Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1241 The Final Battle (6)

"Where is this?"

It was dark all around, and it felt like falling into an endless abyss.

Zhuo Bufan hadn't been so confused for a long time.

"What happened? Why is there only half of my body left?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly found that he only had half of his body left.

"By the way, I was cut in half by Mo Chichi."

Only then did he realize that he was cut by Mo Chichi's moon knife.

"I'm not dead! Did Mo Chichi save me with that knife?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that he was saved when he saw that he was still alive and well.

Now it seems that it was Mo Chichi's knife that saved his life!

"Mo Chichi, what do you want to do?"

Zhuo Bufan is still a little confused!

He doesn't understand why Mo Chichi's attitude towards him changed so quickly.

Mo Chichi protected him again and again, which is not something that ordinary people can do.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt that Mo Chichi might have feelings for him.

"This woman likes me!"

This is not Zhuo Bufan's flattery, he really found that Mo Chichi's attitude towards him was a little too good.

Only when you truly love someone will you do everything for him.

You are even willing to be enemies with your companions and go against the sky.

"Hey, what virtue do I have, Zhuo Bufan!"

Zhuo Bufan has basically guessed that Mo Chichi has fallen in love with him.

If it weren't for true love, Mo Chichi would never have helped Zhuo Bufan to get through this.

Zhuo Bufan thought that he owed Meng Chanyi a million years of waiting, which was already difficult to repay.

Now he owed Mo Chichi's love, and she didn't know how to face it.

"By the way, Fairy Meng!"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought that Meng Chanyi was still on the battlefield.

He immediately used the power of the sky repairing technique to sense Meng Chanyi's existence.

Found that Meng Chanyi was still alive.

"Fortunately, she is fine now."

Zhuo Bufan was temporarily relieved.

But even if Zhuo Bufan knew that Meng Chanyi was still alive, he didn't know how to find Meng Chanyi.

Now he was sent to a completely unknown world by Mo Chichi's Moon Blade.

As far as the eye could see, there was not even a little starlight.

He had no idea where he would go next.

"First, complete the body."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the half of his body that was left, and he immediately used the Heaven Repairing Technique to complete the body under him.

But at the same time, Zhuo Bufan found that not only his body was split into two halves.

Even his soul power was completely split.

The power of Bu Tianshu was obviously much weaker.

It took a long time for his body to gradually recover.

Of course, these are nothing. The body was split, but at least it can be recovered.

The soul was split, and it can also be recovered.

But Zhuo Bufan soon discovered that his cultivation had also fallen.

"This Mo Chichi's strength is really not covered."

"One knife can actually cut down my cultivation."

Zhuo Bufan was not frustrated by the decline of his cultivation.

For him, it was not easy to save his life.

In fact, since he came to the Chaos Void, Zhuo Bufan has not used the ability of the Gate of Rebirth.

Because Zhuo Bufan was very worried that his Gate of Rebirth would not work in this Chaos Void.

Now Zhuo Bufan actually does not rely on the power of the Gate of Rebirth.

For him, every rebirth means that he fails once and regrets once.

He should keep moving forward instead of constantly regretting his choice.

When the cultivation reaches a certain level, the state of mind will also grow.

Now Zhuo Bufan is trying to be the best version of himself.

"Maybe, this is an opportunity!"

"Mo Chichi helped me escape a disaster, and I can't let her down."

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that even if he was now.

In the final analysis, it was because he was too weak. Because he was too weak, Zhuo Bufan could not join their battle at all.

Because he was too weak, Zhuo Bufan could only be a soy sauce.

The most important thing was that he was still the target of the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

He could not stay out of it at all.

"It's better to leave. If I'm there, they won't be able to fight with peace of mind."

"But, in this case, Mo Chichi will definitely be implicated."

"I hope she can survive this disaster."

Zhuo Bufan doesn't want to owe anyone, especially women.

He owes too many people, and he may not be able to repay them in this lifetime.

"I'm going to die anyway, so I should do something."

Zhuo Bufan said, and took out the Minsheng Sword and the Devouring Star Core!

He has been waiting for this moment for a long time, and this time, he finally made up his mind.

Using his body as a medium, integrating the Minsheng Sword and the Devouring Star Core, he will walk out a brand new road, a road that belongs to him, Zhuo Bufan.

"Find a safe place, and then merge the power of the two. Whether it succeeds or not depends on this disaster."

He began to release the remaining soul power, and then in the vast void, he looked for stars suitable for his cultivation.

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to be beaten like this again.

This time, he was ready to die if he failed.


On the other side, the great battle continued.

