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Chapter 1317 The Jealous Heaven Arrives [Subscribe]

The arrival of Mo ChiChi means that Li Mei can no longer follow Qian Kun.

After all, if Li Mei continues to follow Qian Kun, then facing the pursuit of Tiandao killers will only bring danger to them.

Li Mei naturally did not want to bring a greater crisis to the already scarred Ronin tribe because of her own reasons.

In fact, Li Mei was to blame for the Ronin clan's first crisis.

If it hadn't been for Li Mei contacting Tyranny and the others, the Ronin clan wouldn't have been wiped out.

Therefore, Li Mei has been with Qiankun during this period, which can actually be regarded as a kind of self-salvation.

It is impossible for Li Mei to continue to follow Qiankun.

Next, she would just wait for Ling Xiao and Ronin Shun to be rescued, and then follow Mo Chichi and the others away.

Knowing that Li Mei was leaving, Qiankun didn't say much.

Although I felt a little bit reluctant to give up, I still didn’t say it out in the end.

Finally, two days later, with the help of Mo ChiChi, Li Mei successfully restored the souls of Ronin Shun and Ling Xiao.

After the two souls recovered, they woke up.

Then after learning that Li Mei saved them, they were deeply surprised.

Although Li Mei was from their hostile camp, his life-saving grace was genuine.

Therefore, Ling Xiao and Ronin Shun were still grateful to Li Mei.

"Thank you very much!"

The words of thanks were of course spoken by Qiankun himself.

After hearing this, Li Mei smiled sweetly, because this was the first time Qiankun expressed his gratitude to her.

"This is what I should do. Now that they have recovered, they probably no longer need me."

"I think it's time for me to leave."

Li Mei finally decided to say goodbye to Qian Kun.

Qiankun also knew that Li Mei had to leave, so he no longer tried to persuade her to stay, but patted Li Mei on the shoulder and said.

"If you need anything, just ask me."

"If I can help, I won't refuse."

Qiankun said looking at Li Mei in front of him.

After hearing this, Li Mei nodded and said.

"I'll come find you, see you later."

After Li Mei finished speaking, she stopped talking nonsense and followed Mo ChiChi and the others, preparing to leave.

However, just as they were about to leave, the entire void suddenly trembled.

Buzz buzz buzz!

Immediately afterwards, a strong spatial tremor began to cover the entire void.

Then, I saw that the space in front of me began to tear apart for no reason.

That's right, space is like the devil's big mouth, tearing open a huge hole.

It was as if a pair of terrifying hands were tearing open the sky.

The moment he appeared, it seemed as if the whole world was extinguished.

Everyone present felt great terror.

Even existences at the level of Li Mei and Mo Chichi felt the approaching crisis.


Mo Chichi looked at the mysterious phantom that suddenly appeared in the void, and couldn't help but feel a slight tremor in his heart.

Because what she feared most finally happened.

Mo Chichi naturally knew who it was because she had fought with him before and she was very familiar with his aura.

The person who came was none other than the Heavenly Dao killer, Jealousy Zhitian, who was feared by all their Heavenly Dao incarnations.

The Heaven of Jealousy is here, with unprecedented murderous intent.

The first time Mo Chichi saw the other person, she couldn't help but frown deeply.

"Sure enough, in addition to Wang Ce, Xu Kuang was also killed by him."

In addition to sensing the power of Jealousy Sky, Mo Chichi sensed the sudden opening of the Void Gate.

He also sensed the power of Wang Ce and Xu Kuang.

This jealous sky can absorb the power of other incarnations of heaven. It can be said that there is nothing more terrifying than this.

Every time he defeats an opponent, he can absorb all the opponent's abilities.

In this way, Jealousy will only become stronger and stronger, until in the end, no one will be able to defeat this guy.

Jealousy Zhitian relies on his ability to absorb the power of other incarnations of heaven, so he is so unscrupulous.

Today's Jealousy Heaven is equivalent to having the power of three incarnations of heaven.

In other words, with his ability, he can now defeat one against three, or even surpass three.

Therefore, when he appeared in this void, weak people would only feel that their souls were about to be crushed.

"What a powerful soul pressure, even more powerful than that guy from Tyranny."

Qiankun now has a strength that is comparable to the incarnation of Heavenly Dao.

But when he sensed the jealous sky that was about to come out, his whole soul felt like it was about to be torn apart.

Li Mei on the side shouted in disbelief.

"Chichi, is this the Heavenly Killer you call?"

"Jealous Sky who specializes in hunting down our incarnation of Heavenly Dao?"

"This is too powerful."

