caused such a big disturbance.

"Our clan leader suspects that this Void clan is probably coming for our Ronin clan."

"So Ronin Star is now fully prepared for war."

"I also went out to collect war resources in the name of the leader. That's when I met you, Brother Zhuo."

"In other words, our Ronin planet is not safe now, and the battle is likely to start at any time."

"Brother Zhuo, have you decided to go to our Ronin planet?"

After listening to Shun's words, Zhuo Bufan fell into silence for a while.

He didn't expect that the guys from the Void Clan would actually find the Ronin Clan.

Things are in trouble now, because the real target of the Xu clan is Zhuo Bufan.

Now that I am heading to Ronin, isn't this like falling into a trap?

But today, Zhuo Bufan seems to have no way out.

"Chanyi is still on Ronin Planet. If I don't go, she may be in danger."

Zhuo Bufan knew that people from the Xu clan would never let Meng Chanyi go.

After all, Meng Chanyi had fought with Mo Chichi before.

Now Meng Chanyi was seriously injured again, and she didn't even have the ability to escape.

Therefore, it was even more impossible for Zhuo Bufan to leave her alone on Ronin Planet.

After weighing the situation, Zhuo Bufan decided to go to Ronin.

Although he is likely to encounter his mortal enemy, he must take a risk for Meng Chanyi.

"I understand. Since Brother Shun's hometown is in trouble, as a friend, I will naturally not stand idly by."

"Besides, my friend is still on your Ronin planet, so it's even more impossible for me to turn a blind eye."

"Brother Shun, please feel free to take me there so that I can contribute."

That's what Zhuo Bufan said, but he wasn't trying to protect some Ronin star.

He only cares about Meng Chanyi's life and death.

After listening for a moment, he was moved by Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Then more Brother Zhuo will act righteously."

"Brother Zhuo, don't worry. When everything is done, we, the Ronin clan, will definitely thank you deeply."

"Then I'll go to the cab first and increase the forward speed. Please!"

After Shun finished speaking, he turned around excitedly and walked into the cockpit.

Zhuo Bufan, on the other hand, stood there, lost in thought for a while.

The problem was obviously more complicated than he thought.

He had a premonition that he might encounter a huge storm when he went to Ronin Planet this time.

Zhuo Bufan's hunch was correct.

Now he and Shun were not the only ones heading towards Ronin Star.

The other route was originally supposed to be to hunt down Zhuo Bufan, the incarnation of Heavenly Dao.

Hun Chaos, the Heaven of Greed, and Mo Chi Chi, the Heaven of Crazy, are both heading towards the Ronin Star.

With the two incarnations of Heaven joining forces, the little Ronin Star may be wiped out in an instant.

Chaos and Mo Chichi's speed is similar to Zhuo Bufan's, and they are also expected to arrive at Ronin in three months.

At this time, Ronin will obviously encounter an unprecedented catastrophe.

However, Mo Chichi was absent-minded and depressed along the way, which made Huan Chaos a little bit at a loss.

"Sister Chi Chi, why didn't you say a word during the whole journey?"

Greedy Heaven prefers Mo ChiChi, because among all the incarnations of Heaven, only Mo ChiChi is the gentlest to him.

Only Mo Chichi regarded him as a close brother.

Seeing Xiaomei's silence, the eldest brother obviously wanted to step forward and show concern.

But now Mo Chichi doesn't need any care, she just wants to see Zhuo Bufan again.

"My brother, it's okay. How long does it take for us to reach Li Mei's location?"

Mo Chichi asked the greedy sky Hun Chaos.

After hearing this, Hun Chao nodded repeatedly.

"My subordinates just came to report that we still have about three months to reach the location of Sister Li Mei."

"We are currently pursuing based on the coordinates sent by sister Li Mei."

"And we've locked onto their planet's red spot of life."

"So, sister Chichi, don't worry, we can definitely rescue sister Limei."

Hun Chao thought Mo Chi Chi was depressed because of Li Mei's incident.

But it was clear that Mo Chichi's thoughts were not on Li Mei.

She believed that nothing would happen to Li Mei. After all, Li Mei was so smart that she had the ability to protect herself even if she was captured.

"Brother, how do you feel about liking someone?"

Mo Chichi couldn't find anyone to talk to, so he had to confide in this confidant brother.

Hun Dun obviously didn't understand what Mo Chichi meant, and just replied.

"If you like someone, you should want to see her smile all the time. Then you feel very happy when you see her."

"You can do anything for her, and you won't complain no matter what you do."

When Hun Dun said these words, he was looking at Mo Chichi.

"Just like I like my sister Chichi."

After Hun Dun finished speaking, Mo Chichi was stunned at first, then she smiled and said.

"It's different. Brother's feelings for Chichi are like that of a brother to his sister. There is a family relationship between us."

Mo Chichi stopped after saying the first half of the sentence, because she didn't know how to tell Hun Dun the second half.

She couldn't tell Hun Dun that she had developed feelings for the enemy, and it was the kind of love.

"Brother, why do you think we should hunt down the natural enemy? Can he really threaten the safety of our father?"

Mo Chichi suddenly asked another strange question.

Obviously, these questions are beyond the scope for Hun Dun.

Hun Dun just answered straightforwardly.

"Because this is my father's order, the natural enemy must die."

Hun Dun may be the most obedient clone of the Heavenly Dao. He obviously did not forget his mission, which is to kill the natural enemy Zhuo Bufan.

Mo Chi Chi did not ask any more questions about this.

Because she knew that it was meaningless to continue asking more questions.

She was obviously the wrong one in this question.

She should not fall in love with the person she should not love.

Just when Mo Chi Chi was racking her brains for emotional matters, suddenly a familiar voice came from the depths of her soul.

"Your Majesty, I finally found you, Your Majesty!"

Mo Chi Chi frowned, and then said to herself.

"It turned out to be Li Fang! Li Fang, long time no see."

It was her subordinate Li Fang who suddenly contacted Mo Chi Chi.

Since Mo Chi Chi disappeared, her subordinates have been busy looking for her traces in the chaos void.

Hard work pays off. They finally contacted Tan Zhitian Hun Dun's subordinates recently and learned the whereabouts of their master from them.

So, Li Fang and the others followed them as soon as possible.

Mo Chichi's soul flew into the sky and found that there was indeed a spaceship following behind the starship they were on.

His subordinates were obviously on that starship.

"Li Mei's starship? Are her subordinates here too?"

Mo Chichi's soul asked.

Then Li Fang on the other side quickly replied.

"Your Majesty, we are with Ling Ya, the left envoy under Li Mei Tianzun's seat. We will continue to follow Your Majesty and go to rescue Li Mei Tianzun."

On the starship behind them were Mo Chichi and Li Mei's subordinates.

At this time, the team attacking Ronin Star suddenly became much larger.

Once they arrive at Ronin Star, it will be a century-long war that will explode the galaxy.

A group of powerful people gathered on Ronin Star, and the doomsday prophecy of Ronin Star may come.

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