Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1278 Chaos Lotus [Subscribe]

When Zhuo Bufan made his last request, the Lord of Gray Star almost stood up.

"Do you want to see the Gray Star Core?"

Even the Lord of Gray Star did not expect that Zhuo Bufan would make such a request.

It is self-evident how important the Gray Star Core is to them.

It can be said that for the Gray Star Core, the entire Gray Body Clan is willing to sacrifice their lives.

After all, it is the Gray Star Core that gives them power.

The Gray Star Core is too important, and it is related to the fate of Gray Star.

So the Lord of Gray Star hesitated about Zhuo Bufan's last request.

What if Zhuo Bufan saw the Gray Star Core and brought disaster to Gray Star?

But it has come to this point, he must get all the Purple Extreme Chaos Stones in Zhuo Bufan's hands.

After thinking about it, the Lord of Gray Star finally decided.

"You can want to see the Gray Star Core, but you can only look. You are not allowed to do anything else."

Zhuo Bufan nodded after listening.

"Of course."

"I just want to see the core of the Gray Star."

"After all, we have come to your Gray Star. If we don't take a look at the core of the Gray Star, wouldn't it be a waste of time?"

"If I am lucky enough to see the core of the Gray Star, then it will be worth the trip."

Zhuo Bufan really just wanted to take a look at the core of the Gray Star.

He mainly wanted to figure out the location of the core of the Gray Star so that the three heads could accurately find the core in the next battle.

However, Zhuo Bufan is a little worried now.

"I'm afraid things won't be easy!"

"The gray fog in the Gray Star is too strong. Once the army of the Brain Demon Clan enters here, I'm afraid there is only one way."

Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes and said.

If the Lord of the Gray Star hadn't lied to him just now, then Zhuo Bufan and his team would have a very difficult battle.

The gray fog in the Gray Star would greatly weaken the strength of their army.

Once the battlefield is on the Gray Star, I'm afraid they will have no chance of winning.

This is not alarmist, after all, the Lord of the Gray Star himself said so.

Even if the Shepherd God came in person, he would not be afraid.

So even if Zhuo Bufan knew where the Gray Star Core was, I'm afraid the next battle would be difficult.

But anyway, since he had come here, it was necessary to find out where the core was.

Wasn't he here for this?

So Zhuo Bufan had to see the so-called Gray Star Core no matter what.

"Since you want to see my Gray Star Core so much, then follow me!"

After the Lord of Gray Star finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand to Zhuo Bufan.

Then, Zhuo Bufan felt a strong force pressing on him.

That force came overwhelmingly, like a 10,000-ton mountain pressing on him.

The next second, a black hole suddenly appeared under Zhuo Bufan's feet.

Before Zhuo Bufan could come back to his senses, he was sucked into the black hole.

Zhuo Bufan fell into the bottomless abyss.

When he reacted, he was shrouded in darkness.

At this time, he saw a strange light in the depths of darkness.

That light was made up of black and white light intertwined and woven together.

Two kinds of light wove a gray lotus in the darkness.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the lotus, his heart secretly lost in thought.

The gray lotus looked so dim and dull.

However, it gave Zhuo Bufan an extremely magical feeling.

That feeling was like someone whispering and whispering in the dark, as if he wanted to tell something but no one could listen to his voice.

"Sir, what you see in front of you is my Gray Star Core, Gray Lotus!"

"It is this Gray Lotus that protects our Gray Star."

"Look at the gray mist it releases, this is the gray mist that protects our Gray Star."

The Lord of Gray Star suddenly appeared beside Zhuo Bufan.

His words made Zhuo Bufan respect the gray lotus in front of him.

This gray lotus is the Gray Star Core.

To be precise, the Gray Lotus came first, then the Gray Star, and finally the Gray Body Clan in front of him.

What exactly is the Gray Lotus? Where did it come from? No one knows.

Even the Lord of Gray Star does not know the origin of this gray lotus.

He is just the guardian chosen by the gray lotus from countless gray bodies.

In other words, the Lord of Gray Star is just the bodyguard of the gray lotus.

The Lord of Gray Star needs to protect this gray lotus and prevent it from being hurt.

"You said before that this gray lotus has self-awareness? What does this mean?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly asked.

The Lord of Gray Star once said that the gray lotus is the second will of heaven born in the Eternal Star Domain.

It's just that the gray lotus is still in its infancy, and the eternal will of heaven has entered the development stage.

The gray lotus hides in this gray star, blooming quietly, waiting for one day to be independent.

After hearing this, the Lord of Gray Star replied.

"Sir, you have asked all ten questions."

"Now the biggest secret of Gray Star is in front of you."