The battle between Ao Zhitian Batu and Meng Chanyi has reached another dimension.

Their battle, accompanied by the rupture and shattering of time and space, is no longer something that other Heavenly Dao clones can participate in.

The fully recovered Meng Chanyi is very difficult to deal with.

Her Heaven-Repairing Technique is so perfect that it can be said that Tyranny can't cause any substantial damage to her.

Meng Chanyi's strongest point is her ability to fight continuously.

As long as Meng Chanyi doesn't die, she will continue to fight at her strongest.

If it's a protracted war, Tyranny is really not Meng Chanyi's opponent.

Of course, the battle between the two sides has not entered the real battle so far.

They are just testing each other and looking for the opportunity for the other party to make a mistake.

Once the other party makes a fatal mistake, the victory or defeat will be in an instant.


On the other side, the battle between Mo Chichi and Hun Dun is also a mutual test.

In fact, the strength of Mo Chichi and Hun Dun is actually not much different.

Among the seven Heavenly Dao incarnations, Tyranny is first, followed by Hun Dun, and then Mo Chichi.

However, Hun Dun obviously won't kill Mo Chichi in the battle.

So Hun Dun had some strength left, and Mo Chi Chi also respected his brother and did not want to kill him.

"Brother, let me leave. I will give you an explanation."

Now Mo Chi Chi just wanted to leave the battlefield as soon as possible.

Zhuo Bufan was cut in half by her Moon Blade, and she had to find Zhuo Bufan as soon as possible.

If she did not rely on her own strength, then Zhuo Bufan's severed body would never be able to merge.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan's lost cultivation would not be restored.

So Mo Chi Chi needed to find Zhuo Bufan as soon as possible.

However, Hun Dun stopped her.

"Impossible, you betrayed the way of heaven and betrayed your father."

"What you committed is an unforgivable sin."

"Chi Chi, follow me back to Daluotian to accept your father's punishment. I believe that my father will give you a lighter sentence for your contributions over the years."

Hun Dun now has only one thought, that is to capture Mo Chi Chi and accept the punishment.

Mo Chi Chi knew that it was impossible for him to escape unscathed today.

So the next second, she used the Infinite Moon Palace towards Hun Dun.


Hun Dun saw Mo Chi Chi trying to chop him, and he roared, making Mo Chi Chi's movements extremely slow.

The power to control time is indeed the most perverted power.

This is a power that can defy the heavens, and only the Greedy Heaven Hun Dun can control it.

"Come out! Time hourglass!"

The angry Hun Dun became very scary.

It roared, and a golden light appeared above Hun Dun's head.

Then a huge time hourglass was suspended in the air.

"Not good!"

Mo Chi Chi saw this and slashed at the time hourglass with the moon knife in her hand.

She knew that the Time Lock was Hun Dun's divine artifact of heaven, and its ability was magic time!

It can freely control all the time forces in the field.

However, when Mo Chi Chi slashed at the time hourglass, she was completely blocked in the air.

Her time stopped!

"Time shackles!"

At this time, I saw that the shackles were like poisonous snakes that wrapped around Mo Chi Chi's body.

"Chichi, I don't want to hurt you, just follow me back obediently."

Hun Dun trapped Mo Chichi with almost no effort.

Mo Chichi was completely unable to move now, but her soul still had her own consciousness.

"Brother, if you don't kill me, then don't think about trapping me."

"Although your time magic is powerful, it still has flaws after all."

"After all, you are not the master of time, and your control over time is also limited by time."

Mo Chichi kept staring at the time hourglass on top of Hun Dun's head.

She knew that as long as the hourglass leaked out, Hun Dun's control over time would stagnate.

Then the hourglass would turn upside down, and during this period, Hun Dun would lose control of time.

This is why Hun Dun of Greedy Heaven is imperfect.

It is the first incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, and it is just a failure.

So, Mo Chichi is waiting, she is waiting for the time hourglass to run out.

At that moment, she can escape.

However, after hearing this, Hun Dun opened his mouth without hesitation and swallowed Mo Chi Chi into his inner world.

"I won't let you escape."

Hun Dun used this method to trap Mo Chi Chi.

It must be said that this is indeed a method.

Just like Li Mei is trapped in Ao Lai's dragon ball at this moment, it is the same.

Ao Lai's dragon ball has endless time, and it is a gathering of all hatred.

In this dragon ball, there are countless hateful ghosts.

They are all the source of Ao Lai's power.

"Stupid Li Mei, you are not my opponent. Even if the power of the Heaven Bone Sword is fully opened, you can't break my dragon ball."

