Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1314 Qiankun Returns [Subscribe]

Ling Xiao and Lyle mutated at the same time, and then merged together, becoming an earth-shattering and terrifying monster.

Seeing the fusion monster in front of them, Keira and Ronin were startled.

Especially Ronin Shun, he felt an unprecedented power from the fusion monster in front of him.

The fusion monster in front of him combines the souls of Ling Xiao and Lyle, as well as three powerful chaos beasts.

Among them are two lower-level Chaos Beasts and one mid-level Chaos Beast.

It is equivalent to saying that five completely different powerful creatures are fused together.

Then, using Ling Xiao's body and soul as a carrier, they completely merged into a shocking monster.

The monster suddenly roared towards the void of the sky, immediately causing an extremely powerful void storm that instantly wiped out the stars within light years.

"So strong!"

Ronin Shun looked at the huge fusion monster in the void and couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

If it can make Ronin feel trembled instantly, it means that the strength of this fusion monster has probably reached the level of a high-level Chaos Beast.

High-level Chaos Beasts already belong to the upper level of the food chain in the Chaos Void.

They can swallow stars and earth, destroy stars, and destroy space.

Although Ronin Shun is very strong, his cultivation is still 10% behind the high-level Chaos Beasts.

"What should we do now?"

Keira looked at the stunned Ronin Shun and said.

Not only was she at a loss now, but Ronin Shun was also at a loss.

Ronin Shun felt that he might not be the opponent's opponent, and more importantly, if there was a real battle, Ling Xiao would definitely die.

But now, they have no choice.

"You just stay where you are, I'll go test it out first."

In order to understand the opponent's strength, Ronin Shun rushed out immediately.

He turned into a ray of golden light and killed the fusion monster at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye.

However, the indestructible dagger in Ronin Shun's hand hit the fusion monster's body hard.

"What a tough armor, completely impenetrable."

Ronin immediately saw the artifact in his hand being swallowed by the skin of the fusion monster. He immediately gave up the dagger in his hand and left the battlefield.

When he turned around, he couldn't help but be filled with doubts.

"Can your physique change freely?"

"What ability is this?"

Ronin Shun discovered that the fusion monster's physique was as indestructible as steel at one moment, and deformed like a slime at the other.

In short, my own methods are of little use to this fusion monster.

However, Ronin Shun was almost certain of one thing, and that was that the fusion monster in front of him had probably reached the level of a high-level Chaos Beast.

Even in the eyes of the Ronin tribe, high-level Chaos Beasts are god-like existences.

This type of chaotic beast can only be sealed by a clan leader-level existence like Qiankun.

In other words, only Qiankun can deal with the fusion monster in front of him.

"Shun, how's it going?"

After Keira saw Shun returning, she immediately stepped forward and asked.

After hearing this for a moment, he frowned deeply.

"I'm afraid this guy has evolved to a high level. With our abilities, it is absolutely impossible."

"Keira, you also know how powerful the high-level Chaos Beasts are. Even if Qiankun comes, they may not be their opponents."

After hearing this, Keira felt extremely anxious.

"Is there no other way?"

Keira frowned deeply, looking at the powerful fusion monster not far away and said.

Ronin Shun shook his head and said.

"It's hard to imagine that human beings can create a high-level chaos beast using human means."

Promotion among Chaos Beasts is quite difficult.

It can be said that it takes hundreds of millions of years for a chaotic beast to evolve to a higher level.

It is almost impossible to artificially upgrade the middle level to a high level.

However, Lyle, the star lord of the Mile tribe, did it.

He used the Ronin's body and soul as the foundation, fused all his powers, and then forcibly released the three-headed sealed beast from Ling Xiao's body.

Ever since, this terrifying high-level chaos beast was born.

"In this case, Keira, you retreat first, and leave this place to me!"

"Leave it to you? Didn't you say it has turned into a high-level Chaos Beast? How can we fight it?"

"Don't worry, even if I can't beat him, I can escape unscathed."

"No matter what, I have to rescue Ling Xiao! I said, from now on, not one of our clan members will be missing."

After Ronin finished speaking, he flew towards the fusion monster for the second time.

