Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1346: Raising an army to hold the culprit accountable

Although it is a bit regretful, Chi Yan has completed 80% of the baptism.

This is the best result for Chi Yan.

After all, its soul cannot bear the pain caused by 100% baptism.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan is here.

At the last moment, it was Zhuo Bufan who saved Chi Yan. So Chi Yan was full of gratitude to Zhuo Bufan.

Of course, it’s not just gratitude, but also shock.

"Brother Lieyan, you can do it. You can actually endure the baptism of eternal fire. And you have been completely baptized. Now you are probably more powerful than me."

Chi Yan looked at Zhuo Bufan beside him and said.

Indeed, Zhuo Bufan has been completely baptized by the eternal fire, so the flames on Zhuo Bufan's body are completely pale.

This can't help but make Chi Yan envious.

Because this means that the flame on Zhuo Bufan's body now is a complete eternal fire.

"Brother Lieyan, do you know that there is a rule in our Fire Clan. Whoever completes the complete baptism will be the leader of our Fire Clan."

"Now, you are the leader of our Fire Tribe."

After Chi Yan finished speaking, he leaned slightly towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment when he saw this.

"What the hell? You never said that before?"

"Don't think about using me as the leader of the Fire Tribe to get rid of me. I'm not here to be the leader of the Fire Tribe."

Zhuo Bufan's implication was that his target was the Elf King.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan's goal has always been the Elf King.

Only by becoming the Elf King can he have the chance to complete reincarnation.

Chi Yan on the side laughed after hearing this.

"Hahaha, Brother Lieyan, are you worried that I will steal your position as the Elf King?"

"Don't worry, I told you that we would sit together on the throne of Elf King."

"But what I just said is true. You are indeed qualified to be the leader of our Fire Tribe now."

"If you don't believe it, you'll find out when we get out."

Later, under the leadership of Chi Yan, Zhuo Bufan re-crossed the magma lake and returned to the ground.

When they just emerged from the magma lake, suddenly hundreds of thousands of fire elves in the entire abyss looked at Zhuo Bufan and Chi Yan.

"Pale flame, eternal power."

"Oh my god, they actually completed the baptism of eternal fire."

"One has completed 70% to 80% of the baptism, and the other has completed the complete baptism."

"Complete baptism, does this mean that he is the leader of our Fire Tribe?"

The fire elves started talking among themselves.

Zhuo Bufan understood from their busy discussions that Chi Yan really didn't lie to him.

The fire elf who has completed the complete baptism of eternal fire is the leader of the Fire Tribe.

"Meet the clan leader!"

"Meet the clan leader!"

"Meet the clan leader!"

Before Zhuo Bufan could react, fire elves began to fly in front of him, and then showed their loyalty to him.

Soon, all the fire elves in the abyss gathered around and paid homage to Zhuo Bufan.

After all, Zhuo Bufan has been completely baptized by the eternal fire. The current Zhuo Bufan is the walking eternal fire!

"How about Brother Flame? I didn't lie to you!"

"Look, everyone regards you as the clan leader now, aren't you very happy?"

Chi Yan laughed from the side.

Zhuo Bufan chuckled after hearing this.

"My target is the Elf King. As for the leader of the Fire Tribe, it doesn't matter if I take him for the time being."

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Chi Yan also laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

At this moment, a group of fire elves suddenly flew in from outside the abyss.

"No, no, no, there are a large number of water elves coming towards us."

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately understood that it must be the water elves who came to investigate.

However, now Zhuo Bufan is obviously completely fearless.

After all, he is now the leader of the Fire Tribe.

"Brothers of Flame, they are coming."

Chi Yan looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Obviously, he also understands the purpose of the Shui Tribe.

"Come on, let's go take a look."

Zhuo Bufan didn't care too much. Would he still be afraid of a group of water elves now?

When they came to the sky above the abyss, they found that a large dark cloud was floating over not far away.

Under the dark clouds, a group of water elves flew over.

Looking from a distance, there are at least thousands of water elves.

Soon, these water elves came to the edge of the abyss, and one of the leading water elves flew forward alone and said.

"I am the Water Tribe Princess Mina! I came here specifically to catch the Fire Tribe thief who stole the Holy Grail."