"You have also seen the core of the gray star as you wished."

"Now, it's time for you to keep your promise."

The Lord of Gray Star did not intend to answer Zhuo Bufan's questions.

On the contrary, he was ready to drive Zhuo Bufan away.

After all, for him, Zhuo Bufan had been looking at it for too long.

But for Zhuo Bufan, he really could not get tired of looking at this gray lotus in front of him.

It seemed as if this gray lotus had a special magic that was attracting him.

"Sir, please leave quickly."

The Lord of Gray Star has issued an order to expel the guests.

He even began to mobilize the dark void to send Zhuo Bufan out.

However, at this moment.

Suddenly, the gray lotus in front of him shook.

Then, a mysterious voice came from the darkness, piercing into the souls of Zhuo Bufan and the Lord of Gray Star.

"Who are you?"

When this mysterious voice came, Zhuo Bufan and the Lord of Gray Star could not help but be stunned.

Especially the Lord of Gray Star, he was the first to react.

"Lord Gray Lotus, is that you?"

The Lord of Gray Star called the gray lotus Lord Gray Lotus.

Zhuo Bufan was confused after hearing this.

It seems that the one who spoke was the gray lotus in front of him.

However, the gray lotus seemed to ignore the Lord of Gray Star in front of him, but continued to ask.

"Who are you?"

It asked you who you are for the second time.

Besides the Lord of Gray Star, there was only Zhuo Bufan present.

Obviously, Gray Lotus could not ask the Lord of Gray Star.

After all, the Lord of Gray Star was the guardian he chose.

In other words, Gray Lotus only asked one person, that is, Zhuo Bufan who suddenly visited.

"Are you asking me?"

Zhuo Bufan pointed at himself weakly.

And the Lord of Gray Star behind Zhuo Bufan was even more incredible.

Because before this, in the entire Gray Body Clan, Gray Lotus had only communicated with him.

In other words, in the entire Eternal Star Domain, only he could communicate with Gray Lotus.

And he could not communicate whenever he wanted to. Only when Gray Lotus took the initiative to find him could he hear Gray Lotus' voice.

Unexpectedly, Gray Lotus actually took the initiative to ask the mysterious Void Merchant in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan was a little confused when he heard it.

"Who are you?"

For the third time, Gray Lotus asked Zhuo Bufan for the third time.

His tone was quite persistent.

Even the Lord of Gray Star behind him couldn't listen anymore, and he asked again.

"Lord Gray Lotus asked who you are, answer quickly."

Although the Lord of Gray Star wanted Zhuo Bufan to leave quickly.

But it was obvious that he could not let Zhuo Bufan go just because he wanted to.

Because Gray Lotus would not allow him to do so.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Gray Lotus in front of him, and after listening to the urging of the Lord of Gray Star behind him, he said weakly.

"I, my name is Zhuo Bufan, and I am a Void Merchant from the Void Chamber of Commerce."

Zhuo Bufan naturally could not say that he was from Daluotian, otherwise he would be crushed to death by the Lord of Gray Star behind him.

Even the Lord of Gray Star said.

"Lord Gray Lotus, he is right, he is indeed a Void Merchant from the Void Chamber of Commerce."

"I am damned, I should not bring outsiders to disturb your meditation."

"Lord Gray Lotus, don't worry, I will send him out immediately."

The Lord of Gray Star thought that Gray Lotus was angry because of Zhuo Bufan's arrival.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the Gray Lotus suddenly howled.

"Lie, lie, lie!"

"Who are you?"

"Why can you reincarnate three times?"

"What is your relationship with the Lord of Time?"

The gray lotus suddenly asked Zhuo Bufan three questions in a row.

The moment he heard this question, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

He didn't expect that this gray lotus could see that he was reincarnated three times.

This was the first one Zhuo Bufan met who could see that he was reincarnated three times at a glance.

"You, how do you know that I am reincarnated three times?"

Zhuo Bufan was obviously shocked.

Being able to see that he was reincarnated three times, it is obvious that the gray lotus in front of him should not be underestimated.

After hearing this, the gray lotus did not answer Zhuo Bufan's words, but continued to ask.

"Who are you? Who are you?"

The other party kept asking who Zhuo Bufan was. It was obvious that Zhuo Bufan's identity was very important to him.

Zhuo Bufan thought about it and didn't know how to answer the gray lotus in front of him.

Finally, he weakly returned to two words.

"Luo Tian!"

Zhuo Bufan said the name of his first life, Luo Tian.

When he said his name, Gray Lotus actually laughed excitedly.



"It's you, it's you."

