Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1280 Fusion of Luo Tian's Heart [Subscription Request]

Zhuo Bufan now faces a very important choice.

That is whether to imitate Luo Tian, ​​abandon the Tao, and turn oneself into a lost soul.

Only then can he meet the Time Lord.

Because the Lord of Time will collect the lost souls and turn them into the Sands of Time.

Zhuo Bufan is actually not afraid of becoming the sands of time. What he is afraid of is losing himself and losing his personality.

He has his own family and lover. After becoming the Sands of Time, it is hard for him to imagine what Bai Su and the others will do.

So now Zhuo Bufan calmed down.

Faced with Zhuo Bufan's calmness, Lotus of Chaos also persuaded him at this time.

"I understand how you want to find the Time Lord."

"Just like when you were Luo Tian, ​​you were eager to find the Lord of Time every day."

"But back then, you were forced into desperation, and that's why you chose to abandon your path."

"But now, you are not at the point of desperation yet."

"Do you still have a choice?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, his eyes lit up and he asked in surprise.

"Do I have a choice? What choice?"

After hearing this, Chaos Lotus replied.

"That is to merge with me and regain the body of chaos."

"Did you know that after cultivating the body of chaos to its limit, you can enter the origin of the universe!"

"Find the Lord of Time, rub it."

Chaos Lotus's words made Zhuo Bufan's eyes light up.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course it's true. When Luo Tian was in chaos, he created this chaos creation technique and created a body of chaos that is unparalleled in the world."

"According to Luo Tian's plan, after cultivating this Chaos Creation Technique to its peak, he will be able to transform himself into chaos. He will not be limited by time and space, and he can even live on the same level as the Lord of Time."

"It's a pity that Luo Tian's self-created Chaos Creation Technique encountered a bottleneck when he reached the ninth level."

"It's really because of this bottleneck that he was forced to do nothing."

"In addition, there was really not much time, so he had to choose to give up."

The Chaos Lotus revealed the secret of the Chaos Body.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but be stunned.

"The Chaos Creation Technique was created in my first life?"

"That's right, according to Luo Tian's plan, this Chaos Creation Technique has twelve levels of heaven."

"But he encountered a bottleneck when he reached the ninth level of cultivation."

"He got into a stage of self-doubt that drove him to a dead end."

"But he was not wrong. After Luo Tian left, I followed his thoughts and ideas, got through the bottleneck, and successfully practiced the Chaos Creation Technique to the eleventh level!"

"So so far, I am only one step away from the last level before I can cultivate into a complete body of chaos."

"As long as you merge with me, you will be able to possess the Chaos Divine Body of the Eleventh Heaven."

"If you can successfully comprehend the secret of the last heaven, then it will be easy for you to meet the Lord of Time."

Lotus of Chaos told Zhuo Bufan another way to see the Lord of Time.

That is to cultivate your body into chaos, travel through time and space, and find the Lord of Time.

I have to say that Luo Tian in his first life was simply a strange and divine man.

He was actually able to create such a mysterious skill by himself.

Chaos Creation Technique, this technique feels extremely powerful just from the sound of it.

And this technique was actually created by Luo Tian.

It's a pity that Luo Tian didn't completely create this Chaos Creation Technique.

However, Luo Tian's Heart, also known as the Lotus of Chaos, has been practicing.

Luo Tian is gone, but Luo Tian's heart still exists.

The existence of Luo Tian's Heart allows it to continuously improve the Chaos Creation Technique.

Now, Luo Tianzhixin has practiced the Chaos Creation Technique to the eleventh level.

There was only the last step left before Luo Tian's estimated strongest state.

And this last step now has to be left entirely to Zhuo Bufan.

"Chaos Creation Technique!"

"Merge with you?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Hui Lian in front of him and said silently.

After hearing this, Huilian replied.

"Are you still hesitating?"

"You need strength now."

Hui Lian's words reminded Zhuo Bufan.

"Yes, I need strength, I need great strength."

Zhuo Bufan is too weak now, at least his current clone is very weak, pitifully weak.

So Zhuo Bufan now wants to gain powerful power at all costs.

However, he has no source of power.

And the only source of power may be the gray lotus in front of him.

Therefore, when Hui Lian said that she wanted to merge with Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan was moved.

Gray Lotus is the heart of Luo Tian, ​​possessing the eleventh level of Chaos Creation Technique.

The gray mist released can even protect the entire Gray Star.

It can be said that whoever obtains the Gray Lotus will be the owner of this star.