"Please come out and see the leader of the Fire Tribe!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan stepped forward without hesitation.

Since the other party wants to see him, the leader of the Fire Clan, Zhuo Bufan, who has just assumed the position of leader, will naturally step forward.

Fortunately, the fire elves all looked very similar, so the other party wouldn't recognize who the thief was based on his appearance.

What's more, Zhuo Bufan and Chi Yan have now completed their baptism.

The flames all over his body turned white.

The thief they saw from the water tribe was a fire elf with red flames, so the princess never expected that the leader of the fire tribe in front of her was the thief's accomplice.

Sure enough, when Zhuo Bufan came to the Princess Mina, she really didn't recognize him at all.

Not only that, she also said to Zhuo Bufan respectfully.

"Respected Fire Tribe Chief, I am Princess Mina of the Water Tribe. I came here to ask for justice from the Fire Tribe on the orders of the Chief of the Water Tribe."

Zhuo Bufan laughed after hearing this.

"Justice? What kind of justice does the Water Tribe want?"

"The Princess of the Water Tribe brought so many tribesmen to the Fire Tribe. Those who know that they are here to ask for justice, and those who don't know that the Water Tribe is here to attack the Fire Tribe."

Zhuo Bufan is a master of negotiation, and one sentence made the whole situation tense.

The tens of thousands of Fire Tribe elves behind him were immediately on guard.

For a moment, the Water Tribe princess in front of him was frightened and hurriedly explained.

"No, respected Fire Clan leader, we come here without any hostility."

"It's just that a thief from your Fire Clan has recently sneaked into our Water Clan and stole our Water Clan Holy Grail."

"This time, I hope the Fire Clan leader can help us catch this thief, and our tribe will certainly be grateful."

Zhuo Bufan was very clear in his heart when he heard it.

Of course he would not betray Chi Yan, let alone expose himself.

He just smiled and answered.

"Did I hear it right? A fire elf from our Fire Clan stole the Holy Grail from the protection of your 100,000 Water Clan elves?"

"You think too highly of our Fire Clan. Is this an excuse for your Water Clan to attack?"

"Or, your 100,000 Water Clan can't even beat a little elf from our Fire Clan?"

Zhuo Bufan started to make things difficult for the other party, and the Fire Clan behind him started to make a fuss after hearing it.

The Water Clan princess was almost teased by Zhuo Bufan and cried.

She didn't expect that the chief of the Fire Clan would be so arrogant and wouldn't listen to any explanation.

"Respected chief of the Fire Clan, I'll say it again, we are not here to attack."

"It is a fact that the Holy Grail was stolen. Does the chief of the Fire Clan hope that our two tribes will go to war because of a thief?"

The tone of the Water Clan princess was obviously a little annoyed.

Zhuo Bufan snorted coldly after hearing this.

"What? Are you threatening our Fire Clan?"

"You Water Clan keep saying that our Fire Clan poured out your Holy Grail."

"Well, now you let your people enter our Fire Clan's abyss to find the Holy Grail. If you find the Holy Grail, my Fire Clan will be your Water Clan's servants from now on."

Zhuo Bufan naturally knew that the Holy Grail was not in the Fire Clan, so he swore like this.

The Water Clan princess quickly replied after hearing this.

"No, although they stole the Holy Grail, they returned it later."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly turned around and laughed at the fire elves behind him after hearing this.

"Hahaha, Princess, you are not playing with us, are you!"

"Since the Holy Grail has been returned to your water tribe, why are you here to find us?"

"I think you are here to cause trouble today."

"You want to start a war? Then stop talking nonsense and prepare for the battle!"

Zhuo Bufan knew that he was in the wrong, so he could only act like a rogue.

The water princess wanted to cry but had no tears at this moment.

She didn't expect that the chief of the fire tribe would be such an unreasonable person.

"Can you listen to me finish my words? I am really angry."

The water princess was angry.

From beginning to end, she was led by Zhuo Bufan's thoughts, which made the water princess choke back all the words she wanted to say.

"Although they returned the Holy Grail, they stole the holy water in the Holy Grail."

"The holy water in the Holy Grail is only produced once every hundred years. We, the Water Tribe, have been waiting for the holy water for a hundred years, but it was all drunk by the two Fire Tribe thieves."