"You and Mo Chi Chi, two traitors, should be sent back to Daluotian to accept the punishment of the Heavenly Dao."

Ao Lai and Hun Dun chose the same tactic, that is, to trap Mo Chi Chi and Li Mei.

After all, the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao are all immortal beings, and it is obviously not easy to kill them.

However, they can be trapped and then handed over to the Heavenly Dao for judgment.

Even though Li Mei used the divine weapon of heaven, he still could not split the world formed by the hatred of all living beings.

The gap in strength made Li Mei compromise again.

Just when Li Mei was in despair, a sudden ray of light from the sky opened up the sky of Longzhu.

A beam of holy light projected down from the sky and onto Li Mei's body.

At that moment, all the innocent souls were scattered everywhere.

And Li Mei's eyes lit up even more, and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Qiankun is the Sword God Seat of Qiankun!"

Li Mei is very familiar with the aura of that sword. Because she has fought against Qiankun before, she knows that among the four chaos beasts in Qiankun, there is a powerful mid-level chaos beast, the Sword God Seat!

The brilliance of the holy sword of the Sword God Seat cut through a crack in the dragon ball.

Obviously, it was Qiankun, who had returned from that other world.

Qiankun was once again exiled to a strange and unpredictable world by Tyranny using his magical skill "Exile to Another World".

In that world, Qiankun spent hundreds of years, killing countless unpredictable beings, and finally broke out of the lead cloud and out of the other world.

When he shattered the void again and returned to chaos.

The time it took to discover the Chaos Void only passed a blink of an eye.

But Qiankun did spend hundreds of years in that alien world where he was exiled.

In that world, he completely completed an epic killing legend.

Qiankun returned to the battlefield and immediately saw the huge dragon ball.

And found that Li Mei was trapped in the Dragon Ball.

He immediately used that shocking sword to cut a crack on the dragon ball.

Li Mei followed the guidance of the sword light and escaped.

"I'm here to save you, are you okay?"

The first person Li Mei escaped from birth and saw was Qiankun.

There was indescribable joy in her heart.

"I'm fine! Now that we join forces, we will definitely be able to defeat him."

Li Mei suggested. It is her wish to fight side by side with Qiankun.

After hearing this, Qiankun said coldly.

"Okay, let's join forces and kill him!"

After Qiankun finished speaking, the Sword God behind him raised the holy sword that penetrated the galaxy in his hand, and prepared to slash Ao Lai with his sword.

Ao Lai was furious when he saw this.

"My Dragon Balls, bastard!"

Ao Lai's dragon ball was cut with a crack.

Qiankun's actions obviously angered him!

The dragon ball is Ao Lai's divine weapon of heaven. Cutting off a hole is undoubtedly equivalent to causing him a heavy injury.

Ao Lai finally lost his patience and became impatient.

"You little beast, how dare you destroy my Dragon Ball, you all must die!"

In a rage, Ao Lai released all the innocent souls in the Dragon Ball.

These innocent souls are truly countless. There may be hundreds of billions, trillions, tens of trillions, hundreds of billions, trillions...

The innocent soul was released in an instant, and then spread towards the entire galaxy.

On the other side, the Ronin star has been running away, trying its best to escape from this catastrophe.

However, the enemies are not just a few of their incarnations of heaven.

The great masters of the Void Clan also joined this battlefield.

They followed the orders of Proud Sky Tyrant to destroy the Ronin Star.

There are nearly a hundred powerful people from the Void Clan, and any one of them has the power to destroy the Ronin Star.

When they gather together, they are naturally extremely terrifying.

Roninxing relied on the Ziji fleet to barely withstand several waves of attacks from the virtual masters.

With the efforts of the Seven Star Formation, they can continue to fight back.

Moreover, there was an existence like Sixth Elder Shun. Shun led all the warriors of the Ronin clan and released the Chaos Beasts to fight against the enemy.

This was a very fierce battle, and the Ronin Star had begun to collapse under the attack of the powerful Void Clan.

The Ronin tribe's most proud temple of shamans was destroyed.

Tiandang Mountain, the most sacred place of the Ronin tribe, was destroyed.

The souls of the ancestors were devoured by the virtual masters,

The weak tribesmen became their tooth sacrifices.

Everyone was crying and shouting for their clan leader Qiankun,

Damn it, hurt it!

The Ronin tribe is suffering from an unprecedented disaster, a crisis of genocide.

However, they obviously had not expected something even more terrifying.

Because there are a large number of void scavengers and dozens of chaotic beasts, rushing towards this galaxy.

This ultimate battle is about to enter a fierce stage.

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