Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1319 Escape [Subscribe]

Inside the Raging Soul Tower, Zhuo Bufan and Hun Chaos were trapped at the same time.

Zhuo Bufan, who was already bored, finally found someone to chat with.

Today is different from the past. Today's Zhuo Bufan is probably not something that Hun Chaos alone can defeat.

Ever since Zhuo Bufan obtained the power of chaos, his strength has been elevated to the level of the incarnation of heaven.

Even stronger than the ordinary incarnation of heaven. And you must know that the Zhuo Bufan in front of you is just the second clone of Zhuo Bufan's true body.

Zhuo Bufan's first clone has mastered the existence of the Devouring Law.

It can be said that if the two Zhuo Bufan merge, then Zhuo Bufan will probably have no rival in this void.

At that time, whoever dares to stand in front of him will only die.

Of course, the top priority is that Zhuo Bufan must find a way to leave this ghost place.

This Raging Soul Tower was more difficult to deal with than he thought.

Now that Greedy Heaven has entered, perhaps Zhuo Bufan can use him to find a way to leave.

Greedy Heaven Hunchuan, under the threat of Zhuo Bufan, had no choice but to tell the situation outside.

"Now that the Tiandao Killer has absorbed the power of Wang Ce and Xu Kuang, his combat power is equivalent to the strength of three Tiandao clones."

"Chichi, sister Limei and the others are fighting hard with them."

"I have to go out and help them quickly."

Chaos said.

Zhuo Bufan was surprised after hearing this.

"Is Mo Chichi here too?"

"Just in time, I need her help."

Zhuo Bufan has been searching hard for Mo ChiChi, because only Mo ChiChi can reunite Zhuo Bufan's two clones.

But right now, he is trapped in the Raging Soul Tower and cannot get out.

"What the hell is this Raging Soul Tower? Is there no way to break it?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, Hun Chao replied.

"It's not that there is no way to crack it, because no matter what kind of heavenly artifact it is, it has its own rules."

"As long as you break its rules, you will naturally be able to crack the artifact."

In order to escape, Huan Chaos must cooperate with Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said.

"It seems we have to cooperate."

"Then what are the rules of this tower?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, Hun Chao replied.

"The Angry Soul Tower of Angry Sky can trap other people's souls in it and create an identical mirror image of the angry soul."

"This angry soul mirror possesses the target's peak strength."

"Only by defeating the angry soul mirror can we escape."

"This is the absolute rule of the Raging Soul Tower."

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he looked at the motionless mirror image in front of him.

He has fought tens of thousands of rounds with the mirror image in the Raging Soul Tower.

Zhuo Bufan had long discovered that this mirror image was his strongest state. I will continue to be exhausted and weak in the battle, but the mirror image in front of me will always remain at its peak.

This is also the reason why Zhuo Bufan is completely unable to defeat the mirror image in front of him.

Fortunately, if he doesn't move, neither will the mirror.

Otherwise, Zhuo Bufan really wouldn't be able to defeat the mirror image in front of him.

After listening to Hun Chaos description, Zhuo Bufan began to think.

"Only by defeating the Raging Soul Mirror can we leave this tower."

"Why, I have an idea."

After Zhuo Bufan thought for a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Hun Chao looked at Zhuo Bufan with a confused look on his face and said.

"What's your idea?"

"Didn't you say that as long as you defeat the mirror image, you can escape?"

"I'll help you defeat your angry soul mirror image."

After hearing this, Hun Chao was stunned.

"you help me?"

"Yes, since the rules don't say you can't help, it means Ten can help."

"I'll help you defeat your mirror image, but after you escape, you must rescue me."

"This is a deal, understand?"

Zhuo Bufan chose to help Chaos defeat his mirror image.

The reason why they did not choose to join forces to defeat their own mirrors was because their own mirrors were too strong.

"Is this possible?"

Hun Chao looked at Zhuo Bufan with a strange look on his face.

He was not very optimistic about Zhuo Bufan's proposal.

Zhuo Bufan said after hearing this.

"Do you have any other choice?"

"Didn't you just say that Mo Chichi and the others are going through a tough battle right now."

"If you don't go out and help them, they may really not be able to fight."

Zhuo Bufan's words made Hun Chao's eyes narrow.

"You're right, sister Chichi and the others need me."

"I have to escape before talking."

"What do you need me to do?"