The so-called Lord of Gray Star is just the guardian of Gray Lotus.

"Do you really want to merge with me?"

"But I'm not the real Luo Tian, ​​I'm just his reincarnation."

Zhuo Bufan said.

After hearing this, Huilian replied.

"You are the reincarnation of Luo Tian, ​​so naturally you are Luo Tian."

"Didn't you say you wanted to find the Lord of Time and merge the three worlds?"

"I will follow you to find the Lord of Time. Luo Tian will naturally come back by then."

Zhuo Bufan sighed after hearing this.

"Yes, look for the Lord of Time, and then merge the three generations."

"Luo Tian, ​​Ji Xuanhao, and I, Zhuo Bufan. What will it look like if the three generations merge together?"

Zhuo Bufan was vaguely looking forward to it.

But there was also a hint of worry.

Because he is not sure whose personality will be the leader after the three generations merge.

Is it Luo Tian, ​​Ji Xuanhao, or himself?

What Zhuo Bufan was afraid of was that after the fusion of the three generations, he lost his identity. Both body and soul became dominated by Luo Tian or Ji Xuanhao.

Although in a sense, Luo Tian, ​​Ji Xuanhao and himself are actually the same person.

But after all, they are reincarnations of three eras, with their own emotions and personalities.

So when the time comes for the three generations to merge, there will definitely be one personality that takes the lead.

"What else are you thinking about? Don't you want to become stronger or find the Lord of Time?"

"Now, it's time for you to make a decision."

After Chaos Lotus finished speaking, he said nothing more.

He was waiting for Zhuo Bufan to make a decision.

Zhuo Bufan is indeed a little confused now.

He was afraid that once he fused with Luo Tian's heart, he would take on Luo Tian's personality.

After all, that is Luo Tian’s heart!

As a heart, it even has self-awareness, which is the most terrifying thing.

What should I do if my personality and thoughts are completely replaced by it?

However, Zhuo Bufan then thought about it and realized that he seemed to have no choice now.

He needs to become stronger and no longer fear the power of the incarnation of heaven.

Zhuo Bufan has always been eager to become stronger.

The days when he was chased by the clone of Heaven made him feel like a waste.

He doesn't want to be a waste, and he is not a waste.

So after thinking about it, Zhuo Bufan finally made an important decision.

"Okay, merge with me!"

"I need your strength."

Zhuo Bufan finally decided to follow his heart.

Since he needs power now, there is no need to reject this Lotus of Chaos.

After hearing this, Lotus of Chaos said excitedly.

"I was just waiting for your words!"

"In that case, get ready to merge with me!"

"Swallow me into your belly."

Lotus of Chaos shouted to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

"Swallow you?"

"what are you waiting for?"

Chaos Lotus shouted.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan stopped thinking and swallowed the gray lotus in front of him in one gulp.

The moment he swallowed Gray Lotus into his stomach, Zhuo Bufan felt a powerful energy integrated into his limbs.

Then it was poured into the depths of his soul, and the chaotic memories of the last scenes began to merge into Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Among those memory fragments, Zhuo Bufan saw a child who had lived in a slum since childhood and embarked on the path of cultivation in order to survive.

In the cruel world of cultivation, he continues to grow, fight, and become stronger.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, he always maintains an optimistic face.

That little boy, under such an environment, began to become a shockingly strong man step by step.

Step by step, he created his own miracle.

Until later, he became on top of the world. He came from that chaotic world to a broader world.

He left countless legends in this world.

Relatives, friends, followers, admirers, etc.

These people who played an important role in his life suddenly disappeared one day.

They become increasingly blurry and dimmer.

Suddenly, an emotion on his back poured into Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Zhuo Bufan could feel the sadness very clearly.

That feeling is very uncomfortable, as if the most important thing deep in my heart has been taken away.

"It's the heart, has the heart been poached?"

Zhuo Bufan could suddenly feel the uncomfortable feeling that something deep in his heart had been taken away.

That emptiness, that sadness.

Obviously, that kind of sadness came from Luo Tianzhi's heart.

Lotus of Chaos, Heart of Luo Tian.

His heart was ruthlessly dug away by Luo Tian, ​​so his sadness also came from this.

Zhuo Bufan did not finish speaking, he was just quietly comprehending.

He could feel that the power of the Lotus of Chaos was constantly integrating into his body.

At the same time, there are also all the memories about Luo Tian retained by the Lotus of Chaos.

The Lotus of Chaos is originally the heart of Luo Tian.

