Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1231: Chi Zhitian appears

Qiankun's spirit detected the red starship in front of him.

He immediately found that there was an unfathomable existence in the starship.

The other party's spirit was quite powerful, not weaker than his subversive period.

Now he was no match for the other party.

So Qiankun stood in front of Kaila and Meng Chanyi at the first time.

"Take Chanyi away first, hurry up!"

Qiankun screamed in his heart that it was not good, because he didn't know whether the other party was a friend or an enemy.

However, in this case, the probability of being an enemy is generally greater.

So the most urgent thing is that Qiankun must protect Kaila and Meng Chanyi to retreat.

Kaila obviously knew that the enemy she was facing was very powerful, and Qiankun did this to protect her.

However, Kaila didn't want to run away.

"No, I can't leave you alone."

"If you want to go, take her away! I'll stay."

At this moment of life and death, Kaila finally came to her senses.

She absolutely could not accept watching Qiankun die.

"Wake up, silly girl. Go back and ask for help. Ling Xiao should be able to help us survive this disaster."

"I can resist here. Even if my cultivation is not as good as before, I can definitely protect myself."


Qian Kun said, and pushed Kaila and Meng Chanyi out with one hand.

Then he rushed towards the red starship without hesitation.

A punch was thrown, and it was an energy hurricane that attacked the red starship.


At this time, on the red starship, there was a beautiful woman taking a lunch break.

This woman was Mo Chichi, who had parted with Tan Zhitian Hun Dun a month ago.

In order to rescue Li Mei, Mo Chichi drove Li Mei's Fallen Starship in advance to chase the Wandering Star.

Unexpectedly, before they got close to the Wandering Star, their starship was attacked.


A series of roars shook the entire starship and woke up Mo Chichi who was sleeping.

Mo Chichi was still dreaming, in which she saw Zhuo Lang whom she had been thinking about day and night.

Unexpectedly, someone was so unromantic that he disturbed her beautiful dream.

"Who dares to disturb my sweet dream?"

Mo Chichi was so angry that she immediately startled Li Fang in the cockpit.

Li Fang appeared in the inner hall where Mo Chichi was at the first time, and then reported.

"To reply to the words of the Heavenly Lord, there is a mysterious man outside who suddenly attacked us."

"The other party is destroying our starship shield. Two thousand of the ten thousand starship shields have been destroyed."

"Li Fang requests to fight."

Li Fang suddenly came to the hall and wanted to fight.

Mo Chichi said with a slightly blurred look after hearing this.

"Are you sure?"

Li Fang frowned after hearing this.

"Fight to the death!"

Mo Chichi shook his head helplessly.

"Forget it, I'll go myself!"

Li Fang obviously didn't have the confidence to capture the man. After all, the other party was able to smash the two thousand layers of defense of the Fallen Starship with one punch, and his strength had surpassed that of ordinary Dao Yuan Realm masters.

There was indeed a certain gap between Li Fang and him.

Mo Chichi was not a person who liked to charge into battle, but she didn't want to watch her subordinates die.

So in this battle, she might have to go out in person.

As soon as Mo Chichi finished speaking, she disappeared in front of Li Fang.

The next second, she appeared outside the Fallen Starship and in front of the crazy man.

Afterwards, Mo Chichi quickly released his soul, wanting to check the level of cultivation of the man in front of him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the soul was released, Mo Chichi was stunned.

"Meng Chanyi?"

Mo Chichi's soul actually felt the existence of Meng Chanyi thousands of miles away.

And the other party was rapidly fleeing from his position.

"How is it possible? Why is she here?"

"If she is here, does that mean that person is here too?"

When Mo Chichi thought of this, she immediately lost interest in the man in front of her.

She turned into a colorful light and chased after Meng Chanyi.

"Not good!"

When Qiankun saw Mo Chichi chasing in the direction of Meng Chanyi and Kaila, he also chased after them immediately.

A thousand miles away, in a flash.

Kaila and Meng Chanyi now, there is no way they can escape Mo Chichi's pursuit.

Almost in an instant, Mo Chichi appeared in front of them and blocked their way.

The first time Kaila saw Mo Chichi, she rushed towards Mo Chichi without hesitation.

However, Mo Chichi didn't even look at her, just raised her hand and waved, and Kaila disappeared in front of Mo Chichi.


Seeing Kaila disappear, Meng Chanyi was stunned for a moment.