This time, Ronin Shun showed no mercy, and the golden light began to shuttle crazily around the fusion monster. Every time he shuttled back and forth, he carried a decisive blow from Ronin Shun.

Every time the knife goes down, it is enough to tear apart the space.

Ronin kept killing the fusion monster, but the fusion monster was too invincible. No matter how Ronin Shun kills him, he can recover as quickly as possible.

Its recovery speed far exceeded Ronin Shun's imagination.

The recovery speed was too fast, and Ronin Shun was helpless.

Although Ronin Shun is fast, his attack ability is not powerful.

There is no problem when used against opponents who are far below him, but when used against opponents who are equal to or stronger than him, then Ronin Shun can be said to have no advantage at all.

So, when dealing with some scum opponents, Ronin Shun is very powerful. It is no problem to kill the entire Mufa Star battleship in seconds.

But he was in a tough battle with the more powerful opponent.

Of course, it is okay for Ronin Shun to leave, but he is unwilling to leave because he must rescue Ling Xiao.

"It's not possible outside, so go inside."

Ronin Shun saw that he couldn't kill the fusion monster, so he killed into the body of the fusion monster.

"Ling Xiao, wait for me to rescue you!"

Ronin Shun killed into the body of the fusion monster without hesitation.

However, he never thought that the world inside the fusion monster was even more dangerous.

The fusion monster is completely a terrifying hell world.

Endless lava is boiling, terrifying fire is burning, explosions can be seen everywhere, and destruction is everywhere.

There is only the breath of death inside, and there is no light of survival.

Ronin Shun is wrapped in countless energies, and these energies are like fists that keep hitting him.

Soon, Ronin Shun felt that his body was about to be unable to bear it, and even began to fall apart.

"Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao!"

Ronin Shun began to call Ling Xiao's name.

However, in this violent world, he could not see anything except destruction.

"Ling Xiao!"

Ronin Shun turned into a golden light and began to shuttle in this world like a flaming mountain.

For a while, only golden light was seen, madly penetrating the entire destruction space.

Finally, Ronin Shun saw a mountain formed entirely by lava!

On the top of the mountain, there was a person trapped in the lava.

The moment Ronin Shun saw the figure, he immediately knew that the other party was Ling Xiao, whom he had been looking for with great difficulty.

"Ling Xiao! Are you okay, Ling Xiao!"

Ronin Shun was about to approach the mountain, when suddenly a series of deadly energy rays shot towards him frantically.

"Puff puff puff!"

Ronin Shun's body was instantly pierced with countless holes!

"I didn't expect you to dare to come here. You are really brave."

At this time, a person suddenly appeared in the air.

It's better to say that it's a monster with a human face than a person.

Ronin Shun looked at it carefully and couldn't help frowning deeply.

The monster that suddenly appeared was the leader of the Mile tribe, Lyle, who merged with Ling Xiao.

"You are looking for death!"

Seeing the face that made Ronin Shun hate him, Ronin Shun killed him without hesitation.

However, Ronin Shun thought that he could easily deal with the opponent this time.

But Lyle seemed to have been reborn, and his strength was far beyond Ronin Shun's imagination.

Before facing Ronin Shun, he could only be beaten.

But now, Ronin Shun couldn't even touch him.

From him, countless fists condensed by lava flew out. If they didn't hit Ronin Shun, they would cause a burst of explosion.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Ronin Shun, who had already been attacked by surprise, was beaten by Lyle again.

Lyle looked at Ronin Shun who had no power to fight back and started laughing crazily.

"Hahahaha, what do you think? Weren't you so arrogant just now? How come you don't even have the ability to defend now?"

"Didn't you want to kill me before? Now I'll give you a chance, come on, kill me!"

While transforming Ling Xiao, Lyle also completely transformed himself.

He has now completely turned into a monster.


Lyle suddenly became furious, and the entire space began to bombard frantically.

Then, the entire space began to squeeze and deform, and Ronin Shun began to be trapped in the space.

"Aren't you very good at running? Aren't you faster than light?"

"I will keep you trapped in it forever, unable to escape!"

After Lyle became a monster, he almost had the strength to completely restrain Ronin Shun.

