Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1276 Ten Secrets [Subscribe]

When Zhuo Bufan said that he needed the secret of the Lord of Gray Star.

The whole Gray Castle suddenly became quiet.

The Hula and others behind him were even more panicked.

They didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan would dare to ask the Lord of Gray Star for secrets in front of him.

A person's secret, since it is called a secret, cannot be told to outsiders.

As the Lord of Gray Star is the Lord of one star, it is even more impossible for him to tell his secret.

However, Zhuo Bufan is now a void merchant.

What the void merchant likes most is to exchange other people's secrets.

For the void merchant, the value of secrets sometimes exceeds other things.

The void worms of the Void Chamber of Commerce are specially prepared for collecting intelligence.

The Lord of Gray Star knows the Void Chamber of Commerce, so he is not angry about Zhuo Bufan's words.

Instead, he said with a smile.

"As expected of a void merchant, for you, intelligence is the most important thing."

"I just don't know, what secret do you want to know about me?"

The Lord of Gray Star looked at Zhuo Bufan and smiled.

As the Lord of Gray Star, there are many secrets that he cannot tell.

Even if he urgently needs the Purple Chaos Stone, some secrets are related to the survival of Gray Star, and he cannot tell Zhuo Bufan.

But in his heart, he actually longs for the 10,000 Purple Chaos Stones in Zhuo Bufan's hand.

So, he was hesitating.

He did not reject Zhuo Bufan's request.

If the information the other party wants to know is not too excessive, then he is willing to continue trading with him.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly and said.

"Here are 10,000 Purple Chaos Stones. As a deal, I want to know your ten secrets."

Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and said.

After hearing this, the Lord of Gray Star replied in a low voice.

"Ten secrets? Do you know too much?"

"You should know that some secrets, the more you know, the more dangerous it is."

Zhuo Bufan could feel the slight anger in the tone of the Lord of Gray Star.

Of course, now is the stage of double-counter game, and no one can back down.

So Zhuo Bufan looked at the Lord of Gray Star and said in a firm tone.

"Void merchants are doing deadly business."

"Of course, if the respected Lord of Gray Star doesn't want to do this business, then I can leave now."

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking and prepared to turn around and leave.

A trick of playing hard to get made the Lord of Gray Star speak immediately.


"I didn't say I won't trade."

"I understand the rules of your Void Chamber of Commerce. You collect my secrets and treat them as commodities to exchange with others."

"So I really want to know if anyone has asked your Void Chamber of Commerce for anything?"

The Lord of Gray Star is very cautious.

Although he is now very sure of Zhuo Bufan's identity as a Void Merchant.

But he suspects that Zhuo Bufan came here for other purposes.

Zhuo Bufan may have received a transaction request from others, so he came to ask him about the secret.

In other words, I'm afraid someone wants to know the secret of the Lord of Gray Star, so he found Zhuo Bufan.

And then use Zhuo Bufan to investigate his own secrets.

This is the idea of ​​the Lord of Gray Star.

It has to be said that this is a very cautious approach.

Now is a time of war, and everyone is fighting on their own. In such a critical period, any secret may lead to a person's eternal damnation.

It is normal for the Lord of Gray Star to have such concerns.

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he also understood the other party's thoughts.

He was secretly surprised.

"I didn't expect that the Lord of Gray Star would be so cautious."

The Lord of Gray Star guessed almost exactly.

The only thing he didn't guess was that Zhuo Bufan was not a void merchant, but the original body who wanted to know his secret.

Zhuo Bufan was really bold. He took the initiative to find the Lord of Gray Star and directly asked the Lord of Gray Star about his secret.

As long as he knew the secret or the fatal point of the Lord of Gray Star, it would be much easier for the next battle.

Zhuo Bufan had a beautiful idea. He found out the secret he wanted as a void merchant.

But the Lord of Gray Star was really cautious and still kept his guard against Zhuo Bufan.

"You retreat first." Just when the two sides were deadlocked, the Lord of Gray Star called Hula and them back.

For a moment, only Zhuo Bufan and the Lord of Gray Star were left in the entire hall.

It was obvious that the Lord of Gray Star was going to exchange secrets with Zhuo Bufan.

What he was going to say next was not allowed to be known by others.

So he asked Hula and the others to retreat.

After seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan also showed a satisfied smile.