Hun Chao looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Now she naturally puts her goals and hopes on Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"It's easy, you just need to drag out my mirror image."

"Because once I take action, my clone will naturally take action as well."

"The key now is whether you can resist the attack of my mirror image."

"I hope I kill your mirror image before my mirror image kills you."

Zhuo Bufan's purpose is very clear, that is to help Chaos kill his mirror image.

But in this way, Chaos must face his own mirror image.

So, now it depends on whether Zhuo Bufan kills the mirror image of Chaos first, or whether Zhuo Bufan's mirror image kills Chaos first.

"Are you ready? I'm going to do it."

"Don't worry, I will kill your mirror as quickly as possible."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he made a fighting stance.

Around him, streaks of gray energy began to condense.

That gray energy is the energy of chaos.


"When I take action, my mirror image will also take action."

"You block my mirror image as soon as possible, and I will be responsible for killing your mirror image instantly."

Zhuo Bufan's words were a bit awkward, but the meaning was very clear, that is, use his own ability to kill the mirror image of Chaos instantly.

The moment Zhuo Bufan took action, his mirror image also took action.

Zhuo Bufan's mirror image killed him at the same speed.

But at the same time, Chaos stood in front of Zhuo Bufan's mirror image.

The speed of both sides was very fast, almost as fast as lightning.

Zhuo Bufan took the first step and killed Hun Chaos' mirror image before his own image almost killed Hun Chaos.

The energy of chaos cannot be distorted by the power of time. Once it touches the depths of someone else's soul, it will completely obliterate their soul.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan himself is faster.

He took the lead and instantly killed the mirror image of Chaos.


The mirror image of Chaos instantly disappeared and shattered. At the same time, Chaos himself suddenly disappeared into the Raging Soul Tower.

"Hey, don't forget to get me out."

Zhuo Bufan watched the chaos disappear and shouted loudly towards him.

But when he came back to his senses, he found that Chaos had disappeared into the Raging Soul Tower.

At the same time, outside the void.

Originally, jealousy suppressed Mo Chichi and Li Mei with one against two.

It can be said that he is basically a sure winner now.

However, just when Jealousy was about to end Mo Chichi and Li Mei.

Suddenly a ray of light flashed past, and then the surrounding time began to slow down, then stop, and finally flow backwards.

"Time has started to flow backwards?"

Jealousy soon discovered that time began to flow backwards around him.

"How is it possible? Could it be?"

Jealousy Zhitian reacted quickly, and then he only saw a huge pig-shaped creature slowly emerging from the void.

The moment Jealousy saw the other party, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"How is that possible? How did you escape from the Raging Soul Tower?"

Jealousy was shocked because he really didn't expect anyone to escape from the Raging Soul Tower.

You must know that this Raging Soul Tower is the most powerful sealing artifact.

With the power of Chaos, it is absolutely impossible to escape from the Raging Soul Tower.

But the facts were right in front of him, and he couldn't tolerate disbelief.

Mo Chichi and the others were naturally extremely surprised after seeing the returning Hun Chaos.

"Brother, you are back!"

Mo Chichi also didn't expect that Hun Chaos would be able to return from the Soul Tower.

After all, she had been sealed by the Raging Soul Tower. If Xu Kuang hadn't taken the initiative to release her, Mo Chichi would never have been able to come out of it.

After Hun Chaos escaped, he immediately explained to Mo Chi Chi and the others.

"Chichi, it's my natural enemy, it's my natural enemy Zhuo Bufan who saved me!"

Chaos said quickly.

When Mo Chichi heard this, he was stunned.

"Natural enemy, you mean that Zhuo Bufan is also in the Raging Soul Tower?"

Chaos nodded.

"Yes, he was also captured into the Raging Soul Tower. I met him inside, and he helped me leave the Raging Soul Tower."

"What about others?"

Mo ChiChi asked quickly.

After hearing this, Hun Chao shook his head.

"He's still inside, sister Chichi. He asked me to tell you that he is looking for you."

"He wants you to help him!"

After Mo Chichi heard this, he frowned deeply.

Originally, in her heart, she had decided to slowly forget Zhuo Bufan.

However, there are some things that cannot be forgotten, and some people cannot be forgotten.

When Mo Chichi heard Zhuo Bufan's name, she still thought of that man unconsciously.

Now, when Mo Chichi heard that Zhuo Bufan was in the Raging Soul Tower, she couldn't remain calm.

"Why did you arrest him?"

