Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1321 The World of Divine Sea [Subscribe please]

Zhuo Bufan, who returned from the tree world, completed his life cycle as a tree and passed the first test of the Reincarnation Tower.

The life of a tree may seem dull, but in fact, it is competing with the sky every minute.

Especially in the later stages, you have to survive under endless calamities.

Constantly wandering between life and death.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan's life as a tree is already legendary.

After successfully completing the test in the first world of reincarnation, Zhuo Bufan quickly accepted the test from the second world before he had time to rejoice.


As soon as he arrived in the second world, Zhuo Bufan found that everything he could see was water.

Then, in front of his eyes, a small fish swam leisurely.


Zhuo Bufan was slightly startled.

The fish also spat a bubble at him.

"No, is it possible for me?"

Zhuo Bufan seemed to have thought of something. He suddenly looked at his body and saw the tail of a fish.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but smile bitterly when he saw this scene.

He didn't expect that in his second reincarnation, he would turn into a fish.

And just like the previous tree world, in the fish world, Zhuo Bufan was indeed at the bottom of the food chain.

What he turned into was a little red fish.

It has no effect except to look pretty.

It looks like a very weak fish.

And the most important thing is that this time Zhuo Bufan no longer has his own refuge.

Unlike the Tree World, Zhuo Bufan in the Tree World always only stands in that area. His mission is just to keep growing upward.

Moreover, it has no natural enemies and can grow without any worries.

But in the fish world, Zhuo Bufan's range of activities is the entire ocean.

There are dangers lurking everywhere here, and there are natural enemies everywhere. If you are not careful, you may be swallowed by other fish.

But Zhuo Bufan had no choice. Since this was a trial in the Tower of Reincarnation, Zhuo Bufan would go all out to complete the test.

Therefore, even if he is a fish, Zhuo Bufan will work hard to survive until the end.

At first, the small fish transformed by Zhuo Bufan could only eat some seaweed and microorganisms on the seabed.

In order to survive, he had to grow obscenely.

After all, he is at the bottom of the entire ocean food chain and can be preyed upon by any predator.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan should keep a low profile as much as possible at this time.

However, his strength does not allow him to keep a low profile.

After all, eating microorganisms all the time is not a long-term solution. In order to grow up as quickly as possible, he must eat more and more powerful creatures to obtain enough energy to evolve.

Although Zhuo Bufan turned into a fish, he still has human IQ.

He found a whirlpool trap and lured all the fish that were stronger than him into the trap.

For a time, he used this method to kill a lot of fish.

Zhuo Bufan then devoured the carcasses of these fish and quickly evolved for the first time.

After his first evolution, Zhuo Bufan finally grew the sharp teeth of a predator.

After that, Zhuo Bufan started his crazy evolution on this seabed.

From shrimp to small fish, from small fish to big fish, from big fish to predator, from predator to overlord of the deep sea.

The extraordinary road of evolution is crazy and smooth all the way.

I thought that in this world, Zhuo Bufan's journey of trial would become more difficult.

However, it turns out that the wild Zhuo Bufan is the real Zhuo Bufan.

Without restraints, the entire sea becomes his hunting ground.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan became the dominant being in the deep sea.

Zhuo Bufan, who had reached this level, also learned about other overlord-level existences in the ocean world.

It turns out that there are four super ocean overlords in the ocean world where Zhuo Bufan is located.

They rule the world and control everything in this world.

Zhuo Bufan's current evolution and enthronement are still one level away from their four super overlords.

However, because Zhuo Bufan continued to devour evolution, he has now attracted the attention of the four major ocean overlords.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan also learned that the world's four major ocean overlords are still not the top existences.

Being at the top of the food chain, it is called a divine dragon.

The dragon is the final form that all creatures in this world can evolve into.

The four ocean overlords are only one step away from the dragon.

"It seems that my reincarnation mission this time is to evolve to the peak of the divine dragon!"

After Zhuo Bufan understood the world, he also understood his final trial.

Becoming a dragon is not easy.

Because there has not been a dragon in this world for a long time.

So much so that Shenlong has almost become a legend now.

The method of becoming a divine dragon has also been lost.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan needs to rely on his own strength to evolve into a divine dragon.

Now Zhuo Bufan has evolved into a huge fish.

Zhuo Bufan's law of evolution is very simple, that is, keep eating.

As long as it is edible, he will eat it.

As long as it is food eaten by him, it will be converted into his energy.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan is pursuing continuous evolution with the attitude of a foodie.

He will eat everything in sight.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan has now become a public enemy in the ocean.