From beginning to end, Meng Chanyi didn't understand what happened.

Why was she caught running around everywhere?

When Meng Chanyi saw Mo Chichi, she felt a sense of fear in her heart.

"Who are you?"

Meng Chanyi asked Mo Chichi first, but she was confused.

"Who am I? Fairy Meng, don't you remember me?"

"Do we know each other? Sorry, they said I lost my memory. I may have recognized you before, but I don't know you now."

Meng Chanyi had no impression of the woman in front of her.

Instead, she felt an inexplicable fear.

After hearing what Meng Chanyi said, Mo Chichi was stunned.

"Have you really lost your memory?"

Mo Chichi felt a little puzzled.

She didn't expect that her move would make Mo Chichi lose her memory.

Meng Chanyi just looked at her in confusion. She didn't remember what she had to do with this woman.

Perhaps it was fate. Even if the enemy appeared in front of her, Meng Chanyi didn't recognize her at all.

"Let go of Chanyi!"

At this time, Qiankun also rushed to the scene.

When he saw that only Meng Chanyi and the strange woman were present, he was stunned.

"Where is Kaila? What did you do to Kaila?"

Qiankun roared at Mo Chichi.

Mo Chichi looked at this man without any good feelings.


Mo Chichi waved his sleeves, ready to throw Qiankun into his sleeves.

However, Qiankun actually blocked Mo Chichi's attack, and not only that, he also killed Mo Chichi.

"Give my woman back to me."

While Qiankun was killing Mo Chichi, his other hand grabbed Meng Chanyi.

Seeing this, Mo Chichi twisted her hair coquettishly.

Then she grabbed Meng Chanyi and disappeared in the next second.

"When did Meng Chanyi become your woman?"

"You are such a ridiculous man, are you worthy of her?"

In Mo Chichi's eyes, even if Meng Chanyi fell again, she would never fall in love with a man like Qiankun.

Obviously, there was something else hidden.

After hearing Mo Chichi's voice, Qiankun immediately punched dozens of times in the void.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Every punch would tear the space apart.

He wanted to force Mo Chichi, who was hiding outside the space, out.

"Isn't Meng Chanyi your woman? Do you want to kill her?"

Mo Chichi was finally forced out by Qiankun's heavy punches.

But up to now, Mo Chichi has not really made a move.

Only Qiankun was fighting hard, and now Qiankun was no match for Mo Chichi.

"Okay, stupid man."

"You should be a member of the Ronin tribe! Let me ask you, have you captured a woman named Li Mei?"

"If you want me to let her go, then let Li Mei go."

Mo Chichi didn't know Li Mei's situation on the Ronin Star, nor did he know the leader of the Ronin tribe of Qiankun Ninth Generation in front of him.

After all, the information Mo Chichi got was that the leader of the Ronin tribe captured Li Mei.

The person who could capture Li Mei must be stronger than her.

But the man in front of him was not his opponent at all.

"Forget it, you can't make the decision. Take me to see your tribe leader! I want to negotiate with your tribe leader in person."

Mo Chichi thought for a while, if he wanted them to release Li Mei, he had to find their tribe leader.

Qiankun frowned slightly when he heard it.

"Are you Li Mei's accomplice?"

Mo Chichi said: "Accomplice? I guess so! To be more precise, a partner."

"If you release Li Mei now, I can forgive you. Otherwise, once my brother arrives, I'm afraid your Ronin Star will disappear in this starry sky."

Mo Chichi used coercion and inducement, and she couldn't let herself lose the negotiation.

In fact, she came here this time for negotiation.

Of course, this is not a simple negotiation, because if the negotiation fails, a war is likely to break out.

Mo Chichi is not a person who likes fighting, so she will try her best to avoid fighting.

This is also the purpose of her coming here.

Qiankun looked at Mo Chichi's appearance, and it didn't look like she was lying.

So he said: "I can take you to see the clan leader, but you can only go alone."

Qiankun must ensure the safety of Ronin Star. If only Mo Chichi goes alone, then Ronin Star can still deal with it.

But if Mo Chichi wants to take those subordinates on the star ship with him, then the threat to Ronin Star will also be great.

So Qiankun wanted Mo Chichi to go alone.

Qiankun had his concerns, and Mo Chichi had her own ideas.

Mo Chichi certainly didn't know that Qiankun let her go alone because he was afraid of her.