"We came here today in the hope that the Fire Tribe can hand over the thieves."

"My Water Tribe will definitely make them spit out all the holy water they drank."

Finally, the Water Tribe princess finished all her words in one breath.

However, this time, Zhuo Bufan still answered without paying attention.

"Are you kidding?"

"One moment you say that my Fire Tribe elves stole your Holy Grail."

"One moment you say that my Fire Tribe elves returned the Holy Grail to you."

"One moment you say that my Fire Tribe elves drank the holy water in the Holy Grail."

"You Water Tribes have the final say on everything."

"How do I know if what you Water Tribes say is true or deliberately false?"

"I think you are just here to pick a fight, don't you think?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted to the tribe behind him.

At one time, all the fire elves followed Zhuo Bufan and shouted.

"The chief is right. The water tribe is here to provoke us today."

"The water tribe wants to go to war with us. What are we waiting for? Let's fight with the water tribe."

The fire tribe was originally a hot-tempered person.

When they heard that they were going to fight, they couldn't sit still.

At one time, all the water elves were surrounded by the 100,000 fire elves of the fire tribe.

The scene formed an absolute suppression. As long as the water tribe made any rash moves, the terrifying flames would evaporate all these water elves.

"Wait a minute!"

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to lead the fire tribe to fight the water tribe.

Suddenly, the princess of the water tribe shouted.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan hurriedly asked.

"What else do you want to say? Do you still want to slander our Fire Clan?"

"No, I think it may be that our Water Clan made a mistake. Sorry, Fire Clan Chief, we disturbed you, we will go back now."

Obviously, the Water Clan princess gave in.

After all, if she continued, then I'm afraid that no one in the Water Clan would be able to leave today.

As a last resort, the Water Clan princess had to give in.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan laughed.

"Why don't you get out of here? My Fire Clan doesn't welcome you Water Clan."

Water and fire have been incompatible since ancient times. Where there is water, there must be no fire.

And where there is life, there must be no water.

Seeing this, the Water Clan princess could only be a hero and not suffer a loss in front of her.

She quickly took her men and left the Fire Clan's territory.

"Tell your chief not to make trouble for no reason. We in the Fire Clan are not afraid of your Water Clan's power."

In the end, Zhuo Bufan did not forget to disgust the princess.

There was no way, Zhuo Bufan just couldn't stand the arrogant look of the Water Clan princess.

Seeing the large force of the water tribe leaving, Chi Yan flew out and said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Brother Lieyan, you are really amazing. You made the princess of the water tribe speechless with just two or three words. She gave up and went back in disgrace."

Just now, Chi Yan was a little worried.

Worried that Zhuo Bufan could not handle these water tribes, but Zhuo Bufan's performance obviously exceeded its expectations.

"Hehe, I just don't want to cause trouble."

Zhuo Bufan could have chosen a more direct method, that is, to start a war.

But in this way, it might cause more trouble at that time.

So it would be best to make a big thing small and a small thing nothing.

After hearing this, Chi Yan replied.

"I just don't know if the water tribe will give up."

"Even if they don't give up, so what? They have no choice."

"What's more, do we still need to be afraid of the water tribe now?"

Zhuo Bufan is full of confidence at this moment.

Zhuo Bufan, who has the eternal fire, now feels that there is infinite energy in his body.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan so confident, Chi Yan also said.

"That's right. Now that the two of us brothers have joined forces, we will be invincible."

"So what should we do next?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Chi Yan and asked.

After all, the plan to find the holy artifact has always been arranged by Chi Yan.

Ever since Zhuo Bufan learned that the first holy artifact Chi Yan found was the Holy Grail, and used holy water to resist the eternal fire.

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that Chi Yan had a fairly complete plan.

And he only needed to cooperate with his plan.

After hearing this, Chi Yan said with a dazed look.

"Next, we are going to the Golden Clan!"

"The Golden Clan?"

"Yes, we need the power of the Golden Clan's holy sword to cut down the sacred tree of the Wood Clan."

Zhuo Bufan responded after hearing this.

"In that case, what are we waiting for? Let's go to the Golden Clan now."

So, Zhuo Bufan followed Chi Yan, left the Fire Clan Abyss, and headed towards the distant Golden Clan.

Their plan to collect holy artifacts continued step by step.


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