Now he has attracted the attention of the four deep-sea overlords. Next, the deep-sea overlords may take some actions against him.

In fact, the four deep-sea overlords have gathered together to discuss countermeasures against Zhuo Bufan.

This is not good news for Zhuo Bufan.

The four overlords of the deep sea world are the North Sea Overlord Dragon Blood Shark Crocodile, a dragon blood giant crocodile that can bite through mountains and rivers with one bite.

The South Sea Overlord Qingtian Dragon Turtle, whose four legs can support the existence of heaven and earth.

The East Sea Overlord Fantian Demon Jiao, a dragon-like Jiao that can stir up wind and waves and stir up the wind and clouds of heaven and earth.

And the West Sea Overlord Tuntian Demon Kun, an invincible giant Kun that swallows the world.

The four seas overlords control the four seas in the world.

Now, they have gathered together and began to discuss the big fish Zhuo Bufan who has recently stirred up the wind and clouds of the Central Sea.

The North Sea Overlord Dragon Blood Shark Crocodile shouted with a heavy voice.

"Recently, there are rumors that a big fish appeared in Zhonghai, which eats everything. In just a few months, it has evolved into a dragon blood physique and has the phenomenon of returning to the dragon."

"This is a tough guy, we have to be on guard."

The dragon blood shark crocodile learned from his subordinates about Zhuo Bufan, who has been making trouble in Zhonghai recently.

In this world, everything in the world can evolve.

And the ultimate level of evolution is to become a dragon god.

When it evolves to a form with the breath of a dragon, it has the blood of the dragon, which is called the phenomenon of returning to the dragon.

Once it has the phenomenon of returning to the dragon, it is already considered a deep-sea overlord.

In the entire Shenlong Sea, there are not many creatures that reach this level.

But there are not only these four, but because Zhuo Bufan's level is promoted too quickly, it will attract the attention of the four overlords.

The South China Sea overlord Qingtian Dragon Turtle, it is said that it can stand on its four feet. It is the longest-lived among the four super overlords.

"It seems that if we don't find a way to solve it, the big fish in the middle sea will soon become the new super overlord."

"This sea should not allow the existence comparable to us to appear again."

"Otherwise, our status as the overlord of the four seas will be severely damaged."

"I propose to destroy it immediately and consolidate our status as the overlord of the four seas."

This time, it was the East Sea Demon Jiao who spoke. He advocated killing the big fish in the middle sea, that is, Zhuo Bufan.

This proposal was also agreed by the West Sea Demon Kun.

"This guy once pretended to be me in my West Sea and swallowed and killed countless people in my West Sea."

"Such a guy must not be tolerated."

"So without further ado, I propose to encircle and suppress this big fish as soon as possible."

The four deep-sea overlords quickly reached an agreement and decided to jointly encircle and suppress Zhuo Bufan.

For a time, Zhuo Bufan became the target of public criticism in this sea.

All the creatures in the entire Shenlong Sea became the eyes of the four overlords.


In recent days, Zhuo Bufan inexplicably found himself being attacked by some desperate small fish and shrimps.

Of course, these small fish and shrimps eventually became his food.

However, these abnormal actions also made Zhuo Bufan realize that he might be noticed by the four overlords.

Zhuo Bufan was not afraid of this at all.

There was nothing to be afraid of from the four overlords.

On the contrary, for Zhuo Bufan, this was an opportunity, an opportunity to grow quickly.

Because from the beginning to the end, Zhuo Bufan did not take the so-called four overlords seriously at all.

He had only one goal, that is, to become a dragon god.

Since only by continuous evolution can one become a dragon god, then Zhuo Bufan will devour all the four deep-sea overlords.

Use them as nutrients for his own evolution.

It has to be said that Zhuo Bufan is really a ruthless person.

Without waiting for the four overlords to find him, Zhuo Bufan actually took the initiative to find the deep-sea overlord.

The first deep-sea overlord he found was the Fantian Demon Jiao in the East China Sea.

Because he had been looking for food in the East China Sea recently.

In order to lure out the East China Sea Demon Cult, he went on a killing spree in the East China Sea and devoured countless East China Sea Demon Flood Dragons.

After hearing the news, the East China Sea Demon Flood Dragon was furious and immediately led millions of sea creatures to hunt down Zhuo Bufan.

The Fantian Demon Flood Dragon had a body that was thousands of miles long and had an amazing body shape, which made people shudder.

In a rage, it could stir up endless waves in the East China Sea.

"Where did this little beast come from? How dare you turn the world upside down in my East China Sea?"

