Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1239 The Final Battle (4)

Mo Chichi cut off Xu Kuang with one knife, and his head and body were separated.

However, Xu Kuang informed other incarnations of the Heavenly Dao in time before he disappeared.

"What is this crazy woman Mo Chichi going to do?"

Upon learning that Mo Chichi had plotted against Xu Kuang, all the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao began to shout.

"What is this crazy woman Mo Chichi going to do?"

"One Li Mei, one Mo Chichi, two crazy women!"

"Mo Chichi has betrayed the Heavenly Dao, no need to be polite to her!"

After learning that Mo Chichi had betrayed the Heavenly Dao, all the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao demanded that Mo Chichi be punished.

Ao Zhi Tian Ba ​​Tu even sent a message directly to Tan Zhi Tian Hun Dun.

"Hun Dun, as the first incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, now is the time for you to uphold the will of the Heavenly Dao."

"Kill Mo Chichi immediately!"

After learning the news, Hun Dun obviously couldn't believe it.

"No, Sister Chichi will not betray father."

"In that case, then you go and ask that crazy woman Mo Chichi in person!"

Batu lured Hun Dun to stop Mo Chichi.

Sure enough, after listening to Batu's words, Hun Dun rushed to Mo Chichi as soon as possible.

Hun Dun stopped her before Mo Chichi arrived!

When Mo Chichi saw Hun Dun arriving, she frowned deeply.

"Brother, let me pass!"

Mo Chichi wanted to rush to Ronin Star and rescue Zhuo Bufan.

But Hun Dun stopped her and said.

"Chichi, answer me, why did you hurt Xu Kuang?"

Facing Hun Dun's questioning, Mo Chichi seemed very calm.

"Brother, I will tell you this question later!"

"Please get out of the way now, I have to rush over immediately."

Mo Chichi didn't expect Hun Dun to stop him.

Of course, Mo Chichi also knew that Hun Dun was the most loyal to the Heavenly Dao.

What he couldn't tolerate the most was not to betray the Heavenly Dao.

Now Hun Dun was standing in front of Mo Chi Chi. If Mo Chi Chi didn't make it clear, it was obviously impossible to get through.

"Chi Chi, Tyrant said you betrayed your father. Tell me, this is not true."

Hun Dun asked again.

Mo Chi Chi was a little annoyed, because she only cared about Zhuo Bufan's life and death.

"Brother, I won't betray the way of heaven. Of course they lied to you."

"Can you let me through? I want to go over and kill the enemy of heaven. I'm going to help Tyrant."

Mo Chi Chi once again used the same method to deceive Hun Dun.

Hun Dun's mind was simple, so it was easier to be fooled.

When he heard that Mo Chi Chi was going to help Tyrant and kill the enemy of heaven, Hun Dun immediately believed it.

"Really, Chi Chi!"

"Then what are we waiting for, let's go quickly."

Hun Dun believed Mo Chi Chi, because Mo Chi Chi had never lied to him before.

However, this time, for Zhuo Bufan, Mo Chi Chi thought he had told a white lie.

Hun Dun led Mo Chi Chi and quickly rushed to Ronin Star.

Fortunately, Batu did not attack Zhuo Bufan because he was afraid of Meng Chanyi.

Because of this, Mo Chichi was able to arrive at the battlefield in time.

"Batu, I brought Chichi here!"

"Chichi said she did not betray her father. We are here to help you kill your natural enemy!"

When Hun Dun brought Mo Chichi to the battlefield, Batu was stunned.

"What are you doing? Who told you to bring this traitor here?"

Batu was stunned when he saw Mo Chichi coming.

"Who told you to bring her here?"

"Are you a fool?"

Batu watched Mo Chichi fly in front of Zhuo Bufan and Meng Chanyi.

He was so sad that he had no tears!

"Mo Chichi, you really betrayed!"

Batu saw Mo Chichi standing in front of him, and he knew that Mo Chichi had betrayed the way of heaven.

Mo Chichi did not explain anything about this matter.

And the most confused person was obviously Hun Dun.

Hun Dun also watched Mo Chi Chi standing in front of Ba Tu, and it was also confused.

"Chi Chi, what are you doing?"

"The natural enemy is behind you, you should kill him!"

Hun Dun yelled, but Mo Chi Chi ignored him.

"You fool, don't you understand?"

"Meng Chan Yi, this little bitch, she betrayed the way of heaven!"

"Betraying the way of heaven, Mo Chi Chi, what else do you have to say?"

