Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1340: Gate of Reincarnation

Zhuo Bufan has always been a man who keeps his promises.

However, he broke his promise this time.

Mo Chichi called him in despair, but he did not wait for Zhuo Bufan's help.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan hurt Mo Chichi's heart this time.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan did not break his promise on purpose.

Because Zhuo Bufan is now struggling in the black world.

Zhuo Bufan, who has just transcended the white world, is now looking for the black lotus that can lead to the reincarnation world in the black world.

Zhuo Bufan believes that there must be a black lotus in this world that can help him reach the reincarnation world.

However, he has not found any clues about the black lotus so far.

Zhuo Bufan began to doubt whether this black lotus really exists.

He thought that the black lotus should exist. It's just that he didn't find it.

The white world and the black world are relative worlds.

Since there are white lotuses in the white world, there must be black lotuses in the black world.

However, Zhuo Bufan has been searching for a long time in this black world.

The time in the inner black world flows very fast, so Zhuo Bufan feels that he has passed thousands of years.

Thousands of years passed in a flash, and Zhuo Bufan felt the breath of aging coming.

Although Zhuo Bufan has been practicing until now, his life span has reached immortality.

But after all, it is not eternal.

Even if it is immortal, there will be a day when life will die, and you can also feel the loss of life.

And Zhuo Bufan has obviously felt the loss of life.

This feeling is very mysterious, and perhaps Zhuo Bufan will not feel it too strongly for a while.

But as time goes by, he will find that he will also grow old and his hair will turn white. Although the soul is immortal, life span is finite.

"No, I must find Meng Chanyi as soon as possible."

Zhuo Bufan has realized that he must speed up to find the black lotus, otherwise he may die here.

Zhuo Bufan's worries are definitely not redundant, after all, this world is too weird.

Time flows too fast, Zhuo Bufan doesn't even know how much time has been lost now.

He only knows that if he continues like this, he will definitely be trapped in this time vortex.

"Now it is certain that Fairy Chan Yi is not in this Black World."

"That is to say, she may have gone to the world of reincarnation."

"Then how did she leave here?"

Zhuo Bufan began to think.

At this time, he remembered that when he came to the Black World from the White World, he used the Heaven Repairing Technique, which accidentally opened the passage from the White World to the Black World.

"Heaven Repairing Technique? Could it be because of the Heaven Repairing Technique?"

"The only thing Fairy Chan Yi and I have in common is the Heaven Repairing Technique."

"That is to say, she may have used the Heaven Repairing Technique to leave here?"

When Zhuo Bufan thought of this, he could not help but start to use the Heaven Repairing Technique automatically.

For a while, a faint golden glow began to cover Zhuo Bufan's body. Soon, Zhuo Bufan was bathed in the holy light.

Under the cover of the Heaven Repairing Holy Light, the signs of aging on Zhuo Bufan's body began to slow down slowly.

The Heaven Repairing Technique is worthy of being the world's number one magic. Under the effect of the Heaven Repairing Technique, Zhuo Bufan's injuries began to gradually recover.

Not only that, Zhuo Bufan unexpectedly discovered that he had slowly mastered some kind of mystery.

He seemed to feel that the time around him had slowed down a lot.

That feeling was very strange, making Zhuo Bufan think that time seemed to be completely still.

The light released by his Sky Repairing Technique began to drift towards a mysterious direction in the void.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan hurriedly followed the light of the Sky Repairing Technique.

Then, he only saw the light of the Sky Repairing Technique begin to gather in a void.

Then it began to slowly mediate, like a vortex of a whirlpool.

"Is there a loophole in this world?"

Zhuo Bufan was slightly shocked.

He found out through the Sky Repairing Technique that this world is not a complete world.

The black world also has flaws, and it is this flaw that attracts the Sky Repairing Technique.

So, what does this mean?

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that the Sky Repairing Technique could actually help him find the abnormality of this world.

It was at this time that Zhuo Bufan suddenly saw that in the vortex, a black vortex slowly emerged.

With the appearance of the black vortex, Zhuo Bufan suddenly saw that a black lotus was slowly born in the black vortex.

When he saw the black lotus, he was stunned.