Ronin Shun's speed, which he was proud of, could not be exerted at all in this space.

In the end, he was completely suppressed by Lyle using this destructive space and could not move.

Finally, Lyle released countless black chains that penetrated Ronin Shun's body.

Then, those black chains began to absorb Ronin Shun's energy from his body.

"Now absorb your energy as well."

Lyle relied on his own ability to turn Ling Xiao into a puppet king who could accommodate everything.

In other words, the current fusion monster can continue to fuse, and it is an endless fusion.

Next, he will fuse Ronin Shun's power.

Ronin Shun also felt that the power in his body was being stripped out bit by bit.

Throughout the process, Ronin Shun was in endless pain.

He didn't expect that he would fall into the hands of such an unknown person after a lifetime of wisdom.

Seeing his consciousness getting weaker and weaker, Ronin Shun did not have the slightest power to resist.

In this space, Lyle is the absolute overlord and the god of this space.

Ronin Shun was too reckless after all. He thought that his strength could come and go freely.

But he didn't expect that it was easy to enter this space of destruction, but it was not so easy to get out.


On the Purple Extreme Battleship, Kayla, who was retreating, suddenly felt the faint breath of Ronin Shun.

Her heart couldn't help but skip a beat.

On the Blue Water Star not far away, the mermaid tribe leader Yu Ji was also looking forward to the return of Ronin Shun.

However, Ronin Shun was now trapped in the body of the fusion monster, and his own power was still being absorbed crazily.

So, no one knew whether Ronin Shun could come back alive.

"Ling Xiao, Shun! What should I do?"

Kayla felt that the lives of Ling Xiao and Ronin Shun were disappearing quickly.

She knelt on the ground helplessly.

Now Kayla had no idea what to do.

She wanted to follow Ronin Shun to rescue Ling Xiao, even if she died, the people of their tribe would die together.

However, Kayla did not forget the children of her tribe.

If she died, what would happen to the children?

So, in the end, Kayla did not follow Ronin Shun and rush into the body of the fusion monster without hesitation.

Because she still has a more important mission to complete.

However, Ling Xiao and Shun are now on the verge of death.

She can only watch helplessly and cannot take any action.

This is undoubtedly a torture for Kaila.

"What should I do? What should I do?"

Kaila looked at the fusion monster in the void in despair.

"If only Qiankun was here!"

"Qiankun, Qiankun! Where are you, Qiankun!"

Kaila used her soul to make a deafening sound.

For a moment, the unique soul fluctuations of the Ronin began to spread around.


At this moment, outside the void not far from this battlefield.

Qiankun and Li Mei are rushing towards the direction where Kaila and the others are.

"It's getting weaker! Is there something wrong?"

Li Mei sensed the life breath of Ronin Shun.

She had left a soul mark on Ronin Shun before, so she could keep an eye on Ronin Shun's situation at any time.

But just now, Li Mei felt that Ronin Shun's vitality began to disappear rapidly.

She told Qiankun about the situation immediately.

Qiankun was extremely anxious after hearing this.

Because Ronin Shun was his only brother, even if Ronin Shun hated him to the core, in Qiankun's heart, Ronin Shun was still his best brother.

So, knowing that his best brother's life was at stake, Qiankun went to the direction of Ronin Shun at all costs.

"It's too late, I'll open the space channel!"

Li Mei knew that Qiankun was extremely anxious now.

She was also willing to help Qiankun with all her strength.

So Li Mei used the soul mark she left on Ronin Shun, and then opened up a space channel closest to Ronin Shun's position.

Soon, the space channel opened. Then Qiankun took Li Mei and rushed in without hesitation.

When Qiankun and the others walked out of the space channel, they happened to see a familiar warship.

"Purple Extreme Battleship?"

Qiankun's eyes were startled, and the warship that appeared in front of him was the Purple Extreme Battleship of their Ronin Clan!

What made Qiankun most unbelievable was that he saw a familiar figure kneeling on the deck of his warship.

And the other party also saw Qiankun at the first time.

"Qiankun? Am I dreaming? Qiankun, is it really you?"

Kaira looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of her, and her tears gushed out like a spring.


"It's me, I'm back."


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