"It seems that the respected Lord of Gray Star, you are ready."

The Lord of Gray Star said lightly after hearing this.

"It depends on whether I am willing to give you the secret you want to know."

"To be honest, your 10,000 Purple Chaos Stones are indeed very tempting."

"So I decided to continue the transaction."

"If you want to know my ten secrets, then tell me one by one."

The Lord of Gray Star was reluctant to give up the Purple Chaos Stones in Zhuo Bufan's hands.

Although there are some secrets that the Lord of Gray Star is unwilling to tell, it doesn't matter even if others know them.

Zhuo Bufan smiled after hearing this.

"Since the Lord of Gray Star is so straightforward, I won't beat around the bush."

"The first secret I want to know is, what is the core of your gray star?"

Zhuo Bufan can be said to be bold.

The first secret he asked when he came up turned out to be the core question of Gray Star.

The biggest secret of the gray star is probably the gray star core.

It is precisely because of the mysterious star core of the Gray Star that a life race like the Gray Body was created.

It can be said that the secret of the gray star core is also the secret of the entire gray body.

Facing Zhuo Bufan's first question, the Lord of Gray Star was slightly shocked.

Obviously, even he himself did not guess that Zhuo Bufan would ask such a touching question.

"Hehehe, you are really rude. This secret is one that even many of our tribe don't know."

The Lord of Gray Star said with a smile.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled calmly and said.

"It seems that the Star Master does not intend to answer my question."

"In that case, just pretend that I haven't asked this question. I just want to see your sincerity, Star Master."

Zhuo Bufan quickly explained.

He was worried that the Lord of Gray Star would guess his identity.

However, the Lord of Gray Star raised his hand and said.

"Wait, I didn't reject your question."

"I can tell you the secret of my Gray Star. But this secret is worth two thousand Purple Chaos Stones."

The Lord of Gray Star actually planned to sell this secret to Zhuo Bufan.

This surprised Zhuo Bufan himself.

Zhuo Bufan frowned after hearing this.

"Two thousand? Okay!"

"Then please, Lord of Gray Star, tell the truth."

"You should be very clear about the consequences of deceiving our Void Chamber of Commerce or giving us false information."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to threaten the other party, but he wanted to be careful to prevent the Lord of Gray Star from giving him false information.

He must use the background of the Void Chamber of Commerce to put a certain amount of pressure on the Lord of Gray Star.

The Lord of Gray Star is afraid of the Void Chamber of Commerce, so he will naturally consider it.

Maybe he wouldn't completely tell Zhuo Bufan his secret, but he wouldn't try to deceive him either.

So the Lord of Gray Star answered after being silent for a while.

"Actually, I'm not afraid to tell you. Even we ourselves don't know what the secret of our Gray Star Core is."

"We only know that it is the gray star nucleus that created our gray body."

"The energy released by the gray star core, combined with this sacred tree of creation, created us."

"We are born with the energy of the gray star core. It is this energy that makes us not afraid of any physical harm."

"I've finished speaking. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

The Lord of Gray Star obviously had something to hide, but he thought his answer was enough to deal with Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing this.

He knew that the cunning Lord of Gray Star could not be so honest.

He used some clichés to excuse himself.

This guy just wants to get the White Wolf with nothing and get his own Chaos Beast in his hands.

No wonder the Lord of Gray Star would agree to exchange secrets with him.

It was obvious that the Lord of Gray Star had found a way to deal with Do Bufan.

To prevaricate Zhuo Bufan, he said something that others didn't know but would have any hindrance or influence on their gray bodies.

"You want to play tricks with me? What a cunning and shameless guy."

Zhuo Bufan cursed secretly in his heart.

But he couldn't really curse him.

After all, the Lord of Gray Star did answer his question and told him some secrets.

So Zhuo Bufan had to suffer the loss of being dumb.

He quickly calmed down and answered.

"Although I am not satisfied with your secret, we void merchants have always been honest in doing business."

"Since it's a deal, then this secret is worth two thousand Purple Chaos Stones according to the agreement just now."

Although Zhuo Bufan suffered a lot, he could only do this.

Because he wanted to continue asking some secrets from the Lord of Gray Star.

After hearing this, the Lord of Gray Star smiled proudly.

He didn't expect that this kid would actually agree to what he said.