"Black lotus? I found it!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that the black lotus he had been looking for for thousands of years was right in front of him.

"It turns out that the black lotus is the defect of this world. The defect of this world is the passage of this world."

Watching the black lotus constantly appear in front of him, and then slowly grow bigger.

Zhuo Bufan finally understood why he couldn't find the black lotus.

The black lotus is the defect of the black world. In order to cover up its own defects, the black world hid the black lotus shadow.

Unless someone uses the sky repairing technique or other methods that can repair but appear, the hidden black lotus will be attracted out.

Zhuo Bufan lived up to his mission and successfully attracted the black lotus out.

"It seems that Fairy Chanyi must have used this method to attract the black lotus out."

"Then the next step is to find a way to enter the center of the black lotus, and then use the sky repairing technique to open the passage to the chaotic world."

After passing through Bailian's passage, Zhuo Bufan already had a preliminary grasp and understanding of how to use the passage in the black and white world.

So next, Zhuo Bufan was not confused and began to think of ways to enter the center of Black Lotus.

The Black Lotus Center, like the White Lotus Center, releases powerful chaos power to attack intruders.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan has mastered the method of transforming into the energy of chaos.

He hid his body in the energy of chaos, and then began to enter the center of the Black Lotus with ease as if entering an uninhabited land.

Arriving at the center of the black lotus, a black lotus platform appeared in front of him.

The black lotus platform slowly rotated, which shocked Zhuo Bufan deeply.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly discovered something.

"It's the breath of Dream Fairy! Fairy Chanyi has been here."

Zhuo Bufan unexpectedly sensed Meng Chanyi's aura in the center of the black lotus.

This is indeed very surprising, and even more surprising to Zhuo Bufan.

Meng Chanyi's aura is here, which means that Meng Chanyi has really been here.

It also indirectly verified Zhuo Bufan's guess that Meng Chanyi did go to the world of reincarnation from here.

"Fairy Chanyi, wait for me. I'll go find you right now."

Zhuo Bufan secretly plucked up the courage and stood on the black lotus platform.

He is going to the world of reincarnation, he is going to find Meng Chanyi, and he is going to find the Lord of Time.

It has been so many years since he left Daluotian, and now he finally has the opportunity to go to the world of reincarnation. How could he just miss it?

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan stood on the lotus platform and began to release his Sky Mending Technique.

When he released the power of mending the sky, a black light rose into the sky from the lotus platform at his feet, and then completely enveloped Zhuo Bufan.

Immediately afterwards, the light soared into the sky, penetrated the black lotus, and reached the void sky.

And a huge hole opened in the sky of void.

Then, in the entrance of the cave, a black door suddenly appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the door and was secretly amazed.

"The Gate of Reincarnation?"

"Is this the passage to the world of reincarnation?"

Zhuo Bufan began to feel a little excited.

The world of reincarnation that he had worked so hard to find was now right in front of him.

"Great, the world of reincarnation. As long as you get to the world of reincarnation, you can find the Lord of Time."

"Find the Lord of Time and merge with the body of the three generations. Complete my mission."

"I really want to go home quickly and see Susu and the children."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly discovered that he had been wandering in the outside world for so many years.

I don’t know if the family members in the Yin and Yang world are okay now.

The longing in Zhuo Bufan's heart began to overflow. After all, he had been wandering away for so long and had not contacted his family. He missed it a little now.

Since coming to the void, he has completely cut off any means of contact with his family.

Zhuo Bufan was afraid, and Bai Su and the others thought they were dead.

No matter what, Zhuo Bufan wanted to end it all quickly and reunite with his family.

Therefore, when Zhuo Bufan saw the passage above his head, he flew up without hesitation.

Within that door is the world of reincarnation that Zhuo Bufan has longed for.

"Here I am, reincarnated in the world."

Just when Zhuo Bufan yearned to enter the world of reincarnation.

Suddenly, a black thunder and lightning emerged from the hole above his head.


That thunder and lightning directly poured into Zhuo Bufan's heavenly spirit.

If Zhuo Bufan hadn't used the energy of chaos to turn into the Clothes of Chaos in time to protect himself, he might have been killed by the black thunder on the spot.