Therefore, the memories it retains are naturally Luo Tian's memories.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan's soul is now accepting Luo Tian's memory.

Zhuo Bufan is experiencing what Luo Tian once experienced.

He is witnessing Luo Tian's growth from Luo Tian's perspective.

Therefore, the process of integration is a slow process.

It may be ten days and a half month, it may be three years or five years.

In short, Zhuo Bufan will not come out of this for a while.

At the same time, outside the Gray Star, the two Star Masters Sanshou and Auron were on standby.

Suddenly he found that he had lost contact with the great military division who had entered Gray Star.

"What's going on? Why is there no news about the Grand Military Advisor?"

As the great military advisor of Mufa Star, Zhuo Bufan naturally has a noble status.

If something happens to him, the two people in front of him will definitely be blamed.

So when they couldn't get the news about Zhuo Bufan, the two of them were collectively confused.

"What should we do now? The Grand Military Advisor asked us to wait for his news here, but there is no news from him now."

"Could it be that he was discovered? And then killed by the Lord of Gray Star?"

Sanshou guessed.

"Do you remember what the Grand Military Advisor said to me last?"

"He said that the gray fog in Gray Star is very dangerous and asked us not to get close to it easily."

"Then are we going now?"

"I don't know! Without the news from the Grand Military Advisor, if we act rashly, it may affect his plan."

"And we don't know enough about Gray Star now, so we may not be able to launch an attack easily."

"Although the gray bodies are afraid of our brain demons, they are extremely powerful. In a one-on-one battle, our brain demons don't have a high chance of winning."

"After all, our brain demons are very afraid of physical attacks."

Without Zhuo Bufan, the two star masters lost their backbone for a while.

Facing the situation in front of them, they were obviously a little confused.

"Wait a little longer! Maybe there will be news about the Grand Military Advisor in a few days."

"That's right, maybe the Grand Military Advisor is under close surveillance now and can't notify us."

There was no other way, and in the end the two star masters of the Brain Demon Clan and the Orfa Clan had to wait foolishly in the same place.


At the same time, outside the distant Eternal Star Region.

A huge space-time crack suddenly spit out a black shadow.

It was a person, or to be more precise, a woman.

She was Mo Chichi, the Crazy Heaven who was severely injured in the battle with Jealous Heaven.

Mo Chichi escaped, she escaped Jealous Heaven's pursuit.

And at the last moment, she also fought back against Jealous Heaven and severely injured Jealous Heaven.

This is a situation where both sides suffer, but it seems that Mo Chichi's condition is even worse.

She was injured by Jealous Heaven's mysterious dagger, and now more and more Heavenly Dao power is beginning to disappear.

Mo Chichi can feel that if it continues like this, it will probably not be long before she completely loses all her power and becomes an ordinary person.

Ordinary people cannot survive in this world.

Therefore, the only thing waiting for Mo Chichi is death.

Unless she can find Meng Chanyi or Zhuo Bufan in time.

Because Meng Chanyi and Zhuo Bufan have practiced the Heaven Repairing Technique.

The Heaven Repairing Technique can even make up for the power of Heaven.

So the Heaven Repairing Technique can also save Mo Chichi.

However, it is not easy to find Meng Chanyi and Zhuo Bufan in the vast chaos and void.

Mo Chichi woke up from coma and felt her Heaven's power getting weaker and weaker.

"Is it over?"

Mo Chichi seemed a little uncomfortable.

"Why, why would my father separate such an incarnation of Heaven?"

Mo Chichi didn't understand why Daluo Heaven would separate Jealous Heaven.

And this Jealous Heaven actually killed their Heaven's incarnations.

It is not difficult to see from his weapon that he exists specifically to slaughter the Heaven's incarnation.

Heaven created Jealous Heaven to deal with his other incarnations.

This made Mo Chichi very confused.

"I can't die. Even if I die, I want to see him again."

Mo Chichi's infatuation is absolute.

She hasn't forgotten Zhuo Bufan yet.

Even if she dies, she wants to see Zhuo Bufan before she dies.

This is her last obsession.

And at this moment, Mo Chichi suddenly saw a bright galaxy in front of her.

When the galaxy appeared in front of her, her eyes lit up.

"Is that? Eternal Star Domain?"

Mo Chichi saw at a glance that the galaxy in front was the Eternal Star Domain.

"Eternal Star Domain, will he be there?"

After Mo Chichi finished speaking, he rushed towards the Eternal Star Domain regardless of everything.

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