Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1263 The Return of an Old Friend [Subscribe]

Suddenly, he thought that the mermaid clan was besieged by the Mufa Stars.

So don’t worry about it.

Directly attacked the entire fleet of Mufa stars parked outside Blue Mercury.

The appearance of the Eight Gods directly swept all the battleships.

In just an instant, the soldiers of Mu Faxing who were left behind by the mermaid tribe were all killed.

Immediately, he arrived at Blue Mercury.

He clearly knows where the underwater kingdom of Blue Mercury is.

So he directly entered the ancestral land of the mermaid tribe.

When he arrived at the Undersea City, he found that all the mermaid elders were guarding the Undersea Great Wall.

Obviously, the mermaid people thought someone was invading their Blue Mercury.

So they are ready for battle.

Even after entering the combat area of ​​their underwater city,

What greeted him were brutal harpoon cannons.

Bang bang bang bang!

Several harpoon cannons in succession forced Shunya to slow down his progress.

"Great Elder, there seems to be only one person coming!"

"What? Only one person destroyed all the battleships on Mu Fa Planet?"

The Great Elder and the others saw with their own eyes that the warships docked around their Blue Mercury exploded in the air one by one.

It's as bright as fireworks in the night sky.

He thought it was the Primarch's fleet that was coming.

After all, the Mufa Star and the Original Body Star are waging a war.

If there is a sudden attack on Mufa's fleet, it will only be the fleet of the original body.

Now Star Lord Yu Ji is not here,

Then the only person who can make the decision in the entire mermaid tribe is him, the Great Elder.

So the great elder immediately summoned the entire clan to guard the Great Wall under the sea, preparing to fight.

Unexpectedly, what came was not a fleet, but a person.

So, did one person just destroy the entire Mufa fleet?

"Who is so powerful?"

"One person destroys the entire fleet of Mufa Star. This person may have the power of the Star Lord!"

"Great Elder, are you saying that this person is as powerful as our Star Master?"

In the cognition of the mermaid tribe.

The strongest one is undoubtedly their star master Yu Ji.

The Star Lord is the person who has obtained the will of the stars and is the guardian chosen by the stars.

It can be said that there is no strong person in the mermaid tribe except the Star Lord Yu Ji.

After hearing this, the great elder and others shook their heads slightly.

"No, I'm afraid this person is more powerful than the Star Master."

"Even the Star Master cannot destroy the entire Mufa Star fleet at once."

"This person's strength is probably above that of the Star Lord."

The great elder guessed the opponent's strength.

If the other party is really what he thinks, then he is definitely a strong man beyond the Star Lord level.

If such a person is an enemy, then their mermaid clan may be doomed today.

"Then Great Elder, what should we do now?"

As soon as they heard that the opponent's strength surpassed that of the Star Lord, everyone became inexplicably nervous.

If this is the case, then no matter how much they resist, it will be in vain.

"Stop shooting!"

The Great Elder asked everyone to stop attacking.

Then he took the initiative to stand on the watchtower of the Great Undersea Wall and asked the soul of the approaching Shun.

"Please stop advancing immediately. What is in front of you is the mermaid territory."

"If you continue to advance, our clan will consider you an enemy."

"Even if our clan is not your opponent, we will resist to the death and defend the Great Wall."

Soon after the great elder issued the soul inquiry.

Then came the other party's response.

"Great Elder, long time no see!"

"I, Shun the Ronin, am back!"

When the great elder heard Shun's response, he was stunned for a moment, and then he burst into laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"It's Shun, it's Ronin Shun who's back!"

After hearing this, the other people nearby immediately thought of the familiar name in their minds.


"Shun Ronin, is he back?"

"This boy, why is he this boy?"

"Brother Shun, didn't he leave? The Ronin tribe is a race that will never look back!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Because Ronin Shun has a very high reputation among the mermaid tribe.

After Ronin Shun was rescued by their star master Yu Ji, he lived among the fish people for several years.

In those years, the mermaid tribe was initially hostile to this human being, thinking that he would bring unknown dangers.

But as Ronin Shun continued to help the mermaid tribe, the mermaid tribe gradually became fond of this human being.

Especially after that, Ronin Shun and Star Lord Yu Ji often walked together in pairs.

For a long time, all the people of the mermaid tribe thought that they would eventually become husband and wife.

But until one day, Shun's home planet Ronin came here.

Shun had to leave with their clansmen.

Shun is a member of the Ronin clan, and people from the Ronin clan are born to wander.

Even if they get married, they will only marry their own clansmen.