Li Mei had not paid much attention to this jealousy day. After all, she had never fought against jealousy day personally, so she thought that Mo Chichi might be exaggerating too much.

But now, when the true form of Jealousy Zhitian appeared in front of her, she felt a sense of fear towards this heavenly killer.

"The killer of Heaven, the Heaven of Jealousy!"

"The embodiment of God's jealousy?"

Li Mei couldn't help but become nervous. It was obvious that a life and death battle was about to break out.

And at this moment, the legendary Jealous Sky finally appeared in the void.

He was wearing a completely black armor, and his whole body was wrapped under the armor, even his head was hidden in an obsidian helmet.

It can be said that the whole person was fully armed, and people could not see his true appearance at all.

However, the appearance was not the key, the key was the powerful strength displayed by this jealous sky.

When he appeared, the entire void showed signs of collapse.

With such a powerful energy, even the strongest hegemony of the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao would probably not be his opponent.

This is not because he is too arrogant, but because the jealous sky is really too strong.

After all, it is an existence that has merged the power of two incarnations of the Heavenly Dao.

It can be said that the current jealous sky has firmly grasped the entire situation in his own hands.

"Mo Chichi, we meet again."

When Mo Chichi looked at the jealous sky who met for the second time, the jealous sky naturally saw her.

For the jealous sky, Mo Chichi was able to recover, which was beyond his expectation.

You know, all lives cut by his zeroing knife, no matter who they are, will gradually die.

The so-called zeroing knife is to reset everything to zero and restart everything.

This is also the reason why Jealousy Heaven dares to fight Mo Chichi alone.

If it weren't for the fact that his zeroing knife has the ability to turn any wound into a death wound, Jealousy Heaven would not be able to beat Mo Chichi, let alone Xu Kuang.

Jealousy Heaven relies on the zeroing knife to severely injure Mo Chichi and absorb Mo Chichi's power.

The zeroing ability of the zeroing knife is the power of the Daluo Tiandao law.

In other words, people injured by the zeroing knife will definitely die.

However, now Mo Chichi not only did not die, but also recovered to his peak state.

It can be said that Jealousy Heaven came to find Mo Chichi this time, part of the reason is to investigate this matter.

He wanted to see what power Mo Chichi used to escape the zeroing disaster.

After seeing the visitor in front of him, the moon knife in his hand slowly emerged unconsciously.

Obviously, after the last battle, Mo Chichi did not dare to take it lightly.

So this time, when facing Jealousy Heaven, Mo Chichi seemed very calm.

At the same time, he also became very careful.

"As the clone of Daluo Heavenly Dao, you want to dominate all the Heavenly Dao power."

"You are really dangerous."

"So, don't leave this time."

Mo Chichi did not expect Jealousy Heaven to come so quickly.

But it's good that she doesn't have to look for him again.

Originally, Mo Chichi planned to summon Li Mei and Chaos, then go to find Jealousy Heaven, and then destroy him to avoid worries.

Now that Jealousy Heaven has come, this battle is probably inevitable.

Jealousy Heaven couldn't help laughing after hearing what Mo Chichi said.

"What, are the prey planning to band together?"

"Want to kill me? You are too whimsical."

"Prey is prey after all. In front of the hunter, all you have to do is run away and escape. Then in despair, I will kill you one by one."

"But since you plan to play like this, I can play with you."

After Jealousy Tian finished speaking, suddenly a bunch of flying knives flew out from his body.

Each flying knife is a zeroing knife.

In other words, each flying knife has enough power to destroy an incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

After the power is used to the extreme, earth-shattering destructive power is no longer needed.

Often the simplest moves can determine the situation and turn the tide.

In front of him, Jealousy Tian obviously intends to fight against Mo Chichi, Li Mei, and Hun Dun, the three incarnations of the Heavenly Dao, alone.

After seeing this scene, Li Mei said to Qian Kun on the side.

"Qiankun, you go first and take your people away quickly!"

"The next battle may destroy half of the Eternal Star Domain."

"Your people need you, take them and run away!"

Seeing the battle was about to break out, Li Mei immediately persuaded Qiankun to take his people away.

Indeed, the next battle will be at the level of destroying the world, and everything within hundreds of light years may be destroyed.

It's still not too late to run away now.

Qiankun also understands the importance of things, although he really wants to stay and help Li Mei and others.

But now, his own people are more important.

Qiankun has lost his people once, and he can't lose them a second time.

Therefore, Qiankun decisively listened to Li Mei's words, immediately summoned Kaila Lingxiao and Ronin Shun, and then took the Ronin children to Blue Water Star.