Mo Chichi was thinking whether this would be a trap set by the other party.

You have to know that there is an existence in the other party's tribe that is not weaker than her.

If this is the case, then going now would be like walking into a trap.

When she came again, Hun Dun had told her to be careful.

And Mo Chichi was also a smart person, and obviously would not take risks alone.

So, facing Qiankun's proposal, Mo Chichi refused without hesitation.

"Sorry, I can't agree to your conditions!"

"If you want to save Meng Chanyi and another woman, then bring Li Mei to my star ship."

"I'll give you one day. If you can't see Li Mei by then, I promise you that you will never see these two women."

Mo Chichi was a smart person, and she quickly used Meng Chanyi and another Kaila in her hand as her bargaining chips.

As he spoke, Mo Chichi disappeared in front of Qiankun and returned to the Fallen Starship.

Qiankun was furious when he saw this.

"This woman is as cunning as Li Mei!"

Qiankun knew that it would be useless to return to the starship now.

Not to mention that he is not Mo Chichi's opponent, even if he recovers to his peak and can fight with Mo Chichi, Mo Chichi has Meng Chanyi and Kaila as bargaining chips, so he must not act rashly.

"It seems that I can only ask Li Mei for help."

To untie the bell, one still needs to tie it. Fortunately, the relationship between Qiankun and Limei is no longer hostile.

If Li Mei comes to intercede, Mo Chichi should be able to let Meng Chanyi and Keira go.

In order to save the two girls, Qiankun immediately returned to Ronin.

On the other side, Mo Chichi returned to the fallen starship after capturing Meng Chanyi and Keira.

Keira was not dead, but was trapped by Mo Chichi.

When Mo Chichi took Meng Chanyi back to the starship, her subordinate Li Fang was also slightly stunned.

"Mengchanyi? Tianzun, why is she here?"

"Tianzun, be careful with this woman."

Li Fang looked very nervous after seeing Meng Chanyi.

Seeing this, Mo JiChi couldn't help but shook his head.

"Calm down, Li Fang. This woman poses no threat to us now."

"She has lost her memory."

Mo Chichi said to Li Fang.

Li Fang was shocked when she heard this.

"Amnesia? How is it possible? The dignified first saint of Mazu Mountain has lost her memory?"

"It seems so. Although she doesn't know what happened, she really can't remember what happened before."

After Mo Jiuchi finished speaking, he released the space bubble that trapped Keira.

Then Mo Chichi looked at Keira and said.

"Can you tell me about her?"

After hearing this, Kayla shook her head fiercely and said, "Don't even think about it."

Mo Chichi shook his head helplessly.

"You don't have to be so hostile to me. If I guess correctly, you actually want to send Meng Chanyi away!"

"Otherwise you wouldn't have taken Mengchanyi and fled your home."

"If you tell me, maybe I can help you."

Mo Chichi was so smart, but just by looking at her, he knew that Keira didn't like Meng Chanyi and wanted to send Meng Chanyi back to where she came from.

When Keira heard this, her eyes lit up.

Of course she wanted to send Meng Chanyi away, even in her wildest dreams.

Ever since Meng Chanyi came to their Ronin clan, it has brought disaster to the entire clan.

Now Qiankun is willing to die for her, even giving up his position as the clan leader.

So Keira hated Meng Chanyi deeply.

Now that she heard Mo ChiChi's suggestion, Keila was actually moved.

"Can you really take this woman away?"

"It depends on whether what you say is valuable! In fact, even if you don't say it, I still have a way to know."

"It's unethical to read a person's soul, but it's okay to do it once in a while."

Although Mo Chichi is kind-hearted, she will resort to any means to achieve her goals.

After all, she is an extremely complex being.

Next, Keira told Mo Chichi about Meng Chanyi's stay on Ronin Planet.

After Mo Chichi heard the whole story, he suddenly burst into laughter.

Especially when she heard that Qiankun would marry Meng Chanyi, she actually felt a little happy.

"I've told you everything I know, can you take her away now?"

Keira looked at Mo Chichi and said.

When Mo Chichi heard this, he smiled slyly.

"Sorry, what you said is of no value. According to the agreement between me and that man, I will send you and Meng Chanyi back together."

Mo Chichi regretted it, because if Meng Chanyi married Qiankun.

Then it would be possible for her and Zhuo Bufan.

This slut's love and obsession overflowed again...

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