"Sir, I can agree to this transaction. But if you still want to use words like I don't know to frustrate me next, then our transaction may end here."

"And I'm afraid that the Void Chamber of Commerce will blacklist you gray-body people in the future and will no longer accept business from you gray-body stars."

Since you are pretending, you should pretend to be deep and serious.

Zhuo Bufan now completely regards himself as a void merchant.

His words made the Lord of Gray Star, who was still a little proud, suddenly become serious.

"Your Excellency, are you warning me?"

The Lord of Gray Star asked angrily.

He also wanted to shock Zhuo Bufan.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan said confidently.

"Yes, it's a warning."

"My second, what do you gray bodies fear the most?"

Zhuo Bufan asked again.

He didn't give the Lord of Gray Star a chance to react.

When the Lord of Gray Star heard this, he was suddenly stunned. He didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to ask the second question so quickly.

It was obvious that he had turned over what had just happened.

Faced with Zhuo Bufan's warning, the Lord of Gray Star remained silent this time.

After all, if I use some words that I don’t know to prevaricate the other party, I’m afraid I will really be blocked by the Void Chamber of Commerce.

However, the second secret that Zhuo Bufan wanted to know was not simple!

Zhuo Bufan actually wanted to know what their Gray Body feared the most.

Isn't this just telling the other party his weakness?

"Why are you asking this?"

The Lord of Gray Star asked in confusion.

Zhuo Bufan quickly answered when he heard it.

"You just need to tell me whether you can answer this secret."

"If you can't answer, then this question will be invalid. Our deal ends here."

"Your Excellency has obtained my two thousand Purple Chaos Stones in just a few words, which is enough for your Gray Star."

Zhuo Bufan said coldly.

He was provoking the Lord of Gray Star.

The implication was that he disdained the Lord of Gray Star.

The Lord of Gray Star felt that he was being ridiculed, and he said in a low voice.

"Your Excellency, do you think that I am the kind of person who is untrustworthy and cheats?"

"You should know that the secret you are asking about is related to the survival of our Gray Body. Do you really want to know this secret?"

The Gray Body Star said.

Zhuo Bufan answered immediately after hearing this.

"Do you think I'm really joking?"

"I think this question should not be considered a secret."

"After all, you Gray Body are warlike, and you have so many opponents, it is impossible that they don't know the secret of your Gray Body."

"So there are many ways for me to know this secret."

"If the Lord of Gray Star feels that there is no need to tell me, then our deal ends here!"

"Two thousand Purple Extreme Chaos Stones should be enough for your Gray Star to use."

Zhuo Bufan was still provoking the Lord of Gray Star.

The Lord of Gray Star saw Zhuo Bufan turning around and leaving.

He quickly raised his hand and said.

"Wait a minute!"

"I say!"

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, the Lord of Gray Star obviously figured out the problem.

Indeed, the thing that they Gray Body fears most is not a secret at all. After all, they have many opponents who know this secret.

So the Lord of Gray Star answered directly.

"What we Grey Body fear most is the attack of mental power."

"Strong mental power will make us have an innate fear, and even make us lose our fighting power."

"So mental power is what we Grey Body fear."

"Are you satisfied with this answer?"

The Lord of Grey Star replied coldly.

Zhuo Bufan didn't feel too much when he heard it.

In fact, he had known this secret for a long time. He wanted to use this secret to verify whether the Lord of Grey Star was telling the truth.

Sure enough, after Zhuo Bufan's previous warning.

The Lord of Grey Star didn't dare to evade Zhuo Bufan for the second question.

"I wonder if you are satisfied with the second secret?"

The Lord of Grey Star looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Zhuo Bufan smiled after hearing it.

"Okay! It seems that the Lord of Grey Star really wants to make a deal with me."

"Of course, in order to show respect to the Void Chamber of Commerce, this secret will be given to you by me."

The Lord of Grey Star is also smart.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan did not refuse, but continued.

"In that case, my third question is."

"Are the Gray Star and the Original Star in an alliance and cooperation relationship?"

Zhuo Bufan had just asked the third question.

The Lord of the Gray Star opposite him suddenly had a huge emotional fluctuation.

Then, Zhuo Bufan felt the overwhelming pressure coming towards him.

The Lord of the Gray Star shouted angrily: "Who are you?"


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