Because the blood inheritance of the Ronin clan can only be continued among members of the same clan.

So Ronin Shun left.

Once you leave, you will never come back.

To be honest, the people of the mermaid tribe will never forget this friendly human being.

During the time when Ronin Shun was in the mermaid clan, he helped the mermaid clan build the Great Wall under the sea and helped them to hell with foreign enemies.

Ronin Shun has actually integrated into the mermaid clan.

If it weren't for the arrival of his people, I'm afraid that Ronin Shun would really stay on this blue water planet.

Now that Ronin Shun has returned again,

it naturally caused a sensation among the entire mermaid tribe.

Soon, Shun came to the Great Wall of Haiti.

The Great Elder personally led people out to greet him.

"It's Shun! Everyone come out quickly, Shun is back."

Shun's return felt like a wanderer who had been away from home for a long time finally returned to his hometown.

Everyone rushed to tell each other and warmly welcomed his return.

Shun didn't expect that his reputation in the mermaid tribe would be so high.

"Great Elder, Second Elder, and all my friends, long time no see."

Shun was surrounded by hundreds of mermaids, and he was obviously very popular.

"Ronin Shun, you are finally back! We thought you would never come back again."

The Great Elder grabbed Shun's hands and sighed.

Shun felt everyone's enthusiasm, and his empty heart seemed to be filled with happiness all of a sudden.

Since the destruction of Ronin Star, Shun has been empty.

Although he is a ronin of the ronin tribe, he still has a home after all.

Now that his home is destroyed, he naturally feels very empty.

However, when he returned to the mermaid tribe, he felt the long-lost warmth and touch.

This is his second home!

"Everyone, I'm back."

"Ronin Shun, I'm back."

Shun said excitedly.

Now he is very satisfied. His heart is finally no longer empty.

"It's good to come back, it's good to come back!"

"We are all very happy that you can come back."

"Hurry, let's not stand outside."

"Come back to the palace with us!"

In this way, Ronin Shun returned to the palace surrounded by all the mermaids.

Along the way, Ronin Shun looked back and forth, as if he was observing something all the time.

Until they arrived at the palace, Shun asked.

"By the way, Great Elder, why didn't I see the Star Lord?"

Shun wanted to say Yu Ji, but before he could say it, he immediately changed his words.

Yu Ji is his private name, but he still calls Yu Ji the Star Lord in front of others.

When Shun asked this question, everyone present fell silent for a while.

"Also, why are there so many fleets of Mu Fa Star outside Blue Water Star?"

"Is this Mu Fa Star planning to attack you?"

"I see that you have even built the defense of the underwater Great Wall. It is clear that you are preparing for war, right?"

Shun asked a lot of questions in a row, and everyone present bowed their heads and kept silent after hearing it.

After Shun saw this situation, he realized that something might have happened.

"Did something happen?"

"Where is the Star Lord? Where is the Star Lord?"

Ronin Shun is back, but how could the Star Lord Yu Ji, whom he missed the most, not show up at the first time?

Shun didn't believe that he was back, but Yu Ji would be indifferent.

So he guessed that something might have happened to the mermaids.

At this time, the great elder had to say it because he couldn't hide it from Shun.

"Star Lord, she was taken away by the people of Mufa Star."

Hearing this, Shun was stunned for a moment.

"What? You said Yu Ji was taken away? What happened?"

Shun grabbed the elder's shoulder and asked.

After hearing this, the elder sighed and said.

"This matter is a long story, let me explain it to you slowly!"

Next, the elder told Shun that Mufa Star used their mermaid tribe to threaten Star Lord Yu Ji to join the Mufa Alliance.

After hearing the cause and effect, Shun was immediately furious.

"Damn, Mu Shen, this bastard, he is really crazy."

Shun had heard about Mu Shen from Xu Yuan a long time ago.

Mu Shen is an ambitious person.

The former Mufa Star was the most peace-loving star in the Eternal Star Domain.

Because the star core of Mufa Star is a gem full of sacred power.

The people of Mufa Star call it the Heart of Yug!

Yug in Mufa means sacred, justice, and light.

Because of the existence of the Heart of Yog, the lives of the Shepherd Star are born with justice, light, and holy souls.

They are the Paladins of the Eternal Star Domain.

However, one day, a strange god suddenly appeared on the Shepherd Star.

It called itself the Shepherd God, the incarnation of the Heart of Yog.

He is a collection of light and holiness.