Before leaving, Kaila looked at Long Zhan, the patriarch of the Dragon Clan.

She was moved with compassion and hoped that Yu Ji, as the star master, could accept the Dragon Clan.

After all, the Dragon People had helped them, and they couldn't just watch the Dragon People being destroyed in this war.

The Dragon Yuan Star of the Dragon People couldn't wander in the void like the Blue Water Star, so if they wanted to escape, they could only let the Dragon People move with them.

Yu Ji wasn't a selfish person either. She could become the Star Lord, so she naturally had excellent qualities.

Now that the catastrophe was coming, she was willing to accept all the races that sought refuge.

So, Yu Ji finally agreed to Kaila's proposal, and she agreed to let the Dragon People's tribe enter their Blue Water Star.

So in the end, all the life in this starry sky was transferred to Blue Water Star.

The Seven Stars Array of Blue Water Star started the space travel, ready to take all the life on the entire Blue Water Star and evacuate this void.

Before leaving, Qiankun looked at Li Mei and said.

"After I send my tribesmen to a safe place, I will rush back to help you."

Qiankun was obviously still worried about Li Mei and the others.

Li Mei smiled and nodded after hearing this.

"Okay, but you must protect your tribesmen first."

"Take them away quickly, the farther the better!"

After Qiankun finished speaking, he started the starry sky travel of the Seven Stars Array of Blue Water Star.

The next second, they jumped directly to dozens of light years away.

However, it was at this time that they looked back at the starry sky behind them.

They saw endless explosions in the originally dark starry sky behind them.

The brilliant light illuminated the entire chaos.

Everyone was shocked by the terrifying scene.

"Not far enough, prepare for the second stage of crossing."

Qiankun knew that this battle was at the level of destroying the world.

They needed to run as far as possible.


On this side, the battle has begun.

Jealousy Heaven fought one against three, and the three opponents were all incarnations of the Heavenly Dao.

But even so, he still did not lose the upper hand, and he was at ease.

Mo Chichi, Hun Dun and Li Mei cooperated with each other and constantly took the initiative.

Unexpectedly, the cooperation between the three of them was perfect.

Hun Dun's time suspension can be used as the most powerful control method to assist Mo Chichi and Li Mei.

Li Mei used her powerful offensive means to constantly suppress Jealousy Heaven.

As for Mo Chichi, he is an opportunist.

As long as there is a suitable opportunity, Mo Chichi will definitely take action decisively and then give Jealousy Heaven a heavy blow.

The three of them cooperated with each other and began to fight with Jealous Heaven, shaking the earth and the sun and the moon.

Jealous Heaven saw that he was constantly being counterbalanced by the other party, and even his Zero Blade was punished by Mo Chichi.

"Get carried away! Yi Tian Pen!"

Suddenly, Jealous Heaven shouted angrily.

Then, only a divine light flew out from his palm.

The next second, a bronze dragon pen appeared in his hand.

"Yi Tian Pen? How can this guy have Wang Ce's Yi Tian Pen?"

A burst of exclamations shocked Li Mei.

Yi Tian Pen is the Heavenly Dao artifact of Yi Zhi Tian Wang Ce, which has the ability to change the rules.

Although Wang Ce is not the most powerful incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, Yi Tian Pen is one of the best Heavenly Dao artifacts.

Its most powerful place is that as long as it can rewrite the rules of other artifacts.

Although it cannot be changed completely and there is a time limit, it can cause a great impact.

Of course, the premise is to know what the rules of the other party's body are, so that the Yi Tian Pen can be used to tamper with it.

After several battles, Jealousy Heaven had a good grasp of Mo Chichi's abilities.

So when he took out the Yitian Pen, he immediately attacked the Moon Blade in Mo Chichi's hand.

"Chichi, be careful, don't let his pen touch your Moon Blade."

Li Mei obviously knew more about the Yitian Pen than Mo Chichi.

After all, she had fought against Yizhi Tianwang Ce before, so she knew very well how disgusting the Yitian Pen was.

However, it was too late to remind Mo Chichi now.

Because Jealousy Heaven's speed was so fast, he almost touched Mo Chichi's Moon Blade with the Yitian Pen in his hand at the first moment.

The next second, the Yitian Pen pulled out a soul-like light from the Moon Blade.

Then, Jealousy Heaven picked up the Yitian Pen and shouted.

"In my name, Yitian changes fate!"

I don't know what Jealousy Heaven did to the Moon Blade with the Yitian Pen.

The next second, the Moon Blade in Mo Chichi's hand suddenly came over to hurt Mo Chichi.

The battlefield, which was changing rapidly, changed again.

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