Gray Lotus's laughter entered Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Zhuo Bufan himself was a little stunned, and the Lord of Gray Star behind him was even more confused.

"Luo Tian, ​​I've been waiting for you for a long time, and you're finally here!"

When Gray Lotus's voice entered Zhuo Bufan's soul again, Zhuo Bufan was completely stunned.

"Wait for me? You wait for me?"

"Who are you? Why are you waiting for me?"

Zhuo Bufan obviously realized that the Gray Lotus in front of him might have something to do with him.

At least what is the relationship with his first life Luo Tian.

Is he a friend or an enemy? Is he good or bad?

Zhuo Bufan was a little confused and afraid for a while.

And at this moment, the Lord of Gray Star behind him suddenly frowned and said.

"You are not a void merchant? Who are you?"

Obviously, the Lord of Gray Star also guessed that Zhuo Bufan was not a void merchant.

Zhuo Bufan has another identity.

And it seems that his identity is not simple.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan realized that he had been exposed.

"It's over! Are they going to mess with me?"

Zhuo Bufan screamed in his heart that it was not good.

The Lord of Gray Star behind him was clearly preparing to take action.

But at this moment, Hui Lian's voice suddenly came again.

"Luo Tian, ​​do you still remember me, Lotus of Chaos?"

The Gray Lotus in front of me suddenly said her real name.

"Lotus of Chaos?"

Zhuo Bufan muttered to himself.

Obviously, he has no memory of this Lotus of Chaos in his mind.

But when he heard the name, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Chaos Seed Lotus!"

"What is your relationship with Luo Tian?"

Zhuo Bufan is not a fool.

He guessed at the first moment that this Chaos Lotus probably knew Luo Tian and had a close relationship with him.

Perhaps after listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, the Lotus of Chaos actually laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Luo Tian, ​​you are truly a heartless person! You can forget the world, but how can you forget me?"

"I am your heart!"

The moment Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was stunned.

"What did you say? You are my heart?"

"Wait, I don't understand? You mean, the Lotus of Chaos is Luo Tian's heart, right?"

Of course, it is impossible for Zhuo Bufan to think that the Lotus of Chaos is his own heart.

The Lotus of Chaos regarded him as Luo Tian.

So there is only one possibility.

The Lotus of Chaos is Luo Tian's heart.

That's right, the legendary man's heart is the lotus of chaos in front of him.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan was obviously still a little out of shape.

Also out of shape was the Lord of Gray Star behind him.

"What's the meaning?"

"Lord Gray Lotus, how could you be someone else's heart?"

"You are the creator of our Gray Star!"

In the eyes of the Lord of Gray Star, Gray Lotus's status is supreme.

But now, Hui Lian told him personally.

He is just the heart of the man in front of him.

"Shut up!"

"Luo Tian, ​​have you finally remembered to find your heart?"

The Gray Lotus suddenly asked.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan shook his head in confusion.

"Sorry, actually I am not Luo Tian, ​​at most I am Luo Tian's reincarnation."

Zhuo Bufan replied seriously.

He was not joking, he was indeed just the reincarnation of Luo Tian.

After hearing this, Hui Lian in front of him replied.

"Of course I know that you are just the reincarnation of Luo Tian, ​​and you have been reincarnated for three lives."

"Then you should also know that I have been waiting for you for three lifetimes!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"It seems so!"

"How ridiculous!"

"Luo Tian, ​​you gave up your path in order to enter that world!"

"Now after three reincarnations, I still can't escape your heart!"

"Do you think it's funny?"

Lotus of Chaos laughed, and her tone seemed to be ridiculing Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan seemed a little speechless.

This Lotus of Chaos is clearly Luo Tian’s Heart.

But now, he has to bear the ridicule of this Lotus of Chaos.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't even understand what he was talking about.

"Luo Tian, ​​​​Luo Tian, ​​I have to say, you are really a cruel person."

"I'm afraid that in the whole world, only a ruthless person like you can do such a thing as abandoning one's true self."

"But, I believe you will come back!"

"Just like when you asked me to wait for you to come back."

"But even though you abandoned me, I'm still waiting for you."

"Walking alone on a long road will always lead to loneliness! Luo Tian, ​​are you willing to continue walking together on the next road?"

I thought that Lotus of Chaos would continue to ridicule myself.

I didn't expect the love to go so deep. This Lotus of Chaos would actually say that to Zhuo Bufan.

"Continue to go together?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"Why, you don't want to? I am your heart! If you lose your heart, can you still find the person you are looking for?"

Facing the words of Lotus of Chaos, Zhuo Bufan fell silent.

After a moment of silence, he answered decisively.

"Okay, let's continue walking together!"

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