He was inspired by the Heart of Yog and decided to rule the entire Eternal Star Domain and spread the justice and holiness of the Shepherd Star to the entire Chaos Void.

So, the Shepherd God began to conquer everywhere under the banner of justice.

And he also set up a Shepherd Alliance to speed up his ambition to rule.

Finally one day, the most powerful race in the Eternal Star Domain, the Protoss, decided to unite with other races with common aspirations and decided to resist the promise of the Shepherd God.

So, the largest battle in the history of the Eternal Star Domain began.

From beginning to end, the Primarch Star had no intention of ruling the Eternal Star Domain.

What they had to do was to stop the ambition of the Shepherd God.

And Shun also knew a piece of news.

That was three years ago, when the Shepherd God and the Primitive Star God Yuan Zun fought a great battle outside the Eternal Star Domain.

In that battle, both Yuan Zun and the Shepherd God were injured.

After returning, both sides practiced in seclusion.

So during this period, Yuan Zun and the Shepherd God's subordinates were trying their best to recruit more allies.

There were constant battles between the two sides, and many conflicts broke out.

Now, they are basically waiting for Mu Shen and Yuan Zun to see who recovers first.

The one who recovers first will completely change the entire battle situation.

However, from Xu Yuan, Shun learned that both Yuan Zun and Mu Shen were seriously injured.

Both sides will not recover for a while.

"I will go to Mu Fa Star to rescue the Star Lord."

Shun planned to go to Mu Fa Star to rescue Yu Ji.

However, after hearing this, the elder stopped him immediately.

"No, absolutely not!"

"That's why we dare not tell you."

"Shun, we all know that you have deep feelings for the Star Lord."

"But if you go to Mu Fa Star alone, it's tantamount to committing suicide."

"Do you really think that Mu Fa Star is something you can break into alone?"

"I'm afraid even Yuan Zun doesn't dare to break into Mu Fa Star easily."

The elder stopped Shun in time.

After being pulled, Shun frowned silently.

He knew that the elder was right.

Although he was the Shura God of War on the front line.

But he was not invincible after all.

In the defense of Ronin Star, he faced the strong men from the Three Emperors Star Domain, and he didn't even have the ability to defend.

Let alone the Heavenly Dao Incarnation of Daluotian, he was powerless to resist even the powerful of the Void Clan.

The Star Lords of the Eternal Star Domain basically only have the cultivation of the Saint Yuan Realm of the Daluotian Void Clan.

They are the weakest among the people sent by Daluotian this time.

And the strongest Mu Shen and Yuan Zun in the Eternal Star Domain are equivalent to the Heavenly Dao Incarnation.

And they are the weakest Heavenly Dao Incarnation.

With Shun's current strength, he is only slightly stronger than the average Star Lord.

But wanting to break into the Mu Fa Star alone is tantamount to seeking death.

It is worth mentioning that Zhuo Bufan, who is now on the Mu Fa Star, is weaker than Yu Ji.

That's because he was cut off by half of his cultivation by Mo Chichi's Moon Blade.

But in fact, Zhuo Bufan, who is in the other half of the Void Chamber of Commerce, has already broken through the sky in strength.

If the other half of Zhuo Bufan comes to the Eternal Star Domain, he will be invincible.

This is the gap between Zhuo Bufan's two clones at present.

One is a weak chicken, and the other is a dragon.


"What should we do now? Do you mermaids really plan to join the Pastoral Alliance?"

"Grand Elder, the Shepherd God is ambitious and wants to unify the Eternal Star Domain. They are under the banner of justice, but they are all evil thieves."

"To be honest, I have joined the Primitive Alliance and am the deputy commander of the Tiger Army of the Third Legion of Yuanzun."

"If you really join the Pastoral Alliance, it is possible that we will fight as enemies on the battlefield in the future."

Ronin Shun truthfully explained his current situation.

He wanted to persuade the mermaids to give up joining the Pastoral Alliance.

After hearing this, the great elder of the mermaids shook his head.

"I'm sorry Shun, you know that the leader of our mermaid tribe is the Star Lord."

"Now that the Star Lord has been taken away by the people of Mufa Star, we don't know what to do."

The Great Elder was also helpless.

Of course he didn't want to be an enemy of Shun.

But the current situation is not the one that the mermaid tribe has the final say.

What's more, the leader of the mermaid tribe is still in the hands of the Shepherd God.

"Maybe, I have another way!"

At this time, Shun suddenly thought of something.

After hearing this, the Great Elder hurriedly asked.

"What way?"

Shun frowned.

"Take Lan Shuixing and run away!"


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