Ba Tu looked at Mo Chi Chi and said in a cold tone.

In this regard, Mo Chi Chi did not have any explanation, but just looked at Ba Tu coldly.

In her hand, the moon knife emitted a cold light.


The moon knife flashed with a cold light, and Mo Chi Chi slashed towards Ba Tu without saying anything.

At this point, Mo Chi Chi no longer needs to hide.

Even if she betrayed the way of heaven, so what?

She just wants to protect her beloved, so what?

She just wants to make enemies with her former partners, so what?

Mo Chichi is a fool!

She has been looking for fools all her life, and has searched for fools all over the world.

The last love fool fell on Zhuo Bufan.

If this is the will of heaven, then what she is doing now is not against the will of heaven.

Because this is the will of heaven, this is her will of heaven.


When Ba Tu saw Mo Chichi coming, he clenched his right fist and punched out.


Mo Chichi's moon knife collided with Ba Tu's fist, and a huge roar was produced for a while.

"You guys leave quickly! I can't delay for long."

Mo Chichi said to Zhuo Bufan and Meng Chanyi behind him.

Zhuo Bufan was obviously confused.

He didn't expect that Mo Chichi would run out to save him at this time.

What is Mo Chi Chi doing for? Save yourself again and again?

"Let's go!"

Mo ChiChi didn't want to see Zhuo Bufan, otherwise she would be reluctant to let him go.

"Thank you very much!"

Zhuo Bufan was moved after hearing this, and then he immediately took Meng Chanyi and fled the land of right and wrong.

On the other side, Mo Chichi's moon knife had already struck Tyranny's fist.

However, the moon knife did not hurt Tyranny even a hair on his head.

"Idiot, can your moon knife hurt me?"

Tyranny was very arrogant and treated Mo Chichi as he would treat a three-year-old child.

He didn't need to use all his strength at all.

However, he is arrogant and will eventually pay the price for his arrogance.

"Arrogant Tyranny! When will you stop treating your shortcomings as strengths!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the moon knife in Mo Chichi's hand suddenly split into two.

"not good!"

Seeing the moon knife split into two, Tyranny shouted in his heart that something was wrong.

He was so conceited that he even forgot that there were two moon knives.


Tyranny was too late to resist Mo Chichi's second attack.

He quickly imprinted his soul on the void.

Even if he was struck by Mo Chichi, his head would be in a different place just like Xu Kuang.

He can also return to the battlefield immediately based on his soul positioning!

This is Tyranny's idea to break the moon knife's separation law.

However, Tyranny's intelligence was far inferior to that of Mo Chichi.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Mo Chichi is the most genius among the seven heavenly avatars.

She seemed to have guessed that Tyranny would use the soul positioning method to break the law of separation.

However, if the moon knife is as simple as the law of separation, it cannot be called a divine weapon of heaven.


The moon knife split into two and struck Tyranny on the chest.

The other slashed at the void crowd in front of Tyranny.

For a time, the entire space began to resemble a kaleidoscope, producing countless distorted time and spaces.

And Tyranny's body actually began to be divided into countless pieces.

"Not good, Infinite Moon Palace!"

After seeing this scene, Tyranny immediately understood what Mo Chichi was going to do.

Mo Chichi's Infinite Moon Palace is the Moon Sword's divine weapon skill.

Once turned on, countless spaces will be divided.

These spaces are all worlds where Mo Chichi once practiced.

Mo ChiChi has countless clones, and each clone represents one of her obsessions.

This infinite moon palace is, to put it bluntly, her countless worlds of obsession.

People who are brought into these worlds will be forced to confront Mo Chichi.

The duel is not a life-and-death battle, but a duel of obsession.

For example, in the world of chess crazy, you have to play chess against Mo Chi Chi's chess crazy.

In the painting-crazy world, you have to compete with Mo Chi-Chi's painting obsession through painting.

Every world is a kind of practice.

The Infinite Moon Palace brings a person into infinite wishful thinking.

"Chaos, what are you waiting for? You haven't broken her infinite moon palace yet!"

Seeing his body being separated into countless pieces, they were taken into various moon palaces.

Tyranny couldn't help but call for help from Greedy Sky Hunchao.

Because Chaos can swallow everything in the world, including Mo Chichi's magical ability.

However, Hun Chaos hesitated and failed to save Tyranny in time.

In the end, Tyranny completely fell into Mo Chichi's infinite moon palace trap.

"Damn it!"

"Mo Chichi, you crazy woman, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Don't think that if you trap me in your Moon Swordsmen, I won't be able to get out!"