The Fantian Demon Flood Dragon led millions of sea creatures to besiege the big fish that Zhuo Bufan incarnated.

It was a huge red fish. Although its size was not as big as the Fantian Demon Flood Dragon, it was also amazingly large.

The scales on its body exuded a faint golden light, which was a sign of dragon scales.

Having such scales basically means having the power of a dragon.

But the power of the Fantian Demon Flood Dragon's dragon was obviously stronger, and the dragon scales on its body almost completely showed a golden luster.

And most importantly, it already has the form of a divine dragon.

It even has dragon horns growing on its head.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the Heaven-shattering Demonic Dragon, he felt an inexplicable fear for the first time.

Because the opponent's body size is hundreds of times larger than his own.

Zhuo Bufan can feel that if he fights head-on, he is definitely not the opponent of the Heaven-shattering Demonic Dragon in front of him.

"It seems that we can't win head-on, so we can only use tactics."

Zhuo Bufan has never been a person who only knows how to act recklessly.

On the contrary, looking at Zhuo Bufan's battle history, unless he is absolutely suppressed by strength, he will use tactics.

The best way to deal with the Fantian Demon Flood Dragon is to retreat in order to advance.

After all, the Fantian Demon Flood Dragon has a huge force and has more than one million sea creatures.

Zhuo Bufan is a lone fish, and there is really no way to fight against it.

So, he began to adopt the tactic of retreating and fighting at the same time.

"Don't let that guy escape, chase him!"

Seeing Zhuo Bufan fleeing in a panic, the Fantian Demon Flood Dragon immediately led millions of sea creatures to chase Zhuo Bufan.

However, Zhuo Bufan has experienced countless battles, and he has a million different ways to kill these shrimp soldiers and crab generals in front of him.

"I remember there is a huge sea whirlpool at the junction of the East China Sea and the Central Sea."

"I can use this sea whirlpool to kill these shrimp soldiers and crab generals."

Zhuo Bufan came up with a plan and started his killing operation.

He used the sea whirlpool to lead the millions of sea creatures of Fantian Demon Jiao to the whirlpool.

The whirlpool is a natural force and does not need to consume Zhuo Bufan's ability at all.

He took the lead and went into the whirlpool. Seeing this, Fantian Demon Jiao ordered his sea creatures to rush into the whirlpool one after another.

As a result, all these shrimp soldiers and crab generals were buried under the whirlpool.

The big fish that Zhuo Bufan transformed into had already opened its mouth and waited under the whirlpool.

For a time, tens of thousands of sea creatures were swallowed by Zhuo Bufan.

The more he swallowed, the stronger he became.

In the end, he killed 200,000 sea creatures of Fantian Demon Jiao just by using the whirlpool.

All the sea creatures that he killed became his nutrients.

Zhuo Bufan began to evolve rapidly by absorbing the sea creatures from the Overturning Demonic Dragon.

Gradually, more and more dragon blood gathered in his body.

The more dragon blood he had, the closer he was to becoming a dragon.

The dragon scales on his body became more brilliant, and the golden light began to wrap him up.

The Overturning Demonic Dragon soon realized that it was not a solution to continue, and he could no longer let his brothers rush forward to give up their lives.

Giving up lives doesn't matter, but giving up too many lives will only make Zhuo Bufan stronger and stronger.

Seeing this scene, the Overturning Demonic Dragon decided to go out in person.

He jumped up and jumped directly into the whirlpool of the Sea of ​​Gods with his long body.

Under the tearing of the whirlpool, the Overturning Demonic Dragon went directly into the bottom of the sea of ​​Gods' whirlpool.

"Found it!"

Soon, the Overturning Demonic Dragon saw the big fish that Zhuo Bufan had transformed into.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan also sensed the existence of the big fish.

Seeing the Sky-turning Demonic Dragon coming, Zhuo Bufan suddenly swung his huge fish tail and swam quickly.

For a moment, the rotation speed of the whirlpool accelerated, and then countless sprays were sprayed out.

The spray made the Sky-turning Demonic Dragon lose his sight.

Seeing the overwhelming spray coming, the Sky-turning Demonic Dragon opened his mouth and sprayed a shocking air cannon at the bottom of the whirlpool.


The air cannon swept away all the spray in an instant.

"Where are you running to? Come and die!"

The Sky-turning Demonic Dragon finally rushed to the whirlpool, but when he reached the bottom of the sea, he found that the seabed was empty.

The big fish that Zhuo Bufan turned into had already escaped.

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