"what happened?"

"Who is blocking my way?"

Zhuo Bufan immediately realized that someone was blocking his way.

That thunder and lightning was no ordinary thunder and lightning. The black energy contained destructive energy that could destroy everything.

If it weren't for the power of nothingness possessed by the energy of chaos, Zhuo Bufan would have been in trouble.

After Zhuo Bufan withstood the blow, his first thought was that he had been attacked by someone.

This black thunder was obviously done intentionally by someone.

Zhuo Bufan was not a fool. Since there was an enemy sneak attack, he naturally had to prepare for defense.

"Come out, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Zhuo Bufan shouted again in a low voice.

He does not believe that there are other lives in the black world.

But now, he is indeed blocked from the gate of the reincarnation world.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was shouting and preparing to go on a killing spree, a burst of extremely vicissitudes of sound suddenly came from the sky.

"Stop, you who are lost!"

Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply when he heard this voice.

He felt the other party's powerful strength from the voice of the other party's soul.

That is a power that will never lose to yourself.

In this regard, Zhuo Bufan did not dare to make any mistakes. Instead, he responded honestly.

"Senior, I am Zhuo Bufan. If you want to enter the world of reincarnation, can you open the door?"

Zhuo Bufan guessed that the other party might be the gatekeeper of the reincarnation world.

After all, the world of reincarnation is the world of the Lord of Time, so the Lord of Time must have left behind some kind of gatekeeper.

The other party did not respond to Zhuo Bufan's question.

Just continued.

"You cannot enter the world of reincarnation without a complete reincarnation body. If you take one more step forward, the Nine Heavens Tribulation Thunder will kill you, destroying both body and soul."

After hearing what the other party said, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but be stunned.

"What do you mean? A complete reincarnation body?"

"Could it be..."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought that he was just a clone now. He is indeed not a complete Zhuo Bufan.

"You mean, if I don't merge with my other half, it's impossible to enter the world of reincarnation?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, the other party continued.

"That's right! If you want to enter the world of reincarnation, you need to have a complete soul and body."

"Go find your significant other!"

The other party's words made Zhuo Bufan stop.

"Who are you? I just want to see the Lord of Time, can't I?"


Sure enough, the other party rejected Zhuo Bufan once.

No matter how much Zhuo Bufan insisted, he still didn't give Zhuo Bufan any chance.

After all, he is just a clone, and only a complete person can enter the world of reincarnation.

He is not perfect, so he is blocked from the door.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was very annoyed and angry.

He finally got to this point, and finally arrived outside the gate of the world of reincarnation.

However, he was ruthlessly blocked from the door.

"Don't force me!"

Zhuo Bufan began to secretly use the energy of chaos. He was obviously preparing to force his way into the world of reincarnation.

However, at this moment, countless black thunder suddenly appeared around him.

Every black thunder carries energy that can destroy the world.

As long as Zhuo Bufan makes any change, he will be buried in this black thunder.

"Don't act rashly, you are no match for me."

"If you try to force your way in, you will only lose your life."

The other party said calmly.

Obviously he guessed that Zhuo Bufan would force his way through.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied angrily.

"Even if it costs me my life, I have to go in. You can't stop me, and you can't stop me either!"

Zhuo Bufan will not give up, and it is even more impossible for him to return to the chaotic world now.

At this moment, the other party suddenly sighed.

"Hey, go back! How can you complete your mission if you lose your life?"

After hearing these words, Zhuo Bufan finally calmed down.

Indeed, if I die here, who will complete the mission of sealing Da Luotian?

Although Zhuo Bufan was very frustrated, he had no choice.

Now Zhuo Bufan can only leave. Then find the first clone and find a way to merge with it.

"Okay, I'll come back again."

"Before I leave, I want to ask you, has a fairy named Meng Chanyi entered the world of reincarnation before?"

Zhuo Bufan finally decided to leave, but before leaving, he had to inquire about the whereabouts of Meng Chanyi.

At this time, there was silence in the sky.

But after a moment of silence, he answered again.


As soon as he finished speaking, the door above the void closed with a bang. Zhuo Bufan was blocked from the gate of reincarnation after all.

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