"Believe it or not, I killed you?"

Tyranny was angry, but before he could react.

His whole body had been divided into countless pieces, and then disappeared into the void.

Mo Chichi took advantage of Tyranny's arrogance and trapped Tyranny in his moon knife.

But Mo Chichi knew that she wouldn't be able to trap him for long.

My Moon Sword is no better than Xu Kuang's Raging Soul Tower.

If Tyranny forced the Shattered Void inside, it might be destroyed and people killed.

For Mo ChiChi, if he can be trapped for one minute now, it is just one minute.

She must cover Zhuo Bufan's departure.

"Chichi, why are you doing this?"

At this moment, Hun Chao stared at Mo Chi Chi blankly.

Mo Chichi has already defeated Xu Kuang and Tyranny one after another. It can be said that she also fought hard for Zhuo Bufan.

There was only chaos left in front of him, and Mo Chichi was unable to fight anymore.

"Brother, let me ask you, are we transformed by the will of heaven?"

Confused, there was no answer.

"The seven of us represent the seven wills of heaven."

"Greed, anger, ignorance, doubt, pride, hatred, corruption!"

"What we carry is the will of heaven. So you will become greedy and I will become infatuated."

"From the moment we are born, we are destined to be unable to escape the fate we bear."

"You can't, and neither can I."

Mo Chichi knew her current state very well.

Her protection of Zhuo Bufan was just a kind of obsession of her own. It was originally an obsession and belonged to her own will of heaven.

Mo Chichi now did not betray the Heavenly Dao.

On the contrary, she was just respecting her own Heavenly Dao will.

However, she mistakenly used her infatuation with Zhuo Bufan.

Then, in the eyes of Hun Dun, she was a traitor.

"You are indeed a traitor!"

"You deceived me, deceived everyone, and deceived my father!"

"Why, why, why!"

Tan Zhitian Hun Dun's emotions were obviously about to get out of control.

He asked Mo Chichi a soul-piercing question.

Mo Chichi began to tremble all over and became very frightened.

Tan Zhitian, the first incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, possessed infinite power.

When he began to roar, the entire galaxy began to collapse.

Roar, roar, roar!

Hun Dun finally got angry and opened his huge mouth.

Greed made him feel extremely empty.

For a moment, the entire chaotic void was shaken, and a force that reversed the world began to spread.

The next second, the moving matter of the entire galaxy slowly slowed down.

Meteors, meteorites, wars, everything, slowed down.

"Not good!"

Mo Chichi knew what would happen next after seeing this scene.

She had to escape from this area of ​​​​Hundun.

However, it was too late to run now.

Mo Chichi's speed was also getting slower and slower until she stopped completely.

Then, an even more incredible scene happened.

Mo Chichi's body began to move backwards.

That's right, Mo Chichi has discovered that all her actions are moving backwards.

The time of the entire galaxy began to flow backwards!

As time went backwards, the Tyranny that she had originally sealed began to be released from the Moon Knife.


Mo Chichi watched as Hun Dun reversed time and released Tyranny.

She was completely dumbfounded.

Not only was Tyranny released, but even the escaping Ronin Star and Zhuo Bufan began to move backwards.

The reversal of time, this is the power that Hun Dun can use.

Hun Dun is also the only one who can affect time.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned as he watched his figure retreating.

"Time goes backwards? How is it possible?"

"Did someone use the time artifact?"

Although time went backwards, Zhuo Bufan and his souls still retained their memories.

In fact, when Zhuo Bufan used his rebirth gate, this effect would also occur.

Although time went backwards, for souls that have reached the realm of Heaven, they still retain their soul memories.

Although Zhuo Bufan is not a cultivator of the realm of Heaven, he is a reincarnation selected by the Lord of Time.

So he also retained the soul memory of time going backwards.

Time going backwards, this ability is already against the sky.

Tan Zhitian Hun Dun, as the first incarnation of Heaven, possesses this power.

"Brother, why!"

Mo Chichi looked at Hun Dun and roared.

Facing the power of time going backwards, even she was powerless.

"Hundun, you did a good job. You finally did something useful."

Because time went backwards, Tyranny was also pulled out of Mo Chichi's Moon Blade.

Time went backwards, back to before Mo Chichi and Tyranny fought.

At this moment, Tyranny had not been trapped by Mo Chichi.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan and Meng Chanyi had not escaped.

Time went back to this moment, but what was going to happen next would never be what Mo Chichi wanted.

Time went backwards, and everything started all over again.

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