Mo Chichi asked the jealous man in front of him.

After hearing this, Jealousy Zhitian snorted coldly.

"Since you incompetent people can't catch him, then I will take action myself."

"If you can't even kill a mere natural enemy, what's the point of keeping you?"

As soon as Jealousy Zhitian finished speaking, countless zeroing knives flew out from around him again.

When the Gui Ling Knife flew toward Mo Chi Chi and the others, Hun Chao on the side immediately used time to turn back the time and returned all the Gui Ling Knife to Jealousy.

At the same time, Mo Chichi found a perfect opportunity and made a sneak attack towards Jealousy.

Chaos tried his best to use the ability to stop time, completely stopping Jealousy in the void and unable to move.

He wanted to help Mo Chichi complete this blow that turned the tide of the battle.


There was only a crisp sound, and the next second the Raging Soul Tower in Jealousy's hand collided with the separation knife in Mo Chichi's hand.

For a moment, there was a surging energy that was on the verge of going berserk.

The jealous man could only watch helplessly as the separation knife in Mo Chichi's hand cut off his own Raging Soul Tower, and then cut off his own body.

call out!

A linear ray of light flashed across Jealousy's body.

The next second, Jealousy was once again split into two by Mo Chichi's separation knife, and cut into two halves.

"Mo Chichi, it's you again, it's you again."

Jealous Sky was split into two for the second time by Mo Chichi's separation knife.

At the same time, the Wrath Soul Tower and the separation knife, the two great artifacts of the Heavenly Dao, were also destroyed in an instant.

The two halves of Jealous Sky's body slowly disappeared in the air.

"Mo Chichi, I remember you, I will definitely kill you, definitely!"

"Just wait for me, I will come back."

Jealous Sky yelled, and then his two halves of the body began to disappear into the void.

Mo Chichi's separation knife can split anything into two and then exile it.

Jealous Sky was obviously going to be sent to an unknown place by Mo Chichi's knife.

However, Mo Chichi's separation knife would not have much effect on Jealous Sky.

Not to mention killing him.

Sending him away was just a stopgap measure for Mo Chichi.

Because at this moment, Mo Chichi just wanted to save Zhuo Bufan.


At this time, in the Wrath Soul Tower, Zhuo Bufan only felt a violent explosion.

The next moment, he saw a ray of light suddenly appear in the sky.

"It's open!"

Zhuo Bufan seized the opportunity and flew out of the Angry Soul Tower.

When he appeared in the void again, he saw Mo Chichi in front of him at first sight.

"It seems that you saved me again, thank you."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Mo Chichi and smiled.

Mo Chichi frowned deeply when he saw this.

"I thought we would never see each other again!"

Zhuo Bufan smiled helplessly after hearing this.

"I have something important to do with you, so I followed you all the way."

"It's just that I met such a killer of the Heavenly Dao halfway and fell into his trap."

Zhuo Bufan wanted to explain to Mo Chichi.

And at this moment, the empty space suddenly began to tremble.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz!

Then, the surrounding space began to destroy, as if the sky was collapsing and the earth was cracking.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, couldn't help but brighten his eyes.

"No, you found me so quickly?"

Zhuo Bufan obviously knew what happened.

But Mo Chichi and Li Mei and the others were all confused.

"What happened?"

"Did he come back to kill me again?"

Mo Chichi and the others thought that Jealousy had made a comeback.

But Zhuo Bufan saw this and didn't have time to explain to Mo Chichi and the others.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly rushed to Mo Chichi and grabbed her hand.

"Sorry, I need you to go with me."

"I don't have time to explain to you. If you don't leave now, you won't be able to leave."

Zhuo Bufan watched the sky and the earth around him begin to fall apart.

He grabbed Mo Chichi with one hand and grabbed the void in front of him with the other hand.

Then he pulled hard, and the gray chaotic energy turned into a huge gray arm, and then directly tore a hole in the void in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan took Mo Chichi's hand and went into the torn space.

Li Mei and Hun Dun on the other side didn't react at all.

When they came to their senses, they found that Zhuo Bufan and Mo Chichi had disappeared in front of them.

At the same time, the terrifying scene of the sky collapsing and the earth splitting around them also disappeared instantly.

It was as if nothing had happened.

However, in the distance, a terrible voice seemed to echo.

That voice was somewhat familiar to Li Mei and Hun Dun.

It was the sound of the sky wailing and roaring.

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